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NPC Construction
NPCs are all characters not controlled by PCs, but rather by the GM. Here are th
e rules concerning the construction of those NPCs.
----- NPC Classification ----> Guests
Just like PCs, Guests have classes and skills. While they use the same construct
ion rules as PCs do, the GM may add or change character levels, Combat Stats, sk
ills, or items.
>> Prana
Excepting for Guests with special rules, Guests generally don't have Prana.
>> Calamity
The Calamity enemy skill on page whatever is a powerful ability. Only an NPC the G
M has specifically allowed may acquire it.
> Mob
A Mob is a single character that represents ten or more enemies. They typically
appear under the control of Emulators, and are either monsters or lesser Emulato
rs. Essentially, they're small fry.
>> Mob Construction
You'll find enemy data on Mobs in, blah blah.
> Extra
NPCs without any kind of combat capability. From a random old man to Anzelotte,
they are all basically Extras.
Extras are handled in whatever manner the GM declares in Session Rules. If there
are no specified rules for something, players can suggest things to the GM.
----- Enemy ----An "enemy" is something that opposses the PCs, and in many cases, they are Emula
Enemies can be Guests, Mobs, or even Extras.
> Incomplete Enemies
It's permissable to make enemies with only accuracy values and attack values, in
stead of having complete data. In these cases, it may be declared as special rul
es that attacks automatically hit these enemies, with no Judges made for Dodge C
heck or defense.
> Enemy Skills
Enemies may freely acquire any enemy skill.
> Enemy Movement
The degree to which tactical actions (actions that support other enemies or othe
r characters) are taken by enemies is subject to the judgement of the GM. In gen
eral, since Emulators are at least as intelligent as humans, they will act with
some measure of tactical acumen.
----- Boss Enemies ----During the Climax of an Episode, it's often the case that a powerful enemy is fo

ught. This powerful enemy is known as a Boss. Here are the rules concerning the
construction of Boss characters.
> How Strong Should it Be?
This basically just says 'how strong does it need to be to give you a proper fee
ling of tension while still being fun'? Which is useless, thanks.
> Amount of HP
There are two factors in determining how much HP a Boss should have. The first i
s an image of how many rounds the boss should last. The other is figuring out th
e difference between the PCs's attack power and defense power.
* = The combat round length is essential. 10 rounds of battle will lose the sens
e of tension, which is what people want.
This section seems like it's mentioning that if you compare the Boss's defense t
o the PC's attack, and the difference is 5 or more, the PCs won't be able to do
much to the Boss, not counting crits/fumbles. So, basically, you need to figure
out how much damage the PCs can do in a single round, and then times that by how
many rounds you want the fight to last, to get the appropriate amount of boss H
P. How utterly useless.

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