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Racism 101 terms

Racism: any action or attitude conscious or unconscious, enacted

individually or institutionally that demeans and lowers an individual or
group based on skin color or race
Interpersonal Racism: when someone discriminates against a person or
group simply because of their race
Internalized Racism: the personal conscious or subconscious acceptance
of the dominant societys racist views, stereotypes, and biases of ones
ethnic group; leads to invalidating and hating oneself while simultaneously
valuing the dominant culture
Institutional Racism: any system of inequality based on race; can occur in
institutions such as public government bodies, private corporations (i.e.
media outlets) and universities (public and private)

Narrative and Oppression terms

Prejudice: judging before fully examining the object of evaluation
Racial Prejudice: refers to making a judgment based on
racial/ethnic/cultural group membership before getting to know the person
being judged
Racism: combines prejudice with power-power to do something based on
prejudiced beliefs
Oppression: Lack of privilege and power
Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories or
people or things, especially on the groups of race, age, or sex
Racial Identity Theories: focus on the role of race and the extent to which
race is incorporated into identity or self-concept

Racial Identity: a sense of group or collective identity based on ones

perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a particular racial
Racial Identity Theory: comes from tradition of treating race as
sociopolitical and, to a lesser extent, a cultural construction
Conformity: identifying with the dominant culture, behavior that is the
same of the behavior of most other people in a society or group
Dissonance: lack of agreement or inconsistency between the beliefs one
holds or between ones actions and ones beliefs
Resistance and Immersion: withdrawing from dominant culture to explore
his or her own race or ethnicity to define a new identity
Introspection: actively seeking to integrate the redefined identity into the
dominant culture without compromising his or her own identity
Synergistic Articulation and Awareness: Optimum identity; Individual is
able to identify as he or she wishes, appreciate other cultures including the
dominant culture and balance all aspects of his or her heritage

Identity, Privilege and Self-Awareness terms

Privilege: the concept of privilege refers to any advantage that is unearned,
exclusive, and socially conferred
Intersectionality: the study of overlapping or intersecting social identities
and related systems of oppression, domination, or discrimination

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