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Alaric the Mad

Appearance: A tall man with a brusque powerful appearance. He has cold dead
eyes that seem to look through people rather look at them. He bears the
unmistakable brand of the psyker, which leaves an Aquila marring his cheek. There
is also heavy scarring over his body, some of which seems to be caused by fighting,
while others appear more self inflicted and ritual.
Past: The past is a mystery to Alaric. At times in feverish dreams he catches
glimpses of himself standing victorious in a bloody gladiatorial arena, or hiding in
the holds of a dark bleak vessel. Just when he can almost remember himself on the
edge of his mind it shatters like a glass ball, shattering everything except an
ominous message saying that his purpose in life is to serve the emperor unto death
and nothing more. The only tie to his home world is the last two knuckles of the two
small fingers of his left hand are missing. This amputation is a common marking for
warrior slaves in many feudal societies. While after he received his sanctioning he
received a small knife, which appears to be made of many metals at times and none
at others. He was told the purpose of this knife was to end his life if he ever doubted
the Emperor.
Personality: Alaric is often seen as a person with mental instability, for he does not
to appear to be with the people around him. More often than not slipping into day
dreams and randomly acting angrily at odd things he sees, such as the rich robed
elite nobility and black winged birds. When in times of action he becomes: cold,
methodical and efficient. The only time he seems to have a real sense of self is
when he is engaged with enemies. Perhaps the strangest thing about Alaric is his
reaction to seeing brass and blood red colours together. He enters a maddened
dangerous mood, bordering on extreme paranoia.
How I met my Inquisitor: I was never introduced to my inquisitor. I was sent off of
Holy Terra and under the impression I was gifted away as if to repay a debt. I was
only told that perhaps through an indentured service, I could sacrifice my life for the
Emperor and perhaps redeem myself.
What does the Inquisition mean to me: Service for the Inquisition I was told,
was a gift, a chance to redeem myself of some great sin I can not recall. The only
memory I have is great pain and the iron tinged taste of blood.
What Will I sacrifice: Alaric has been told time and time again he will sacrifice his
life. He merely
wants answers and will gladly sacrifice his
body for them, however as the truth remains clouded, his resolves weakens and he
becoming willing to sacrifice mind and soul for any scrap of truth.

What I desire: My character desires to know who he once was. The lack of
knowing creates a gnawing doubt at the back of his mind. He has two long term
goals deeply set in mind.

Alaric wants to atone himself of the great sin he has been told he carries. He
feels that serving his inquisitor loyally he can lift the great weight off his

After atoning for his sin, he hopes that he can finally find the truth of who he
was and what he had done.

He also however has some relatively short term goals he wishes to accomplish.

He greatly desires to earn the trust of his fellow acolytes and inquisitor by
being an efficient warrior

He seems to find a comfort in the mesh armour he wears the sword he

carries, so he merely wants to acquire more armour and other such items, so
as to bring some small comfort to his troubled mind.

What I hate: Alaric is maddened by the sight of brass and blood red, sending him
in a murderous mood. He does know that this rage has something to do with his
distant past. Through his vigorous sanctioning it has been imprinted into his mind
to hate all signs of corruption. However as his own mind grows in doubt, he
suspects himself of becoming more susceptible to corruption and has developed a
self-loathing for being weak.
What I trust: Alaric puts his trust in his martial prowess, knowing he can always
fall back on his strength and skill with a blade. However as his psychic ability
develops he learns more and more to rely on it, and perhaps the truth that the warp
is far more powerful than a simple blade.
Alaric trusts in himself either his skill with a blade or his newfound power through the warp, he is
however troubled by a dark forgotten past and hellish seething rage. For your completion of the
background gain the following pieces of equipment and talents.

A strange Knife: Replace Alaric's starting Psykanna blade's profile with the
Subtle Blade, Range: melee Damage: 1d5+1 R Pen: 3 Qualities: Razor Sharp,Weight: 0.4 kg 5
Rarity: Unique

Power Well : Power suffuses your being, allowing you to manifest powers more
easily. When manifesting powers, you gain a +1 bonus to your Manifesting rolls. You
may select this Talent multiple times. Its effects are cumulative.
Frenzy: You can incite yourself into a frothing rage. You must spend one Round
psyching yourself up (howling, beating yourself or injecting psychosis-inducing
drugs). The next round you lose control and go berserk, gaining a +10 bonus to
Strength and Willpower but a 10 penalty to Weapon Skill and Intelligence. You must
attack the nearest enemy in melee combat and you may not flee, retreat or Parry.
When possible, you must use the All- Out Attack Maneuver. You remain frenzied for
the duration of the combat. Some creatures, particularly certain types of Daemon,
do not need to spend a Round inciting the frenzythey are either permanently
Frenzied or can Frenzy at will. Unless you have a Talent that allows you to do so, you
may not use Psychic Powers whilst in Frenzy.
Dark Soul : Your soul is darkly stained, making you resilient to the effects of
Corruption. Whenever you are called to make a Malignancy Test, you take half the
normal penalty. See Chapter VIII: The Game Master, page 238 for details on

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