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Dreams and Desires

List what you have ever dreamed of doing or being, now and in the past, ( Especially as a child) before

Strengths, skills, and natural talents?

1. My personal strengths ( characteristics) are?

2. The things Iam good at doing, come easily to me, and for which I have always had a knack for are ?
3. I am skilled at doing: learned)
4. Others would say I am good at or an expert in
5 The natural talents I have that I may or may not be using are?
6. If I had to teach something, I could teach
7. Someone could call me to get my assistance or opinion on
8. My unique abilities or my niche is
1. My favorite things to do in the past ( before I got too busy or caught up with " life") were/
2. My favorite things to do now are
3. My hobbies and what I would like to do in my free times is
4. My favorite topics of conversation are
5. the types of books I read or would read are
6. if I were to purchase 3 magazines, they would be
7. If I had to teach something, I would want to teach


These activities make my heart sing, give me a true feeling of joy whenever I am engaged in them an
2. With these activites I lose track of time
3. My Favourite things to do as a child were

4. the movies that inspire or move me are

5. what makes me feel great about myself is

6. What really excites me is

7. What gives me a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment is

8. what I find meaningful in mylife is

1. The parts of my work that have been the most enjoyable are
2. The parts of my past work that have been the most meaningful are
1. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?

2. Why do you believe those wishes never came true for you? What held you back?
Write your own eulogy
If I could start fresh, with no past and a totally clean slate, and live my life over, this time I would.


What will It take for you to finally feel truly happy, truly successful, and that you lived fully in this lifet
1.Who inspires you? ( give names) ie. Musicians, authors, poets, artists, political leaders, social leader
2. If you could have written anybook, which would you have loved to write? Why?
What are your 5 highest values? Prioritieze in order of what's important to you

inner peace


1. What are some of the life challenges, hardships, issues, obstacles, and pain you have faced?
2. Which of these were you able to overcome?
3. How did you overcome it?
4. How do you believe you could help others overcome similar issues?
1. What excites you about the world or about people?
2. What cause or aspect in people do you strongly believe in?
3. what would you stand up and fight for?
4. What angers you about people or what's going on with the planet/
5. What would you stand up and fight against?

6.if you could talk to any group of people and shake them up and wake them up, who would you talk t

Utilizing your natural talents, passions and beliefs how could you serve and help people creatures, the
really want

Vision Exercises

what were you naturally good at as child or teenager?

what are 5 careers, businesses or ways of living you would like to try?
Why did you choose these ? What elements do you like from each?
what would you do if it were absolutely guaranteed you could not fail?
what type of business or work do you believe would help you learn and become the person you want t
what would you like to see created in the world? What kind of legacy or gift would you like to leave pe
what do you feel the world needs that you might be able to make a contribution toward?
is there a person or company whose mission or vision excites you? If so who is it and what is that miss
whose career do you admire? Who careerwise, do you slightly envy? Who would you like to model?
what aspects of who they are, what they do and how they do it, resonate with you?
what parts of your current career could be part of your new vision?
how does your current work align with your mission?
1 year vision
Work backwards from your 3-5 year vision and create a 1 year vision
30 day vision and action plan
write both your 30 day vision and what actions you will take this month to reach it
7 days action plan
writethe actions you can take in the next 7 days to reach your 30 day vision
1 day action plan
write which of your 7 day actions you can take tomorrow in order to reach your 30 day vision

Viet ra nhung that bai, nhung dieu ban khong mong muon xay ra trong qua khu?
thai do cua ban doi voi nhung that bai, nhung dieu khong mong muon tren?
Nhung anh huong tieu cuc den cuoc song cua ban khi ban co nhung thai do nhu vay?
cam ket thay doi thai do, lam chu tam thai thanh cong cua ban?

Tim hieu uoc mo va mong muon cua ban trong qua khu truoc khi y kien cua nguoi khac tro len quan tr
ban muon tro thanh nguoi nhu the nao?
uoc mo cua ban la gi?
ban dam me lam gi?
so truong cua ban trong qua khu la gi?
viet dieu van cho ban
Tim hieu hien tai cua ban
so truong hien tai cua ban la gi?
ban yeu thich lam gi?
moi nguoi hay khen ban o diem gi?
so thich va nhung dieu ban hay lam khi ranh roi?
dieu gi trong cuoc song va con nguoi lam ban tuc gian?
dieu gi khien ban co the dung len dau tranh?
nhung rao can tam ly va su ngan can cua nhung nguoi xung quanh hay noi voi ban la gi? ( loi noi , han
ban da lam gi sau nhung loi phandoi, va nhung kho khan?
neu duoc day lai mot ai do thi ban thich day ho dieu gi?
neu moi chuyen thuan loi, ban la nguoi co dieu kien, moi nguoi deu ung ho thi ban se lam gi?

tim su menh cua ban

ban phai lam gi cho ca cuoc doi cua ban?
Ban se giup ai va giup do dieu gi?
gia tri loi nhuan hay ket qua cuoi cung ban se tao ra la gi?
su menh cua ban
Quy trinh thuc hien su menh tam nhin?
nhin va so sanh
co suc menh cua ai hay cong ty nao gay hung thu cho ban khong? Neu co thi do la ai va su menh do la
ban kham phuc nghe nghiep cua ai? Ban co hoi ghen ti khong? Ban muon theo hinh mau ai ma ban bi
phan nao trong cong viec cua ban co the la mot phan cho tam nhin moi cua ban?
lam the nao de cong viec hien tai hoa hop voi tam nhin moi cua ban?
co van chuyen gia dao tao giup do ban co the la ai?
dau tranh sinh ton
Quy trinh thuc hien
quan he nhan qua- tam nhin cua ban
tam nhin 5 nam cua ban?
tam nhin 1 nam?
tam nhin 1 thang
tam nhin 1 tuan
tam nhin 1 ngay
cam ket hanh dong

Noi so lon nhat cua ban la gi?

noi so hai do da mang to cho ban loi ich gi trong qua khu
hau qua cua viec de cho noi so hai do ton tai la gi?

Ban yeu thich dieu gi

ban ghet dieu gi
ban dam me cai gi
ban thuc su muon gi
hai quyet dinh trong qua khu co anh huong tot len cuoc song cua ban?
no thay doi cuoc song cua ban theo chieu huong to hon nhu the nao?
dieu cuoi cung khien ban quyet dinh nhu vay?
hai quyet dinh ban cam ket lam bay h la gi va no tac dong manh me den cuoc song cua ban mai mai n
4 hanh dong ma ban can thuc hien nhung ban da tri hoan truoc day
ben canh moi hanh dong nay ban hay viet ra cau tra loi cho nhung cau hoi sau : tai so toi da khong ha
viet ra tat ca nhung su thoa man ban da nhan duoc truoc day khi ban tri hoan khong hanh dong
viet ra nhung gi ban phai tra gia neu ban khong thay doi ngay bay h?
viet ra tat ca nhung niem thoa man ban se nhan duoc neu ban bat tay hanh dong ngay luc nay?
Niem tin gioi han ma ngan co duoc dieu ban muon?
nhung hieu qua tieu cuc ma ban co kinh nghiem nhu la ket qua tu niem tin gioi han nay?

nhung hieu qua tieu cuc ma ban co kinh nghiem nhu la ket qua tu niem tin gioi han
nhung hieu qua tich cuc ma ban co kinh nghiem nhu la ket qua tu niem tin gioi han

Ban do su nghiep
Ban dang trong cong viec kinh doanh gi? Cong viec do nhu the nao?
Tai sao
neu cong viec kinh doanh tien trien tot thi tai sao?
Neu khong phai vay thi tai sao?
Tai sao ban tham gia va kinh doanh?
lam voi muc dich gi?
cai gi la muc tieu, mo uoc cua ban?
Ban la ai? Cai gi la tai nang pham chat cua ban?
3 loai nguoi:
nghe si hoac nha nghe, nha san xuat - Nhung nguoi ma tao nen gia tri,
Nha quan ly, hoac lanh dao - nhung nguoi thich lam viec voi quan ly con nguoi
nhung nha thau- nhung nguoi uu thich mao hiem
Cong viec cua ban o trong mua nao?
ban luong truoc ba biet duoc nhung hanh dong khac nhau ban can phai lam de tan dung loi the cua m
ban o dau trong cong viec kinh doanh? Trong nen cong nghiep va trong lich su?
Tiep theo la gi?
ban se tan dung moi truong hien tai nhu the nao de co the co duoc loi ich va anh huong tot nhat?
6 giai doan bien y tuong thanh tien bac?
Xac dinh chinh xac so luong tien ma ban muon co?
Thanh that xac dinh xem ban san sang tra gia den muc nao de co duoc so luong tien do
vach ra thoi han ban phai kiem duoc ngan ay tien
vach ra ke hoach cu the de dat den muc tieu va bat dau tien hanh ngay bat ke ban da san sang den d
viet ra giay so tien ban muon co thoi han muon kiem duoc,ban san sang tra gia ra sao va ke hoach tie
hang ngay truoc luc di ngu va sau khi thuc day ban dem ban ghi do ra va doc lai , bang cam xuc va su

s, etc, Why?

Time Freedom

financial freedom

Primary Relationship
Personal growth

being the best

what u focus on
what it mean
what you have to do to get

dong nay kemtheo nhung dau kho nao?

What motivated you or what is your compelling reason, for attending " Success
Describe the one thing you most want to learn, change or reinforce?
How will you know if you have achieved your outcome from this program?
What are some of your goal for the nex 12 months?
What has your life been about so far?
What has been your primary focus in life?
Where have you put the most time and energy?
plz describe 4 events that have shaped your life
and what you learned from them?
What are the beliefs that have shaped your life?
Nhung niem tin ve cuoc song nao la quan trong nhat doi voi ban?
what do you believe is within your control?
what are you responsible for ?
what is out of your control?
Ban tin tuong dieu gi vao cac moi quan he?
Gd, ban be, dong nghiep, nguoi khac
Ban tin rang minh la ai? Ban tu thay minh the nao? Neu ban phai mo ta chinh m
What do you have certainty about in your life?
what are you uncertain about ?
what is the most important in your life?
Dieu tuyet voi nhat trong cuoc song cua ban hien nay?
ban hao hung vi dieu gi?
ban tu hao ve dieu gi?
ban da bo lo dieu gi trong doi?
de co duoc hay trai nghiem nhung dieu ban mong mong muon ban can nhung
What emotion do you value or avoid?
hay liet ke danh sach nhung trang thai cam xuc ma ban trai qua it nhat 1 lan 1
bao gom ca nhung cam xuc co ich va khong co ich?
doi voi it nhat 2 cam xuc trong moi danh sach ( co ich / tich cuc hoac khong co
ban hay mo ta mot tinh huong cu the ma tu do cam xuc nay sinh va dieu khoi
Resourceful emotion?

What emotions, questions and situations drive your life?

in what areas of your life do you experience the most stress? What creates tha
If you could have your life exactly the way you want it, how would it be?
what are you most grateful in life?
a Little about your self?
Linh vuc nao cua cuoc song khien ban cam thay cang thang nhat?

cai gi tao ra cang thang?

How do you get out of stress?
what coping mechanisms do you use to feel better
and how well does each of them work?
what emotion and behaviors do you experience on a regular basis that you wo
What are some of the things you do to make your self feel great?
what make you feel really, really good?
Approximate annual family income?

n, for attending " Success workshop" Why?

ge or reinforce?
e from this program?

doi voi ban?

eu ban phai mo ta chinh minh cho ai do, ban se noi the nao?

ng muon ban can nhung dieu gi?

an trai qua it nhat 1 lan 1 tuan?

/ tich cuc hoac khong co ich? Tieucuc

uc nay sinh va dieu khoi nguon cho cam xuc do. Sau do neu ban co mot cach dac biet de lam cho mot cam xuc

stress? What creates that stress ( be specific)?

t, how would it be?

thang nhat?

regular basis that you would like to change/ eliminate?

f feel great?

de lam cho mot cam xuc tich cuc tro nen tot hon hoac thoat khoi mot cam xuc tieu cuc, hay viet ra cach ma ban

hay viet ra cach ma ban lam dieu do,

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