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CS 10

Quiz Chapter 6 & RLP

Amdahls law states:

Improved Execution Time = Affected Execution Time/Improvement Factor
+ Unaffected Execution Time
For a program that is 60% parallelizable, what will be the speedup relative to a uni-processor from
running it on a 4-way and a 16-way multiprocessor assuming perfect load balancing?

.4 + .6/1 = 1
.4 + .6/4 = .55 speedup = 1/.55 = 1.82 speedup per processor = 1.82/4 = 45%
.4 + .6/16 = .4375 speedup = 1/.4375 = 2.28 speedup per processor = 2.28/16 = 14.3%

Based on this result, we can see why Amdahls law is also known as the law of diminishing returns.

A ring network (pictured below) has a node-to-node bandwidth of 2 Gbits/sec. What is the bisection
bandwidth for this topology? o = a processor

2x2Gb/sec = 4Gb/sec

Suppose we wanted to determine the degree to which Internet is polluted with three letter acronyms
(TLAs). What would be the key:value output of the Map part of Map-Reduce for the function f(string) =
String : Capital-Letter-Count for the following corpus: [the, Bob, and, RLP, but, CPI, for, Tom, not, LRU,
ILP, TLP, Sam]

the:0, Bob:1, and:0, RLP:3, but:0, CPI:3, for:0, Tom:1, not:0, LRU:3, ILP:3, TLP:3,Sam:1

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