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The Process Transcript / Worksheet

Part I
[Note this ote is ot part of the ideo series : The a ti-so iety aterial, as it ight e o strued,
that is contained herein is not an attempt to declare how bad society is. The intent is to move the reader
toward separating himself or herself from it as far as o es se se of ide tity. Thi k i depe de tly. You
are in society but not of it. The goal of parts I and II is to move the reader toward a sense of self and
value that are completely independent of how they are viewed by, and function within, their culture. We
are y ature so ial ei gs; fe people desire to li e a her its life i the ou tai s of Ti et. Your life is
most likely best played out while functioning within one society or another. Ideally, you will reach the
point where who and what you know yourself to be is not impacted by how your culture processes,
treats, values, or views you. The two are completely separate. Making that separation within your own
sense of yourself is the entire goal of parts I and II. Making the separation will be greatly accelerated by
e gagi g i The Pro ess, ho e er if youre already there, e e to a partial degree, when beginning The
Process, all the better.
Regarding the Law of Attraction, conventional wisdom says that in order to make good things happen,
you have to keep your vibrational state up. The problem with this idea is that stuff is going to kick you
in the butt no matter what your vibrational state is. Even Jesus was supposed to have died a gruesome
death. How was this a reflection of his vibrational state? The reality is that s*** is going to hit you in
the face no matter what your state is. So something else is deciding your fortunes.
We all know one or more people who only need to fart, and infinite amounts of money immediately fall
from the sky into their laps. Their vibrational state is typically very low: they are spoiled ingrates, weak,
soft, arrogant beyond measure, and ultimately self-centered. And yet they seem to have all the money.
This is not a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon. It follows them through their entire lives and can always be
elied o . The est of us o s ie tiousl appl ou sel es to ou o k, e o k ha d, e e o ti e, e
do t a use si k da s o steal hou s, a d e e the fi st to e let go.
Something is very wrong with the conventional wisdom surrounding the Law of Attraction. Implanting
oneself in the Village of the Happy Nice People does not generate good fortune. Keeping your state up,
your outlook positive, and brutally forcing yourself to find value in every piece of s*** that hits you in
the face has left you last in line, holding an empty bag, while people with half the integrity, a tenth of
the character, and a hundredth of the virtue you typically bring to the world get all the free rides.
Everything is effortless and free for them.
Conventional wisdom is just plain wrong. Continually chasing some way of making the Law of Attraction
work, we are run ragged, constantly living in a state of hoping, wishing, and praying that some authority
up the e will allow our goal to manifest. What we need is to reach a point where we command that
manifestation, not beg for it.
When driving to work, we get in the car, start it, get on the road, turn when and where we need to turn,
a d e a i e. We do t hope, wish, pray, or beg to arrive at work. We simply choose to go. We go
th ough the e ui ed p o ess a d e e the e. The outcome is never in doubt, and no part of
manifesting that goal is ever appreciably out of our hands.

The more we try to keep our state up (remain positive), the more we beat the holy crap out of ourselves
by denying ourselves the freedom to be who we are, see what we see, and process our experiences as
the o e to us. We ha
e ou sel es i to the old of ou gotta e positi e! This is the ultimate
road to self-dest u tio . You gotta e No ou do t. You eed to e ou; ou eed to e ge ui e.
As-is. You are you on all fronts.
The da age is do e the idea that he e e feeli g do , ot o l
e e i iti g isfo tu e i to ou li es. Its the lassi
e a d a d pu
i di e tl , e e t ai ed a d o ditio ed to eje t a d fi a state
bright, which immediately puts us into a state of I a ot e e. I a
fi i g is fo ed a d disi ge uous. Its a pe fo a e, a a t, o plia
taught. It is not the natural you.

ill ou good fo tu e stop, but

ish e t s ste . Di e tl o
e e te that is t fluff a d
oke . I ust e fi ed. That
e ith a ule that ou e e

In a perfect world, when some idiot cuts you off on the road, the real response would be to cut the idiot
off t o ti es. The its o e a d do e ith. We do t ha g o to that u esol ed a ge , ha i g it feste
and grow inside us, constantly being disowned, shut down, ignored, and suppressed. However in
todays o ld, thats diffi ult to do. The idiot ho i stigates ill al a s alk a a ; if ou ou te hat
he did, there will be a cop sitting right there waiting to let that guy go and give you sixteen tickets.
The purpose of your life is to be the person you are. Stop apologizing; stop letting a culture that is so
chicken-s***, it a t e e o t ol its o
go e
e t, tell ou hat is ight a d o g, hat ou
failings, flaws and weaknesses are, and what you need to change. Most of the time, you will need to put
on a mask and pretend in order to function effectively within society. Force your outward behavior to
o fo to so ial o s. P ete d ou like this de ia t eha io o ou do t dislike that g oup e ause
thats hat is a epta le. I these ti es, as lo g as ou k o its p ete d, ou do t take it too
se iousl , a d ou do t u i to the ai ashi g that ou a e o a good pe so , the o da age is
do e. You e si pl pla i g a e essa ga e that ou k o is o l a ga e.
Your starting point must be to realize you are not broken. You are what you are. You like what you like,
you dislike what you dislike. Society will eagerly list a thousand ways that you are deviant, messed up,
inferior, damaged, stupid, incompetent, or you need help. As if they were in any position to help
anybody. Stop buying into it. You are who and what you are, end of story. Does society itself function
as if its ualified to judge a od ?
When human beings form a collective of any type, the mentality of that collective immediately
nosedives to the pits of Hell. No mass-driven movement has ever brought improvement. Labor unions,
fo ed to sa e the o
o o ke f o the t a
of e il usi ess o e s, ould t he k thei g eed
and systematically drove just about every manufacturing process in the United States overseas because
companies simply could not sustain their outrageous salary and benefit demands. Very quickly, the
unions became mafias, existing only to further their own power at any cost.
In the 1960s it as all a out i il ights. T illio s of dolla s, thousa ds of la s, a d illio s of a
hours later, some minorities are now openly calling for outright extermination of the White race. This is
he e sa io is
led. Its safe to sa that f o their perspective, there was less anger before the
o e e t tha the e is o . No od as sa ed. Its the e a t sa e sto
ith the o e s ights
crusade. Their outcries today are far more enraged than they ever were before the movement. History
speaks for itself: the more you save a group, the worse off they are.

Meanwhile the rest of us are constantly having the vice around our heads squeezed tighter and tighter
with more and more oppressive rules and restrictions dictating how we can and cannot think and feel
a out e e thi g i life. You a hate this g oup ut ot that o e. We a hate ou ut ou a t hate
us. The tighter this vice squeezes, the more angry everybody becomes i ti s, sa io s, a d
everybody in between.
Mass social movements have never, in the history of the planet, done anything but bring misery and
terror down on the masses. You are not damaged if you deviate from their values, standards, and
demands. Let them judge. Let them accuse. If they knew their a** from a hole in the ground, they
would stop crying and start doing. They would focus on creating solutions instead of on destroying
problems. The people judging you and telling you what is right and what is wrong have no track record
of leading the masses anywhere but to Hell.
What if ou just plai do t like G ee people, o Pu ple people, o st aight people, o ga people, o
traditional marriage, or gay marriage, or the pro-abortion philosophy, or the anti-abortion philosophy,
or Democrats, or Republicans, or Independents? Depending on which group you confront, you will be
read the riot act about how evil you are. You need help, which is usually provided by beating you down
in an uncontrolled rage until there is nothing left.
Look at all the things that you feel make you a good person. What would these things mean if you were
raised by a pack of wolves? What would your sense of right and wrong be in that situation? When your
culture defines you more than nature did when you were born, you are living a lie and the Law of
Attraction will reflect that weakness.
A gi e so ial egulatio is te po a at est. No atte hi h o e ou pi k, it as t he e este da
a d itll e go e to o o . The e as a ti e he it as e e
it as u thi ka le fo a o a to sho
her ankles as it is to show her breasts today. And most women bought into this, believing that there
was truly something wrong with them if they allowed their ankles to show in public. What would the
ol es thi k if the sa a o a s a kles? Thats ho
alid so iet s e aluatio s of good a d ad
people are. They are all temporary, arbitrary, and made up by other humans. That does not define your
inherent value as a human being.
A video published by a prominent spiritual/self-help guru very aptly pointed out the striking similarity
between the scene of an anti-war protest and the actual battlefield. Photos shows the same rage flying
around, the same destruction, and the same warring mindset. The protestors were everything they
hated; everything they were protesting against, times a thousand.
In a city known far and wide for being the mecca for all things virtuous, including saving the homeless, a
ideo as shot sho i g o e tha si hu d ed of the it s o upa ts a hi g ight a ho eless o
on the street with no shirt in the dead of winter. They were everything they railed on against.
Society has a long track record of producing flag wavers who claim exemption from their own cries
e ause the a e spe ial: the e a i g the flag a d sa i g othe s by doing so. What the e doi g is
o e i po ta t tha
hat ou e doi g so the ha e spe ial p i ileges. The a e i a spe ial lass
crusading to create a classless society. The rules never apply to the special flag-waver, the mouthpiece,
the savior bringing public awareness to one plight or another. No celebrity crying out to feed the

homeless will sacrifice their own fortune or open their own home to serve their own cause. They
eternally demand that everybody else do more than they are willing to do themselves.
By and large, society as a whole is a mentally retarded mess. They are clueless about an infinite number
of issues and they prove it every day. They are hardly qualified to tell you how you are broken,
damaged, or inferior. You still have to live among it; you still have to rely on it for food, gas, utilities, etc.
But the do t defi e ou alue o ou faults o ou i tues. You do ot eed fi i g just e ause ou
fail to o fo to hat the tell ou is o al.
The most critical aspect of making the Law of Attraction work is centering your entire concept of who
and what you are, and are not, within yourself. How you comply or fail to comply with any and all of
so iet s judge e ts, ules, egulatio s, a d ta oos is o pletel irrelevant. Within yourself, you must
perceive yourself as completely and wholly undamaged in all respects.

Part II
The Law of Attraction builds your entire reality around one thing: you. Not what you might be, could be,
should be, or would be, but what ou a e toda . It is t ou le el of positi e fo us o feeli g happ that
efle ts to uild ou ealit . Its the su total of hat ou t ust, alue, a d el o : ou o e alues.
The hoi es ou ake he ou e su e o od is at hi g, he ou e sure there will be no
consequence; how you truly experience others, the special exceptions where your rules apply to
everybody else but not to you, when you give expecting a return (even from the Law of Attraction), all
reflect in your day-to-day reality. Its ot deeds o a tio s ou efle t, ut the o e alues ou eso ate
with that drive them.
Most of what we do, we wrap in justifications and self-righteousness. These excuses and manipulations
are after the fact and have no bearing on what the Law of Attraction brings into our lives. If you love to
d a , ut e e do e ause ou e just too us , the ou e fo saki g a passio ou e e gi e . This
ill efle t i ou dail life. The La of Att a tio does t o side all the good easo s h a d the
la ish e uses e uild up. It does t u ou o e sto .
Ulti atel , us a ou ts to so ializi g ith f ie ds a d spoili g ou hild e , hi h a e thi gs e
have a clear choice to do or not; things that do nothing but serve our egos. We could si pl sa
a d e do t. I stead, e sa
o to ou passio be it drawing or anything else. Our lives will reflect
the core values behind making these kinds of choices. We choose to serve our insecurities over our
If money is tight, how many hours out of the day could you be taking real action to increase your income
a d do t? I stead, ou spe d ti e o so ial edia a d e gagi g i othe pu suits that a e
guaranteed not to bring in money. You are making choices to defend, protect, and perpetuate your
money situation. The Law of Attraction will manifest people and situations in your life that reflect this
self-destructive handling of your reality.
Do you demand that others do more to make you happy than you will do for yourself? Are you
constantly playing people like chess pieces to manipulate them into doing what needs to be done but
ou do t a t to do? This offloadi g efle ts i ou dail life. Agai , it akes o diffe e e that ou

drown your choices in justifications because those are after the fact and they only exist for you. You are
offloading; you will be offloaded upon.
The most common negative practice controlling the Law of Attraction is passing judgement on what
others feel and experience. We buy into the myth of absolute right and wrong, which immediately
allo s us to de la e that othe s should t feel ho the feel. The e essed up, the e o e ea ti g,
the e just i se u e, et . The o l pe so
hose feeli gs e e e pass judge e t o is ou sel es.
(We usually suppress our own feelings but rarely do we declare ourselves to be damaged for having
them in the first place.)
We will never think of it in these terms, but the way we actually go through life, everybody but us is
messed up. In each individual situation, we are right THIS time. At the end of our lives, it just so
happens to turn out that we were right every single time. We never had a dozen glasses of wine; we
just had o e glass t el e sepa ate ti es. But hos ou ti g?
The Law of Attraction is.
When we lose ourselves to this kind of God complex and everybody does we set the stage for being
invalidated, minimized, and viewed with contempt exactly as we do to others.
The concept of absolute right and wrong is the core of nearly every problem we have in life. It puts
e as the o l pe so i e iste e ho does t eed fi i g. Whe this is hat ou i g i to the
world, you are an emotional tyrant who spreads toxicity far and wide. As such, the Law of Attraction will
build your own life around that same core. Others will treat you as you treat them: you will be
h o i all pu ished, adjusted, a d eate do
fo ot o pl i g ith so e od elses idea of
a solute ight a d o g. You do t eed to de ide hi h feeli gs ou e allo ed to have; they will tell
Fo ost of us, a solute ight a d a ou ts to ho o fo ta le e a e. If e e pe so all i itated
something, then that something is wrong and everybody else needs to stop doing it. A classic example is
the concept of men leaving the toilet seat up. It is simply wrong, selfish, and inferior to leave it up. And
yet every man who walks into the bathroom has to raise it because nobody left it up for him. But he
does t ou t. This is asi selfish ess at its o st. Offloading onto others who must serve us more
tha e ill se e the si pl e ause it is ight. At the e d of ou li es, ith fe if a e eptio s,
ight just happe ed to a a ge itself e e ti e so that e did t eed a
o e tio ut the othe
guy did. We e e al a s al ead the e, a d e spe t ou li es as the o es i full autho it , telli g
others how they needed to change while nobody could tell us anything.
If ou e taki g it i , ou e putti g it out. Its a out o e alues, ot deeds. Whe others become chess
pieces to be worked, played, and positioned for our personal benefit, while downplaying the impact this
has on them, a certain set of values must be present. This set of values regardless of how or even if
they actually express themselves is what plays out in real life.
In most cases, most of us demand all the benefits with none of the responsibilities. We want authority
o e othe s ut e do t a t to e held a ou ta le he ha i g that autho it does t p odu e the
expected results. The successes are ours, the failures are the fault of somebody else.

Our cover stories are what keep us from seeing and experiencing ourselves honestly, and in the process,
getti g a g ip o
hat e e i st u ti g the La of Att a tio to i g into our lives. When we justify a
deed, we lose the real motivation behind it. The La of Att a tio , ho e e , does t lose a thi g. It
goes straight to the core, bypassing excuses and justifications, and reflects real and honest core values.
I toda s society, at least in the United States, the overwhelming number of first-time brides marry
gu s thi ki g the
ill li e the fai tale life. B a ded ith the offi ial la el of
a ied, the
immediately rise to magical levels of prominence in society, being respected, revered, and loved by all.
No e of this a tuall o u s, a d the issi g li k the e o es kids. I just eed to ha e a kid o t o,
THEN I ill e a ele it to e e od ho k o s e! The ha e thei kids, a d othi g ha ges.
The guys entering into such arrangements typically carry the delusion that they will be the hero of the
century, revered by all for being such an amazing husband. These men rapidly discover they are
o od s he o, the a e si pl pla eless pla eholde s to serve a very specific purpose: look good and
bring in money. Women discover just as quickly that they are objects also: equally faceless placeholders
whose real purpose is to turn an ordinary guy into the Great American Hero.
Nobody escapes the law. We get what we are. SEEING what we truly are, as far as our core values, is
something we were programmed at birth to resist, fear, deny, lie about, and avoid at all costs. With this
resistance comes a virtual guarantee that our lives will play out according to our pre-birth programming
and we will realize little to none of our potential as physical beings.
Describe. Tell the truth without judging. What is, is. Admit to yourself your true motivations behind
what you do and fail to do. Be honest with yourself about your hypocrisy and contradictions. Cut
through your cover stories, your justifications, and your excuses for treating others in ways you would
e e tole ate ei g t eated. If ou do so ethi g, the ou do it. The La of Att a tio does t are
why. It simply reflects without judgement.
The La of Att a tio does t ope ate deeds a d a tio s. It goes e eath all that to he e ou o e
values resonate. When you get past analyzing specific deeds and actions, and look instead at the core
values you hold, both toward yourself and toward others, then the people you end up with, as well as
ou e t eated
the , ill ake pe fe t se se. If ou e ot aki g se se of it, the es
so ethi g ou e ot looki g at ho estl .
This is why most people with money are ticking time bombs. They are furious most of the time, whether
they bottle that rage up or not. To get their money, they used exploitation and other tactics that they
themselves would never be happy being on the receiving end of. What they are reflects in their lives.
Every human being has his or her own values, feelings, and experiences. There are reasons why people
think and feel as they do. They are not broken. They do not need fixing. You cannot fix another person.
You can only force them to pretend they share your values. The feelings and experiences of others will
be different from yours most of the time. When you give them less respect than you demand for your
own experiences, chaos ensues and the Law of Attraction will i g thi gs i to ou life that oud
rather were not there.
You do t eed a o p ehe si e ou se o e i g all the details a out ho to ake the La of
Attraction work in your life. It is self-guiding. Once you start down the road of discovering how it works
in your life, connecting what your life is to what your core values are, you will never be left wondering

where to go next. The challenge is in getting on that road in the first place. You must cut through your
justifications and excuses. You must being processing your interaction with life and the people in it
honestly. If you do something, then you do it; WHY is irrelevant, as the Law of Attraction does not
process justifications.
The conditioning we underwent at the hands of our culture occurred in addition to the subconscious
pre-programming we were born with. These two factors combined make it nearly impossible to reach
your potential without some kind of effective workaround being employed. To facilitate that
breakthrough, a virtual process has been developed that gives you ultimate freedom to let your true
colors show, live as the person you truly are without repercussions, never fail at anything, and always be
in total command of your life.
The core purpose of this virtual process is not only to experience (as opposed to analyzing) yourself in
your natural state, but also to expand and grow as the natural you. It all unfolds as pure fun, but there is
tremendous value being created just below the surface.
Part III
At first, The Process ill see sill a d t ite. Afte its p ese ted, ell egi goi g i to detail a out ho
and why it works, and what you can reasonably expect from it. As with most good things, it is not a
magic pill. It requires consistent, steady participation. However for most people, keeping them out of it
will eventually require more effort than convincing them to use it.
The mortal enemy of The Process is inconsistency. If you go days or even longer without using it, you
o t e a le to e pe t u h f o it. If ou appl ou self, e e he ou e ot i the ood to do it,
oull get the esults that o l lo g-term consistency can deliver.
The Process is one way to help you achieve your goals. It is far from being the only way. If it resonates
with you personally, if you have as much fun using it as we think you will, and if you complete this video
se ies, hi h i ludes e pla atio s o
hat ou e a tuall doi g a d h it o ks, the its he e fo
your use as you see fit. It will be what it is to each individual.
If ou goal is to disp o e The P o ess, ou e al ead su eeded. i pl ha i g the i te tio of
disproving The Process will, through The Process working, disprove The Process working. But only in
your personal reality.
Step One: Assessment The fi st step of The P o ess does t ha e ou sea hi g deep ithi ou self
for what and where your problems, blockages, and other shortcomings may be. Instead, the first step is
to make the most complete list you can of all the real or fictional characters, settings, and situations
(from television shows, books, movies, or any other source) that you felt a strong sense of identity with.
The ould e people ou e a tuall k o , pla es ou e a tuall ee , o situatio s ou e a tuall
Or they could be entirely fictional. It makes no difference whether they were real or not. Any time you
seriously admired a character, wished you were in a setting, daydreamed about being in a certain
situation: list it. Include details about why you felt a connection. What about this person, place, or
situation stirred something in you?

There are no limits to this step. Anything goes. As time goes on, you will add to your list as new things
to be added appear. But it does not need to be complete to begin.
Step Two: Fine Tune One item at a time, now imagine you are the person you listed, or you live in the
place you listed, or they are your mother or father, spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, sister or brother, or
est f ie d. I agi e ou e i the situatio s ou listed. Whethe its i the past, p ese t, o futu e,
hethe its fi tio al o ot, fi e tu e a d e pa d ea h ite , o e ite at a ti e. What ould ou
The changes you make can be large or small. Its ou list. Do ith it as ou ill. The goal is to make
this list the most pure, potent representation you can of every identity, location, and situation that you
feel ould ake ou ult a happ . If so ethi g does t sit ell ith ou, eli i ate o ha ge it. If
something is missing, add it. Keep it pure. Whatever makes you the most happy and inspired its all
about you.
Step Three: Design and Build This will be the most time-consuming step, but you can make changes
on-the-fly as you see fit. Build an imaginary world (or multiple worlds if that works better for you)
o tai i g e e thi g o ou list. E e ti e ou e illi g especially when drifting off to sleep at
night, but any other time as well you will be inserting yourself into your world to live and function
within it. This will be covered in the next step.
Again, anything goes. If you want to set the Harry Potter world among the Star Trek universe, go for it.
Star Wars meets (or vs.) Star Trek? You are God in your world. Do it. Crossovers, no crossovers, light,
da k, good, ad, ugl , its all ou s to do ith as ou see fit. The goal is to remain as consistently on that
wavelength of pure fun and joy as you possibly can, as consistently as you can. This means there is no
settling, no sacrificing, in building your world. If you need to be magic to make your world function in a
way that makes you the most happy, then make yourself magic. If you need superpowers, you have
them. If psychic ability solves a lot of problems or makes you happy, then you have that too.
Include things that need resolution. Create the people and settings required to achieve the resolution
you desire. Maybe you were bullied in school. Put the bully into your universe hes goi g to get
hats o i g to hi . U lea that e e ge is o g; so iet taught ou that. You did t o e up
with that idea on your own. Do you have regrets? This is where you eliminate them. Change your past
to whatever you want it to be.
From now until the moment you die, everything in your world exists as you want it to exist. There is no
o p o isi g he e. If ou a t to e e il as e il is o
o l thought of the e e il. Be selfish.
Do e e thi g o g that ou do t t ul elie e is o g. Re a d ou self fo good deeds. P o ote
yourself on your job. The girl or guy who broke your heart? Undo that event. Or make them sorry they
did it. It no longer happened the way you remember it.
You are free to modify, change, and alter your world at will. If it turns out something you initially
created has outlived its usefulness, or is becoming a road block to continuing, just change it. The only
rules here are yours.
Step Four: Grand Entrance When you first enter your world, you will probably not have much success
doing anything beyond imagining it. This is good e ough. As lo g as ou e p o essi g it i so e a , it

ill i ease its ealis as ti e goes o . Ne e o that ou e ot doi g it ight e ause the e is o
ight. Its ou o ld a d its ou i d. Do hat ou a , he e ou e at, ith hat ou e got.
O iousl ou do t a t to e getti g fi ed f o
ou jo e ause ou
should have been preparing the latest TPS report. Use common sense.

e e da d ea i g

hile ou

This step is best outline with a hypothetical example. Imagine Betty Bedspread is infatuated with the
Harry Potter universe, and also with the TV show NCIS. She decides to create her world so that the two
i te a t. Keepi g i
i d that the e a e o e ui e e ts fo
ei g ealisti , o logi al, o e e
sensible, Betty sets up her world where the NCIS team investigates the death of a character who
happens to be a budding young wizard from the Harry Potter universe.
One thing leads to another, and the NCIS characters must begin visiting the Harry Potter universe. Once
there, of course, a multitude of adventures begin to unfold. Betty later decides it would be great fun to
set thi gs up he e A
is a tuall a iza d, hi h adds a e ti el e di e sio to e e thi g
It takes time and involvement to really build her world, so Betty begins slowly. Her first night entering
he o ld i he da d ea s , Bett p efe s to si pl e he self, so she i agi es he ed oo i side
her apartment, taking careful note of every detail she can think of. What does the lamp shade look like?
Whe e is that la p pla ed? What olo a e the sheets; hat is thei te tu e? Fo se e al sessio s, she
continues to go through her bedroom, carefully taking note of every detail she can think of.
The details should remain as consiste t as possi le, u less the es a o pelli g easo to ha ge
something, which is always a wide open option. With every session, Betty solidifies her world a little
more in her mind and in her experience. After a few sessions, she moves into the bathroom, then her
li i g oo , he kit he , he al o . lo l e pa di g a d al a s holdi g stead hat shes e plo ed
so far. Eventually she begins to venture outside, down her street, she does shopping, buys a new car, a
new house, etc. In the process of doing all this, the general functioning of her world begins to solidify on
an ever-increasing scale.
Inside your world, while starting out in your home, you could have family members or visiting friends to
interact with. This helps to immerse you in the expe ie e. Do t su
a ize o gloss o e these
i te a tio s. If ou e talki g ith so e od , pla out e e
o d of the dialog, e a tl as ou ould if
you were there physically.
Its all a out epeat, epeat, epeat. The o e ofte ou e te ou o ld, the better. Hold it steady.
Do t gi e ou self a ele t i sto e o e da a d a gas o e the e t unless, inside your world, you
specifically went out and bought a brand new Viking stove.
As with anything, the more you engage in this process, the easier it will become, and the more it will
take on a life of its own. Given enough time, the characters in your world will begin to make decisions
that ou e ot a a e of telli g the to ake. The ill egi sa i g, thi ki g, a d feeli g thi gs that
you did t assig to the . The ill t ul take o a life of thei o .
When your world is sufficiently developed, you can begin interrogating your characters especially
when the egi a ti g o thei o
a o d. Wh did ou sta d e up last ight? Make them tell
ou the t uth a out h the did hat the did, o did t do hat the did t do.

Like a pla t g o i g, ou o ld e o i g ali e is a stead , g adual p o ess. You o t ha e ou

version of Einstein or Tesla passing on forbidden knowledge during your first excursion into your new
reality. Repeat involvement and time passing are the keys. If you dive in with a fury then gradually stop
using The Process, it will reflect that abandonment and it will do nothing for you. Think in terms of body
building or going to college: there are no instant results but results are still guaranteed if you achieve
consistency long-term.
There are truly no limits to The Process. If you want to be a war hero, then get on the battlefield! You
cannot be killed, unless you choose to be. If you want to be a king, or a queen, or date/marry the
hottest star in Hollywood, the world is your oyster. You can make parallel universes where you bounce
between them at will. Anything goes. The only requirement is that whatever you create inspires you
and makes you personally happy. Make it so, Number One.
Step Five: Look For Crossovers Given enough time, you should begin to notice details tiny at first,
but gradually increasing in their scope he e ou i agi ed u i e se egi s to leed o e i to eal
life. You might notice a pair of shoes that you placed on your version of Elvis Presley on the feet of some
guy you ran across at the mall. As time goes on, you may find yourself encountering people or entire
situations that exactly mirror your own world. Expect this.
You are creating within your own experience a living, breathing universe (or multiple universes) that
you are going to be spending time living out your life inside of. It needs to be designed completely
enough to support your carrying out your life inside it. There have to be ways of getting food, shelter,
and clothing. There have to be people to interact with. There have to be situations that arise. People
need homes to live in. Cities, villages, towns, or entire planets must exist as viable places that would be
believable if they were made into a movie.
Of course, if desired, you can simply make yourself magic; if your desire is to live alone with an entire
planet to call your own, then that will be your setting. You can create the required food, shelter, water,
electricity, etc. by magic or any other way you choose.
Nobody absolutely nobody ever needs to know you are doing this. The entire Process unfolds within
the confines of your own mind and emotions, and that is sacred space. They only people who will have
any clue about your use of The Process are the people you might choose to tell.
Part IV
What are you actually doing with The Process? Most of that depends on how deeply you participate in
it. If all ou do is da d ea i a ge e al se se, the fo get it, ou o t see u h esult. The key to the
entire Process is to live the experience. Do t su
a ize. Li e out the p og essio of dialog a d e e ts
exactly as you would in real life. One person talks, then another. Every action is played out, one at a
time; every word of dialog is spoken. This is the key to bringing your world to the tipping point where it
begins to function with its own independent volition.
If ou e e e left a old eigh o hood o othe pla e he e ou used to ha g out, a d e e go e fo
any length of time, then you returned much later, you know your entire perspective on the place was
shot to Hell. It can never again be what it once was. Half the businesses you knew are gone, and the
place is an empty shell of what it used to be for you. Writers are routinely advised to leave their work

fo a ti e, the o e a k late to ead it. Its ee p o e that usi ia s lea

practice for a time, stop to do something else, then return to their instrument.

u h faste

he the

With The Process, you are utilizing this practice whether you intend to or not. You enter your world for
a time, interact, pop out of it, then return later. In so doing, many of your distortions are gone and you
ha e a u h o e o je ti e i te p etatio of hats goi g o the e. Its the o t ast between our
world and yours that provides you with objectivity.
Humans cannot stand still. There is no situation that any human could be happy inside forever. Change
must occur. In your world, you will most likely start out by using basic domination to resolve everything.
Fo e ou ill o othe s at e e tu . It o t take lo g efo e this e o es pai full o i g fo ou.
The e is o se se of a hie e e t he e e thi g o es too easil . o oull egi
eati g halle ges
(effectively, resistance in some form) for yourself to overcome.
I effe t, The P o ess is a ele ati g ou de elop e t e ause ou e e pe ie i g thi gs that ou
would most likely never experience in physical reality. Experience has the effect of changing core values
where nothing else will. You cannot normally move beyond wanting something without actually having
the experience of having it. If its suffi ie tl de eloped, ou i te a tio ith ou i agi a
o ld a
and will provide a wealth of experience that will move the evolution of your core values right on down
the track.
I agi e ou d ea is to u a o pa . o thats hat ou do i ou i agi a
o ld. I the p o ess,
you will invariably encounter employees with the full spectrum of negative traits from stealing time to
plain old bad attitudes. At first, they are dealt with swiftly and severely. And initially, there is
tremendous satisfaction in that. But as employee after employee is mercilessly inserted into the
unemployment line, it becomes less and less satisf i g to ha dle thi gs ith ute fo e e ause its
always the same experience for you. You buried somebody who could not defend himself. Big deal. So
you begin looking for alternatives or for some kind of expansion to your situation.
That one shift, by itself, has altered your core values. Your initial core value was to skip the song and
dance, grab the bull by the horns, and destroy the problem. Right is right, that employee was a bad
apple, so the e histo . But li i g that o e alue has left you feeling empty and unsatisfied beyond
the first few cases of fulfillment. So you naturally begin questioning that core value and looking to
expand it. You need more than it can bring you in its current form.
You have shifted your core values, slightly or tremendously, and physical reality must reflect that
change. This is what will occur again and again by using The Process.
Next, you will reach the point where entering your world is a treat instead of a chore. There will be so
much going on there that it will be like anticipating and seeing a good movie after work. The entire day
goes better when you have something definitive to look forward to.
The next benefit to using The Process is the contrast it will provide. Most of who you think you are was
programmed by the culture you live in. The vast majority of your identity comes from assessing how
well you conform to what society labels as a success, as powerful, as a good person, etc. You would not
have developed most of these values if you had not been taught them by society. Most or all of this falls
by the wayside inside your world as taboos no longer exist, and there is no real consequence for letting
your true colors show.

As you bring your natural traits into play in your world, you will have no choice but to begin identifying
what they really are. The impact of this is enormous because your entire identity will begin to shift. You
will no longer think of yourself as good or bad, successful or a failure, valuable or worthless, based on
how you are viewed and judged by the people in society. You will step outside those definitions more
and more as the real you unveils itself in your world. As this occurs, your core values must shift equally
dramatically because your entire sense of who and what you are will change so much.
In the same vein, your handling of problems and conflicts will shift as well which, yet again, is a shift in
your core values. You will begin training yourself to think outside the box, embrace all possibilities, and
think in terms of creating solutions instead of fighting problems.
Finally, you are building up inertia living as a successful, happy human being who is in charge of his or
her life. You will take risks in your world that you would not take in daily life. Failure becomes less and
less acceptable, and less and less necessary as your entire being becomes more and more accustomed
to succeeding at everything. Obstacles that once seemed insurmountable become minor irritations.
Once again, this will affect your core values dramatically because your entire outlook on life and what is
possible will eventually change with equal intensity.
Everything discussed here may well seem secondary and minor. This could not be farther from the
truth. Through The Process, you are directly impacting the precise mechanism that controls your
fortunes in daily life.
What follows is an imaginary case of the changes unfolding in the life of a person who used The Process
long-term and with full commitment. It will become apparent in this imaginary account how powerful
The Process really is in achieving any goal.
Meet a . Hes a thi t -two year old software developer who has come to hate his job because he
cannot work at his potential. Every time he tries to improve something, others are threatened and they
either get him fired or squash him and his ambitions very quickly. Sam has a cheating wife, and two kids
who are spoiled rotten. Sam is miserable, always in emotional pain, and quite desperate. He has
effectively given up on his life ever appreciably improving until he discovers The Process. Sam
undertakes The Process with full commitment, with the starting goal of creating the ultimate job
a s fa o ite tele isio sho is o e spe ifi episode of the old Twilight Zone series. The episode is
e titled A top at Willough . A o e l st essed offi e o ke falls asleep o the t ai , o l to ake
up at a stop that did t e ist: Willough . Willough is, esse tiall , a Utopia to
of se e it , slo paced and arguably the ultimate in community living.
Sam ends up creating his imaginary world within the town of Willoughby. However, he has to make
changes from the television episode, to allow for computers to exist in Willoughby. So he throws a
Worst Bu sto e i to the to s o
e e ase, a d eates a lo al o pa e gagi g i soft a e
a s fi st de ee is to ake the soft a e o pa his o . Over time, he encounters every unfair
practice one could imagine at work, always eliminating the problem employee in response. Hostile
o o ke s i eal life e o e asualties of justi e i a s Willough .

This gives rise to a problem. In the course of his company house cleaning, Sam realizes that he has cast
so many Willoughby residents into the unemployment line that the town has now been handed a minor
social and economic crisis. City park even has his former enemies sleeping on park benches, destroying
the to s allu e as the last stop o the a to Hea e .
Finding the entire p o le to e a i o i itatio , a does t a t to spe d too u h ti e deali g
with it. So he simply ships out the fired personnel to the nearby town of Skankton in a sweeping move
that exports all the nasty workers out of Willoughby and creates a minor influx of skilled, quality citizens
from other towns to replace them. All is well.
Sam creates a wife for himself; a frighteningly stunning blonde who is fiercely loyal to him and carries
massive respect and appreciation for all his qualities. In Willoughby, Sam has arrived. He has the
perfect income, the perfect wife, and the perfect family.
At this point a new problem arises: Sam is bored to tears. Every day is perfection. There are no more
achievements to be achieved. Sam is now the mayor of Willoughby, loved by all its citizens; life is as
good as its e e goi g to get, the e a e o eal p o le s, a d he is o ed to the i k of ad ess. a
needs adventure, accomplishment, and a real reason to get up in the morning.
He plays out an episode where his wife is massively attracted to another guy in town. This has its merits
fo a ti e, ut his ife apidl sees the e o of he a s, ealizes a s o ious supe io it , a d
abandons her affections for the other guy, immersed in her newfound, even stronger sense of reverence
for Sam.
Realizing things could never really end up differently than his coming out on top, Sam is now REALLY
bored. He realizes that for as long as he is living in Willoughby, he will never again have any real sense
of achievement because every outcome will always go his way.
In a moment of epiphany, Sam realizes that he faces the same problem in Utopian Willoughby that he
faces in real life. While the surrounding details might be dramatically different, the outcome is still
ide ti al: he a t feel like hes a hie ed a thi g.
This sends Sam into a protracted period of introspection. In real life, he always had the comfort of being
able to blame fellow employees for his plight. But through his use of The Process, he realizes that the
same problem comes up to embrace him even when every person he could possibly blame for having
that problem has been eliminated.
Its uite diffi ult, ut a is o e ed i to ad itti g that the p o le
a ot ha e its oots a
he e
else but within him, since he is the only common element between his real-life job and his functioning in
The first thing that hits Sam between the eyes is the amount of realism that could be injected into his
blaming other employees for the problems he faced. Where else might this be happening?
Without realizing it, Sam has just undergone a massive shift in his core value system; one that The
Process greatly accelerated. Suddenly, the way he perceives others, and consequently, the power they
hold over his life, has undergone massive reconstruction. Within his core values, Sam is now far more
powerful and capable than he ever imagined, and the power others hold over him is a fraction of what it

used to be. For Sam, this shift is not the result of any training, conditioning, or teaching. It is simply
Within a few days, Sam receives a surprise, major promotion at work. His salary effectively doubles. He
notices that for no discernible reason, the same coworkers who were such a problem earlier are now
t eati g hi
e diffe e tl . Hes e ei i g le els of espe t he e e e ei ed efo e. People a e
coming to him for resolution, pulling the same innovations out of him that they were squashing a week
a s o e pe eptio of hi self and others underwent a dramatic shift. His physical reality had no
hoi e ut to follo suit. His eal life e t f o that of a ise a le, do t odde d o e to a
energetic, appreciated and capable manager. Why? Because Sam changed his perception of himself.
The La of Att a tio ki ked i a d e uilt a s ealit to e a tl i o his pe eptio of a .
This is just one example of what The Process can deliver. It is hardly representative of all that is
Part V
Most of what this video contains is relevant to manifestation in a general sense. It applies whether a
person uses The Process from this video series, or takes a completely different approach.
The story of Sam from video 4 of this series is drastically over-simplified for the sake of giving some
sense of what can be achieved through The Process (or many other approaches to manifestation).
While the actual manifestation process itself CAN occur si ila to ho it u folded i a s sto , in
reality anything goes and you should never, ever expect things to happen any certain way. Likewise,
e e assu e that it a o l happe if This is likel the iggest pitfall: people assu e that if the
do t do o ha e this fi st, the that ould e e happe . Its a az o ld out the e. Anything can and
does happen. One person manifested $500 within a few hours of needing it for an emergency. It fell
f o the sk
i i g a tou a e t o the Pu lishe s Clea i ghouse e site.
The safest rule to follow is to forget about how somethi g a o a t happe . 99% of the time the
ill li dside ou out of o he e. Experience suggests that far more often than not, the route to
manifestation of a goal will end up being some twisted path that we never could have foreseen. One
theory is that this is because doing this keeps all our baggage out of the roadway. Our beliefs, anxiety,
et . a e e o ed f o the e uatio . The s ea i g kids a e kept out of the kit he hile o s t i g
to cook.
The Process is not a quick fix for anything. It is a long-term commitment, similar to body building. If
ou e goi g to the g
egula l , ou ill egi losi g OME eight du i g ou fi st isit. It ill
probably only require two or three visits before you begin to see improvement that can be measured on
a scale. With every visit, the improvement you experience becomes more and more prominent. The
vast majority of the time, manifesting goals is truly a process, not an event. Although sudden events
certainly can and do occur.
Placing too much focus on gauging progress toward a goal is an exercise in futility. It will typically do
nothing but hinder that progress. Logic as we know it does not always apply to the manifestation of
goals. Well its ee th ee da s so if I sta ted o e the e, the toda I should e o e he e It does t

work that way. Often, many people need to be aligned and situations engineered in preparation for a
goal to manifest. While this is underway, it will usually seem like no progress is being made.
All of this applies only after your true core values are aligned such that you resonate with that goal
The beauty of manifestation is that if you are not aligned, then the first thing that will manifest is the act
of getting you in alignment. Blockages must be cleared, roads must be built and paved, and vehicles
eed to e ade ead to t a el o the . The u i e se al a s sa s es. But its the e essa
p epa ato
o k that ust o u fi st that t i ks people i to thi ki g this just is t o ki g. Fo
better or worse, if the pace of your day-to-day life suddenly kicks into overdrive after seriously setting a
goal, then full manifestation is in progress. Do not gauge that progress because we humans do t
usually know how to do it correctly. And there is no requirement for our measuring progress at all.
Bo , a sopho o e i high s hool, is t pi all see
his lass ates as a i p, a lose , a d a e d. Hes
the first guy the jocks would pick to torment. Bob decides that he seriously wants to have the
homecoming queen as his girlfriend. And through whatever means he chooses, he puts forth the intent
of making that happen.
Its safe to sa that Bo s o e alues, a d his t ue pe eptio of hi self, a e slightl isalig ed ith the
goal hes set. So the Law of Attraction will begin working on these areas to get them where they need to
be. Since Bob is really super ultra serious about his goal, his life is about to become World War III. Bob
ill ot u de sta d a of hats a out to happe to hi . But behind the scenes, his request has been
received, processed, and approved. Bob is placed on the fast track to winning that homecoming queen
(who we will call Elise).
Unknown to Bob, the first major shift that has to be made is to align his experience of Bob with his goal.
ust e ist i Bo s o pe eptio e a tl as he d ea s of e isti g i Elises e pe ie e. The es a
lot of work to be done here, and the work is naturally prioritized from the largest required shift to the
Bob comes home from school one day to the announcement that his father has received a major
promotion at work and they are moving to a new town. Bob is devastated by this news. Whats goi g
o ? He as so si e e i his goal to i o e Elise; a d o hes o i g to a new town where (as far as
he knows) that can never happen. He dream was crushed before it ever got off the ground.
What Bo does t see is the fa t that fo hi to go th ough the t a sitio f o
uss to stud uffi
while still enrolled in his school would be pointless. Nobody would be likely to ever stop thinking of him
as the old Bob. No matter how far he progressed toward becoming an A-list male, he would never shake
his old persona within his current school. He would need to disappear from the scene, transition into
Super Bob, then be thrown into some situation where extended, close interaction with Elise would
unfold. Unaware of any of this, Bob is left to his misperception that he just took it in the behind and
the es othi g o e to sa .
However, having nowhere else to turn, Bob decides to stay with The Process, in the hopes of somehow
reconnecting with his lost love who never was.

Bo e ui es a fo e to o e hi f o poi t A to poi t B. I this ase, its a issue of ph si al

appearance. Bo s d ess ode is so e hat apa t f o
hat it eeds to e, to e o e Elises k ight i
shi i g a o . o so e ki d of i petus ust o u ithi Bo s life to oti ate hi to a d highe
standards in the fashion world.
In his new location, Bob ends up wo ki g as a etail le k i a lo al lothi g shop. He has o idea hats
a tuall ehi d this. To hi , it see ed like so epla e to appl fo o k, a d othi g o e. But the
Law of Attraction quietly nudged him into just the right store where he would encounter a steady flow
of well-dressed males. He would see the girls they were with, he would see how they were dressed, and
subconsciously he would connect the two. His experience as a lowly clerk was designed, behind the
scenes, to motivate him to dress the a he eeded to d ess i o de to i ulate f eel o Elises le el.
This pattern continues as Bob is moved through issue after issue that requires adjustment. However all
this is peripheral to the real goal: Bob must become in his own experience what he wants to become in
the experience of Elise. This is no small task.
Bob begins experiencing crises in his life. They come in all shapes and sizes, and they are piling up. Bob
has o idea hats happe i g. All he k o s is that its pai ful to ake up i the o i g, its pai ful to
go to bed at night, and all hours in between are painful to live through. There are family quarrels,
bullying at his new school, unfair treatment at work, and a host of other maladies that become the new
norm for poor Bob.
As Bob begins to face, endure, and overcome each crisis, he becomes a slightly different person in his
own experience. Over time, these changes accumulate. Since Bob is a moving target, constantly
changing internally, the requirements for advancing his evolution continue changing. Month by month,
the movement continues.
Finally, Bob ends up not with Elise, but with a woman very similar, but who he likes even better.
Whe ou set a goal, ou do ot a hie e that goal. You e o e a pe so
ho that goal reflects, on
the level of core values; on the level of self-perception. This is what true resonance is: essentially, your
character: what you believe in, trust, value.
While core intention plays a huge part in situations that manifest in your daily life, intent alone is not
enough. If ou do t pe so all eso ate ith the goal ou e set, it ill e e a ifest. This is h the
proverbial caca always seems to hit the fan when you put forth the intent to reach a goal: on the level of
core intent, you must evolve to become a resonant match for that goal manifesting. Moving you to that
point, driven by your own intent, is the journey that kicks off when a goal is set.
The following points are useful guidelines to keep in mind as you progress toward a goal.

The best, and possibly only, way to gauge progress toward a goal is to assess how stable
your life overall is. The more unstable it becomes, and the faster it becomes that way, the
more likely it is that you have already been launched directly toward your goal. As a general
rule (and every rule has exceptions), the larger your goal, the more changes you must
undergo internally before that goal reflects your true core values, and the larger and more
intense the events in your life are likely to be. While these events are not always negative,


they have a tendency to take on that flavor simply because we respond with far more
intensity to negative events than to positive ones.
You can seriously accelerate your passage through a crisis by taking the viewpoint of the
La of Att a tio itself. It does t ope ate a o di g to ho good o ad ou a e, hat ou
may or may not deserve, etc. It goes by your expected and most likely response to a
situatio . Fo e a ple, Bo
ight sa I thought this as
closest friend in the world,
and she just betrayed me on a level that absolutely dwarfed anything I have ever
e pe ie ed. F o Bo s pe spe ti e, the e is o l o e likel espo se: she is e il a d
thats all the e is to sa .
But if Bob pretends he is the Law of Attraction, and the goal of his being betrayed is to move
lose to his d ea gi l, the he a look deepe a d sa ho do I get past this?
Deta h. Dista e self f o this f ie d. This ill ulti atel e his response anyway: once
itte , t i e sh . This e o es i g ai ed a d auto ati ithi Bo s o -changed core
alues: do t get too lose to a od . It does t ea e o i g a ut ase. It ea s
keeping a healthy, balanced distance from anybody and everybody. The result is that when
Bob hooks up with his dream girl, he has been molded and formed into a guy who is not too
dependent and therefore does not run her off.


The e a e o p e e uisites. You a ot de la e I a

e e get hi ed i so-and-so
professio u til I get e pe ie e i it. A iza e set of i u sta es ight a ise he e ou
suddenly find yourself in that profession with no experience. Obviously, certain professions
(such as doctor or lawyer) are going to require a degree. But this is a good general rule of
thu : do t li it hat ou elie e is possi le e ause of p e o eptio s a out
prerequisites. Let the Law of Attraction do its thing.


If ou e e ou goal, hat ha ges ould ou eed to see i ou self efo e ou t ul

felt like you were a natural match for it? Having some sense of this will help considerably,
ot o l i ealizi g the di e t path to a d ou goal that ou e eall o , ut also i
understanding why some of the things that have been kicked into gear are occurring. You
simply need to take the proper perspective a d assu e the pu pose of hat ou e goi g
through is to change you so that your goal is a natural reflection of you.


If your goal changes mid-st ea , let it. Do t i o-manage yourself or the process of
reaching your goals. Evolution is constant. You are under no obligation to remain on a track
that you no longer feel you want to be on. Modify and change your goals at will.


Make use of the supporting web site. The link is in the description below each video in this
series. There, an entire array of resources, from a discussion forum to articles to video links
to worksheets, is available, all free of charge. The Process will evolve, refine, and grow only
with the participation of the people using it.

You are who and what you are. Be that person. Do what you do; let yourself want what you want. No
atte hat la el so iet
ight slap o a goal ou ha e, it is alid. Do t let ou self fall p e to ell

I a ad pe so if I a t that. Do t get aught up i that e . If ou a t so ethi g, the

it is valid.

a ti g

The est is sa ed fo last: isis ode. Those ti es he ou e dep essed, a g , feeli g lost, e pt ,
and worst of all, like nothing is happening. You will face these times. Do not fight them. They are
temporary, even though every moment you spend in these diminished, even painful states, you will feel
like they will last forever and nothing could possibly offer any hope. Ride out the storm. Get through
the day any way you can.
Du i g these ti es, li e ou life f o hou to hou , let ti e pass, allo thi gs to u fold. You do t
eed to feel like ou e o the fast t a k to assi e e a ds e e
i ute of the da . Allow yourself
down time; allow yourself time to feel like ou e o pletel stu k. Be ho ou a e, do hat ou do,
and move to the next minute, the next hour, the next day, any way you can. There will be times when
you feel yourself facing crises that are rooted on deeper levels than you ever thought you existed on.
They are not fun to go through. They are scary as Hell, and even more painful. Even so, there is little
choice but to let them play out. You will come out of them, sooner or later. Allow the crisis to exist and
get through it any way you can. Fighti g it ill p odu e o esult that as t goi g to e p odu ed
A final word: review and refresh periodically. This is absolutely critical to keeping up your momentum.
Replay this video series from time to time. Read the articles on the suppo ti g e site. Youll fi d that
the impact these resources have on you will be very different a month from now than it was this time
through the video series.
Tha k ou fo at hi g! Be good to ou self; ake ou d ea s happe . Its h
Be who you are, do what you do, and make no apologies for any of it.
Go forth and manifest!

ou e here on Earth.

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