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Kanz ul Huda Mission Statement...................................................................................................... 2

Imaan (Faith) is divided into 5 points:........................................................................................... 2
Ikhlaas (Sincerity) is divided into 3 points:.................................................................................... 2
Ilm (Knowledge) is divided into 4 points:..................................................................................... 3
Aml (Implementation) is divided into 5 points:............................................................................. 3
Dawah (Invitation) is divided into 6 points:.................................................................................. 4
Khidma tul Khalq (Service to the Creation) is divided into 7 points: ............................................. 5
Core Activities of Kanz ul Huda (I N T T R N)........................................................................................ 6
How to repent in accordance to Shariah (PRAN)................................................................................ 7
How to achieve a pure heart?....................................................................................................... 7
Tazkiyyah (Self-Purification)................................................................................................................ 7
What is Tazkiyyah?........................................................................................................................ 7
Method of starting the Tazkiyyah Course...................................................................................... 8
Sins of each gate that break the Tazkiyyah Course........................................................................ 8
What to do if the 40 day chain breaks?......................................................................................... 9
How to Establish Concentration in Salah?........................................................................................... 9
Bayah (Pledging Allegiance to a Spiritual Guide).............................................................................. 11
Kanz ul Huda Ihya (revival) Gatherings.............................................................................................. 11
Kanz ul Huda Weekly Ihya Gathering.......................................................................................... 11
Kanz ul Huda Weekly Local Gatherings ...................................................................................... 12
Kanz ul Huda Dawah Centre for Non-Muslims................................................................................. 12
Kanz ul Huda Outreach Programme............................................................................................ 13
Kanz ul Huda Masjid.................................................................................................................... 13
Kanz ul Rahmah Serving Humanity................................................................................................. 14
Kanz ul Huda Islamic Scholar Course................................................................................................. 14
Kanz ul Huda for Sisters..................................................................................................................... 15
Recommended links:......................................................................................................................... 15
Recommended Books:...................................................................................................................... 15
Sayings of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri (Alayhi Rahmah)....................................................... 16
Contact us:........................................................................................................................................ 16

Kanz ul Huda Mission Statement

With Imaan (Faith), Ikhlas (Sincerity), Ilm (Knowledge), Amal (Implementation), Dawah (Invitation)
and Khidmah tul Khalq (Service to the Creation of Almighty Allah), we will help ourselves and all of
humanity to achieve the Mahabbah (Love) and Marifah (Spiritual Closeness) of Allah Almighty and
RasoolAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Kanz ul Hudas mission statement incorporates every aspect of a Muslims life with each
component complementing the other. Each also represents one of the essential elements that
regulate the life of a Saalik (Seeker of the Spiritual Path), leading him or her to achieve the
closeness of Allah Almighty and His Beloved Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). If an act of
righteousness is performed without one of the highlighted components, it could potentially lead to
the entire good deed being rejected. Every member of the Jamaat is actively implementing every
component of the statement in their daily lives.
Imaan (Faith) is divided into 5 points:
1) To read and study the Aqeedah (Cardinal doctrine) chapter from Kanz ul Fiqh at least once
under the guidance of a scholar or during the Tarbiyyah course organised by Kanz ul Huda.
Furthermore, revise this chapter every night for fifteen minutes.

2) Constantly remind yourself that everything you have or will achieve is through the Fadhl
(Divine bounty) of Allah Almighty and have complete reliance upon Allah Almighty
(Tawwakul) in every given state.

3) Perform Tajdeed e Imaan (Renew your Shahadah) every night and perform Taubah (PRAN)
for any statements of Kufr (Disbelief) you may have uttered during the day.

4) Perform two Rakah Nafl for Hifz ul Imaan (Protection of Belief) before sleeping, so that you
are protected from death upon Kufr.

5) Pledge allegiance (Bayah) in a Tariqah (Spiritual path).

Ikhlaas (Sincerity) is divided into 3 points:
1) Every morning:
a. Recite the Masnoon Dua with Durood Shareef before and after.
b. Make an intention that all good acts you will perform throughout the day will be for
the sole sake and pleasure of Allah Almighty.

2) Carry out the Ikhlaas Test when performing an action (ask Am I doing this action for the
sake of Allah Almighty at the beginning, middle and end of any deed).

3) Do not get disheartened at not seeing or achieving immediate results, as this may render
you insincere. Hence, continuously renew your intentions before any good deed.
Ilm (Knowledge) is divided into 4 points:
1) At least once in your life time, under the guidance of a scholar complete the Kanz ul Huda
Tarbiyyah Course. This incorporates Aqeedah, Fiqh, Tajweed and Dawah.

2) At least once in a year undergo:

a. A basic Tajweed test
b. Revision of the last ten surahs of the Quran Al Kareem; and
c. Salaatul Janaazah (Funeral Prayer).

3) Study the Kanz ul Huda Nisaab (Syllabus) daily:

a. Every morning:
a.i. Recite at least one Ruku (division) of a Juz (Chapter) of the Quran al Kareem
a.ii. Read its translation and commentary making notes under topical headings
b. After (a) study the Seerah (Life) of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) for fifteen
minutes. Once again take notes with references under topical headings.
c. Conduct or sit within a Nasihah (advice) gathering of Kanz ul Huda for fifteen minutes
d. Before retiring to sleep read Kanz ul Fiqh or Kanz ud Dawah for fifteen minutes.
e. After point (d) read Ihya Uloom al-Din or notes compiled from the weekly Ihya for
fifteen minutes.

4) Attend all Kanz ul Huda events.

Aml (Implementation) is divided into 5 points:
1) Make sincere Taubah at least daily following the four pre-requisites of Shariah (PRAN).

2) Pray salah five times a day in congregation at your local masjid or at least within another
congregation and implement any auraad/wazaif given.
NOTE: At all times:
a. Remember to wear your Chaadar (Shawl)
b. Carry a tasbeeh, notebook and pen

3) Fill in your Nasbul Ayn Form every night, making Taubah from any negligence:
a. Hand this in to your Ameer at the Shurah meetings to inform your progress.

4) Attend all Kanz ul Huda meetings with your:

a. Chaadar (Shawl)
b. Tasbeeh, notebook and pen

5) Embark upon the Tazkiyyah Course.

Dawah (Invitation) is divided into 6 points:

1) Devote at least two hours daily in the path of Dawah:
a. Upon awakening and after praying Fajr Salah make a note in your diary of how you
will allocate the minimum two hours. This includes:
a.i. Daily Dawah and follow up of Dawah
a.ii. Spending time with parents, etc.

2) Invite at least one person daily (at the time and place written in your diary) towards Islam
and the activities of Kanz ul Huda (see INTTRN). Remember to:
a. Make the intention of leaving your house for the sole sake of Dawah
b. Exchange contact details and follow up with a phone call within three days.

3) Memorise at least three Zikra talks.

4) Give the same amount of respect to your Ameer as you would to your spiritual guide.

5) Bring at least one new person to the weekly Ihya and meet at least three new people during
the Ihya informing them about Kanz ul Hudas activities.

6) Travel at least two days a month in the path of Allah Almighty (Rihla) with Kanz ul Huda.
Khidma tul Khalq (Service to the Creation) is divided into 7 points:
1) If in your life time you have hurt, oppressed and/or withheld the rights of someone then
search for him/her and seek their forgiveness.

2) Always try to unite those who have become distanced from one another.

3) Daily spend at least fifteen minutes with your parents discussing how you can actively help
them within the home. Remember:
a. Refrain from all that displeases ones parents.
b. Return home straight after Isha Jamaat or by 10pm latest.

4) Keep your social life active with family and friends i.e. attend weddings, funerals and family
gatherings only with the intention of Da'wah.

5) Daily (or at least once a week) leave your home to feed the creation of Allah Almighty specifically pigeons, birds and ducks.

6) Everyday give charity in the way of Allah Almighty .

7) At least once a week visit the sick, elderly, poor or a relative for the sake of Allah Almighty.

Core Activities of Kanz ul Huda (I N T T R N)

INTTRN is an acronym setting out the 6 core activities of Kanz ul Huda.
The word Ihya means revival. The purpose of the Ihya gathering is to revive our hearts out of
darkness by bringing it closer to Allah Almighty and His Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
Ihya sub-divides into two types:
Siraat Ihya (Local Area Ihya)
Markazi Ihya (Main Weekly Ihya)
Kanz ul Huda has requested all brothers to conduct or at least sit within a Nasihah (advice)
gathering organised by Kanz ul Huda daily. The Nasihah consists of a series of Fiqh lessons from the
book written by Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah) Kanz ul Fiqh or from Ihya Uloom al-Din
by Imam Ghazali (Alayhi Rahma). This is to be led by the brothers at various Masajid within the
locality and should be conducted for fifteen minutes.
Tazkiyyah is the purification of the heart through taming the seven gates of the heart. The
Tazkiyyah course is to be implemented by every brother and sister of the Jamaat leading them to
attain true purity of the heart. Tariqah is also associated with the T in Tazkiyyah. This is pledging
an Oath of Allegiance (Bayah) into a Spiritual order. The meaning of Bayah is to be totally sold,
which means to surrender yourself totally to a Spiritual Master (Murshid). Tariqah allows for a
permanent spiritual link with the Jamaat and most importantly protection of ones Imaan.
This is a free self-development course provided by Kanz ul Huda teaching Fardh ul Ain knowledge.
Many principles and examples of our daily lives will prove the importance of attending such a
course i.e. if one is a trader or is looking to get married it is a necessity for them to learn the Fiqh of
trade or nikkah. This course consists of four weekends of four hours teaching per day with
overnight facilities and food provided for all those who partake.
This involves travelling once a month for a minimum of two days to different cities for the sake of
Allah Almighty inviting Muslims and Non-Muslims towards Islam.
Kanz ul Huda has a set syllabus that all members implement and study on a daily basis (see point 3
of Ilm in Mission Statement)

How to repent in accordance to Shariah (PRAN)

How to achieve a pure heart?
Classical Islamic scholars have described a pure heart as being one which is illuminated by the light
of faith. This illumination in turn manifests itself on the face of the believer. When temptation is
presented to pure hearts, they reject it, and so their light only increases.
The key to attaining a pure heart is having steadfastness in repentance i.e. Taubah.
Taubah comes from the Arabic root word meaning to return. In essence when a believer sins a
black stain marks his or her heart. This stain is only removed by returning to Allah Almighty in
repentance and begging for His forgiveness.
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has stated that The one who repents from sin
is like the one who has not sinned. [Ibn Majah]
The Almighty states in the Quran Al Kareem:
O People who believe! Incline towards Allah in a repentance that becomes a guidance for the
future; it is likely that your Lord will relieve you of your sins and admit you into Gardens beneath
which rivers flow - on the day when Allah will not humble the Prophet and the believers along with
him; their light will be running ahead of them and on their right; they will say, Our Lord! Perfect
our light for us, and forgive us; indeed You are Able to do all things. [Surah Tehrim: verse 8].
Alhamdulillah Kanz ul Huda has provided us with a practical method of seeking forgiveness from
Allah Almighty fulfilling the criterion required by Shariah. A complete Taubah has four
prerequisites and a simple way of remembering them is to remember the acronym PRAN.
P - The sin you are asking forgiveness for must be a sin of the PAST and must be acknowledged by
the individual that a sin has taken place.
R - You must show REMORSE. Just realise, without any doubt, that you committed a haram act
knowing that your Lord was watching, and feel deep shame in what you did.
A Seek forgiveness only for the sole sake of ALLAH and nothing else. For example, if one
committed a crime and faces a prison sentence, which causes one to repent to Allah Almighty, this
type of repentance is not for the sake of Allah Almighty but rather for the sake of being saved from
prison. We must always repent for the sake of Allah Almighty and not for our worldly affairs.
N Make a solid intention to NEVER commit the same sin again. At this point Satan may create a
doubt in your mind that weakens this resolve questioning you about why you seek forgiveness
when you are certain you will commit the same sin again. We must remember that this is a
common satanic attack to prevent us from repenting to Allah Almighty, which must be
counteracted at all costs. Allah Almighty is All Merciful and loves to forgive, thus any moment of
weakness will only be strengthened when we return to the act of repenting to our Lord.

Seeking forgiveness is the basis of purification and the first step in gaining the closeness of our
Lord. We must remember that it is part of human nature to err, as we are not Masoom anil Khataa
(free from sin). However, without seeking forgiveness for our sins we will never be able to achieve
our goal, which Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah) reminds us as being the Marifa of Allah
Almighty and becoming absorbed in the divine love of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Tazkiyyah (Self-Purification)
What is Tazkiyyah?
Attaining purity of the heart is through consistent repentance and maintaining the hearts purity is
through Tazkiyyah. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: There is a piece of
flesh in the body. If it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoilt
the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart. [Bukhari]
Tazkiyyah is the process with which we reform our heart. The first step to maintaining a sound and
pure heart is to be in the company of the pious and those already with pure hearts. Allah the
Supreme teaches us this in the Quran: "And keep yourselves familiar to those who call upon their
Lord in the morning and evening, seeking his pleasure. [Surah Kahf: verse 28]
Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah) teaches us that Your heart imitates the company that it
keeps. Thus, we should aim to be in the company of those who are working on or have completed
their Tazkiyyah.
Imam Ghazali (Alayhi Rahmah) states that the heart has seven gates from where Satan enters to
corrupt and disease it, namely:
(1) Tongue; (2) Eyes; (3) Ears; (4) Hands; (5) Private Parts; (6) Stomach; and, (7) Feet.
It is through these organs of the body that one can sin. For example, if one listens to haram music,
eventually one begins to sing that music and may even dance to it, which could in turn lead him to
a haram place where that kind of music is played. As you can see, once Satan enters a gate he
begins to infiltrate and spread like cancer.
To avoid this we close each gate to the heart for a period of 40 days each.
Method of starting the Tazkiyyah Course
Step 1: Recite Surah Qadr 46x after Fajr salah.
Step 2: Do PRAN for the sins of all the seven gates to the heart.
Step 3: Work on one of the gates (Pir Sahib recommends to start with the tongue).
Step 4: Do PRAN for all the sins of the tongue.
Step 5: Take note of the first day and continue for 40 days.

Step 6: After every Fard salah do the dhikr ''la illaha illallah'' 5x.
Start with placing the chin by the left shoulder, move the head to just above the heart,
raise the head up and then down to the heart. So the head movement should be like a
triangle shape. When you move your head up above the heart imagine throwing all the
filth of the heart out as you say ha and then when moving the head down to the heart
imagine a Noor from Allah entering into the heart saying illallaah.
Step 7: Before sleep perform two Nafl of gratitude to Allah Almighty for giving you the ability to not
commit haram from the gate you are working on.
Step 8: After Nafl ask yourself ''Do I still want to sin? If the answer is yes then shed tears and beg
Allah Almighty by saying: Oh Allah I cannot purify my tongue (or whichever gate you are working
on) without your help. Oh Allah purify me.
Step 9: Recite Durood Shareef upon RasoolAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) 313 times. In a
standing position, facing the Qibla imagine you are standing in front of the blessed gates (Jaali
Mubarak) of RasoolAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), and through the blessings of reciting the
Durood, He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is observing and cleansing the filth of your heart.
Sins of each gate that break the Tazkiyyah Course
Tongue: Backbiting, slander, lying, tail bearing, swearing.
Eyes: Looking at haram, looking down upon a person, looking at someone in anger.
Ears: Listening to haram music, backbiting, lying etc.
Hands: Touching the opposite sex (non-mehrum), hitting someone, picking up haram.
Feet: Walking towards haram places i.e. clubs, pubs, disco etc.
Stomach: Eating haram food.
Private Parts: Fornication and masturbation etc.
What to do if the 40 day chain breaks?
1) Immediate TAUBA (PRAN).
2) Read two Nafl of Repentance.
3) Give Sadka (Charity) in the way of Almighty Allah (enough to make you think twice before
committing another sin).
4) Recite Durood 1200 times standing up (see Step 9).


5) Recite Astaghfirullah 70 times.

6) Keep a fast the following day.
Question: If I am working on my tongue and commit a sin with my eye do I have to do the six extra
Answer: No. Just repent with the four conditions of Tauba (PRAN)
Question: If I have completed 40 days of the tongue and I commit a sin with the tongue, do I need
to start again?
Answer: No. Repenting with the 4 conditions of Tauba is sufficient.
May Allah Almighty give us all the ability and the steadfastness to embark on the path of
spirituality and truly purify our hearts. Ameen
Let us make an intention to begin this purification course after our next Salaatul Fajr InshaAllah.
How to Establish Concentration in Salah?
Almighty Allah states in the Quran: Indeed the prayer stops from indecency and evil [Surah
Ankabut: verse 45].
However, people still complain that in spite of their praying they cannot stop sinning. There is no
doubt that Salah is that power that stops an individual from sinning but how many of us know how
to pray our salah correctly for it to stop us?
Salah itself is a combination of 2 things:
b.i.1. Physical Form (Jism) - The physical form of salah include the physical actions
performed, such as standing and sitting in prayer, the recitation, ruku and prostration etc.
b.i.2. Spiritual Form (Ruh) - To maintain concentration throughout the Salah.
A man entered the mosque and started praying while the Beloved of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi
Wasallam) was sitting somewhere in the mosque. Then (after finishing the prayer) the man came
to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and greeted him. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi
Wasallam) said to him, "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed. The man prayed again, after
which he returned and greeted the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). The Prophet (Sallallahu
Alayhi Wasallam) returned his greetings and then said: "Go back and pray, for you did not pray." At
the third attempt the man said, "(O Allah's Apostle!) Teach me (how to pray)!" The Prophet
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "When you get up for the prayer, perform the ablution properly


and then face the Qibla and say Takbir (Allahu Akbar), and then recite what you know of the Quran,
and then bow, and remain in this state till you feel at rest in bowing, and then raise your head and
stand straight; and then prostrate till you feel at rest in prostration, and then sit up till you feel at
rest while sitting; and then prostrate again till you feel at rest in prostration; and then get up and
stand straight, and do all this in all your prayers." [Bukhari]
Kanz ul Huda wishes to leave you with a gift on how to establish concentration in Salah.
1) To learn the translation of Salah Our prayer is a direct communication with Allah Almighty. We
speak to Allah Almighty in each prayer, but many of us do not even know what we are saying.
For this reason, it is imperative that we at the very least learn its translation.
2) To imagine that angels are surrounding us from our feet all the way to the heavens.
3) To imagine the name of Allah Almighty in front of us although we cannot see Allah Almighty
we can at least imagine His name. Also, imagine that though we may not see Him, He is
definitely watching us.
4) To imagine that we are standing on Pul Siraat (that bridge which is thinner than a hair and
sharper than a sword). To our right is Jannah, and to our left is Jahannum. On top of our head is
the Angel of Death and in front of us the doors to the closeness of Almighty Allah are opening.
5) To imagine that we are praying each Salah as our last. Life is not guaranteed. Imagine the
intensity of our concentration if we truly believed that we would not get the chance to pray to
Almighty Allah again.
6) Finally, have a firm belief that this is the same Salah that RasoolAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi
Wasallam) prayed. Therefore, we are being blessed to perform the same actions as him
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), who is the dearest to Allah Almighty.
Bayah (Pledging Allegiance to a Spiritual Guide)
Almighty Allah mentions the importance of Bayah in the Quran:
Indeed Allah was truly pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you beneath the
tree - so He knew what was in their hearts - He therefore sent down peace upon them, and
rewarded them with an imminent victory. [Surah Fath, verse 18]
The purpose of connecting yourself to a spiritual path is that ones Imaan remains protected. This is
only preserved if the Shaykh fulfils the four pre-requisites of becoming a spiritual guide set by
Imam Ahmed Rida Khan (Alayhi Rahmah).
The essence of Bayah is that one remains in the company of the pious and Imam Ghazali (Alayhi
Rahmah) states in his Ihya Uloom al-Din: Keep company with those who have firm faith, hear

from them the learning of sure faith, follow them always, so that your faith may become firm as
their faith became firm.
This is an essential practice to be implemented in order to achieve the Marifa of Almighty Allah
and the true Mahabbah of RasoolAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Kanz ul Huda Ihya (revival) Gatherings
Kanz ul Huda Weekly Ihya Gathering
Address: Units 7-8 Adderley Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, B8 1AW
Date & Time: Every Friday at 7.30 10pm
Quran Tilawat to bring peace and serenity to the heart.
Naats and Nasheeds to help fill listeners with the true love of RasoolAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi
Thought provoking and thoroughly researched speeches in English and Urdu by Sayyidi Pir
Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah).
o Lectures are recorded and aired by ARY QTV (Sky Channel 804) on a weekly basis.
o Aired on TV every Wednesday at 3pm & 8pm. Repeat on every Thursday at 8am.
A heart wrenching Dua where everybody sheds tears in the remembrance of Almighty Allah
and begs the Almighty for forgiveness.
Salaat-o-Salaam to end the gathering with salutations upon the Messenger of Allah
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Kanz ul Huda Weekly Local Gatherings
1. Nizaami Ihya (Small Heath, Bordesley Green, Yardley)
Every Sunday after Dhuhr Qamar ul Islam Masjid, 168-170 Fosbrooke Road, Yardley Green,
B10 9JP
2. Fareedi Ihya (Erdington, Aston)
Every Sunday after Isha Raza Masjid, 9-11 Serpentine Rd, Witton, B6 6SB
3. Qutbi Ihya (Alum Rock, Ward End, Hodge Hill)
Every Tuesday after Isha Farooq e Azam Masjid, 74 College Rd, Alum Rock, B8 3TP
4. Ajmeri Ihya (Sparkhill, Moseley, Hall Green, Kings Heath, Sparkbrook)
Every Wednesday after Isha Tajdare Madina Masjid, 160 Stratford Rd, Sparkbrook, B11 1AG
5. Faizi Ihya (Smethwick, Dudley, Oldbury, Stourbridge, Brierley Hill)
Every Sunday after Maghrib Anwar ul Uloom Masjid, 1 Corbett Street, Smethwick, B66 3PU
6. Ashrafi Ihya (Stechford)
Every Saturday after Isha Fezan ul Quran Masjid, Glebe Farm Rd, Stechford, B33 9NF

7. Walsall and surrounding areas

Every Monday after Isha Masjid Hamza, Mill Street, Walsall, WS2 8AX
Kanz ul Huda has weekly Ihya gatherings throughout the world including Pakistan, India, Canada,
Dubai, Switzerland, France, Holland, Houston (USA), New York (USA)

Kanz ul Huda Dawah Centre for Non-Muslims

Kanz ul Huda Outreach Programme
Kanz ul Huda has purchased a building in the heart of Birmingham City Centre solely for the
purpose of Dawah to Non-Muslims. This outreach programme is based on the comprehensive
works of Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah) on:
How to give Da'wah to Non-Muslims and,
50 common objections against Islam answered.
Many brothers and sisters have been trained in comparative religion and appointed for dialogues
with Non-Muslims to bring them towards the light of Islam.
Sadly many masajid are built but fail to address the needs of Da'wah to Non-Muslims resulting in
revert brothers and sisters associating themselves with misguided radical Muslims. As a result, this
has taken them away from the true teachings of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat.
It was the great wisdom and aforethought of Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah) to provide an
institute in a central location educating reverts with the basics of Deen.
Weekly classes take place teaching:
How to pray Salah
How to recite the Quran
Etiquettes of a Muslim
The life of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
Creed of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat
Furthermore, on a weekly basis free food will be served to the less fortunate and the homeless.


Kanz ul Huda Masjid

The Kanz ul Huda Masjid in Birmingham City Centre is available for Jumuah Salah:

29 Park Street
B5 5JH


English Lecture: 1.15pm

Khutbah: 1.30pm
Jamaat: 1.35pm

Kanz ul Rahmah Serving Humanity

Kanz ul Hudas international institutes provide free daily meals for hundreds of families who are
poverty-stricken in various cities within Pakistan and other third world countries. This initiative set
up by Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami (Hafidhahullah) has changed the lives of hundreds and includes:
Free daily meals
Monthly food packages
Providing accommodation and travel to Hajj and Umrah
Arranging and providing for weddings
Helping orphans find homes
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) states in a Sahih Tradition:
He who relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day
of Judgment. [Muslim]
Kanz ul Huda Islamic Scholar Course
Kanz ul Huda provides a 5 year Dars e Nizaami (Scholar Course) & 1 year Fardh ul Ain Course.
Time: Weekdays 5pm 9pm
Address: 108 Newton Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, B11 4PS
Scholar Course Details: Ilm ul Sarf (Etymology), Ilm ul Nahv (Syntax), Arabic language, Ilm ul
Balaghah (Rhetoric), Aqeedah (Creed), Tafseer (Exegesis of the Quran), Ilm ul Fiqh (Jurisprudence),
Usool ul Fiqh (Principles of Fiqh), Hadith, Usool ul Hadith (Principles of Hadith), Mantiq (Logic),
Falsafa (Philosophy).

Fardh ul Ain Details: Aqeedah, Ilm ul Fiqh, Usool ul Fiqh, Tajweed, Seerah Islamic History,
Tarbiyyah, Arabic Language and Usool ul Hadith.
Kanz ul Huda for Sisters
Kanz ul Huda provides various courses and events for sisters including:
Alimah Course Six sisters have graduated under the guidance of Sayyidi Pir Saqib Shaami
(Hafidhahullah) and are teaching in various institutes. Many sisters are currently pursuing
the Alimah course under the Shaykhs guidance studying the Islamic sciences of Shariah.
Sisters only gatherings Including a separate gathering for revert sisters led by the Kanz ul
Huda Alimah graduates teaching the basic fundamentals of Islam.
Recommended links:
www.kanzulhuda.com Contains detailed information about Kanz ul Huda
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmvknEou4qM - Is Mawlid a Bidah? - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib
bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGxvp0A43gE - Is Giyarhvi a Bid'ah? - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib
bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZbtIqvEUNE - Is the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) a
man like us? - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJOPUB70dPA - Tauba & Tazkiya (Self-purification of the
heart) - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
http://www.youtube.com/shoaibchishti - Collection of lectures delivered at Kanz ul Huda
https://www.facebook.com/PirSaqibShaami?ref=hl - Up to date information for Kanz ul Huda
Recommended Books:
Kanz ul Fiqh - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
Kanz ul Sarf - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
Kanz ul Nahv - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
Kanz ud Dawah - Hazrat Allama Pir Saqib bin Iqbal Al Shaami (Hafidhahullah)
Muhammad Messenger of Allah Ash-Shifa - Qadi Iyad Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi (Alayhi Rahmah)
Ihya Uloom al-din - Hujjat ul Islam Imam Ghazali (Alayhi Rahmah)
Tadhkarat-ul-Auliya: Memoirs of Saints - Maulana Farid-ud-Din al-Attar (Alayhi Rahmah)
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) The Prophet of Islam - Allama Abdul Mustafa Azmi
(Alayhi Rahmah)



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