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SVKM’S NMIMS School of Business Management, Bengaluru ~ Program: PGDBM-Management Programme Year I Trimester: 03 for Executives (Batch: 10) [rie | wyansempers/s.t0 [ome [orerz0m | Academic Year: 2012-2013 Subject: Business Strategy Implen Date: 07" July, 2013 [Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Please limit your answer to no more than three pages (sides) per question.] QL. Strategy is at the heart of organizational success. Is good strategy enough to lead aan organization to success? Is it okay to turn an organization 180 degrees to fit it to a well conceived strategy? Using examples please explain why simple strategies are so difficult to copy and emulate. Q.2. Please explain how traditional measurement and reporting systems based on financial accounting are inadequate to measure effectiveness of strategy implementation. Can Balanced Score Card approach fill the gap? Q.3. Do you believe that effective strategy implementation and organizational transformation do not happen without Level 5 Leaders at the helm. What attributes define Level 5 leader? Using the case of Harvey Golub, explain how a Level 5 leader makes a ‘material difference to business strategy implementation of an organization, Q44. Briefly explain the scenario planning process and how it can be used in organizational strategic planning. What are the common fallacies in business strategy formulation and implementation in organizations? Q.5.A few companies designate their CEO under-study as their CSO, Chief Strategy Officer. Should the CSO have a background in F&A or HR or Operations or Sales? Describe the role of CSO in an organization. What attributes should a CSO have to be successful? Q.6. One of the most important traits of great leaders is their obsession with realism as against idealism. Between Facts and Faith, which is more important for an organization to successfully implement its strategy? What are the characteristics often exhibited by ‘execution centric organizations?

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