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FROM: Mark Blankenship; Senior Research Strategist

DATE: May 25, 2010
RE: Washington Public Opinion Survey Summary

Nearly four in five (79%) disagree online poker should be considered a class C felony in the
state of Washington. When asked whether they agree or disagree “playing poker online from a
personal computer should be illegal in the state of Washington and considered a class C felony,
the same category as child pornography, and could carry a penalty of up to five years in prison
and a ten thousand dollar fine” a strong majority (54%) strongly disagree while 25% somewhat
disagree. Just 14% agree (7% strongly and 7% somewhat).

A majority of voters (54%) believe playing online poker in Washington should be legal if
government would “regulate and tax online poker and use what could be millions of new tax
dollars to fill holes in the state’s budget.” Thirty-five percent (35%) believe playing online poker
should remain illegal in Washington despite potential tax revenue and budget shortfalls. Just
more than one in 10 (12%) say they “don’t know” when asked this question.

Familiarity with online poker is relatively low. When voters were asked how much they have
“read, seen or heard about websites which offer individuals the opportunity to play online poker
over the internet from their personal computers,” 25% answer “a lot” or “some” while 45% say
“nothing at all” and another 30% say “very little.”


Some totals may not equal 100% as a result of rounding.

A randomly selected sample of 400 Washington voters was interviewed.
400 interviews yield a maximum sample variation of +/- 4.9% at a 95% level of confidence.
Interviews were conducted between May 20 and May 23 2010.
The average length of the interview was 7 minutes and respondents were reached via landline and cellular
All interviews were conducted via telephone using live interviewers. The call center is equipped with 250
Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) stations and multi-lingual interview capability.
Like all polling firms, THG Strategic Research, weights data to reflect the larger population. Upon
completion of the interviewing, the results were weighted slightly to more accurately reflect the population
of registered voters.
The survey was conducted by THG Strategic Research and sponsored by the Poker Players Alliance. The
survey was conducted to better understand voter attitudes, perceptions and opinions regarding important
policy issues.
A complete questionnaire indicating question order is attached to this memo.
The release of these survey results conforms with the standards for such release as established by the
American Association for Public Opinion Research.

Public Opinion Survey
Washington State
May 2010
Project Contact – Mark Blankenship

Final Questionnaire with Results

• 400 completed interviews among registered Voters in the state of Washington

INTRO: INTRO: Hello, my name is _______ with THG Research, a national public opinion research firm.
We are conducting a research study and we would really appreciate the chance to get your opinions on a
few questions. This study is being conducted for research purposes only. No one will contact you or try to
sell you anything as a result of your participation, and we promise that your individual responses will be
kept completely confidential. Your number was selected at random.

Since this is a scientific survey, we need a balance of men and women. May I speak to the youngest
man, over age 18, who is at home right now? (IF NO MALE) Okay, may I speak to the youngest woman,
over age 18, who is at home right now?


1. Record Gender by observation.

(49%) Female
(51%) Male

2. And do you work for any of the following industries?

(0%) Advertising, public relations or market research (Terminate)

(0%) Media such as newspaper, television or radio as a reporter
or any other job (Terminate)
(0%) Political Party or Candidate for Public Office (Terminate)
(0%) Dk/Na (Terminate)

3. Are you registered to vote in the state of Washington?

(100% ) Yes
(0% ) No (TERMINATE)
(0% ) Dk/Na (TERMINATE)

4. Regardless of how you are registered, do you consider yourself to be a Republican, a Democrat or
something else?

(29%) Democrat (Ask Q 5 and Skip Q6)

(26%) Republican (Ask Q 5 and Skip Q6)
(22%) Independent (Skip Q 5 Ask Q6)
(21%) Other (Skip Q5 and ask Q6)
(1%) Dk/Na

5. And do you consider yourself a strong (INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q4 or not very strong?

(36%) Strong Democrat

(16%) Not Very Strong Democrat
(33%) Strong Republican
(15%) Not Very Strong Republican

6. Do you think of yourself as closer to the (Read and Rotate List/Ask only of those who answer
Independent or Other in Q4)?

(21%) Closer to Democratic Party

(25%) Closer to Republican Party
(52%) Neither
(2%) Dk/NA

7. And how are you registered to vote?

(36%) Democrat
(31%) Republican
(33%) Independent

8. How much have you read, seen or heard about websites which offer individuals the opportunity to
play online poker over the internet from their personal computers?

(5%) A lot
(30%) Very little
(45%) Nothing at all
(0%) Dk/Na

9. Do you agree or disagree playing poker online from a personal computer should be illegal in the
state of Washington and considered a class C felony, the same category as child pornography, and
could carry a penalty of up to five years in prison and a ten thousand dollar fine?

(7%) Strongly Agree

(7%) Somewhat Agree
(25%) Somewhat Disagree
(54%) Strongly Disagree
(2%) Dk/Na

10. And if the state of Washington could regulate and tax online poker and use what could be millions of
new tax dollars to fill holes in the state’s budget, do you believe the state should make online poker
legal or should online poker continue to be illegal in Washington?

(54%) Make online poker legal

(35%) Continue to be illegal
(12%) Dk/Na


11. Now I have a final few questions to help us analyze the data. Into which of the following best
describes your ethnic background or race?

(89%) Caucasian
(2%) Hispanic/Latino
(2%) African American
(3%) Asian
(1%) American Indian
(1%) Other (RECORD)
(3%) Dk/Na/Ref

12. First I have few questions to make sure our survey is representative. Into which of the following
categories does your age happen to fall?

(5%) 18 – 24
(11%) 25 – 34
(16%) 35 – 44
(23%) 45 – 54
(25%) 55 – 64
(20%) 65 & over
(1%) Dk/Na

13. What is your marital status? (READ AS NECESSARY)

(14%) Single
(71%) Married
(9%) Divorced/Separate
(4%) Widowed
(2%) Refuse

14. What was the last grade you completed in school?

(2%) Non-high school graduate

(17%) High school graduate
(31%) Some college/technical school
(30%) College graduate
(18%) Post graduate
(1%) Refuse

15. Do you have any children under the age of 18 living in your household?

(32%) Yes
(66%) No
(1%) Refuse

16. Into which of the following categories does your annual household income happen to fall? (READ

(5%) Less than $10,000

(4%) $10,000 - $20,000
(7%) $21,000 – $30,000
(9%) $31,000 - $40,000
(8%) $41,000 - $50,000
(19%) $50,000 - $75,000
(16%) $76,000 - $100,000
(15%) more than $100,000
(19%) Refuse

End of Interview, say: “That’s all the questions I have for you this evening. Thank you very
much for helping us with this survey. Good-bye.”

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