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Look Fors

Engagement of
Students of Color:

Teachers ability to
observably reach or
engage children of

Observable behaviors
by white students and
in relationship to
students of color

techniques used by the
teacher to intentionally
engage all students with
specific attention to
students of color.


The class had 8 male students of
color as well as 4 female students of
color. The day of the Equity walk
there were a total of 26 students
present in class.
Students across the board were
somewhat engaged with the lesson.
Seemed to see a few students
disengaged in the content.
Teacher did seem to know students
as she called them by name.
Students did get to communicate
their frustration with the content this
amplified student voice.

I chose a history class

for this equity walk.
Teacher didnt seem to
draw a relationship
between History and
how that related to now.
It seemed as if it was
more about content
rather than content that
students could relate to.
In this particular class it didnt seem
as the teacher favored one race over
another. Although a few of the
students of color were redirected the
teacher did a good job of holding
the class accountable. What was
noticeable was that the white
students did seem to have a better
grasp of the content being taught.
They seemed to participate more in
the discussion. Teacher did a good
job with the seating chart and
seemed to spread out the room
based on personalities.
Stated before this
seemed to be a hard one
to see the relationship
being made between
teacher and student with
respect to the Cold
War I pose the
question how easy is it to
talk about the cold war
and relate to today with
so many change that
have occurred in


Look Fors

Physical space,
environment and
visuals in general are
inclusive and racially
conscious in nature

Language and
disposition used by the
teacher that promotes a
racially conscious



I feel that the environment saved
the class. The teacher has
expectations on the board but
near the expectations was
motivational quotes. On the
walls you also saw pictures of
her family along with pictures of
current and past students that I
feel kept a connection to the
class as there were pictures from
all races as well as material on
the wall for many events from
history that different cultures
could relate to.

I think there still is a wall that is up

between the teacher and the students
of color. In this class I was
reminded that saying you dont
know what you dont know
Although the teach did some great
things in the class to promote a
classroom with equity it seemed as
if sometimes the teacher
unconsciously isolated the student
of color because her opinion being a
white female didnt align with the
students of colors knowledge of the

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