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Shadowrun Retuens FAQ/Walkthrough

Hello everyone! My name is Jon, better known as Arrestedgaming

and this is my second walkthrough here on gamefaq. This is a
full walkthrough from beginning to end with as many secrets
as I could find on my first playthrough. This game does have
area where the game can branch, so as I replay the game, the
other pathes will be filled out.
This may not be reproduced under any circumstances exept for
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otherwise distributed publicly without advance written
permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a
part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright. If you'd like to post this anywhere
else, contact me and most likely I'll allow it, but you
MUST contact me first.
Copyright 2013 Jon King
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are
owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Use Ctrl+F to search for the section you
[SRR1] - Prolouge
[SRR2] - Deadman's Switch to Seamstress Union
[SRR3] - First Time at the Seamstress to Coyote's Rescue
[SRR4] - Examine the Docks
[SRR5] - Coyote's Crusade
[SRR6] - Return to the Docks
[SRR7] - After Hours up to Emerald City Ripper
[SRR8] - Loose Ends to Family Debts
[SRR9] - Towards Brotherhood to Beneath the Brotherhood
[SRR10] - The Union to Collecting the Sample
[SRR11] - The Estate to Out of the Shadows
Check table on the left side of room for contact info and
job schedule. You may notice a strange pattern in all of this.
Go to the phone that now shows a yellow hand icon. In the
conversation, pick whatever. You're caller will make it clear
in just a moment why it doesn't matter.
A little talking and you're taken to a flashback. Talk to New
Larry to proceed into your first bit of combat. It's not a
tough fight, and you'll get a handle on it pretty quick if
you've played XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Larry will run off and two
enemies will come from the bottom left part of the screen.
After the first round, two more baddies appear up north.
Turn three shows the last round of reinforcements, two more
coming in from the west. One of the guys coming from the left
can summon a pretty strong creature, so make sure you take
that shaman out quick. If he does summon, killing him will
cause his creature to disappear too. Feel free to burn through
any and all items since we're in a flashback. Little more
backstory and we're off to Seattle!


In the new building, just head straight back through the door
and talk to the dwarf with the sppech bubble over his head.
Dresden likes people that aren't just after money, though I'm
still checking to see if that affects anything.
Follow Dresden into the other room and continue speaking. Once
he leaves the room, check the shelf for a basic med-kit, then
search Sam's body. Most of what you find are just clues, but
you can take the credstick for 300 free nyugens(n). Just take
it as a quick hint now. If someone has a speech bubble
floating above them, you'll probably want to chat with them.
Anyways, talk with McKlusky, then with Dresden again. When you
ask Dresden about the murder site, just do as he says. and
take the free items before checking the morgue row.
Upon investigating, you may recognize the person inside if you
play one of the original Shadowrun games, but I'll leave the
suprise you! For now, we'll just call them PAL. Chat with PAL,
and he'll give you a choice of weapons. Take whatever you feel
works best for you and head on out the door you started at.
*SUGGESTION* Unless you're using an Ork or Troll, I'd steer
away from the melee weapon, and even then still stay away.
Ammo is unlimited and keeps you safer, but do what you want.
Just follow your yellow quest needle to the safe around
the corner. In the safe, you'll find items based off whatever
class you chose at the start of the game before getting jumped
by two goons. You and PAL should make quick work of them.
Now you can go directly off to find the Halloweeners, or take
the time to do some side quest. There's a nervous man across
the street that needs help with a gang attacking a market.
If you take on the mission, head north up the street to find
a thug shaking down a merchant. If you have the Gang
personality, you can chase of the thugs without a fight, and
you'll get karma, but you'll lose out on getting (n). Fight
them, and you'll still get a karma, and a tiny bit of (n).
From there, go to the right and you'll run into the
Halloweeners you're looking for. There's three to start with,
the female being a mage. After you take down all three, their
boss John Paul will run out. He's a big troll with a sword,
so just keep your distances to take him down no problem. Once
he hits about half health, he'll beg for his life. You can
allow him to leave or kill him. You get one karma for killing
him. You can head all the way south and you'll meet a shaman
named Vlad, but you don't really get anything from meeting
him. Instead, head north and talk to the troll, Dan the Donut
Man. Buy a donut from him and head east. You can head north
and talk to someone for more info on Sam's death, but it's
not neccessary. Head north at the intersection, and PAL will
leave after telling you you've reached the scene of the crime.
Talk to the cop for some options to see the crime scene. You
MIGHT be able to lie your way through, you can pay 100(n), or
give up that donut you got for 10(n). If you have the Security

personality, you can get in with no cost. Search everything

you can, and pick up the blankets. You'll get karma just for
grabbing them, but go ahead and give them back to the homeless
guy. Now it's time to finally check out The Seamstress.
The guy at the bar will sell you new armor, and the lady,
Cherry Bomb, will help move the story. After chatting her up,
head to the back to meet the owner, To the right is an arms
dealer, and the troll in the suit will give you more info on
Sam. The big troll Noog is your man for spells if that's your
game. Mrs Kubota will give you whatever info you need before
giving you the key to Coyote's room.
Upstairs, if you have decking lv 2, you can gain access to the
room on the left. Examine the stuffed bear twice to get a
Nitro. The second room has nothing, so move to Coyote's room,
the third door. Check out the diary on the bed for some info,
or at least the last page to get the combo for the safe, which
gives you a frag grenade. Check the computer for a new quest.
If you have decking lv 3, you can skip the questions.
Otherwise the answers are...
After checking out the computer, head back down and talk with
Kubota again. She'll call you a cab to meet up with Paco.
There's nothing to the north, so just head south, then west.
Paco is down at the intersection, but head north instead and
you'll see Dresden again, behind a cop. Having the security
personality gives you a special option, though it does nothing.
Dresden will call you over, and you can talk to him and the
cop. After chatting with the cop, you can bribe him for info
on the Ripper case. If you decide to, talk him down once to
bring the cost down to 200(n). The Rip... I mean elf will ask
you something strange before running off. After interrogating
Dresden, you'll get a Karma and now it's time to meet Paco.
Chat up Paco, and he'll be ready to go rescue Coyote. Make
sure to ask about the zebra meat, because doing so will open
a side quest, and it's on the road leading back towards the
crime scene. Get the zebra meat to help with your next quest.
Just keep following the quest marker and chat with the ork to
your right as you head north. He'll give you a side quest to
go back to the crime scene and take the victims necklace. You
can talk him up to 200(n) before accepting. Back at the crime
scene, if you have a quickness score of 4 or higher, you can
swipe the necklace without being noticed, or you can just ask
the officer if you can have it. (Not sure if he'll do it if
you don't bribe him.) Return it to Frank the ork for a karma
reward and possible money. Accross the street is your
objective. The junkie to right of the door does nothing.
The junkie to the right of the door can't help, but the old

man further in on the left will give you some extra helpful
info on what he's seen go down with Coyote. If you've got a 4
in either strength or charisma, you can get some extra help
from him as well. If you can persuade him, head to the area
behind him and he'll have openned his door to let you get into
penthouse. Otherwise...
You'll gain some karma just as you make it upstairs, and enter
directly into combat. If you came via the old man's stairs,
head east slowly until you see the guy near the desk. Get into
position behind the little wall and open fire on Trang by the
desk. There's an enemy to the south, but they won't bother you
for a while, so head to the metal door to the west above the
south door. If you grabbed the zebra meat, push it through
and then open the door. Open the second door and you'll find
Coyote and her captur. Once the enemy is down, talk with
Coyote to have her join your attack. Now's the time to hit
the southmost room where a majority of the enemies are.
Because you got the drop on the enemies, they won't attack
until you do. Set up with the cover blocking shots from the
east and south if possible to help protect yourself best.
There should be 3 to the right, and 2 that come from the
bottom. Once you open fire and your turn ends, the enemies will
move and the PA system will go off to get the gang's attention
though it won't matter if you took the secret route. Stevie J
has quite a bit of health, though a full out assault from
Paco and Coyote will wipe him out. Out of the other enemies,
the dwarf is the worst, mostly because he just seems to take
reduced damage from everything.
After the fight, Coyote will talk about needing to find some
gems for the job she got. You tell her you're leaving, or
send her and Paco off while you finish the job. Take on the
job and check the paper Stevie J dropped on his death. These
are his passcodes which will come in handy. Back in the
computer room, open the door to the right for some (n) and a
medkit. Head back south and open the door on the right for a
suprise encounter with a hellhound! Just blast away at it, and
you'll come out on top. Check the room and you'll find the
gems you came for. Head down the elevator to go back to the
Seamstresses Union.
Things start out great, with some karma and 1,000(n)! Talk
withMrs Kubota again and she'll direct you to the guy you
need to take the gems to, though he isn't there yet. Instead,
inspect the piano to head downstairs. The room to your right
is a locker you can use as your personal stash.Now's your
chance toupgrade armor if you didn't do so earlier, and
upgrade decks, weapons, and magic items. Once you're set, talk
with the doctor with Coyote to move forward. Now's your chance
to head back upstairs to meet Mr Delilah. You'll get the
choice off giving up all the gems, or holding back a pebble
with runes, or the "best" stone. If you hand over everything,
he'll only take the pebble and give you the rest back as your
reward. Follow Paco to the dwarf to unload the gems. If you've

got 3 charisma you get a special option, but it doesn't do

much. On the other hand, having 5 charisma, 6 strength, or the
academic personality, you can score an extra 500(n) from the
sale. Head back downstairs and talk with the doctor if you're
interested in healing items or cyber enhancements to boost
some stats, or otherwise check the bunk in your stash room.
Once you've pocketted the photo talk with Coyote to get a new
lead on the Ripper, and she'll offer to find Sam's sister.
Take it or leave it, but she'll help anyways.
Just follow your quest marker up to the fence, and you'll get
stopped by a guard. Having the security personality gets you
in no problem, and 3 karma. Head straight back and you'll find
a heliport with a container of two free items for you! Now
head back towards the gate, but take a right as if you were
just coming in to find the entrance into the building.
Talk with Officer Aguirre to get some info on the new murder.
He'll also hand over the key to the warehouse so you can
examine the place. The door to the north has a locker with
nothing useful, yet but the computer will give you the notes
of what the victim found during his job. Head down and you'll
find Dresden and the crime scene. Dresden has some more info
on the killer, but that's about it. The shaman is the one
we're after this time.
Talk to the shaman and she'll ask for two items of the
deceased to help her contact his spirit. The locker in the
north room contains one of the items. The other is in the
room to the right, in the pile ofshoes between the first two
rows of seats you see. Take the items back to Shannon the
shaman and she'll start to do her thing before Officer
McKlusky run you out. Chat with Shannon again to get some
money for runners for a job later to break back into the
warehouse. As you leave, you'll get a call from Coyote for
a job to try and help her cousin. You can turn it down if you
want, but extra karma you're bound to get will help.
Once the mission starts, head to the right and talk with the
guard, ask to be let in to get in peacefully, or mention the
chips being pushed are hurting people to knock the lookout
unconscious. Talk to the lady on the left for some info on the
place you're in. Go over to the right and chat with either the
ork or the dwarf. If you've got charisma or strength 4, talk
to the ork to get in for free. If not, chat with the dwarf and
you can get in for 50 less (n). Just make sure not to push or
threaten him, or you'll get forced into combat at a
disadvantage. Your other option is to sucker punch the ork.
This'll start combat, but Jamal won't be an enemy, and the ork
starts the battle dazed aand unable to act until the next
turn, though his buddies will still come other of the "party
room." You can fight them if you want, though you don't have

to. Whichever you decide, head through and head into the
room up to the north. The thugs will attack without hesitation
so get ready!
The Yakuza decker will start automatically by forcing the
"chipheads" to attack, and Coyote pleads for you to not kill
them. Coyote and Paco are both packing concussion grenades,
which will not kill them, but will at least stun them.
The main problem is the guy to the right you probably won't
see at first. He can summon a spirit that is a pain, so try
and take out that enemy first.The chipheads do very
little damage, so don't worry too much about knocking them
out, just try not to shoot them. The mage that comes from the
north is a bit annoying since it can heal, but he's not as
bad as the shaman from the right. Once you take out the
decker, the chipheads will be stunned for a turn, allowing
you to rush the computer. If you've got decking 3, you can
power down the mind control on the chipheads, or forced a
shutdown if you don't have the skill. If you don't kill any
of the chipheads, you get a bonus karma. Chat with Gino near
the back to finish the quest and get some more karma.
Once you're back at the Seamstress, Cherry Bomb will stop you
letting you know Sam's sister is here to see you, and point
you to the back. Chat with Van Graas to sell the data from the
crime scene you found earlier. Having the Shadowrunner
personality will get you an extra 200(n). Jessica will have
a lot to talk about with you, but it all ends pretty much the
same. Coyote will let you know she's got your back if you
need her, and Mr Delilah will get the story rolling once
you're ready. Put together whatever you think is the best
team and get ready for the next section.
You've got Shannon for free no matter what, so I'd stay away
from the shamans. I'd recommend either a samurai or adept.
Full Monte the troll is excellent, bringing a really nice
shotgun with him, and a rifle when not in range for the
shotgun. You'll really only need one shadowrunner, but pick
up a second one if you're not feeling confident, since the
warehouse is the hardest fight so far.
Once the mission starts, Shannon will let you know there are
others trying to break in, much like yourself. Just head for
the front entrance and chat with the guard. If you've got
the corporate or shadowrunner personalities, you can talk your
way past him. After he runs off, head towards the door, but
you'll still be forced into a combat situation. Four
shadowrunners will be your opponents. Since they're all just
known as shadowrunners, it's harder to explain, but the big
problem is the shaman. Unfortunately, until he summons a
spirit, you won't know who it is. One of them will drop the
warehouse key when they die, but you'll still have to kill
them all. Once they're all down, head into the warehouse.

5 more Shadowrunners! Don't hesitate to use Shannon's totems,
and take advantage of it's spells. The ork with a shotgun
(sounds like a blockbuster to me!) can dish out a ton of
damage in one hit, so watch out for him. The totem's stun
spell can help make him more managable. You can pump AP into
the totem and use it to scout the southern rooms, but be
careful since it can break free and become hostile. If anyone
is hurting bad, heal before openning the southeast door.
In the southeast room, there are 3 more shadowrunners, and
again there is a shotgun ork. The ork again should be your
first priority, and the other two should go down without much
of afight. One of the guys will have an item on him. Check his
body to get the Ares info to complete to side quest. Follow
Shannon afterwards to continue the story. Once you got through
the conversation, head back to where the body was originally
and after you examine it, you'll be ready to head back to the
Seamstress once again.
Just head to the back bar and talk with Mrs Kubota to get
access downstairs to get the blood sample examined. Chat
with Van Graas to sell the flight records for 2,000(n), or
2,500(n) if you've got the corporate personality. Chat with
the dwarf at the doctor's place to get things moving, then
follow Johnny back to were you buy tech items. interact with
the computers to "Enter the Matrix"(tm). Anyways, once you're
in, you can enter the square nearby to get back out. The
bar in the bottom left will fill the longer you're in the
Matrix, and once it fills, a Black IC monster will appear.
If you are forced into fighting one, make sure it is a top
priority to kill it ASAP.
Just head into the portal, and in the next area, head left.
The portals won't work unless they're glowing. The enemies to
the left won't attack at first. They actually didn't start
attacking me until after I hit the big guy hiding behind the
data store. Your characters have ranged attacks in the Matrix,
just just get into a good position and let loose. Check the
data and you'll get some info before backtracking. Now you
can go the north or east back in the room we just came from,
but for this guide, we'll head north first. There's two small
enemies diagonal of the autopsy bank, so just stick to cover
and fire away. The last room has to small enemies, and another
big sentry. The sentry will just buff the other two, but will
rarely attack itself. Check the last terminal, then head back
to where you entered. You'll get a small break if you need it,
then it's back into the Matrix.
Head through the new portal, and you'll be confronted with
two more enemies. Same process of blast away, heal when
needed, and use Johnny's skill to lower the bar if you've got
the oppurtunity. Check the data, then head through the next
portal to the south. Here you'll run into another small
white IC and a black IC. Go for the black IC the moment you

can, but attack the white IC if you can't get the black IC off
the bat. Check the data here, then get out of the Matrix.
Once out, chat with the dwarf again, and you'll be on your
way with the story. Johnny has a very nice gift of 4,000(n),
which will help us in getting the runners we need to catch up
with our suspect. Buy any items you want, then chat with Mr.
Delilah to get a new party ready. As a side note, Shannon is
still free, so I'd recommend picking her up since it cost you
quite literally nothing, and her totems make for excellent
Talk to the receptionist to get into the hospital. Chat with
the lady in the cafeteria to get a keycard. Head back and go
left to get into a new area, and search for Josie. In the
back, you can take the ring from the arm, and the cart next to
the bodybag has an unlabeled disk you can take. Head back to
the girl you got the quest from to progress and meet up with
Dr Holmes. After a short talk, the guards will attack!
Take out the guard and loot his body to get a keycard. If
you've got a decker, you can now jack into the computer in
the cafeteria. If you jack in, read below. Otherwise, skip
to the next paragraph.
You'll start off with a full bar at the bottom, but there's
thankfully no black IC. Head to the left to find two IC and
a matrix door control. Take out the two ICs, and check the
matrix to unlock the bathroom door. The portal to the right
has a white IC and a white sparky IC. The sparky IC can end
your turn early, but doesn't typically attack directly, so aim
for the other IC first. Check the server records to get a
buyer's record which we can sell later. After that, just jack
out and we're moving on.
No one will enter the room, so get everything set up how you
want (heal, summon, etc) before openning the door. There will
be a guard at the end of this hall that's easy to take down.
Once you reach the fork in the hallway, head to the right if
hacked the computer to reach the bathroom, which holds a
medkit and grenade. Afterwards, head to the left, and again,
do whatever you need before openning the door. This time,
you'll be transported to a new area.
In the new area, you've got 2 guards and a violent patient
right off the bat. Take out the guards first, and the patient
is melee only, so they're not very threatening, but there's
no reason to not kill them. Head down the hall, and check
the hole to the right to find 2 violent patients. The next
room on the left has to mental patients and an unstable
patient who actually has a pistol. Take out the unstable
patient first, and then the others as they approach. At the
end of the hall, turn right and you'll run into an ex-surgeon
with a shotgun! You'll probably see a patient attack them
from behind though, and the enemies will typically fight among

themselves before dealing with you. Take these two out and
head into the next room. Check the medical cart to get the
key for the locked gate we had to pass earlier. Check the cart
again to get another unlabeled disk. Head back to the gate and
do the normal routine of getting everyone set and ready in
front of the door. The hole in the wall north of the gate
houses a HUGE crazed patient, again with a shotgun. Get
everyone you can either a piece of cover between them and the
hole, or keep them back near the gate to take advantage of the
shotguns bad accuaracy. The crazed patient isn't nearly as bad
as he looks, so don't worry too much. After taking him down,
head to the door on the right of the room, and you know the
drill. Open the door to find a security officer, and doctor
witha blade. Security is number one since they do have a
ranged attack, but neither enemy should posses a threat. Check
the computer in this room afterwards for some info on the good
doctor, and for 4 karma points. Check this door to be
transported once again.
Head up to the entrance to get a short talk with Dr Holmes,
and get ready. Just past the entrance there's a surgeon with a
bat and a mage to the north, and you should see Pitezel come
from the left on the enemy turn. Pitezel is huge, and has
100 HP, so he'll take a lot of damage, but I'd suggest taking
out the mage first since he can buff Pitezel along with doing
damage straight out. Pitezel is a melee attacker, and is
suprisingly easy. If you saved one of Shannon's totems, use
the stun bolt to keep Pitezel down to 2 actions per turn, and
if you use the box for cover with the filled in shield, he'll
have a hard time hitting you, and you can unload into him.
Once Pitezel is down, Holmes will come running out of the
door in the upper right, and he is similar to a mage. Holmes
has 70 HP, but he's all alone. As long as you keep cover
between you and him, you should take him down with minimal
risk. Talk to Holmes after getting the kill and you'll find
an interesting twist, along with 8 karma and permanant boost
to your action points! Check the table to the right of
Holmes' body to get some info and a sweet 4,500(n)! Head
through the door and chat with the guy. Afterwards, check the
desk next to the cell to get a chip you can use on the man.
It's up to you if you use the chip since all it does is make
the man freak out and start sobbing. Head through the door on
the left, then head north to the door to leave. Shannon will
talk with you before you leave, and sadly you can't talk her
into sticking with you.
Back in the Seamstress, chat with Johnny to start up a big
conversation about the job you just finished. There's a
special conversation if you have the Shadowrunner personality,
but it doesn't do anything.You can give the medical records
you found to Ms Kubota for some free karma and you might be
able to sell them to Van Graas instead. Still researching the
second option. Nothing new downstairs, so buy or sell anything
you need, and then it's time to head out to Sam's funeral.

Head north once at the cemetary to find Jessica, and your pals
Coyote and Jake. No point in hiding his name anymore since
you've already met the guy. Anyways, chat with Jessica, and
then follow her to the right to continue your talk. A fight
will break out, so be ready, as this is by and far the hardest
battle yet!
You'll only see two at first, but two more will make
themselves known soon. You can move up slowly, putting cover
between you and the enemies coming from the northeast, but I
recommend for once just bum rushing the enemies first turn.
The two that come next will rush straight in and won't attack,
so try and take out the first two ASAP. The next turn will
greet you with 5 more enemies coming from the south entrance.
The big mage is the worst of the threats, but these enemies
in general are no slouches. They hit often and they hit hard!
Make use of Jake's healing and spells. Turn 4 will bring some
strange text, but turn 5 is when things turn interesting.
Ghouls will start coming out of the crypt where the dialogue
came from before next turn, and the enemies may start turning
their attention towards them instead. On the other hand, if
you've been able to take down most of the merenaries already,
the ghouls will come straight for you instead! Ghouls will
also start coming from the west, and they thankfully seem more
interested in what's left of the enemy squad. You'll see 2
sets of 2 ghouls, one from the first crypt, then 2 more from
the west, and then comes a group of three from the northwest.
The ghouls are fairly hard to hit, but they're not bad when
compared to the hired goons. If it's charged, Jake's lightning
attack works well against the ghould since they are melee
attackers, and stay clumped together as they charge the
closest unit. After the group of three ghouls is down, the
battle is over and you can breathe a sigh of relief!
Chat with the leader of the hit squad for some info, then you
can either chat with Jake to head directly to the Universal
Brotherhood, or head to the northwest to return to the
Seamstress first. Regardless of your choice I suggest heading
northwest anyways to find a combat drug and a nice grenade.
There's nothing new at the Seamstress, so only head back if
you really want to buy something you haven't yet, or need to
stock up on consumables. You can also get a small sidequest
from Cherry Bomb if you head back to the Seamstress. Either
way, get a team assembled and get ready to roll! You've got
Coyote for free, so you've got at least one bruiser.
Chat with the people in the crowd if you'd like, but there's
nothing you can do. Just follow the quest marker to the
northeast, and enter the Brotherhood. You'll be forced to go
alone, but Coyote should set your mind at ease.

Chat with the receptionist, and make sure to mention the

concert outside. She'll run off to talk with the star, letting
you get a blank ID card. Head west, then north, and examine
the ladder to find a can of kerosene. You can dip you blank ID
here too, but we won't need to do that. Chat with the janitor,
and he should start giving you some info, though you'll have
to pay. If you say you'll only pay if you like what he says,
you'll get stuck paying 300(n), or 200 if your charisma is 4
or higher. You can buy the janitor's ID badge for 500(n), or
you can pay him 150(n) for access to the storeroom where you
can get an ID card. You can get a tube of lard and some
chloroform from the storeroom, and in the next room, just
search the lockers until you find the correct size uniform.
When you come out, place the kerosene on the oven in the
kitchen and the door will open allowing you to make it further
into the Brotherhood. After a quick chat with Coyote, check
out the vending machine. Use the lard here and you'll be able
to move the machine. You can't do anything with the hidden
door until you let the team in, which you can do with the
computer just to the left. If you've got a 5 in hacking, you
can open the door no problems. As long as you have one, you
should be able to attempt to open it. (Still seeing if it
works at this time.)
Head north through the doors, and if you accepted the quest
from Cherry Bomb, you'll find Shane here. In the next room,
check the desk for a record of payments. Open the next door
to the right and get ready for battle!
There's only two enemies here, so just go full force. If you
examine the flesh pile next to the table near the door, it
will bring to life a terrifying totem which you shouldn't
need. Open the cage door and after a short conversation,
you'll see Jessica. Now the true fun starts!
Mary will run to the room up north, and you'll need to
protect her. Most of the enemies will come at you rather than
her, so just focus on killing these enemies quick. The True
Form Venom is the worst, having long range attacks that do
damage over time. The Worker is another melee attacker, so
it's not too bad. Killing the insects causes a problem though.
It will change into a Pure Insect Spirit, immune to bullets!
It will attack one turn, then return to it's body to become
the True Form Worker again. Once this has happened for the
first time, you'll be able to start using Mary in the Matrix.
Mary is a pretty awesome decker, so just rush straight ahead,
taking down all IC with her Killer program and her regular
attacks. After a couple turns, you'll switch back to the real
world for a turn. Once all the ICs are defeated, head north
through the portal that just activated. You'll face two more
white ICs, and two Sparkys. Make sure to use Mary's
shamanesque creature to help clear out enemies here. There's
not much you can do in the real world when it switches back.
Just keep blasting at the bugs, since they do a lot less
damage when they're ghost. Once you've openned the door in
the matrix, have Mary jack out, and rush the door to the left.

Once outside, Mary will run off, and you'll speak with the
Baron she was talking to in the Matrix. Head to where Mary ran
off to to leave this place and return to the Seamstress.
Chat with Cherry Bomb about Shane to finish of her quest,
then head back towards the piano. There's a new guy named Mr
Johnson you can get a job from. We'll cover that in a moment.
Talk with Van Graas to sell off the records you found in the
Brotherhood and you'll make 2,000(n), or 3,000 if you've got
the Shadowrunner or Socialite personalities. Head downstairs
and check out the new equipment you can purchase. As a side
note, to get the best firearms available, you'll need to be
rank 6 or higher with ranged combat to equip them. Chat with
Johnny when you're ready to meet the Baron. You'll jack into
the Matrix and have a short conversation with the Baron, and
Johnny will give you the contact info for a super decker
named Dodger, and you'll need a decker. We'll be going over
Mr Johnson quest first, so skip ahead if you're planning
to not take on the quest.
The runners have doubles in price since the last mission, but
they've also gotten much better. Head south and take out the
guard. Head to the next room, and get ready to kick open the
next door. There's a divider to keep you from seeing in before
going around it, but there's two more cops hiding behind desk
waiting for you. 2 more cops will file in from the room you
came from, and one more will join in from the east. With the
dramatic jump in firepower, these cops should go down without
much of a fight. There's a computer to the far right that you
can access for info, and you can download it if you've got
a 6 or more in decking. In the hallway to the north, there's
a door to 4 more enemies, but if you've got a decker, you
can hack the panel on the wall to disable the turret in the
next room. In the room north of the turret room, you'll come
accross the first of the subjects the computer listed earlier.
These things have the annoying ability to petrify a unit,
causing them to lose all actions for the turn. Thankfully,
it's not a permanent effect. Once they're down, you'll have
the chance to explore the area, though you really just need
to check the room to the north. Saada is here, and you've got
some options. You can either let him leave, make him pay
5,000(n) to allow him to leave, or knock him out and fulfill
your job for 9,000(n). If you were able to download to info
from the computer, you should be able to make a little extra.
Head into the first room and take out the 2 guards there.
Check the desk to the left of the security box to find a card
you'll need to activate the computer in the back of the room.
Same general procedure. Ready up on the door, reload, heal,
etc, then open and get ready! Once you entered the next room,
4 guards will run in. The computer in the bottom right won't

help, so you can ignore it. The computer on the left middle
row has the info you need to progress. Check the upper right
computer for more info, and a piece of paper with a door code
written down. This will also give you an extra 8 karma! For
once, stacking up on the door is not advised, because the
enemies will open it long enough to take pot shots at you,
then close it back up. You'll be dealing with 4 guards, 2
turrets, and if any guards escaped the room earlier, them as
well. When you open the door, there's another door to your
right and left. Use these rooms to get out of sight of the
turrets. You'll also start getting pincered by an enemy rigger
from the south. The rigger has a drone with them, but if you
kill the rigger, the drone goes down too. Once the enemies
are down, check the room on the right to find a door to a
room with a computer. In the matrix, you'll come across
standard white IC, and some sparkys. Sparkys should be your
first priority, but just blast through all you see. The first
area has to sprakys and 2 white ICs. Blow them away, and then
take the portal to the next area with two more White ICs.
Take them out and you'll be able to disarm the turrets in the
hallway. The portal to the south leads to a legal files data
node which isn't necessary, but will give more interesting
backstory. The portal to the right will lead to a black IC,
and a patents node that the Baron will pay you 2,000(n) for.
Head to the next portal and you'll see the elevator node.
There's nothing at first, but as you approach, 4 White ICs and
a Sentry will pop up. Follow standard protocal ass kicking,
and take these things down. Sentry is your first target since
it can buff the White ICs, making them a possible threat.
After they've all been taken care of, hack the elevator node,
and you'll be able to make it further into the building.
The first room you'll enter to the north is empty, as is the
next one. Hack into the computer, and get your squad ready
by putting cover between them and where you entered.
Once in the Matrix again, head north through the portal and
approach the cam node. A white IC will pop up on the platform
to the right, and to the upper left of the first node. Hack
the nodes once they're down and head through the next portal.
Check the portal to the left to find a note of concern. After
that, enemies will start coming in from the door we entered
from before. There's only 2 for now, so try to kill them ASAP!
After a another jump into the Matrix four more will come from
the door on the right, so be prepared.
In the Matrix, rush back and take the portal to
the right. You'll find 3 White ICs, a sparky, and a sentry.
The sentry is annoying with it's buffs and debuffs, but the
sparky can do a lot of damage. Take down the enemies, then
check the node before heading into the next portal. In the
next area, you'll another sentry, a black IC, and two more
white IC. The sentry is becoming a real pain, but the Black IC
should be 100% of the time your main focus since it's attacks
hurt you actual character and not ust your avatar. Make good
use of cover and you should make it out of the matrix area
alive. Check the node here for more info on what's going on
in the Telestrian company.

As you go, more guards will flood the floor, with 4 more
coming from the south, and 2 from the east. Charge the next
portal and you'll find another sentry, and 2 more white IC.
After this last battle, you can finally shut off the elevators
and get out of the matrix. Clear out the remaining guards,
and at the end of the turn, the Baron should tell you the
coast is clear for now. Head back to where you started, and
head right for the quest marker. Seems there is a complication
the Baron didnn't know about. Now comes an interesting twist
on the original plan.
Hope you enjoyed being a janitor before, cause we're at it
again! After chatting with the baron, follow the hallway out
to meet with your new "supervisor." Check the room on the left
and talk with the tech worker. If you've got charisma of 4 or
higher, you can talk the guy into leaving the room, allowing
you to swipe Matrix LAN parts from the big server, and to
plant one of the commlinks in the computer on the wall. Head
to the room on the left with the security guard in there.
Again, if you've got 4 charisma, you can get him to leave no
problem. Instal the commlink in the computer on the back wall
and be on your way. Now take the door to the south and watch
a worker get chewed out. Chat with the guy and again, use that
4 charisma to talk him into letting you help. Use the Matrix
LAN parts you took earlier on the computer, and talk to him
again. He'll leave and you'll have full reign to place the
last commlink. Head back to the starting room and talk with
the guard. Tell him about the commlinks, and you'll gain
access upstairs.
Head to the right where you were stopped before, and chat with
Mr Silverstar. He'll leave, and now's it's time for a puzzle!
The paintings, in order from the closest to Silverstar's desk
to the furthest are Duty, Efficiency, Unity, Independence,
and Vigilance. This puzzle is timed, so you'll have to be
quick! Push in the frame on Duty first, then Efficiency, and
lastly Vigilance. Now, check the safe in the new path in the
wall. Now you need to check the bar area in the office and
take the cigar. Using this, we can open the safe and get
the sample we need! Now rush back through the office we were
in last night and take the other elevator enemies were
spawning from to make your escape! ... Into the open arms
of the Lone Star Police.
Talk with McKlusky if you'd like, then chat with the butler.
Follow him to the room on the right to meet Mr Telestrian.
After an interesting turn of events, you'll be called into
talk with the group Telestrian has formed. After finally
understanding how the bugs are immortal, you'll have a chance
to explore. Chat with Harlequin if you're ready now, or find
the butler to the west of the room near the fireplace. No new
armor or weapons, but you can get some nice upgrades if you

want. Once you're ready, talk with the clown to get a team
ready. I highly suggest taking Tir Ghost since he has an extra
of the Aegis weapons needed to kill the bug spirits. The
last slot is up to you. Mage's are good for area of effect
spells, but Coyote or a samurai will be good for taking down
one enemy at a time quickly. Harlequin does have magic though
which maybe all you need magicwise. Make your choice and get
ready for the final battle!
Open the south door and you'll find 3 cultist, one of them
being a mage. Take out these three, then you'll need to head
into the little cave area where the bugs came from before
and search to warp to the next area. Once you head around the
corner, you'll find 3 more cultist, though they'll turn tail
and run as soon as possible. In the next room, you'll find
a Worker bug and any cultist that got away earlier. Once the
bug has been killed, it should only take 3 shots from the
Aegis weapon to kill the spirit. In the next room, there
will be a spitter bug, another worker bug, and two more
cultist. Take down the cultist, then the bugs, then of course,
the spirit of the bugs. The next room has nothing, but the
room north of that has two more gunners. After they are dead,
more bugs will bust through the wall, one from the right,
one from the left, and one from the room we just came from.
The one in the previous room will typically stay in that room
so don't worry about it until you kill the two in the room
you're in. Head through the hole the bug in the previous
room made to find your new pathway.
Charge forward, then turn the corner. At the end of your turn,
a bug should bust through the corner. Two more will come
from the wall on the left you already passed. Once those three
bugs are down, continue following the path around to the next
door. Around the corner of this hall you'll find 3 more
cultist. After clearing the room, a Bombadier bug will come in
from behind. One the plus side, you'll get a free turn to
take it down, and it has less health than the workers. After
that bug is dispatched, go to the next room, and bugs will
ambush you again, one from the left, and one from the right.
A bombadier will also come from the upperleft shortly after.
Take these bugs down, and then head north and cross the
bridge. In the room to the left, you'll find 2 more cultist.
In the room, there's a lot of items to get, and if you're
hacking skill is 5 or higher, you can hack the safe here to
get a platinum trauma kit. Check the computer to unlock the
door, and then check the door to warp to the next area.
Head straight forward, and stop Jessica! Or at least try to...
No matter what you say, Jessica will start the ritual. The
pillars can't be destroyed, so you'll need to attack Jessica
with all your might! She'll use the glowing insect pillar
to get a skill called Favor of the Queen. It doesn't show what

it does, but assume it is very bad. Jessica will summon bugs

from all over the level, give them big buffs, and heal
herself. Your main concern is Jessica. Don't worry about
the bugs, and focus solely on Jessica. Once you've hurt her
bad enough, she'll run off and bug will stop spawning. You'll
have to kill off the rest before following her, but it'll
help you from getting overrun. You'll also probably see the
True Form Soldier for the first time. Honestly, I've killed
it as quick as possible so I haven't seen how it attacks, but
I only assume it's not good. Once the bugs are all dead and
your turns ends, you'll be transported right to Jessica.
Here is your morality choice. Sit back and watch the bugs
feast, kill Jessica yourself, or kill the bugs and bring her
in. There's no fight no matter your choice, just a small bit
of dialogue.
You'll have another small talk with Telestrian to decide your
reward. If you want, you can have McKlusky fired AND still get
another reward if you ask for his badge first. Talk with
everyone left, then chat with Dresden, and he'll get you set
up to collect on your reward. Use the phone nearby and enjoy
your ending!

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