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Case History

1. Background of Information
Name: Agent X
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Male
Fathers Name: Rex
Mothers Name: Charlene
Siblings Name: Stephanie, Isabella
Familys Medical History: His father blood line has diabetes and asthma.
2. Description of Presenting Problem
Agent X is a 3 year old boy who has a hard time to cope with the normal
developmental milestones of his age. He is the oldest of the 3 siblings yet on his
current age he has a hard time verbalizing how he feels or create 2-4 word
sentences. He sometimes inflicts pain on his head when hes banging it to a wall
or plastic bottle, Agent X also has no proper eye contact upon conversing with
other people. Agent X likes to stay on corners and does not want to socialize with
other people if necessary but when he is at home he loves to run around and hes
very active.
3. Diagnosis
According to the DSM-5, Agent X fits in 299.00(F84.0)Autism Spectrum
Disorder based on the following criterion; A, B, C, D, E(Refer to the DSM-5
posted at the back). The severity of the condition is on level 3, which means that
his social communication has a deficit in verbal and nonverbal social
communication skill that causes impairments in functioning, very limited
initiation of social interactions, and minimal response to social overtures from
others.Agent X said his first words on age 2.
He also now has a hard time expressing his opinion and his needs when
he asks for something and he seeks attention like touching his mothers hand
when he wants to eat, drink watch, and he also has no eye contact during

conversation with other people and stutters when he tries to speak(A). In the
Restricted, repetitive behaviors inflexibility of behavior, difficulty coping with, or
other restricted/repetitive behaviors appear frequently enough to be obvious to the
casual observer and interfere with functioning in a variety of context (B). Distress
and/or difficulty changing focus or action. He usually like to play with his I-pad
and loves to stay on corners he also tends to bang his head on walls or plastic
bottles he has a hard time at concentrating on the task which is given to him (C).

Agent X team and family members developed communication goals that included
spontaneously using a consistent communication system for a variety of
communicative functions and initiating and responding to bids for joint attention.
Research suggests that joint attention is essential to the development of social,
cognitive, and verbal abilities.

Childs Individual Treatment Plan



Cooperation and reinforcer effectiveness

Waits appropriately for up to five minutes if reinforcement delivery is
Receptive language
Will be able to select an item that is the same or different form an
array of two items when shown a third item


Readily and accurately imitates phrases of 6 or more words
Will spontaneously imitate 4-word phrases 3 times per day


Play and leisure skills

Gives 5 verbal responses when playing with toys and talking to peers
Will be able to act out roles or characters when playing
Can do at least one step in the shoe tying process
Can brush her teeth independently
Gross motor
Pump while swinging





The author would like to recommend a program that helps Agent X in the
speech department. First off the author would like for Agent X to indulge in
pronunciation enhancement programs because he could not murmur simple words
this would help him become fluent to hopefully ask for his needs more clearly.
After the pronunciation enhancement author would like to recommend expression
based enhancement programs to help him gather up his thoughts to speak clearly.
After these specific communication programs the author would like to
recommend improving Agent X socialization skills, by using modelling
techniques such as the covert modelling which indulges the Agent X to let him
imagine his self in a scenario where he is talking to a stranger or new person
which could help him in future situations when new people try to converse him
and live modeling where 2 teachers may show how people normally converse and
act in a conversation so Agent X would know how to act when the given situation
comes along. Also giving relaxation techniques like breathing exercise or
counting while closing his eyes could help Agent X in stressful situations where
he could feel relaxed in an anxious state. These programs may help Agent X when
he goes to the regular school which is the goal of this intervention.

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