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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Year 7 English

Date: 12.06.15

Lesson 1
Time: Start: 11:48
Finish: 1:04

Key Learning Area: Film texts

Lesson Topic: Film Techniques

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
Students have begun the film techniques booklet and have discussed the different types of camera angles and camera shots used in film making. They have
limited knowledge of how different film techniques affect and convey meaning to the audience.

Syllabus Outcome(s):
(One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full).

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s).
Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable.
Curriculum Content Strands may be used as headings.

Strategies which will be used to assess
learners attainment of learning outcomes.
Should be linked to each learning indicator.

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

- EN4-2A effectively uses a widening range
of processes, skills, strategies and
knowledge for responding to and composing
texts in different media and technologies.

- EN4-5C thinks imaginatively, creatively,

interpretively and critically about
information, ideas and arguments to
respond to and compose texts.

- Identify what each camera angle and camera shot is and have
an example for each from the Red Dog film.
- Outline what different camera angles and camera shots portray
to the audience.

- Students complete do now activity by

matching the definitions and drawing an
Ss participate in discussion providing answers
and are observed filling out their booklets for
what each film technique is and what it portrays.
- Ss identify scenes of the film which match the
different film techniques as examples.

- Interpret a scene from a movie of their choice and recreate the

scene using film techniques.

Any safety issues to be considered:

Make sure whiteboard can be accessed by all
students, bags are placed under desks and that
all computer cords are correctly stored and that
the exit is free from obstruction,

- Observe Ss illustrating a recreated version of

their favourite film scene using film techniques.

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
Computer, projector, PowerPoint presentation, booklets, do now worksheet, pens, video (Red Dog)
and white board markers

Commented [HV1]: This outcome was meet by

introducing teaching strategies that played on the interests
and strengths of the learners. The class in question had low
literacy levels and often behaved poorly when activities
became too hard. Thus drawing activities were implemented
throughout the writing proportions of the activity to break
up hard concepts, making it the work seem less daunting.

Lesson Sequence
Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
what students (Ss) will do.

Resources and Organisation:

T hands out Do Now activity as students walk through the



Identify what each camera angle and
camera shot is and have an example for

T asks students to complete the activity individually and

explains that the task is to match the file techniques to the
description and to add 4 drawings as examples.

Q/ Correctly match close up, extreme close

up, mid shot, long shot, and establishing
A/ CU-tightly frames a person or an object.
Shows detail. ECU- The shot is so tight that
every detail can be seen. MS- shot of a
person from the waist up. Etc.

15 min

T logs onto computer and opens PowerPoint Presentation and

video. Having the presentation visible but not the video.

Video Red Dog

Commented [HV2]: Do Now activities were implemented

as a behaviour management strategy. This ensure students
were seated and working from the first minute of the lesson,
without having the time to muck up as they waited for
teacher instruction.

Answer Sheet.

Ss are asked to discuss answers of the Do Now activity.

T offers correct definitions.
T asks Ss to provide examples of different film techniques they
witnessed last lesson and where it was shown in the film.

Q/ what were some examples of these we

saw last lesson?

Ss are to provide answers.

A/ Close up of the dog, High/Low shot with

the people in the road etc.

Commented [HV3]: The teacher is constantly asking and

explain the nature of the work being conduct in order to stay
in control of the discussion happening within the classroom.

T hands out booklets and explains that the lesson will continue
from where they had previously stopped.

Outline what different camera angles and
camera shots portray to the audience.

T asks students to advert their attention to the front of the room.

Whiteboard markers

T identifies which of the film techniques from the booklet

students are to look out for in the film.

Do Now activity

Q/ what is a Dutch Angle, Panning shot, Tilt,

Zoom, Tracking, Lighting etc ?

T advises students that if the noise level rises they will not
continue to watch the movie clips.

A/ DA- obscure angle to create suspension,

PS- horizontal movement or rotation of
camera, Tilt- moving the camera on an angle,
Z-camera moves in or out from the object etc


Commented [HV4]: Another example of gaining student

attention before moving on from one activity to the next.

PowerPoint Presentation

Ss watch a clip of the movie looking for examples of different

camera shot or angles,
T asks students to describe what (Insert film technique) is.
Ss are to provide the definition or are to describe what they saw
the camera doing.
T provides correct definition on the presentation.

Commented [HV5]: There is a set structure of the lesson

that students have followed for a few lessons, so this
indicates to them what is expected. They are aware of what
needs to be done.

Q/ What does the Film example of the Dutch

Angle, Panning shot, Tilt, Zoom, Tracking,
Lighting etc show to the audience?

Ss copy this down into the booklets.

A/ Creates suspension, tensions and

emotion. Portrays certain characters are
stronger or weaker than others etc.

Ss discuss what was portrayed within the film example.

T asks students to describe an example of (insert Film

Technique) from the movie and what it portrayed to the

T provides any additional comments and asks students to copy

answers from the presentation into the booklets.
T asks students to draw their example within the space provided
within the booklets.

Commented [HV6]: Many of the students within this

particular class had low literacy abilities and often began to
doodle and draw on their worksheets/books. Thus this was
implemented as a way to break up the writing proportion of
the lesson and allow them to express the technique in a way
they would better remember.

Ss complete the illustration.

Note: This process is continued for each additional film

Interpret a scene from a movie of their choice
and recreate the scene using film

Q/ Recreate a scene from your favourite

movie using only film techniques.
A/ Illustrations of same setting/characters in
scene portrayed differently by film

(add further pages as required)


T asks students think about their favourite scene from a movie.


T hands out worksheet and asks Ss to draw the original scene

from memory and then to change it through the use of camera
angles, shots and other film technique examples.

Coloured pencils

T provides an example on the board.

Ss are to illustrate their favourite movie scene with these
T concludes lesson by showing off some of the students work.

Commented [HV7]: Implementing a new teaching

strategies to meet the abilities and interest of the class,
especially towards the latter end of the lesson when
students became restless and unwilling to do reading and
writing activities.

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