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Meredith Neely #14

Disability: ADHD
Possibly / Common Strengths: Eager to improve and learn, motivated, compassion
towards others, willing to cooperate, creative.
Common Disability Characteristic
Choose 6 characteristics for YOUR

Evidence-based instructional or behavioral

strategies the student can learn to find
school success

1. Work is incomplete.

a) Bright color paper on the desk to attract

b) Written To Do list to check once an
assignment/activity is complete.

2. Inattentive during lecture.

a) Use more visuals and hands-on activities.

b) Make it related to students interest.
Social / School (Skills)

1. Say what they think without a good a) Behavior specific praise statement.
b) Give signal reminder when student says
something inappropriate.
2. Impulsive and explosive.

a) Teach count to 10 when about to explode.

b) Sticky notes to praise and remind good
Behavior / Organization

1. Loses homework and assignments.

a) Have buckets for where homework is turn

in at beginning of class.
b) Color code folders and notebooks
according to subject.

2. Stand up and moves around the

classroom during lessons.

a) Clear expectations about rules. Posted in

the classroom.
b) Give time to move during the lesson in a
way that does not distract others.

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