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Chapter 1 introduction


l'arl Orienta/ion and Scaling. RP systems huild J.<arts ak>ng thL' Z ax1,; (f th(.ll"
STL mudd>. Through reorientation of the parts n;lativt: tv the moue I l'<imdinatc
systems, th.::ir accunu;y, surf;u;e finish and build time can be OJllinlist'd. Sum,
IU' systcms allow several pans to be nested in ttw system chamber in nnkr '" l":
huilt simultant:vusly. In utltlition, the p:uts ~~an b1~ scaled to complnsatc tor
anticipated anomalies that might be intrvdutcd by downstream pn<.:esst:s ,uch as
ddormation. shrinkage, warpage ami eurling.
5'upport ,\'rmctures Cj'eneraliun. Liquid-basctl RP processes require suppc.>rt
stru1:tures tt> build overhanging areas of the parts. These structures arc ltstt:JIIy
generated automati~:ally employing specialised software tools. The areas
requiring suppo11 structures can bt! minimist!tl by uppropriatcly selecting the p;ut
build dirt!clion.
Settin.~-11p c!l Process Parameters. Process-related parameters an: <:illtTt'd !o
spcci ty the bui Jd style and desired system attributes. Thest! paramdcrs ~:an bL
adjusted based on pm1 requirements and the Rl' material being used.

21.> Slice /)uta Cieneratiun. The STL life is sliced to produce surccssivL~ nos.'iscction;J! layl:'r~. In t>ad1 cross section, polylines arc used to appn>.\Jmate tht'
exterior ami interior boundaries of l.he RP models. These polylim: bou11daries
C<lll be nt1set by a part.icular value to compensute for process enors. Tih' slice
data can be generated ofl:fint! forth~: entire model or on-line, on, nt>;:s-,.cctit>ll
at a time during pm1 building.

The process data gcncrated following the stagt::s outlint::d above is shH"td 111 <1 build
file. This life contains all the intiwmationnct::dcd to guide material additiY: pn.,csso
to build 3D objects.


Buese C (1 1)04) U.S. Pahnt 774,549.
Hcaman J.l ( 1997) Histori~:al Perspective, Chapter 3 in JTEC/WTEC Panl'l Report
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Ulanthcr JJ..:: (IH'n) U.S. Patent 473,901.
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RP technologies have emerged as a key clerncnl ofTCE with their ability to shorten
the product design and dcvelopmept process. This chapter has provided an overview
of the chronologic<tl dcvdupments in the areas of RP. The role of3D modelling as a
gateway tLl RP has been di~~.:usseu anu the advanr.ages ami disadv:mtagcs of the
available geometrical ~epresentation techniques outlined. Also, the existing formats
Ji.Jr interfacing CAD and RP sysrems have been described together with the' maiu
stages in g.:ncraling the necessary dntn to build 3D objects in layers.

Kunieda M and Nakagawa T (1984) Development oflaminated drawing dies hy laser

eutting. Bull. of JSPE, pp 353-354.
Matsubara K (1974). Japanese Kokai Patent Application, Sho 51 [ 1976)-1 OR 13.
Monteah FH ( 1924) U.S. Patent I ,516, 199.
Morioka I (1935) U.S. Patent 2,015,457.
Mori0ka I (1944) lJ.S. Patent 2,350,796.
Munz OJ (1956) U.S. I'ntent 2,775,75tl..
Nakagawa T et al. (I 979) Blanking tool by stacked bainite steel plates. Press
Tcehni<,ue, pp 93-1.0 I.
Nakagawa T, Kunieda M and Liu S ( 19R5) I ,<tser cnt shcc1 laminaled fnnmng dies by
diffusion hn!Hling, Pruc. 25th International MTDR Conference. pp 50)-51 0.

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