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Polynomials Exercise Sheet.

1. Construct a polynomial with 3 repeated roots at 4 and 2 repeated roots at 0.

Check the roots of the derivative of this polynomial. (Use derivat)
2. Convolve two finite length sequences a1 and a2 (say) to get b (say).
Construct the polynomial with b as the coefficients.
Construct the polynomials with a1 and a2 as coefficients and multiply these two
polynomails. Write an executable script to check whether the answer is same (for
chosen examples written at the top of the file.)
Write a function that verifies that the two final polynomials are same: it gives yes or no.
It also takes a tolerance as second input argument. Use clean inside the function to
check if zero, and put this tolerance as second input for command clean.
3. Write a function that takes a polynomial and gives out only real roots as output.
(hint isreal() ) Check tolerance, and find polynomials that
4. Write a function that takes a polynomial and gives the INVERSE polynomial, i.e. all
roots are inverses of each other.
(Hint: Coefficients are to just be reversed.) (Check that no root was at zero: check this
within the function, and display error, and exit.)
5. Write a function that takes a polynomial and gives all the maxima/minima
candidates. (Just find all real roots of the derivative, I guess).
6. Use horner to take a polynomial with real coefficients just gives THREE output
integers: the number of real roots the number of roots in the left half complex plane the
number of roots on the imaginary axis. (Use default tolerance, and multiply by %i and
then realness to check if purely imaginary.)

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