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Material on the board

This step is very straightforward. We compare the number of pieces
and pawn to the opponents. For ease of evaluation it is common to
use a point (pawn) value system and add the number of points to
get the total score for each side.
2. Presence of Threats
If you have an extra rook, but you lose a queen the very next move,
it is quite incorrect to assume that you have any sort of advantage.
Therefore, it is very important to check for threats and possible
combinations that your opponent may have before continuing with a
full analysis.
3. Position of the Kings
Position of the kings and their safety is an important aspect of
position analysis, since if youre getting checkmated 3 moves from
now; its meaningless to talk about any positional advantages or
better pawn structures you may have. You should do a relative
comparison of positions of the kings and take into account the
presence of any sorts of threats for their safety. You need to make a
conclusion about whose king is safer and how much.
4. Presence of open files and diagonals
You should evaluate the number of open files and diagonals as well
as what side takes greater advantage of them (rooks on open files,
bishops on long diagonals, etc.)
5. Pawn structure, weak and strong squares
You should evaluate the pawn structure, pawn weaknesses,
presence of passed pawns, etc. Also it makes sense to evaluate the
presence of weak and strong squares on the board. Strong squares
are the squares that can be occupied by your pieces that cannot be

removed (i.e. chased away) by your opponents pawns and vice

6. Center and space
You need to evaluate the type of center we are dealing with in the
current position. The center is considered not just the central
squares (e4, d4, e5, d5) but also the pawns and pieces that control
these squares. You need to pay specific attention to the type of
center. The two most common structures are: dynamic and static.
The dynamic center is the center that can change its form, for
example by movement of pawns or pieces. The static center is the
center that cannot change its form so easily. Also we need to
distinguish between closed center and open center positions, based
on the pawn structure.
Space defined as availability and control of squares by one of the
players. The more squares your pawns and pieces control the more
special advantage you possess. Space is important, because the
side with the greater amount of space has the luxury to more
effectively organizing the pieces and maneuvering them for an
It is important to decide the type of the center you have and the
amount of space you control since the overall game strategy is often
dictated by the positional factors like this.
7. Development and Pieces Activity
You need to consider the activity of the pieces and their
development, meaning how well are the pieces positioned, how
many open diagonals, ranks, files they control. The easiest way to
compare the pieces activity is by doing a relative comparison. For
example, you take one of your pieces, and compare it to the
opponents counterpart. Then you take another piece and so on. At
the end you need to make a conclusion about whose pieces are
more active.
Finally, after doing the position evaluation you need to come up with
a conclusion whats sides position is better and to come up with a
plan for the game based on your evaluation. For example, if your
position is better you must attack in order not to lose your

If your opponents position is superior, you need to find a defensive

plan, at the same time, looking for counter play and counter attack.

The position was the following:

There is a position analysis outline in 21 days to Supercharge your chess course book which I needed to use to evaulate the position:

1. Material on the board:

The material is equal.

2. Presence of Threats:

White is ready to attack the queen by Nc5 and if Bxc5 then Bxc5 and white attacks the b4 knight, which is active, but undefended.
The c2 pawn is attacked and the e2 queen and f1 rook are on the same diagonal. Black may think Bb5 to attack them.

3. Position of the Kings:

The white king is castled and in a safe heaven. The black king is ready to castle, but still in the middle.

4. Presence of open files and diagonals:

White has a bishop on b6 which control critical squares c5, c7 and d8. The black e7 bishop has a good defensive role to defend the b4 knight
and c5, d6, f6, d8. The d-file is open, but can not realy used by neither player, because the d1,d2,d3,d5,d6,d7,d8 square are protected. White
can put his rook to d1, black can not his on d8. The half open c- and f-files are not useful.

5. Pawn structure, weak and strong squares:

b6 is weak in the black camp. c5 and d5 squares are weak in the black camp which can be used for white pieces to attack other objects.
White's e4 and c2 pawns are vulnerable, e4 is isolated.

6. Center and space:

In the center both white and black has 1 pawn. It is a static center, because the pawns are blocking each other. White has a good chance to
use the d5 square. White has a small space advantage in the queen side.

7. Development and Pieces Activity:

White has a small development advantage, because black's king is still in the center. Black has an active knight on b4, white has an active
bishop in b6. The other pieces are around equaly active in the white and black camp.

White need to take immediate action to prevent the castling and use his development advantage.

I studied the example and added my own ideas:

White has a small development advantage, because black's king is still in the
center. White need to take immediate action to prevent the castling and use
his development advantage.
1.Nc5 Bxc5 Black must take the knight.
1...Qd6 2.Rad1 White gets a very active position. 2...Qb8 3.Rd2 00 is
mistake, because the b4 knight has no way to escape. 4.Qc4 Wins.
2.Bxc5 The knight is under attack and could not be saved. Black
need to counter-attack. 2...Bb5
3.Qf2! With this move white moves the queen away from the attack
and protecting the bishop on c5 and pawn on c2 and he sacrifice the

f1 rook for the bishop. By protecting the c5 bishop white prevents

the castling of the black king.
3.Nxb5? gives time for black to consolidate his position. 3...Rxc5 4.Nc3 00
Black castled and he has an active position on the queenside.
The b4 bishop stopped the castling. Black has an exchange
advantage. White need to attack quickly.
4.Rxf1? Bad, because the f2 queen us overloaded. 4...Nxc2 5.Qxc2 Rxc5
Black won a pawn. 6.Qa4+ Qc6 7.Qb4 00 Black castled and has a winning
4...Bc4 5.b3 Forces the bishop to go back and it helps to active the
other white bishop.
5...Bb5 6.Nxb5 axb5 White sacrificed an exchange and 1. prevented
black from castling 2. he has the pair of bishops 3. black has 2 weak
isolated pawns on the b-file
7.Be2 White activated the bishop and attacks the target.
7...Nxe4 8.Bxb5+ Kd8
9.Qa7 Moving the queen closer to the black's king and attacking the
b7 pawn at the same time.
9.Rd1+ This is a mistake, because gives time for the black king to escape.
9...Kc7 10.Qa7 Rhd8 Black protected his king and balance the position.
9...Qd5 10.Qb6+ Forces black to move to the pin.
11.a6! Key idea. White need to open the a-file to activate the rook to
penetrate to the black position.
11...bxa6 12.Qb8+ Rc8

13.Qa7 With a mate-in1 threat on e7 white wins time to save the

queen and the bishop.
13...Rc7 14.Ba5 Time to win back the material.
14...axb5 15.Qxc7+ Ke8
16.Qc8+ It was a small mistake, white can checkmate black in 6

6.Bb4 Nf2+ 17.Kg1 Nh3+ 18.Kf1

Black can not defend against the saveral checkmate treats on a8, e7, c8.
18...Qxg2+ 19.Kxg2 Nf4+ 20.Kf1 f5 21.Ra8# 16...Ke7
17.Qxh8 Another mistake in a winning position. White should look for
the counter-moves. 17.Bb4+ Important to open the a-file first. 17...Kf6
18.Qxh8 Qd4 19.Ra6+ Wins.
17...Nf2+ Black played the right idea in the wrong move order, he
should create the threat of the smothered mate, instead of the
check. 17...Qd4! Attacks the rook and create a checkmate treat.
18.Qd8+ White should sacrifice the bishop to go to a winning
endgame. (18.Re1
Nf2+ 19.Kg1 Nh3+ 20.Kh1 Qg1+ 21.Rxg1 Nf2#) 18...Qxd8
19.Bxd8+ Kxd8 20.Rd1+ Kc7 21.Rd5 Wins one of the pawns and the
18.Kg1 Qd4 Black created a checkmate treat.
19.Qd8+ Forcing the exchange of queens andn wins the f2 knight to
go to a winning endgame.] [Here is the trick black had in mind: 19.c3??
Nh3+ 20.Kh1 Qg1+ 21.Rxg1 Nf2#; 19.Rf1 Nh3+ 20.Kh1 Qg1+ 21.Rxg1
Nf2# 19...Qxd8 20.Bxd8+ Kxd8 21.Kxf2

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