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Branislav Dimitrijevi, Lectures for Spring 2016

- What is cultural heritage? Where is this heritage? When is this heritage? Why is this
heritage? - An introduction to the critical notion of the term
(lit. Walter Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy of History, Illuminations, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1968; Stuart Hall, "Whose heritage?: un-settling the heritage', re-imagining the post
nation,Third text, 49, 2000; Pascal Gielen, Museum Chronotopics: On the representations of the
Past in Museum, The Murmuring of the Artistic Multitude, Valiz, 2009.)
- History of Displays and the Exhibitionary Complex:From the curiosity cabinets to
white cubes and back
(lit. Tony Bennett, The Exhibitionary Complex, R. Greenberg, B. Ferguson, S. Nairne, Thinking
about Exhibitions, Routledge, London, 1999, pp. 81-111.), Mieke Bal, The Discourse of the
Museum, in R. Greenberg, B. Ferguson, S. Nairne, Thinking about Exhibitions, Routledge,
London, 1999, pp 201-218)
- It is not future that always comes after: Socialist Heritage and Contemporary Political
(lit. Socialist Realism and Socialist Modernism. World Heritage Proposals from Central and
Eastern Europe, ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 2013,
- Ideology, Heritage, Memory and the Yugoslav Socialist Case: A critical discussion
(lit. Boris Buden, Cultural Heritage: The Context of an Obsession, in Maria Lind and WHW
(eds.), Art and the F Word Reflections on the Browning of Europe, Sternberg Press, 2014; Branislav
Dimitrijevi, It is Not Future That Always Comes After (Some reflections on the project
Political Practices of (Post-) Yugoslav Art), Red Thread, 2, 2010, http://www.redthread.org/en/article.asp?a=32; Gal Kirn and Robert Burghardt, Yugoslavian Partisan Memorial
Genre, Revolutionary Aesthetics and Ideological Recuperation, Manifesta Journal, 16,
http://www.manifestajournal.org/issues/regret-and-other-back-pages/yugoslavian-partisanmemorials-between-memorial-genre# )
- Post-apocalyptic heritage: Heritage as an art-medium (A visit to the Kunsthistorisches
Mausoleum, Brae Radovanovia 28, Belgrade)
(lit.Branislav Dimitrijevic, A Magnificent Tomb. The Kunsthistorisches Mausoleum, in Agency,
Ambivalence, Analysis Approaching the Museum with Migration in Mind (Ruth Noack ed.), Melo
books http://zenodo.org/record/6974/files/MeLa_Book_06_SinglePages.pdf)

Irian Suboti, Lectures for Spring 2016

1. What does make one museum attractive, visited, favored? - ta jedan muzej ini privlanim,
poseenim, omiljenim?
- Anne Hertzog, The challenge of cultural sustainability in city museum, in: Theory and
Practice in Heritage and Sustainability. Between past and future. Edited by Elizabeth
Auclair and Graham Fairclough, Routledge, London& NY, 2015 pp.84-95 (with basic
Literature) / Copy in the Library of the University of Arts, Belgrade;
- International Council of Museums /ICOM.museum_ Code of Ethics for Museums
- Tomislav ola. Essays on museums and their theory : towards the cybernetic museum.
Helsinki. 1997/ Copy in the Library of the University of Arts, Belgrade
2. Museum education: how to create engaged public Muzejska edukacija: kako stvarati vernu
- Early Learning in Museums. Prepared by Mary Ellen Munley. Principal, MEM &
Associates for Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center, April 2012:
3. New forms and concepts of memorials & monuments Novi oblici i koncepti memorijala i
- Milena Dragievi ei, Counter-monument: Artivism against official memory
practices (with basic Literature) / Copy in the Library of the University of Arts, Belgrade
- Milena Dragievi ei, Memory Policies and Monument Building in Southeastern
Europe, in: Memory of the city, ed. Dusica Drai, Slavica Radii & Marijana Simu,
Kulturklamer, Beograd 2012, ISBN 978-86-912137-2-5, pp.70-95/ Copy in the Library of
the University of Arts, Belgrade
5. Examples of civil society activities in heritage protection - Primeri aktivizma civilnog drutva
u oblasti zatite naslea
Lit.: www.europanostra.org; Culture Counts for Europe (Summary of the Report)
http://blogs.encatc.org/culturalheritagecountsforeurope//wpcontent/uploads/2015/06/CHCfE_REPORT_ExecutiveSummary_v2.pdf; What has heritage ever
done for us?: Democratic heritage decision making and heritage for enlivening democracy:
6. Frameworks of citizen's participation in heritage: from consumer to creator / Okviri uea
graana u upravljanju batinom: od konzumenta do stvaraoca
Literature: Nina Simon, The Participatory Museum, 2010,
http://www.participatorymuseum.org/read/; Bernadette Lynch, Whose cake is it anyway? A
collaborative investigation into engagement and participation in 12 museums and galleries in the
UK, Paul Hamilton Foundation, 2010, http://ourmuseum.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Whose-cake-is-

it-anyway-report.pdf ; Emma Waterton and Laurajane Smith, The recognition and misrecognition
of community heritage, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 16, Nos. 12, January
March 2010, pp. 415; Blog: http://themuseumofthefuture.com/2015/08/17/participatorygovernance-in-cultural-heritage-case-studies-and-reflections-from-a-recent-eenc-report/
Vinja Kisi, Lectures for Spring 2016
1. Heritage within international cultural policy / Batina u okvirima meunarodne kulturne
Literature: Noel Fojut, The philosophical, political and pragmatic roots of the convention, in
Heritage and Beyond, Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2009, pp.13-23; Laurajane Smith,
Uses of Heritage, Chapter 3 Authorizing Institutions of Heritage, London and New York:
Routledge, 2006, pp.87-114; European Commission, Towards an integrated approach to cultural
heritage for Europe - Communication from the Commission to the European
Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Regions, Brussels, 22.7.2014., COM(2014) 477 final.
2. Heritage management: key concepts and development phases / Upravljane batinom: kljuni
koncepti i razvojne faze
Literature: Peter Van Mensch, Museology and Management: Enemies or Friends?, in: E.
Mizushima (ed.), Museum management in the 21st century, Tokyo: Museum Management
Academy, 2004, pp. 3-19; Roslyn Russell and Kylie Winkworth, Significance 2.0.: A guide to
Assessing Significance of Collections, Collections Council of Australia Ltd, 2009, pp.1-32; Birgitta
Ringbeck, Management Plans for World Heritage Sites: A practical guide, Bonn: German
Commission for UNESCO, 2008, pp. 1-50.;
3. Heritage interpretation: dogma, dissonance, multivocality / Interpretacija batine: dogma,
disonantnost, multivokalnost
Literature: G. J. Ashworth, Brian Graham and J. E. Tunbridge, Introduction: Heritage and
Pluralism, in Pluralising Pasts: Heritage, Identity and Place in Multicultural Societies, London:
Pluto Press, 2007, pp. 1-9.; Helaine Silverman, Contested Cultural Heritage: A Selective
Historiography, in Contested Cultural Heritage: Religion, Nationalism, Erasure, and Exclusion in
a Global World, New York: Springer, pp.1-50; Vinja Kisi, Defining dissonance: Dissonant
Heritage or Heritage Dissonance?, in Governing Heritage Dissonance for Peace and
Reconciliation: Promises and Realities of Cultural Policy Tools from the Southeast Europe,
Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation, 2016 (in print).
Jelena Vesi, Lectures for Spring 2016
- The Heritage of Yugoslav Conceptual Art: The Ideology of Post-Socialist Art Histories
- History and Memory: What is to be done with the Palace of Federation?
(artistic approaches)

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