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Living Generously, Changing Lives

2016-2017 Stewardship Campaign

Because of your generosity...

They are to do good, to be rich in good works,

generous and ready to share,

thus storing up for themselves the treasure of
a good foundation for the future,
so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.

I Timothy 6:18-19

Woodmonts Mission

Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love, and Serving Others.


Stewardship begins when we acknowledge that everything, from Christs sacrificial love
and redemption, to our material blessings, are gifts from God. Giving generously means
faithfully allotting time, talent, and treasure to help improve the lives of all people.
Our monetary gifts, our hands-on service, our kind words of respect, encouragement,
and hope can change lives dramatically. Your pledge to support Woodmont is the
key factor that keeps us moving forward towards a strong future. That is our mission as
individuals and as a church.
Included in this booklet are devotionals by Woodmont members as well as information
about our ministries, community, worship, people, and more - there is so much more
going on at Woodmont than could fit in this booklet!


Devotional by Clay Stauffer, page 3

Sunday Worship, page 4
Devotionals by Tom Patten and Jim Batson, page 5
Our Church Family, page 6
Missions and Outreach, page 8
Devotionals by Christy Crider and Alison Bueschen, page 9
Serving Our Community, page 10
Youth Ministry, page 11
Devotionals by Anne Sumpter Arney and Karen Conrad, page 12
Childrens Ministry, page 13
Young Adults Ministry and Devotional by Talbott Ottinger, page 14
Staff Serving Woodmont, page 15

Woodmont Christian Church 2016 Stewardship Committee

Anne Arney, Jim Batson, Alison Bueschen, Mark Clymer, Christy Crider, Neil Kunkel, Talbott Ottinger, Isse Waddey, Co-Chairs: Tom and Kathy Patten

Living Generously, Changing Lives


Living Generously, Changing Lives

Living Generously, Changing Lives by Clay Stauffer
In Matthew 19:16-26, Jesus has an encounter with a man whom we are told is very rich. He has
many worldly possessions and he wants to know what he needs to do to inherit eternal life. He
says that he has kept all the commandments since his youth, but he knows that he is still lacking
something else.
Sensing his unhealthy attachment to his material wealth, Jesus says Go, sell your possessions
and give your money to the poor; and then you will have treasure in heaven and you can come
and follow me. Having heard these instructions the man went away very sad. The disciples
were confused. The request seemed unfair but Jesus looked at them and said, It is easier for a
camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of
heaven. OR to put it another way, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
than for someone who is completely consumed and defined by material thingsto understand
what the kingdom of God is all about.
What can we learn from this passage? How does Christianity change lives? Its true that many
preachers of affluent congregations decide to stay away from this passage because it comes
across as threatening to many people. It makes many uncomfortable. I want to make a few brief
observations about what I think Jesus is telling us in this encounter with the rich young ruler.
First of all, Jesus is not saying that wealth is bad. That is not the point of this story. In
fact, wealth, when used properly and generously, can make a dramatic difference
in the church and in the world. But what Jesus is saying is that wealth that enslaves
us, wealth that keeps us from focusing on God, wealth that makes us selfish and selfcentered, can be one of the worst things that can ever happen to us as human beings.
Secondly, Jesus is not saying that all of us have to sell all that we own in order to follow
him. He said that the rich young man should, because it was his possessions rather than
his character and generosity, that defined him. THINGS are meant to be used and
PEOPLE are meant to be loved. But its when we find ourselves LOVING THINGS and
USING PEOPLE that we have it all backwards.
Thirdly, I think Jesus is saying that for some people, it takes a drastic change in lifestyle
for the message of Christ to really have meaning. Some people get itand some
people dont. But the statistics clearly show us that Christianity is declining in affluent
and wealthy societies but it is rapidly growing and thriving in third world countries where
people have to struggle. Hope is alive in those countries. Faith is alive. Generosity
is alive. But most importantly, Christ does not have to compete with all the material
things that money can buy.
And lastly, what I take from this passage is that true generosity brings about life change.
Not just in the one who receivesbut even more so in the one who gives. If you want
to see God come alive in your lifethen open up your heart and give to others. Not
just your moneybut your timeyour giftsyour skillsyour talentsand your life.
May we all seek to discover the joy that changes both our lives and the lives of others!

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Sunday Worship

gathering around the table of the Lord,

strengthening our intimacy with God and others,
experiencing the presence of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Because of your generosity, those who worship at Woodmont experience the fullness and depth

of our faith. We are transformed by the beauty of the sanctuary and at The Bridge, the powerful yet
peaceful reverence for the Gospels in the music and readings, by the joy, love, and acceptance shared
by the congregation and ministers, and by the way the sermon reveals a deeper understanding of the
connection between our lives and the Word of God. Three styles of Worship, Childrens Moment, Cherub,
Chancel and Grace Notes Choirs, lilies at Easter, poinsettias at Christmas, candlelight worship, special guest
musicians, Child Dedications, New Members Affirming Their Commitment to Faith, Baptisms, the Lords Table,
Scripture Reading, the Lords Prayer, the presence of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit - all of these elements and
more remind us that we are Gods children - everything we are, and all that we have are gifts from God.

Morning Worship in the Sanctuary

Evening Worship at the Bridge

The Lords Table - Communion

Child Dedications

Childrens Moment

Chancel Choir


Living Generously, Changing Lives

Devotional - Witness
Witness by Steve Smith

At the very end of Matthew, Jesus gives us clear instructions: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Its called the Great Commission. Its not a parable requiring an understanding of context or an interpretation
of multiple meanings. To me, its unambiguous and clearly stated - go forth and spread the Word, baptize
the unbaptized, teach them to live as Jesus taught us, and know that Christs love is forever.
So why is something so straightforward so very hard for some of us to do. It certainly is for me. Witnessing
our faith can be uncomfortable, awkward, and, at times, maybe even embarrassing. Why? I wish that I
had a great answer.
I have nieces who have traveled to India to spread the good news of Jesus to people who may never have
heard of Christ. Im awed and inspired by their efforts, but it doesnt seem to help my personal difficulty. Im
proud of my faith, and I want to share it, but the method can be confusing.
But I have found a way to witness my faith to others, and it feels very natural and very right.
The conversation might go something like this: So how was your weekend, Steve?
Great I worked on a Habitat house build with my church, or A group of friends helped feed some
homeless guys, and gave them a warm place to sleep.
For me, interactions like these provide a natural way to open a conversation about living out my faith through
service to others. They can lead to a dialogue about my church and my faith and, most importantly, the
love of Jesus Christ.
The outreach and missions of Woodmont offer each of us with a wide variety of opportunities to share love
and serve others. They also provide excellent ways to demonstrate that we are living as Jesus taught us.
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father
who is in heaven.

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Devotional - Treasure
Treasure by Jim Batson

A treasure is anything you value. It can be our money, health, success, family, country and lifestyle. Most would
add our relationship with God, our spiritual treasure. The more treasures we have, the longer the list. My list is
far longer than my Guatemalan friend Juana Saquics. Our treasures are truly in our health and we exercise,
in our careers and we work hard, in our families and we provide, in our country and we vote, pay taxes and
obey laws, in our lifestyle and we have comfortable homes, multiple cars, sport outings and vacations.
In Matthew, Chapter 6, Jesus warns us against storing up treasures on Earth. In verse 21, Jesus says wherever
your treasure is, theres where your heart is. My humble interpretation of this, and to avoid guilt, is that
Jesus wants us to be happy, successful and enjoy all that goes with it, but he wants us to demonstrate a
balance, a fairness between these treasures and our love for God and the furtherance of His Kingdom. We
demonstrate this balance through our monetary presents and our physical presence in worship, in serving
others and in sharing love.
Will you pray with me?
Gracious and Loving God, thank you for the treasure you shared with us in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Thank you for the world and all its creatures. Thank you for life. Thank you for the treasures we create, enjoy
and share with family, friends and the less fortunate. Accept, Lord, my presents and presence as fair returns
of my appreciation and love for you.

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Our Church Family

growing in faith,
living fully in the presence of God,
caring for one another with a servants heart.

Because of your generosity, our faith is deepened, brokenness is healed, spiritual energy is

renewed, and together we discover Gods gifts and calling in our lives. It is because of our compassion for
humankind and our history of fearless giving that Woodmont is able to expand and empower ministry and
serve as a beacon and a bridge to the community. We are united by faith in Christ and in each other.

Fellowship and Joy

Woodmonts Spire
Like a Finger Pointing to Heaven

Garden of Prayer

Small Groups

Bethany HIlls Retreats

Dinner Groups

Sunday School Classes

Fellowship Dinners

Annual Events - Hooper Classic Golf Tournament

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Missions and Outreach

hands on service,
kind words of respect,
easing the pain of others,
sharing the love of Christ.

Because of your generosity, lives are rebuilt and spirits are restored. Morgan Scott, Habitat for

Humanity, Unbound trips to Guatemala, Hope for Africa, Assembly of Refugee Kits, Heavenly Helpers,
Tele-Connect, Mobile Meals, Room in the Inn, Clothing Drives, Food Pantry, Red Cross Blood Drives,
Walk Thru Bethlehem, and many other acts of selfless love and compassionate kindness are alive
at Woodmont year round. Like Jesus, we are to share the Gospel and ease the pain of others - our
monetary gifts, our hands on service, our kind words of respect, encouragement, and hope can
change lives dramatically. That is our mission as individuals and as a church.

Annual Walk Thru Bethlehem Event

Habitat Builds

Guatemala Mission Trips

Morgan Scott Mission Trips

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Devotional - Time
Time by Christy Crider

Ecclesiastes 33:1-8 For everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be
born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted...
For my immediate family, who are in that precious time between a time to be born and a time to die
- life on earth. My grandparents have moved past this time. My grandchildren have not yet moved into this
time. But, my immediate family has moved into a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted....
So, that raises the question of how we use this gift of time to plant. Time is the one thing we have all been
given the exact same amount of each day, each month and each year. Yet, only we can decide what
to plant during our time. Im inspired by watching the lives of my fellow Woodmont members and how
they plant with their time. I watch the 3-year old Sunday School teachers whose children are grown. I
watch the youth volunteers, who dont have their own children yet. I watch the greeters who arrive early
each Sunday to make sure I have a program and a smile on my way in. I watch the beautiful musicians
who practice for hours before they provide special music to enhance my worship experience. I watch the
ministers, elders, and deacons who serve me each Sunday as Im filled by their love and Gods spirit. I watch
my Sunday School teacher who labors each week to bring me a lesson that enriches my spiritual journey. I
watch the many boards, committees, and volunteer groups who give their time and talents to insure that
I have a beautiful space in which to worship and learn and a church budget that keeps all the ministries
working to serve me, my fellow members, our community, and reach out into our world to spread Gods
love. Im thankful to be a part of a church community that plants with their time, talents and finances. Im
going to turn in my pledge card and give because this is my time to plant. Im so thankful to be able pluck
up the beautiful fruits this congregation plants.
Prayer: God, thank you for this precious time I have between a time to be born and a time to die. Thank
you for planting me in a congregation where I can plant my time, talents and finances in a way that brings
glory to you and enriches my life in so many ways. Amen.

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Devotional - Joy
Joy by Alison Bueschen

Most of us have heard the verse God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7), but this verse does not
speak to the joy that is available to us when we have the ability, the privilege to give to others. Throughout
history, notable figures have testified to this truth. I found statements dated well before the time of Christ,
but lets take a look at some of the thoughts regarding joy and giving that have been offered during more
recent history.
Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy, you must have somebody to divide it
with. - Mark Twain
There is no greater joy, nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someones life.
- Sister Mary Rose McGeady
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Buddha
A joy shared is a joy doubled. - C.S. Lewis
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. - Maya Angelou
People speak again and again about the joy that waits for us when we are able to trust, obey and
share what we have with others. May we thank God for this blessing of joy as we offer our gifts to Him.

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Serving Our Community

giving back,
supporting local nonprofits,
changing the lives of others while transforming our hearts.

Because of your generosity, people in our community who would normally go without dont

have to. From nourishing the body and soul with The Nashville Food Project, to giving the entire
community a gift and a chance to re-live the time when Jesus was born during Walk Thru Bethlehem,
to providing a hot meal and place to stay to those with no home during the harsh winter months
with Room In the Inn, we give because we care about changing the lives of others. Woodmont also
multiplies the outcome of the good work being accomplished by generously giving to local nonprofits
through grant funding thus spreading our generosity and care even further.

Food Pantry - Feeding the Community

Room In the Inn

The Nashville Food Project

Walk Thru Bethlehem


Living Generously, Changing Lives

Youth Ministry

building a caring community for all youth,

and connecting our youth with:
God, their true selves, and others.

Because of your generosity, our youth group continues to expand. Opportunities for friendship,

faith, fun, and fellowship happen weekly. Whether in middle school (Chi-Rho) or high school (CYF),
our youth know that they can always be themselves here, cultivating within a sense of belonging.
Scholarships for mission trips, the newly renovated Youth Wing, overnight lock-ins, Sunday morning
donuts and evening meals, Sunday School, Youth Sunday, and service projects are just a few of the ways
your support is connecting our youth with God.

Prayer Circle

Youth Sunday


Pumpkin Patch

Sunday Evening Youth Group


Living Generously, Changing Lives

Devotional - Talent
Talent by Anne Sumpter Arney

We all know the simple hymn This Little Light of Mine. In each verse, we are admonished not to hide
our light under a bushel but to let it shine. Our Little Light is the very big light of Christ working in our lives.
One of the ways that Christ works in our lives and the lives of others is through the gifts and talents that God
has given us. If we do not recognize our special talents and share them in service to God and his children,
then we are certainly hiding our lights under a bushel. As daunting as the many needs that we see around us,
there are gifts among us that make meeting those needs possible. Service and contribution to Gods work
involves more than monetary support. We must each dig deep into our pockets of light and contribute our
special talent whether it is a talent for music, for preaching, for building, for growing, for listening, for caring, for
organizing, for teaching or for leading.
In Romans, Paul tells us, We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a mans gift is
prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach;
if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it
is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. (Romans 12:5-8)
During this season of stewardship, let us pray to find our special talent and an opportunity to use it in Gods
service. Let us let our light shine.

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Devotional - Grace
Grace by Karen Conrad

..for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the
redemption which is in Christ Jesus.. Romans 3:23-24
My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you. 2 Corinthians 12:9
We are the recipients of Gods perfect gift, His amazing grace.
Grace, the undeserved gift from God to all of us, is in my opinion, comprised of many facets: faithfulness,
love, compassion, forgiveness, selflessness and so much more. We receive His grace through the Holy Spirit
and through the faithfulness of Abraham and Moses; the love, compassion, sacrifice and forgiveness of
Jesus; the commitment of Peter and Paul and the selflessness and generosity of so many through the ages.
The adage, much was accomplished before you got here, is so true. We need only to look at our own
beautiful church to see the faithfulness and generosity shown by Woodmont members going back
seventy-two years and to Vine Street before then. We enjoy the benefits of so many things that we had no
part of making happen.
Along with the favor of Gods grace comes the gift of purpose. It is now our mission to continue in the tradition
of generosity of spirit displayed by those who came before us. Much needs to be done for the future
generations of saints. It is because of Gods gift of grace that we are privileged to participate in His work
along with our Biblical ancestors. What a humbling thought that is! But in the process, Paul tells us in Ph 1:6
that he who began a good work in us will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ. The blessings keep coming!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your enduring mercy and the many wonderful blessings that we
receive because of your grace. Help us to strive to be more worthy of your love. Thank you for your many
blessings from the air that we breathe to the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Childrens Ministry

experiencing the unconditional love of God,

learning about the Bible, prayer and Jesus,
and celebrating the next generation of leaders.

Because of your generosity, the childrens ministry is thriving. From infancy to pre-teen, there is a

place for every child at Woodmont (before they move on to Youth Group!) Sunday School, the Childrens
Moment during the 9:30 a.m. service, Grace Notes Choir, Cherub Choir, VBS, Disciples Class, Baptism Sunday,
Fall Fest, the Easter Egg Hunt, Food Trucks for Kids, Junior Youth Fellowship and Nursery Care - our children are
learning to build a solid spiritual foundation. In addition, families are being equipped for discipleship, prayer
and learning at home. Every week, our children experience the unconditional love of God and all because
of our caring staff, dedicated volunteers, and your support.

Childrens Moment during 9:30 a.m. Worship

Vacation Bible School

Grace Notes Childrens Choir

Trunk or Treat

Cherub Choir


Sunday School

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Young Adults Ministry

a church home away from home,

accepting our individuality as well as what unifies us.

Because of your generosity, our Young Adult ministry provides a spiritual home away from home

for college-aged students or those working in Nashville. Bonds between young adults are formed and last
a lifetime. Fellowship, bible study, classes and open discussion with same aged people of faith provides
hope and camaraderie to young adults navigating the pieces of a somewhat fragmented world.

Fellowship and Discussion

A Home Away from Home

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Devotional - Community
Community by Talbott Ottinger

The term community invokes many positive thoughts, especially when discussed in the context of
the Woodmont Christian Church community. Thinking back to the first time that my wife and I visited
Woodmont over five years ago, we were both impressed with the welcoming atmosphere and sense
of community which was immediately apparent after meeting only a few members. Now that we
have become a part of that community, we are constantly, pleasantly reminded of what being a
community truly means.
To me, in order to be a truly successful community, several important factors must be present, including
leadership, fellowship and stakeholders. We are all lucky to have been blessed with great leaders at
Woodmont who lead through both words and actions. Clays words help us to understand how the
teachings of the Bible relate to our current lives and how we can all be better Christians. People like
Thom Schuyler (Room In The Inn), Steve McHugh (church property), Deb and Steve Laforge (Habitat
for Humanity), Emmie Thomas (Guatemala) and Judy Davis (Morgan Scott Project) constantly show us
by their actions that there are plenty of people at Woodmont, in Nashville, and throughout the world
that are in need of help. Fellowship is something which should come naturally at Woodmont since
most people who attend share a core Christian belief system, making it easy to form relationships and
connect no matter what stage of life one is in. While typically a stakeholder is used in the world of
business, I would argue that the same term is applicable in a community and especially at Woodmont.
Growing disciples of Christ by seeking God, sharing love and serving others is our mission at Woodmont
and we are all asked to share our Time, Talent and Treasures with our Woodmont community. Anyone
who participates in this calling and shares their time, talent or treasures with Woodmont is making an
investment in our community and is certainly a stakeholder.
During this season of stewardship, I challenge everyone in the Woodmont community to be a
stakeholder and live generously and change lives in our community as we grow our mission and play
a vital role in the many lives which are affected by every minute given, every talent shared and every
dollar donated to Woodmont.

Because of your generosity,

Living Generously, Changing Lives

Staff Serving Woodmont

Dr. Clay Stauffer

Senior Minister

Dr. C. Roy Stauffer

Minister of Adult Education
and Church Life

Thom Schuyler
Michael Graham
Director: College, Young
Director of Music Ministry
Adults, Missions & Outreach

Mary Clare Pyron

Parish Nurse

Sara deBettencourt
Communications Director

Woodmont has a Ministerial and

Administrative staff that is committed to
Woodmont, and is proud to represent
our mission and congregation every day.

Trey Flowers
Minister of WCC Youth
and The Bridge Worship

Justin Gung
Minister of WCC Children
and Congregational Care

Andra Moran and

Farrell Mason
Stephen Daniel King
Minister of Family Life
and Pastoral Care Creative Directors, The Bridge

Tallu Quinn
Director, TNFP

MacKenzie Baldwin
Administrative Assistant

Chris Beck
Business Administrator


Martha Duff
Director of WCPS

Katie Gossage
Assistant Director,
Youth Group

Mandy Barton Brown

Executive Assistant

Sam Marsh

Thank you for living generously

and changing lives.

Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, Tennessee 37215

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