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Vision Insights From the www.BullardJournal.

May 24, 2010 Edition

George Bullard
Ministry Partner with The Columbia Partnership
Voice: 803.622.0923, E-mail: GBullard@TheColumbiaPartnership.org
Web Site: www.TheColumbiaPartnership.org

This is a collection of Vision Insights from George Bullard who has been involved in strategic planning with
congregations, denominations, and parachurch organizations for 35 years. For the foreseeable future a new
insight will be posted each Monday through Friday on
George’s Twitter account at www.Twitter.com/BullardJournal and
on his Facebook Profile page at www.Facebook.com/BullardJournal.
About once per week and update of the full collection will be posted to his blog at www.BullardJournal.org.

Vision Insight 001: Vision is a movement of God that is memorable rather than a statement by
humankind that is memorized.

Vision Insight 002: Vision is not what leaders cast and followers catch. It is something by which
leaders and followers are captivated.

Vision Insight 003: The only vision that will work is God’s vision. Neither the pastor’s vision nor the
board’s vision is sufficient.

Vision Insight 004: Visionary Leadership is about who we are, what we believe, where we are
heading, and how we are getting there.

Vision Insight 005: Vision plus Intentionality is the core formula for an Enduring Visionary Leadership
Community to follow.

Vision Insight 006: Any similarity between the typical committee-developed vision statement and true
vision is purely accidental.

Vision Insight 007: Vision is not so much written as it is experienced. Vision must be sensed and
experienced rather than read or heard.

Vision Insight 008: When considering how vision comes, it may be helpful to consider how the New
Testament came. By experience first, and then written.

Vision Insight 009: Vision is experienced. We reflect on it and share it orally with our full heart, soul,
mind, and strength. Then we write it.

Vision Insight 010: We write down the vision we have experienced to have a consistent historic and
dynamic sharing of the vision with congregation.

Vision Insight 011: Vision is the super high octane fuel that drives the spiritual strategic journey of a
congregation or denomination.

Vision Insight 012: Where there is no vision a congregation is confused and travels in circles without
any clear sense of direction.

May 24, 2010 Edition 1 Copyright 2010, Rev. George Bullard, D.Min.
Vision Insight 013: Vision is about leadership rather than management. Management should be
accountable to visionary leadership.

Vision Insight 014: If congregations focus on the pastor's vision, when the pastor leaves vision often
leaves. Vision from God never leaves.

Vision Insight 015: When congregations expect the pastor to provide vision, they often mean a vision
that agrees with their vision.

Vision Insight 016: When visionary leadership is not present in a congregation, it creates a vacuum
into which management rushes.

Vision Insight 017: For vision to be effective in a congregation it must be owned by at least 21
percent of adults present for weekly worship.

Vision Insight 018: The founding vision in a congregation often empowers the congregation for the
first generation of its life.

Vision Insight 019: Following the first generation of the life of a congregation vision must be recast
and re-owned every seven to nine years.

Vision Insight 020: A congregation captivated by vision is always asking how decisions and actions
will help them fulfill their vision.

Vision Insight 021: Congregations without vision become increasing susceptible to unhealthy conflict
and control by a few.

Important Things to Know

George Bullard is a Ministry Partner with The Columbia Partnership. He is also General Secretary [executive director] of the
North American Baptist Fellowship of the Baptist World Alliance. The Columbia Partnership is a non-profit Christian ministry
organization focused on transforming the capacity of the North American Church to pursue and sustain Christ-centered
ministry. Travel Free Learning is a leadership development emphasis. For more information about products and services
check out the web site at www.TheColumbiaPartnership.org, send an e-mail to Client.Care@TheColumbiaPartnership.org,
or call 803.622.0923.

May 24, 2010 Edition 2 Copyright 2010, Rev. George Bullard, D.Min.

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