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Alondra Ponce de Leon

Professor Skog
July 30, 2016
My Renaissance
There have been various topics that have been read and discussed
throughout the semester. Out of all of them there has been one that stuck out to me
more than the rest; that specific piece of work is known as Natural Selection written
by Charles Darwin. Now when this topic was introduced it wasnt anything of new to
me. I have known about Charles Darwin and his studies and interpretation with
natural selection way back in high school and even with my beginning semesters of
College. However, whenever this study of natural selection is discussed I receive a
deeper understanding of the topic and an enlightened perspective; which initially is
what has gotten me to choose this topic, for it has always brought the thought of
rediscovery whenever this selection is spoken of.
This specific work focused on in depth of the evolutionary change that
occurred in all species over a course of time. Natural selection acts as a phenotype
and shows advantages to certain types of species in their capabilities of surviving
their environment. The selection is done through the passing of genes and
characteristics depending on which species are able to survive long enough to
reproduce, creating a variation of types. Whats interesting is that all of this
selecting is created naturally through the earth and in the way it evolves over time;
hence the name, natural selection.

As the earth evolves due to its conditions everything on the earth needs to
adapt and be modified whether it is living or nonliving. What this topic introduces in
the change with living species and as their environments change, such as the
climate, resources, or predators; species are needed to adapt in order to survive.
The species with the characteristics that benefit them in their environment are
those who are living long enough to reproduce and pass on their beneficial genes,
while the rest die off due to the lack of useful genes needed for their certain
environment. To be able to adapt and modify to the flow of change is essentially the
key to living.
Let it be borne in mind how infinitely complex and close-fitting are the
mutual relations of all organic beings to each other and to their physical conditions
of life (Darwin). This quote I find the most interesting because not only is it
discussing how all species are in close relations to each other but also in the
thought that the change is created by a chain of events. As mentioned above the
evolution of a species doesnt just occur at random but becomes a need for
continuous survival due to the change in climate for example; and that change was
done by the change in the earth as it is modified by its environment of space. It is
all interconnected to one another and flows as such.
However, this topic of natural selection is not in favor of species being the
same, in fact it conveys the opposite and how there is importance to diversity. This
alone is what receives my interest with Charles Darwins research with natural
selection because the subject of diversity is so highly discussed in many formats,
but the way in which Darwin discusses the matter is where I have relearned the
significance of what being diverse really is.

Through Darwins work is has been scientifically shown that diversity is

actually essential to a progressive life. If all species were common in their genes
and a change in the earth occurred in which a specific gene became a disadvantage
to have because it leads to early death and it was a gene that all species had
because of their vast similarities, everything would be gone; the world itself would
be extinct. Because of the variety of species and their genes if one happens to die
off due to evolution that wouldnt indicate that all is at an end; the other species
prevail, reproduce, and mix genes into new and stronger species in order to achieve
the continuation of life. When there is diversity in a population the variety of life is
an endless journey.
With these major topics of adaptation and diversity from the work of Charles
Darwin, I have gained a depth of knowledge in the ways in which this can be related
to multiple matters and will benefit even with the relation in business. If the
country were open on its borders, new forms would certainly immigrate, and this
also would seriously disturb the relations of some of the former inhabitants
(Darwin). Businesses are always changing and needing to be flexible with the
economy and a way to persevere from this is through diversity in products and its
adaptation in the running of the business.
This can give some great insights to businesses on how to overcome their
changing environments and ways in thinking of how to update their products to
have a long life-spam. Im sure every business has come to this understanding that
if it remains consistent it will not strive to its ultimate potential; diverse decisions
and risks are required to keep moving forward. If there is anything that can be taken
from the work of Darwin is that change will always occur and those who able to
meet the needs of those changes are those who will prevail for the long run.

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