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Chapter 24: Older Adult

Edelman: Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 8th Edition

1. A nurse is planning to write a grant for a health promotion project in the community. Which of

considerations should the nurse make when determining the appropriate population for this
a. The fastest growing population is children under the age of 12.
b. The fastest growing population is young Black American adults.
c. The fastest growing population is White middle-age adults.
d. The fastest growing population is non-White older adults age 65 and older.

Adults age 85 and older are the fastest growing population in the United States, and the
percentage of White Americans greater than age of 65 is decreasing compared with other ethnic
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 592

2. Which of the following statements made by a client best identifies someone who would benefit

from health promotion interventions?

a. I have a new grandchild and want to be part of her life.
b. My mother lived until she was 90, so a long life is in my genes.
c. Some chronic illness is just a part of aging.
d. I hope Ill live a lot longer, but one never knows.

Motivation to adopt a healthy lifestyle is a primary predictor of successful interventions. Feeling

that illness is just part of aging or leaving health up to chance will not help the person make
necessary lifestyle changes.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 595

3. Which of the following statements concerning nutrition and older adults is true?
a. Older adults who live in their own homes are more likely to be malnourished than

older adults living in a nursing home.

b. Older adults lose their desire for high-fat, salty foods.
c. Meals served in long-term care institutions are usually more well-balanced than

foods eaten by older adults living at home.

d. Many older adults are not aware of food assistance programs.

Barriers that may interfere with the ability of independent seniors to obtain adequate nutritional
food include limited transportation, income, and social support resources. Many older persons
are unaware that they are eligible to participate in SNAP. The percent of older adults who live in
their own homes and are malnourished is lower than that of older adults who live in a nursing
home. Older adults do not lose their desire for high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-sodium foods.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are not always available for older adults living in nursing homes.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension)

REF: pp. 596-597

4. Which of the following statements concerning urinary incontinence is correct?

a. Urge incontinence occurs when one has the urge to void but is unable.
b. Stress incontinence is associated with emotional turmoil.
c. Functional incontinence occurs is associated with environmental barriers.
d. Incontinence with high post-void residual occurs when someone laughs or sneezes.

Functional incontinence is associated with environmental barriers, physical limitations, or

cognitive impairment in which the client is unable to reach the toilet. Stress incontinence occurs
when someone coughs or sneezes. Urge incontinence occurs when someone cannot wait to void
once the urge to void is felt. Urge, mixed, or stress incontinence with high post-void residual is
caused by physiological changes that affect voiding, such as an enlarged prostate gland.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension)

REF: p. 597

5. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is a priority related to the problem of urinary

a. Risk for social isolation
b. Risk for impaired skin integrity
c. Risk for inadequate fluid intake
d. Risk for impaired coping

Although social isolation and decreased fluid intake may occur because of urinary incontinence,
impaired skin integrity is a major concern because of its impact on physical and psychological
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 597

6. A 75-year-old man tells the nurse that he has difficulty staying asleep during the night. Which of

the following responses should be made by the nurse?

a. Older adults need as much sleep as middle-age and younger adults. Lets talk
about your sleep patterns.
b. Ill ask the nurse practitioner to prescribe a sleeping pill for you.
c. Taking naps during the day can help relieve excessive fatigue and will help you
sleep better.
d. Lets talk about your sleep schedule and things that may prevent you from getting
a restful nights sleep.

Nurses should assist older adults in achieving a good nights sleep through assessment that might
reveal possible causes of sleep disturbances. Older adults need less sleep than younger adults.
Daytime naps may prevent sleeping adequately at night. Medications to assist in sleeping are not
the initial therapy choice because of side effects.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: pp. 599-560

7. A nurse is conducting a community education program about cognition in older adults. Which of

the following information should be included?

a. Some form of mild dementia is a normal part of aging.
b. All forms of dementia have the same symptoms, but progress at different rates.
c. Assessment for dementia should be part of routine physical exams.
d. Elders who score below 27 points on the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) are not
likely to have a cognition problem.

Cognitive alterations are key symptoms that indicate changes in physiological function among
older persons. Thus, assessment of cognition is an important part of routine assessments.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging. Dementia symptoms vary according to the specific type
of dementia. A score of 23 or lower on the MMSE indicates a problem with cognition.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: pp. 600-601

8. A nurse has recently accepted the position of unit nurse manager on a long-term care unit. Which

of the following directives should the nurse give to the staff nurses?
a. Encourage residents to participate in unit activities such as Scrabble and bingo.
b. Demonstrate the caring aspect of nursing by dressing residents before breakfast.
c. Fill in missing words during conversation with the residents to avoid
d. Instruct the aides to get residents ready for breakfast as quickly as possible to make
sure they are ready to eat.

To encourage cognitive health nurses should inspire older individuals to take classes, read,
engage in stimulating conversation and entertainment, keep their minds active, and continue
learning throughout their lives. They are encouraged to continue with self-care activities rather
than relinquish them to caregivers. Residents should be encouraged to perform self-care
activities themselves. When help is required, it should be provided in an unhurried manner.
Filling in missing words makes the resident dependent on the staff and reduces motivation to
communicate, and the words supplied may not be the intended words.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 602

9. A nurse is assisting with development of menu items at a long-term care facility. Which of the

following menus would the nurse most likely recommend?

a. One egg over easy, one slice of whole wheat toast with sugar-free jam, 4 oz orange
b. 5-oz cheeseburger cooked medium well with lettuce and tomato, 10 baked potato

chips, and 1 cup of decaf coffee with low-fat milk and artificial sweetener
c. Chef salad with 2 oz each ham and turkey, lettuce, tomato, bean sprouts, onion,
green pepper with low-fat dressing, and one small roll with low-fat spread
d. Turkey bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich on whole wheat bread with two
teaspoons of low-fat mayonnaise, 10 vegetable chips, and ice tea with artificial

The United States Department of Agriculture recommends that infants and young children,
pregnant women, older adults, and those who are immune compromised should not consume raw
(unpasteurized) milk or any products from unpasteurized milk, raw or partially cooked eggs or
foods containing raw eggs, raw or undercooked meat and poultry, raw or undercooked fish or
shellfish, unpasteurized juices, or raw sprouts.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 603

10. Which of the following individuals would be at greatest risk of injury?

a. 80-year-old who does not have air conditioning or a fan
b. 70-year-old who has new dentures
c. 68-year-old who has difficulty tasting salt in food
d. 84-year-old who needs hearing aids

Sweating decreases in older adults, predisposing them to heat stroke.

DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 603

11. According to Eriksons theory of development, which of the following older adults has

successfully navigated the stage of ego integrity versus despair?

a. 72-year-old man who is reluctant to retire because work is everything to me
b. 78-year-old woman who has scheduled her third face lift
c. 80-year-old man who has informed his children that he has made his funeral
d. 67-year-old woman who is depressed because she has not been promoted at work
for the past 10 years

Successfully navigating the stage of ego integrity versus despair requires that the individual
accept normal bodily changes associated with aging, find meaning in life apart from work,
accepts the inevitability of death, and is at peace with his or her life.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 604

12. A couple in their sixties has assumed responsibility for raising their two grandchildren ages 9 and

12 because the childrens parents died in a car accident. Which of the following are priority
nursing interventions that the nurse can implement to help the grandparents cope with the
responsibility of raising their grandchildren?
a. Connecting them with the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group
b. Encouraging them by reinforcing how they successfully raised their own children

c. Volunteering to provide respite time for them as needed

d. Assuring them that their stress level will lessen as they gain confidence

Stress experienced by grandparents who must raise grandchildren can be lessened by counseling
and participation in support groups.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: pp. 604-605

13. A nurse is conducting a staff development program about human sexuality for nurses who work

in a long-term care facility. Which of the following statements would most likely be made by the
a. The desire for sexual intimacy declines rapidly with age.
b. Older adults are very well-informed about sexuality.
c. Older adults need to practice safe sex.
d. The danger of contracting STDs during sexual intimacy is extremely low in older

The desire for sexual intimacy remains a primary force throughout life. Older adults need
teaching related to safe sexual practices, STD transmission, and so on. HIV infection is a concern
in all age groups.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 606

14. The clinic nurse has seen the following four people today. Which of the following people is

demonstrating a healthy coping pattern?

a. Discusses very little except the loss of her husband 3 years ago
b. Talks about the good times she and her husband had before his illness and death
1 year ago
c. States that life is not worth living without her husband, who died 2 years ago
d. Blames herself for her husbands death because she did not make him go to the

Research has demonstrated that rumination, self-blame, and catastrophizing have negative effects
on coping, whereas positive reappraisal has a positive effect.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 606

15. A nurse is assigned to provide care for a 96-year-old bedridden man who experiences severe pain

from a chronic neurological disease. The man asks the nurse to please help him leave this world
so that his suffering ends. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the
nurse to take?
a. Assist the doctor with the mans request
b. Refuse to care for the man
c. Contact the pain care specialist
d. Provide the man with names of doctors who participate in assisted suicide


Nurses caring for chronically ill older adults have the added responsibility of determining who is
at risk for wanting physician-assisted suicide and helping them to be as comfortable as possible
and free of pain through the use of pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions.
Refusing to care for the man could be construed as abandonment and is not necessary.
Consulting a pain care specialist is the correct action.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 607

16. A nurse is conducting a home visit for an older adult in the summer. Which of the following

items should the nurse should locate in the home?

a. Fan
b. Porch chair
c. Synthetic blend clothing
d. Thermometer

Older adults are susceptible to heat stroke. The availability of a fan will help cool the ambient air.
Light-weight cotton clothing breathes and facilitates cooling, whereas synthetic material
retains heat.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 609

17. The community health nurse has obtained a grant to offer a Safe Driving series for older

adults. Which of the following information should the nurse stress during the series?
a. Traffic fatalities involving older adults occur mainly at dusk.
b. The cause of two-vehicle accidents is frequently an older driver striking another
c. The average blood alcohol level in older adults involved in accidents is higher than
the blood alcohol level of younger drivers involved in accidents.
d. Relearning the art of defensive driving can help reduce the likelihood that an older
driver will be involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Traffic fatalities involving older adults occur mainly during the daytime. The cause of two
vehicle accidents is frequently a younger driver striking the car driven by an older adult. The
average blood alcohol level in older adults involved in accidents is lower than the blood alcohol
level of younger drivers involved in accidents.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 609

18. As part of a community-wide flu vaccination program for older adults, the nurse is assisting at a

vaccination clinic. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask before administering
the vaccine?
a. Do you have any food allergies?
b. Have you had the pneumococcal vaccine?
c. Have you had the flu in the past 5 years?
d. Do you have Medicare?


An allergy to eggs is a contraindication to receiving flu vaccine grown in chick embryo cells.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 610

19. A man tells a nurse that he is concerned about his risk of developing cancer. Which of the

following behaviors would place the man at higher risk of developing cancer?
a. Smoking a half of a pack of cigarettes a day
b. Exercising three times a week
c. Consuming green, leafy vegetables several times a week
d. Visiting a chiropractor every week

Habits that place older adults at a high risk for developing cancer: not following nutritional
guidelines, high stress levels, not engaging in a regular exercise program, and smoking cigarettes
and using other tobacco products.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 611

20. Which of the following statements is the best definition of polypharmacy?

a. The use of more than five medications prescribed by different physicians
b. The use of multiple medications for the same or different health problems
c. The use of multiple pharmacies and self-management of medications
d. The use of multiple medications and supplements simultaneously

Polypharmacy is the use of multiple medications for the same or different health problems. It is a
major concern for elderly people, with the rate of polypharmacy in this population being between
9% and 39%.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension)

REF: p. 611

21. A person is preparing to return home following a 2-week hospital stay for congestive heart

failure and pneumonia. Which of the following referrals would be most beneficial for the person?
a. Transportation assistance
b. Home-delivered meals
c. Adult day care
d. Home health nursing

Home care nurses provide health care information and services to individuals and families. The
resources available to community health nurses frequently are rich and enable the nurses to draw
on a variety of sources to assist in promoting the health of community-dwelling older adults.
Although all of the referrals listed may be of benefit to the person, the home health nurse will
provide the most comprehensive services and be able to connect the person to necessary
community resources.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 614

22. The son of a 70-year-old man dying of cancer asks the nurse to tell him about the hospice

program, so he can help his father decide if the program would be of benefit to him. Which of the
following responses should be given by the nurse?
a. At hospice, your father will be heavily medicated, so he will not have pain.
b. All of your fathers care will be provided by nurses at hospice.
c. Hospice care can take place either at home or in a hospice facility.
d. Visiting hours are about the same at hospice as they are here in the hospital.

Once the person is placed in hospice care, treatment to relieve pain and other symptoms is
continued by the physician after they have decided to end all curative treatment. Hospice care
can occur in the home, a hospice inpatient facility, nursing home, and acute care hospital. The
focus of hospice care is to help the person remain alert but free of pain. Families are encouraged
to participate in care giving. There are no restrictions to visiting hours.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 614

23. A community health nurse is working with a diverse population of older adults within the

community. Based on the data from the National Health Interview Survey, which of the
following assumptions should be made by the nurse when working with this diverse population?
a. White Non-Hispanic older adults tend to require more assistance with their
activities of daily living.
b. Hispanic older adults tend to rate their health as poorer than other ethnic groups.
c. Older adults who tend to rate their health as fair or poor are also financially poor.
d. Older adults tend to require more assistance with activities of daily living than with
meeting their routine needs.

The National Health Interview Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in 2010 provides interesting information about the perceptions of a variety of ethnic
groups regarding their health status, their perceived need for assistance with routine needs, and
the need for assistance with activities of daily living. In all groups, those who described their
health as fair or poor were also more likely to be financially poor.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 594 (Box 24-2)

24. A woman who is being discharged from the hospital is oriented to person, place, and time, and

her memory is intact. She has occasional forgetfulness without a consistent pattern of memory
loss. Which of the following housing options would be most appropriate for this woman?
a. Independent living
b. Retirement community
c. Assisted living
d. Nursing facility

Retirement community living is suited for a person who is oriented to person, place, and time
and has a memory that is intact, but has occasional forgetfulness without a consistent pattern of
memory loss. Independent living may be appropriate for the person if she had a consistent
pattern of memory loss. Assisted living or nursing facility living may be appropriate if the
woman has difficulty with orientation to person, place, or time or has difficulty with confusion
that results in anxiety, social withdrawal, or depression.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 612 (Table 24-4)

1. Which of the following interventions will have the greatest impact on reducing constipation in

older adults? (select all that apply)

a. Offering pureed foods that are easy to digest
b. Encouraging fluids between meals
c. Administering laxatives on a daily basis
d. Assisting with ambulation

Nurses can help reduce the incidence of constipation by encouraging older adults to exercise and
increase their fluid and dietary intake. Dietary modifications, such as increasing fiber and fluid
intake, can stimulate the colon and resolve constipation. Pureed foods do not contain adequate
fiber. Increased fluid intake and exercise should be implemented before relying on medication to
relieve constipation.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 597

2. A nurse has accepted a position as director of health services in a retirement community. Which

of the following statements about retirees is important for the nurse to consider as she plans
programs? (select all that apply)
a. Depressed and inactive.
b. Left their job to spend more time with family.
c. Left their job because of ill health.
d. Happy and well-adjusted to retirement.

Research has demonstrated that the majority of retirees are in good health and happy with their
decision to leave work so as to spend more time with their families.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: pp. 604-605

3. The nurse working in a retirement community for older adults is conducting a psychosocial

assessment of all residents. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask during the
assessment process? (select all that apply)
a. Have you thought about harming yourself?
b. Are you still playing bridge every Thursday?
c. How does your congestive heart failure affect your life?
d. Has your financial situation changed since last year?

ANS: A, B, C

Suicide ideation, loss of interest in activities, and chronic illness are signs of, or may lead to,
depression. Economic difficulty is not a predictor of suicide in older adults.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis)

REF: p. 607

4. Which of the following nursing interventions implies respect for a persons spirituality? (select

all that apply)

a. Changing the position of the bed in a Muslim clients room so that it faces east
b. Contacting the chaplain to assess the clients spiritual needs
c. Saying a silent prayer with a client at the clients request
d. Praying out loud in the room of a dying client

Because of the highly personal quality of spirituality, an unobtrusive and sensitive presence by
the nurse is needed to allow the person in any setting to achieve spiritual health. The nurse can
provide an environment that is supportive to the practice of the persons spirituality. Praying out
loud does not demonstrate respect for a persons spirituality but imposes the nurses belief
system on the person. Nurses should be able to assess the persons spirituality initially and
determine if it is necessary to further consult the chaplain.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: p. 607

5. A nurse is conducting a community health education program about osteoporosis with a group of

older adults. Which of the following individuals in attendance is at greatest risk for developing
osteoporosis? (select all that apply)
a. 65-year-old Asian woman who smokes one pack of cigarettes per week
b. 80-year-old White man who has three glasses of wine per day
c. 74-year-old White woman on daily oral prednisone for emphysema
d. 68-year-old Black man who has a sedentary lifestyle
ANS: A, B, C

Osteoporosis is a disease of bone loss common to women age 70 and older and men age 80 and
older. The disease occurs six times more frequently in women than it does in men. Risk factors
include a small, thin frame; White or Asian ancestry; family history; excessive thyroid
medication or high doses of cortisone-like drugs for asthma, arthritis, or cancer; a diet low in
dairy products and other sources of calcium; physical inactivity; smoking cigarettes; and
drinking alcohol.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application)

REF: pp. 607-608

6. An 80-year-old person is admitted to the hospital. During the health assessment process, which

of the following conditions should the person be screened for by the nurse? (select all that apply)
a. Polypharmacy
b. Kidney failure
c. Illegal drug use
d. Alcoholism

ANS: A, B, C, D

Alcoholism and illegal drug use are often overlooked by health care professionals because of a
persons age. Many older adults take multiple over-the-counter and prescription medications and
are at risk for drug interactions.

Cognitive Level: Ap

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