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Social Media Strategy should be a Human Strategy. Being social with your people is more
important than how you do social media. Be Human.

If you are making real human connections then you are doing social right. The challenge is
being consistent with a these authentic human connection and then scaling it across
multiple social media networks.

Social Media participation is about the primary urge for people to belong.
(https://blog.bufferapp.com/science-of-shareable-content). Its not about the logos. Its
not even about the content. Its about the real conversation inspired by the content.
Authentic conversations attract people to want to belong to your community, your tribe.
Good Social Media conversations nurtures a culture of belonging. Social Media is platform
to share content and have conversations that puts a face (real humans) on your brand that
connects, builds and nurtures a community, a tribe. Making your brand Human.

Steps To Make Human Story Stories (The Story Loop):

1. Collect stories about the real people (not the products) in the community
2. Tell the real people stories
3. Shared the real people stories to create affinity
a. Affinity inspires return engagement
4. Repeat engagers (loyalist) create more real people stories

How the Brand is a real and authentic person on social media

1. Ask questions
2. Respond to questions
3. Share real life content (photos, videos, interview, stories, etc.)
4. Meaningful comment on comments
5. Be conversational
6. Listen and participate in online communities, groups, threads
7. Show gratitude for customer engagement with timely responses, retweets,
comments etc. to Brand mentions and engagements


The Goal Isnt to be good at social media. The goal is to be good at business because of social
media. - Jay Baer, Social Media author and speaker

During the Made in Nature kick-off meeting there were 3 primary business goals
communicated by CEO, Doug Brent:
1. Increase Revenue
2. Get Made in Nature into more retailers
3. Have more consumers know the Made in Nature brand and where to buy it
4. Expand Made in Nature portfolio of products


If Made in Nature tries to do it all on social media then the impact of the efforts will
likely be diluted and execution muddled. Made in Natures Social Media Strategy will
focus on two primary goals:
1. Increase Brand Awareness
2. Loyalty Loop Amplification

These social media goals support the business goals of having more consumers know the
brand and getting into more retailers by influencing demand. While these two social
media goals represent opposite ends of the consumer journey they do compliment each
other. Awareness is the gateway to brand trial which leads to repeat consumers and
eventually advocates who help spread the awareness of Made in Nature. Loyalty help
build and amplify the brand signal, culture and community.


Increase Awareness
Examples of how Made in Nature will achieve the goal increased awareness include:
Content Distribution & Amplification
Sampling, Sweepstakes, Contents Distribution
Loyalty (Loyalty Loop)
Examples of how Made in Nature will increase brand loyalty include:
Content Distribution & Amplification
Customer Service & Communication
Coupon Distribution

Increase In-store Product Velocity

Ultimately, the measure of success for Made in Natures marketing efforts, be it social
media or other channels, is to increase the velocity of products at specific retailers within
targeted geo locations.

Consumer Audience Building, Data Intelligence and Direct to Consumer (DTC) Sales are
secondary goals of the Social Media Strategy.

Consumer Audience Building

Leveraging consumer audiences segmenting technology, Made in Nature will build hyper
targeted marketing campaigns. The following are examples of how the strategy will
achieve this goal:
(1st Party) Database Building
Marketing Audience Pools
Website Traffic

Data Intelligence
With the foundation of Parallel Paths designed and deployed Data Collection
Infrastructure, Made in Nature will be able to capture and analyze data that will provide
insights and knowledge that can help influence future business, marketing and product
development decisions.

Examples of data collected include:

Consumer Activity and Behavior Data
Consumer Segmentation Data

Direct to Consumer (DTC) Sales

While a primary business goal is to drive brick and mortar retail sales, a secondary goal is
to increase sales from Made in Natures e-commerce portal. Growing DTC sales channels
positions Made in Nature to be in parallel with the purchasing behaviors of its current
primary target audience (Boomers and Gen X) and especially its growing target audience

CPG companies that engage with consumers directly through digital channels and
build out their direct-to-consumer processes will have the best advantage for
creating new growth, said Steven Barr, PwCs US leader, retail and consumer
industry. Fifty-two percent of U.S. consumers are already buying directly online
from brands they trust, proving that CPG companies now have far greater
opportunities to walk alongside their shoppers in real time while driving sales of
existing and new products. - See more at:

The reality is not every potential consumer has easy access to retailers that stock Made in
Nature products. Additionally, more and more consumer prefer e-commerce for their
CPG purchases.
Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies need to plan for a 1-5-10 market in
the United States during the next five years, in which digitals current 1 percent
penetration will likely expand to 5 percent and could accelerate to as much as 10
percent in short order, according to a new report, The Digital Future: A Game Plan
for Consumer Packaged Goods, prepared for the Grocery Manufacturers
Association (GMA) by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Google, and
Information Resources, Inc. (IRI).
Finally, e-commerce purchasers are more likely to share their purchase through social
media networks, thus contributing to the goal of increasing brand awareness and


In order to successfully execute on an authentic social media strategy that achieves the
stated goals, its important to communicate Made in Natures Passion, its brand essence,

throughout every social media touch point. This will drive the narrative that differentiates
the brand in the market, attracts consumers and grows its tribe.

A summary of Made in Natures Passion (based on V&S created Brand Brief).

Made in Nature is passionate about natural food - healthy snacks to be more specific.
Secondary passions: excitement, expression, experimentation

This means trying new things and being bold.

Manifesto: Key Takeaways: Nutritious. Delicious. Convenient. | Possibility. Inspiration


When analyzing results on social media, it is important to understand which metrics are
actually valuable towards measuring campaigns. The main social metrics to use for
measuring the success of Made in Nature on social channels are as follows:

New Followers to Impressions Rate - This is the number of new followers you gain
in a certain time period relative to the number of impressions your social efforts
brought in
Avg New Followers per Month/Avg Impressions per Month
Engagement Metrics - Measures how many users engaged with a certain piece of
content relative to how many users saw that piece of content
Total engagements/Total Impressions
Conversions - Used to measure how successful a campaign was at getting the users
to complete an action.
Downloads, Form Fills, etc.

Engagement with Content - How users interact with your on site content when
sent from a social campaign
Avg pages viewed per session from social channels
Average time on site per session from social channels

For analyzing campaigns within a specific audience, these metrics can become even more
granular. For example, if the aim of a campaign was to gain more Millennial followers we
would want to look at a metric like New Followers to Impression Rate through a Millennial
specific lens.
New Millennial Followers Gained/Impressions to Millennials

Outside of these metrics, there are also secondary metrics we would use to analyze the
quality of interactions with a brand.
Number of post likes verses to comments and shares - Comments and shares are
considered higher quality engagements on social channels.
Positive versus negative engagements (Facebook specific) - This measures the
positive feedback a posts receives versus the negative feedback (hiding a post from
the newsfeed, or blocking the brand).

Current Social Metric Benchmarks

Below shows the current benchmarks for the metrics stated above on each of Made in
Natures primary channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram).





































Measurement and analysis of Made in Natures social media sourced website traffic will
help the marketing team gain deeper insights into the consumers profiles, activity and

behavior data thus helping to tie the impact and performance of social media efforts back
to the marketing and business goals.

The first step to gaining these insights is to collect the right data. Parallel Paths Data
Collection Infrastructure design and deployment integrates social media traffic into
Google Analytics and provides the platform for data collection and analysis.

The following are examples of metrics measured from social media traffic to the website:
Traffic from social media (quantity and quality)
Goal completions (conversions) direct from social media traffic (a goal or event
such as a newsletter sign up, e-commerce)
Assisted conversions from social media (social media brought a visitor to the
website and then they returned at a later date and converted)
Demographic, Interest, Behavior, Technology, Mobile data and behavior from
social media generation website traffic

Facebook sourced website traffic (Oct 25, 2015-Jan 2016)

Age Data

The data above tells us that there were 280 sessions (visits) to madeinnature.com directly
from Facebook. The largest group of sessions came from people 35-44 (25.7%) which
represents the very oldest Millennials (35 year olds) younger to middle Generation X
consumer. The second largest group that comes to the website from Facebook are 45-54
years old (20.71%) which represents the Generation X and very youngest Boomer (51-54)
consumers. Together this core audience of mostly Generation X visitors represented
nearly half of the traffic from Facebook to the website (46.42%).

Traffic sourced from Facebook by these ages spends a good amount of time on the
madeinnature.com website. They view multiple pages with the youngest segment 18-24
year olds digesting the the highest number of pages (4.84) although they spend the short

amount of time (1:46). This is consistent with the short attention span of Millennials who
like to skim content.

Gender Data

Website traffic sourced from Facebook is significantly dominated by females (87.02%) vs.
males (12.98%). This is consistent with the gender data of who is following Made in
Nature on Facebook.


While Colorado has the second highest number of website visitors to the website from
Facebook (20) only 5 of them are new visitors (Made in Nature staff traffic has not be
filtered from the data yet). With a goal of increasing awareness and learning about who is


engaging deeply with Made in Nature content its important to look at the location traffic
by New Users.

The Top 10 states by new users changes the map data.




Who Are The Brands People?

Social Network Insights



















The makeup of Made in Natures audience on Pinterest is also predominantly female, with
84% of Made in Natures audience identifying as female, 8% as male, and 8% unspecified.

Interests among these users include travel, home decor, fashion and style, recipes, and


Based on the newsletter database provided by Made in Nature, we are able to determine
the current makeup of this segment of Made in Natures customer base.


Made in Natures current customers appear to be very evenly distributed across age
groups, well educated and predominantly women.

Content Assets

Made in Nature does an excellent job at posting vibrant and eye catching photos across
social channels. Photos on social channels are not not only eye catching, but also do a
great job at making the products themselves look appetizing.


One important item to note is the inconsistency in which the brand logo is included in the
photo. In certain cases adding the logo to the photo wont be possible (ex - when you are
sharing a photo from a blog do not own the photo). However, in all other cases, you will
want to include the logo on the image as a point of improving brand recognition. The side
by side images (via Twitter) below are one example of this inconsistency.


As we can see, the image on the left contains the logo in the top left corner, while the
image on the right contains no logo.


Video content has not been found on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. However, a few
videos have been posted to Instagram. One, titled Figgy Pops Cookies, is a well edited
piece that shows off a new use for a Made in Nature product (view video
here:https://www.instagram.com/p/86APrqHqx6/?taken-by=madeinnature). One
improvement which could be made to this particular video would be to include a call to
action at the end, such as Try for yourself!.

There are other video platforms Made in Nature should leverage, including Youtube and
Vine. Youtube can help Made in Nature expand their content from short clips and ads, to
longer pieces which could include recipe or health and wellness instructional videos.

Vine videos are primarily shared across Twitter and are short seven second videos that
can show quick recipes or new product use videos like the one above on Instagram.

Blog Posts

Currently, Made in Nature has one section of the website dedicated to blog posts and one
dedicated to recipes. However, the Blog section (www.madeinnature.com/blog) has not
been updated since September 2014 and the majority of this content was recipe related.
Moving forward, Made in Nature will integrate recipes in the Blog category hierarchy.

Primarily on Facebook, Made in Nature shares many recipes from blogs across the web.
However, often the Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram handle of the blog owner
is not tagged in the post. Most of these blogs will have their own social pages, by tagging
them, you let them know that you shared their content with your audience. Doing so helps
establish a stronger relationship with these influencers and builds a more authentic sense
of community and conversation, thus amplifying the Made in Nature brand.


Blog shared on Made in Natures Facebook page, but the user (The Pistachio Project) has
not been tagged

Podcasts are another great way to share the Made in Nature brand with your target
audience. There as a been a resurgence in podcast listening and interest. Audio or video
podcast could be created guiding listeners or viewers through recipes that Made in
Nature has created. These could then be distributed via social channels and newsletter
Made in Nature should also consider sponsoring existing podcasts among relevant
audiences. For example, the Made in Nature could be featured in a quick ad at either the
beginning or midpoint of a healthy eating or lifestyle podcast. Some popular healthy living
podcasts are listed below:
Bulletproof Radio
Balanced Bites
KCWRs Good Food
Psychology of Eating


Contests & Landing Pages

Made in Nature is already very active with contests and giveaways on social media. For
the most part these activities have done an excellent job at keeping Made in Natures
current following active and engaged. The screenshot below shows a contest on Facebook
which rewards current followers for engaging with the post.

However, in order to expand the Made in Nature following to new audiences, we would
suggest further contests or giveaways that target an audience outside Made in Natures
current followers. For example, there could be a contest which is promoted to
non-followers and takes that user to an external landing page where an email can be
collected. Emails and the can then be used for remarketing campaigns across social and
PPC channels in the future to encourage future purchases. Additionally, the visitors to the
landing pages can be added to remarketing audience pools for future display campaigns.

Social Influencers


Made in Nature has done a good job at engaging and collaborating with bloggers in the
past on social media. For example, a Facebook chat was set up with popular healthy eating
blog The Healthy Apple. Made in Nature should continue to engage with and reach out to
bloggers like this who have influence in the industry. While there are hundreds out there,
below is a short list of healthy eating/living bloggers who Made in Nature should monitor
and seek engagement with and where to find them on each social network:






BrittanyMullins /eatingbirdfood




























AngelaLiddon /ohsheglows















/100daysofrealfood @100daysofrealfood /100daysofrealfood /leake100days

Outreach with these users doesnt necessarily need to be complex. Simply retweeting,
commenting on, or repinning one of their posts can be enough to establish a relationship
and get the Made in Nature brand on their radar. As interaction grows with the influencer,
attempts can then be made to build some sort of collaboration.

Competitor Analysis

Compared to several other healthy snack brands, Made in Nature is lagging behind in
terms of following size on social media. When compared to brands like Kind, Annies, and
Kashi, Made in Nature has a significantly smaller following across all four major channels.
The table below details Made in Natures following in comparison to several different
category of competitor.







Healthy Snack Brands

Made in Nature



















Dried Fruit & Nut
















Kale Chips










Alive & Radiant







Coconut Chips



Simply Dara

















Ancient Grains
Seeds of Change



Made in Nature falls short mainly on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Compared to
other brands in niche categories like kale chips and coconut chips, Made in Nature has a
much larger following on Facebook.

Annies in particular does a great job across several channels. On Pinterest, where they
have the largest following out of any competitor, they have a very well organized profile
which is aesthetically pleasing. All of their boards have a custom header image which
clearly explains what the theme of the board is both with text and visually.


This makes it easier for pinners to find the themes they are looking for and thus makes the
content more shareable.

Brads Raw Foods does a great job when it comes to posting and sharing recipes to their
boards. Every board has an image which clearly shows the end result of the recipe. More
importantly most contain a detailed description of the ingredients in each recipe, making
the pin more easy to find across a variety of searches.

Ingredient lists taken from Brads Raw Foods board

Taking a look at Facebook, we can once again see why Annies has grown such a strong
following across multiple social channels. The image below shows one of Annies products
and a new way to use it along with a link to the recipe and a link for them to share it on
another social channel (Pinterest in this example).


This tactic is a great way to make your followers aware of your brands presence on other
channels and it also gives followers quick access to begin sharing it on those other
channels. Annies also finds ways to promote their products without showing them in a
normal use context. The image below shows Annies Cheddar Bunny snacks arranged to
spell choose good. This is a fun way to promote the product without overtly pushing it
for purchase. Constant showing the products in a manner to sell more or a recipe can
become predictable and tiresome for your followers. Additionally, it speaks to the brands
promise to help customers choose/believe in goodness.


Another area where Made in Nature falls behind on Facebook is the use of video. Many
competitors utilize video across their channels to promote their products and connect
with followers. Below is a screenshot of a video by Fruit Bliss posted to Facebook.


Video content is highly shareable on social channels and should be utilized whenever
possible on Facebook and other channels. Fruit Bliss also takes advantage of local
promotions, highlight specific grocery stores where their products are being featured.

Made in Nature should maintain a calendar of significant local promotions, whether it be

at a grocery store or sponsorship of a local event, and be sure to promote them on
Facebook. When doing this, it is also important to geotarget the post to the specific area
where that promotional event is taking place in order to not annoy followers who are not
living in that area.

Moving to Twitter, we see below how Kind Bar takes advantage of trending topics. Here
they jumped on National Granola Bar Day, with a product discount.


With the low character limit, it is important to find brief ways to get your message across.
Utilizing the image to include extra characters is a great way to say everything you need to say
without going over the character limit. Below we see Annies post a coupon without actually
using terms like #coupon or sale in the character count. Instead, the tweet gets the user thinking
about the product (pizza snacks) and then the image gives them the coupon.

This is also effective because it becomes less visible to users who only look for deals on
Twitter by searching hashtags like #coupon or #sale. While in most cases brands want to
maximize exposure with hashtags, sometimes it is better to keep things low key in this
manner to reward true loyal fans and customers.

On Instagram, many brands get too wrapped up in only the image. While the image is the
most important part of an Instagram post, attention should still be given to the text copy.
Below is an example of how Brads Raw Food use the the text in tandem with the internet
to make the post more engaging.


Here, Brads shares an image from a recipe shared by a fan and then in the text asks the
user to find the Brads product within the image. The causes the user to spend more time
with the image looking for the product, thus making it more engaging.

Staying with Brads we see how they used the name of one of their products (Vampire
Killer) and tied it into a holiday (Halloween). This creates a fun image which prompted
engagement from fans.



This plan will map out strategies and tactics for each specific social media network in
which Made in Nature currently participates. Throughout, the plan will layout general
best practices on each channel, in addition to outlining initiatives to build awareness and
loyalty specific to Made in Natures target audience. All organic posts with links will
include custom URL tags in order to differentiate from paid traffic and organic traffic not
generated specifically by Made in Nature.

On social channels, Made in Nature should look to be more than just a source of
information about the brand and deals for products. Social channels should look to fulfill
the brand promise to inspire you to enjoy eating well. With that promise in mind, its
important to use social channels as more than just a push for product sales. Activity on
social should focus on interacting with the audience in a way that promotes trust and
confidence in the Made in Nature brand.



Currently on Facebook, Made in Natures post makeup is 71% photos, 14% links, 10%
video, and 5% status updates (a post with no photo, video, or link preview). The break
down for impressions and awareness for each type of post is presented on the table





















This table excludes data posts that used paid promotion

The most engaging posts tend to be either video or photo posts at 4.61% and 4.74%
engagement rate respectively. Link posts and status updates perform far lower in terms of
engagement rate at 2.29% and 2.22% respectively. See below for samples of each type of


Video Post - 4.61% Engagement Rate

Status Update Post - 2.22% Engagement Rate

Link Post - 2.29% Engagement Rate


Photo Post - 4.74% Engagement Rate

The 5% of posts that are status updates should be eliminated and replaced with video
content. As can be seen from the data table above video content has the second highest
engagement rate of each post type, but it also yields by far the highest number of
impressions. In order to maximize awareness of the brand and engagement within
Facebook, it would be optimal to increase the ratio of video content posted relative to the
other types of posts in the mix. Parallel Path recommends shifting this ratio closer to 65%
photo, 25% video and 10% link shares. Link shares, while having a lower engagement rate
at 2.29%, are generally shares of other users content. It is vital to keep these posts in the
mix as it keeps Made in Nature involved with the healthy eating/living community.

Made in Nature should be posting at least one time per day to keep awareness and
engagement high throughout the week. The chart below shows the current activity level
of Made in Natures followers on Facebook, split up by day of the week and time of day.


All times are Mountain Time

Using this data, we are able to determine the optimal days of the week and times of day
for Made in Nature to post on Facebook. We can see that the end of the week (Friday,
Saturday, Sunday) are when most of Made in Natures current followers will log onto
Facebook. In addition, activity is highest between 12:00 and 8:00pm, with a peak
occurring at 6:00pm.


As currently composed, Made in Natures Twitter activity is currently made up of 65%

original tweets, 18% retweets, and 17% mentions (replies to another user). As it stands
this is a well diversified mix that indicates strong engagement with the brands following
on Twitter.

One of the glaring holes in the composition of original content on Made in Natures
Twitter is the low use of hashtags. Currently, only about 28% of Made in Natures original
tweets contain a hashtag. Of this 28%, about 67% percent are utilized for giveaways using
#Win. Hashtags are a powerful tool on Twitter to help get the discovered by more
relevant audiences. While using hashtags such as #win is not necessarily a bad thing, there
is a specific set of Twitter users who will monitor #win and other giveaway related
hashtags in order to take advantage of deals and nothing else.


Made in Nature should look to add a relevant hashtag to almost all tweets in order to
maximize discover on the channel. Below represents a good example from what the brand
has done in the past.

According to data from TweetBinder.com, one tweet using the term #glutenfree can yield
as many as 4,711 impressions. Below is a shortlist of hashtags which should be paired with
Made in Natures tweets in order to gain a larger impression share.













In addition to these hashtags, Made in Nature should follow in and engage in several
relevant tweet chats with in the realm of healthy living.


These tweet chats should be monitored to see what the discussion is around the health
community on Twitter. In addition there may be opportunities to sponsor these chats to
grow brand awareness for Made in Nature.

Twitter should also be the primary network to reach out to industry influencers. Listening
feeds will be set up around the previously mentioned hashtags and around any mentions
of Made in Nature. Made in Nature can then monitor these feeds and interact with users
discussing these terms. Through this interaction, relationships can be built and these
users can be turned into online brand advocates.

Twitter is a much faster moving network than Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram and it is
therefore vital to be active more than once a day. The chart below highlights the most
active times of day for Made in Natures current following on Twitter.

Twitter displays a different activity level based on time of day. Here we see a higher
concentration of activity earlier in the morning from 9:00am to 11:00am. Then we see
another smaller spike around 3:00pm. The recommendation would be to post once or
twice in the morning with original content and once again at the 3:00pm peak.

Pinterest is all about connecting with users by their passions through sharing of visual
content. Right now, Made in Nature has a variety of boards with beautiful visual content

ranging from recipes to adventure photos. The boards currently on Made in Natures
Pinterest do well to capture the spirit of the brand, however there are a more boards
which Parallel Path recommends setting up.

Product Board
This board would simply contain pins showing images of Made in Natures products, with a
different pin for each individual SKU. Each pin would include a description of the product
to accompany an image of the packaging and the product itself along with a link to the
product page on Made in Natures website. Setting up a board like this will make it easier
for followers to share the Made in Nature products they love with everyone they interact
with on the Network and drive customers to make online and offline purchases.

Where Its From

This board would highlight where Made in Natures products are sourced from. For
example, there could be an infographic depicting a map of where all the dried fruits are
grown and purchased. Doing this gives the audience a better understanding of the

How Its Made

Customers enjoy to seeing how products are made. This would show images of Made in
Natures facilities, show how and where each product is made.

It would serve the brand well on Pinterest to post more frequently, generally one pin per
day. This does not always need to be original content, a pin can be qualified as adding
another users pin to one of several Made in Nature boards. Below is a day parting analysis
of Made in Natures current Pinterest efforts. This will provide a guideline on the best
times of day to post on Pinterest.

Our Favorite Foodies

Made in Nature should also set up a collaborative boards for fans and influencers. A board
are our favorite bloggers or our favorite foodies should be set up by sending invites to
influential health food bloggers and asking them to submit recipes using Made in Nature
ingredients. This is a great way to engage with industry influencers and raise awareness
for Made in Nature products.

Fan Generated Contest Board

A contest board can be set up where Made in Nature asks users to create a board and pin
images of them using their favorite Made in Nature products and to tag these images with
a unique hashtag (#MyFavoriteMadeinNature) so they can be easily identified. In line with

Pinterests guidelines, the winner could be selected on criteria of creativity of the board or
by the amount of likes and repins it receives. The winner could then be rewarded with a
shipment of whatever product they posted. This would work to engage and grow a larger
following on Pinterest.

The chart above shows the number of sessions to come to the Made in Nature website
from Pinterest over the last year. Pinterest does not currently provide data for follower
activity by time of day. The highest concentration of Pinterest traffic comes in from
1:00pm onwards. The peak here is similar to that of Facebook, with the highest number of
sessions coming at 6:00pm.

As stated earlier, Made in Nature does have a good variety of boards set up already which
are relevant to the brand and its promise. What needs to be corrected is the way pins
original pins are being posted. Many images are being posted to Pinterest directly from


While this may be a time saving method, it serves to make pins less discoverable. Beautiful
visual content will end up being meaningless if Pinterest users cannot find it when they
search. Similar to the way one would optimize a website to make it more searchable on
Google, pins should be optimized to make them more searchable in Pinterests search
function. By posting directly from Instagram, pin descriptions are not being optimized for
this specific network. Descriptions should be edited to clearly describe what the pin
shows. For example, in the pin above for Made in Nature Stuffed Dates, the description
should be reworked to read the same way general recipe instructions would be set up. So,
name of the recipe, followed by ingredients, instructions, and prep time. In general, these
descriptions should be around 200-300 characters. In addition, if it was taken from
madeinnature.com or any other website, it should link back to the website.



Similar to Twitter, one of the best ways to expand your reach on Instagram is through the
use of hashtags. Analyzing engagements on Made in Natures Instragram, several
hashtags standout as high use among Made in Natures followers.


Three of those tags are related to the brand (#madeinnature, #figgypops, #coconutchips).
If we leave those out, we see that #organic, #driedfruit, #healthysnack, #healthy, and
#trailmix. These are hashtags that should be included in posts whenever relevant. The
table below outlines the month uses of those four hashtags.









Made in Nature should add a few other hashtags in tandem in addition to those hashtags.
Below are some examples of popular hashtags which fall in line with Made in Natures
product line.










In terms of post frequency, a generally accepted best practice is to post 1-2 times per day.

The charts above shows the number of comments by hour and day for Instagram. The data
shows the most popular day of the week is Tuesday, while the best time of day to post in
terms of optimizing engagement is 11:00am.

Made in Nature does an excellent job on Instagram posting both original content and
sharing user content. Recipes from other Instagram users are frequently shared on Made
in Natures account with the original user tagged. This is a great tactic that engages with
fans in a positive way.


Recipe created by another user, shared on Made in Natures Instagram

Made in Nature can improve engaging more with fans when they comment on posts.
Below are some examples of fans asking questions on Instagram posts that went
unanswered. Made in Nature needs to do a better job having two-way conversations with
those who have taken the time out of their busy lives to make comments and ask


Like all social channels, when a brand has an opportunity to engage in an actual
conversation with a follower, they should seize the opportunity. In these specific
examples, asking where they can find a specific product and one asking where to find a
recipe guide. Both would have been simple responses that would have developed a
positive relationship with loyal fans.

Other Networks to Consider

In addition to the networks discussed above, there a few other networks Made in Nature should
consider. In particular, these are Youtube, Vine, and Linkedin. Youtube and Vine would go a long
way towards improving Made in Natures video content, while Linkedin should be utilized from a
B2B standpoint.

Made in Nature does not appear to have a Youtube channel utilized at the moment. A channel
does exist with Made in Nature content and has been linked to the Made in Nature Pinterest
page. However, this channel exists at this url:https://www.youtube.com/user/MINorganicfruit.
The channel consists of four videos, all posted in 2014.

The URL of this channel is not branded with Made in Nature. Made in Nature should start a
channel using the full brand name and post video content showing how to make recipes, health
tips, and content focused on the brand and its products. Videos should range from 1-5 minutes
to make them quick to digest and easy to share on other social channels. We would recommend
posting on this channel 1-2 times per month.

Vine is a quick video medium, where videos last a little over 6 seconds. Content posted on this
channel should be focused on quick tips and recipes. Ideally, these are highly shareable videos
which can be shared on Twitter and Facebook. Here is a great example of how this can be
utilized for Made in Nature: https://vine.co/v/MPzdvwbbTUv

Grocery shoppers are not the only market Made in Nature targets. The B2B relationship can be
supported with Linkedin. This would require building content directed at decision makers at
major grocery chains and other distributors and pushing that content through on Linkedin. Since
Linkedin does not have content searching capabilities like hashtags, these would be pushed to
any followers Made in Nature has on Linkedin and in specific industry groups around natural
and organic foods. Sponsored Linkedin posts could also be utilized in order to expand reach on
this channel.


The two primary objectives for paid efforts on social media will be towards growing
awareness among Millennials and growing loyalty among existing consumer

demographics. Additionally, media spend will focus mainly on geo targeted areas as
directed by Made in Nature: Denver/Boulder metro area, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Portland, Seattle. All links in ads will have custom URL tags in order to differentiate paid
traffic from organic efforts.

Initial Budget:
Phase 1 - Denver/Boulder Metro - $5000/month
Phase 2 - West Coast Expansion - $10,000/month
**Phase 2 budget allocation subject to change based on Phase 1 results

2016 Channel Level Budget Plan

Facebook & Instagram

The Millennial market available to target on Facebook stands between 18-34. If we limit
that to just Denver and major west coast and Pacific Northwest metro areas, thats a
broad audience of nearly 7 million unique users. Lookalike audiences will be created
based on email lists provided by Made in Nature and also from pixels place on Made in
Natures website. Lookalike audiences are audiences created by uploading user
information, Facebook then matches this information with their user database and
creates a pool of customers who behave in a similar manner to those who matched with
the original data.

We will want to target Millennials with the greatest likelihood of aligning with our current
customer base. Looking at this audience, if ads are aimed towards the older end (28-34),
they more closely align with Made in Natures current audience base. Bids will be higher
for women as opposed to men.

Relationship Status - Millennials (28-34) In Priority Locations


Relationship Status - Current Customer Base

Income Level - Millennials (28-34) In Priority Locations

Income Level - Current Customer Base


The charts above show that the 28-34 year old age range falls quite closely in line with the
makeup of Made in Natures current customer base. We will entice these users to try the
product through promotional efforts such as sweepstakes, sampling and couponing. These
ads will be served in newsfeeds on desktop and mobile devices (sample ads below).

Desktop Newsfeed Ad

Mobile Newsfeed Ad

The younger side of the Millennial bracket will not be completely ignored, however.
Advertising for this age group (18-27) will focus on general brand awareness. Specifically,
blog posts and recipes will be pushed to this age group with the goal mainly being for users
to have a positive interaction with the brand (sample below).


Blog Ad in Desktop News Feed

This blog posts would also be pushed to the older Millennial group in order to maintain
awareness. Recipes and blogs would rotated every two weeks to keep creative fresh for
the audience and prevent ad fatigue.

Multi-product ads will also be used to drive awareness and purchases. These are ads
which feature up to five products that the user can scroll through to see the variety that
Made in Nature has to offer. Below shows an example of what this would look like with
Made in Nature Kale Chips.


Parallel Path recommends targeting individuals who make the demographics of Made in
Natures current customer base. The bulk of this audience falls into the 35-54 age group,
again with an emphasis on women. The goal here will be to promote loyalty and repeat
purchases. Similar tactics with Millennials will used, where ads will focus on promoting
sweepstakes, sampling, blogs, recipes and occasional couponing.

These campaigns will differ from the Facebook creative. In addition to utilizing different
image dimensions, Instagram is a far more visual channel. Any images utilized for
Facebook or another channel cannot simply be pasted into an Instagram campaign. The
multi-product ad feature will not be available on this channel. Below is a sample
Instagram ad for Made in Nature.



Twitter will focus on promoting of campaigns much like the other Networks. However,
Twitter has a unique way of targeting audiences. Through Twitters ads platform, we can
target users who have used or searched specific hashtags. Hashtags targeted will be
similar to ones discussed in the Social Organic section:

Targeting these, along with related hashtags will yield an audience of roughly 8 million
unique users.

In addition to these broader terms, specific campaigns can be set up targeting users who
tweet about specific product categories such as kale or or fruit snacks. For example, blogs
and recipes involving Made in Nature kale chips would be targeted at users who
frequently Tweet about kale in addition to coupons for specific for kale products. See the
image below for an ad example.

Behavioral targeting will also be utilized to serve ads to users with specific purchasing
habits. Some top categories the will be considered are as follows:

Gluten Free: 1.20 million users

Natural living: 2.83 million users
Vegetarian: 1.73 million users
Dairy Free: 1.46 million users

Twitter ads can also be used to target follows of other brands, provide a direct line to
those who have shown an affinity to natural foods but may not know the Made in Nature


Twitter ads can be targeted to influencers and their follower.

Budget Split
Keyword Targeting: 40%
Behavior Targeting: 60%

Pinterest advertising is far more limited in terms of what can be used as a targeting
attribute. Lookalike and remarketing audiences are not available for this platform and
other targeting options are limited to location, language, device, gender, and search term.
For this reason, it should be utilized solely as an awarness channel. Targeting will focus on
healthy snacks, organic fruits and nut related snacks and recipes. For example, a campaign
can be set up around organic food with organic food, organic snacks, organic recipes, and
organic recipes for kids as search terms targeted.

Pins will be chosen and rotated based on which Pins have been the most engaging with
our current audience. Below are sample ads.


As age is not currently a targeting parameter on Pinterest, there will not be a specific focus on
Millennials or older audiences, but rather a more broad messaging on Pins.


A large part of paid social media efforts goes towards improving organic results. Utilizing these
networks as advertising channels aids organic content amplification, helping to spread content
across the web where it may not have been seen. Hyper targeting on Facebook and Twitter will
allow Made in Nature to target specific industry influencers and their followers, which in turn
would lead to more link sharing among a relevant audience. This link building will ultimately aid
search rankings on targeted terms.

In addition, social advertising is a great way to a/b test content. Small campaigns can be created
running two blogs against each other to see which performs best with the target audience. This
can help shape the future of Made in Natures content strategy and guide the future of content
topic creation. Additionally, paid social ads can be used to test messaging. The same blog could
be promoted across two different ads with varying headlines. At the end of the test there will be
data detailing which headline performed best. This can help shape future messaging and tone
for content as well as helping develop the most shareable headlines.


A) Social Media Tools: Research, Monitor, Automation, Creation, Analytics

Social mention
Google Analytics
Google Trends
Twitter Trends
Bitly (abbreviated urls)
Snip.ly (call to action links for social shares)

search.twitter.com (use the advance search for listening)

Sprout Social
Facebook Insights
Twitter Analytics
Pinterest Analytics

B) Brands to monitor and study:

Study these brands on social media. The samples are Facebook. Many of these brands are also
getting it right on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.


https://www.facebook.com/naturespath (use of sticky posts on FB. Video has over 1 million

views. They respond to every comment with a personal note!! This is huge. It makes the brand













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