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Rosalie A.

Chad Ostler
History 1700
Voices of Freedom assignment 1

I have chose from Abigail Adams to John Adams braintree Mass, and
From Petitions of Slaves to the Massachusetts legislature. In each
one of these letters both are expressing the concern of Rights. And
Abigail to John Adams She is expressing her concern in regards to
voice and representation. In the from petitions of slaves to the
Massachusetts legislature they are expressing their concern for the
rights of equality.
In Abigail Adams to John Adams this is a letter from a woman to her
husband that is in Philadelphia as she is in Massachusetts. In this
letter she is requesting to gain knowledge of his whereabouts as
well as his progress on the reason he is away from home which is to
declare independence. During the course of the letter she requests
her husband make a point to be more generous two women then their
ancestors. She also stated that if it was not done that women would
not hold themselves bound and any such laws as well is creating a
rebellion. Her only reasoning for this was do too they have no voice
or representation. She also points out that women are treated as
only the vassals of your sex. She also States he should use the
supreme power that he has for their happiness. This is all quite
different from the standpoint of the petition of the slaves in the
following we will discuss what they wanted out of their petition.
From petitions of slaves to the Massachusetts legislature this is

Rosalie A. Mosuela
Chad Ostler
History 1700
addressing the facts the slaves never willingly gave up their
rights. In this letter to the legislature they are advising they
should have the same rights and freedom that has been bestowed
equally on all the universe by the great parent. They also advise
that they were dragged by the hands against their will to this land
to be sold like Beasts. They compare their plea for freedom as
Americans desired the same from Great Britain with thousands of
arguments to fulfill the enjoyments that every human being has the
right to. This differs from Abigail Adams letter in regard she is
asking for the voices to be heard do too they marry with their
choices verses slavery is imposed on individuals without choice but
yet the Masters Choice.
Both of these letters have substantial amount of concern being
addressed and what America stands for today. Without these petitions
to governments, Superior beings, and laws being established
Americans would not have the rights we do in todays world.
Abigails point of view supports the womens side of becoming heard
and having voice, and being able to be represented as an individual
who had rights and not just a vassal. The petition of the slaves
however help individuals that were being held against their will and
against choice working for their masters. This is how individuals
became free of slavery and no longer had to be dominated by their
masters. They also had the ability to have an education with them
gaining their freedom. All of this would not have ever happened if

Rosalie A. Mosuela
Chad Ostler
History 1700
Abigail Adams did not start the process for womens rights and the
petitions of slaves to the Massachusetts legislature have not even
started slaves would still be in slavery today. These are two very
important letters that have impacted our country still today. As I
read these letters I was able to put into perspective and see how
the history of our country has established such a strong country we
are blessed with today.

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