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Canyon Ministry Leaders

Andrew Gutierrez, Pastor-Teacher

Brad Penner, Elder
Dave Lutz, Elder
Small Group Ministry
Jason Drumm, Elder, Associate Pastor
Jeff Nordyke
Childrens Ministry/Administration
Greg Fine
Ushers & Greeters
Jeff Timm
Set-Up, Tear-Down & Sound
Chris Wilson
Security Team
Jared Willis
Music Ministry
Chuck Schafer
Needs Ministry
Kristy Tracy
Womens Ministry

Canyon Bible Church // Prescott

Church Office: 122 N. Cortez Street, Ste. 317
Phone: 928.277.0017 CanyonPrescott.org

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

Theological Precision Required

John 7:25-34
August 7, 2016

Welcome and Announcements

Scripture Reading: Psalm 84:1-4
Song: All Creatures of Our God and King
Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:1-8
Pastoral Prayer
Assurance of Pardon
Song: Amazing Grace
Song: And Can it Be?
Sermon: Theological Precision Required
John 7:25-34
Lords Table & Offering
Lords Table
Song & Offering: The Love of God

Application: Are there examples to follow? Commands to obey?

Errors to avoid? Sins to forsake? Promises to claim?
Thoughts about God? Principles to live by?

Bible Reading: Luke 18:31-43; Titus 1:1-9; Proverbs 14:1-18; Neh. 12

Pray for the short term mission trip team and all that they
will be doing today while in Nicaragua:
- Devotional with Pastor Arnold
- Preparation for Family afternoon activity
- Testimonies and Evangelism with brochures
- Outreach house to house, business places and invitations to the church
- Testimonies and Evangelism with brochures

Canyon Announcements
Friendship Folders
Please pass the Friendship Folders, for prayer requests and
praise reports please also register your attendance. If there
is no one sitting at the end of an isle, please make sure the
worship guide gets passed.
All Church Picnic
The picnic is today from 3 to 6 p.m. at Miller Valley School.
Bring outdoor games and chairs as well as towels for water
Student Ministries
Student ministries is now back on its regular schedule meeting Wednesdays at Miller Valley School from 7-8:30 p.m.
Prayer Group
A new prayer group has started that will meet before services
on Sunday to pray for the service. If interested contact Kalon
McMahan, carmenaz29@yahoo.com.

Bible Reading: Luke 19:1-10; Titus 1:10-16; Proverbs 14:19-35; Neh. 13

Listen to the interview with John Piper titled The Single

Aim of Ministry at www.desiringgod.org. To find this interview type the title in to the search bar on the Desiring God
website and it is the first result shown.

State of the Union: A Biblical Response

On September 18 & 25 from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m., at Miller Valley School, Pastor Andrew is going to give two lectures on
our nations upcoming election from a Biblical worldview
titled State of the Union: A Biblical Response.
Childcare for Womens Bible Study
Womens Ministry is hiring childcare workers for Tuesday
morning Bible Study. Dates are September 13th through
November 15th with a break on October 11th, hours 8:30am to
11:30am and paid $30 per week. Contact Abby Biro at abbybiro@hotmail.com or (425)314-5733 if youd like to learn more.
Get to Know Canyon/Membership Class
The next Get to Know Canyon Class will be Sunday September 11th after service from 11-1:30 p.m. at Miller Valley School.
R.S.V.P. to admin@canyonprescott.org.



Bible Reading: Luke 17:20-37; 2 Tim. 2:14-26; Proverbs 12:1-14; Neh. 8

Bible Reading: Luke 18:9-17; 2 Tim. 3:10-17; Proverbs 13:1-12; Neh. 10

Yesterdays text (John 7:25-36) pointed out importance of

accurately understanding what the Bible says before we
claim to know what God is like or what He desires. We
praise God for the hunger and thirst of so many in our
congregation to know God better by examining His Word.
Pray today that the Lord would always keep you hungry
for His Word.

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in

Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be
able to teach others also. 2 Tim 2:1-2
Notice that be strengthened comes before entrust to faithful men. If you are not personally being strengthened by the
grace that is in Christ Jesus, you will not be able to entrust
that grace to the faithful people whom you disciple. Robert
Murray MCheyne once said, The greatest n
eed of m
y people
is m
y personal h
oliness. Every believer is called to help lead
and strengthen other believers, but never forget that when
you disciple and lead others, the one thing they need most
from you is your personal holiness. There is no substitute. It is
the sine qua non of discipleship. If you are not walking closely
with Christ, you will not be able to help show others the way.
Look at Hebrews 13:7-8 and think about what believers are
encouraged to remember about the people who led them.
Ask yourself what it will look like for the people whom you
disciple to remember each of these things about you.



Bible Reading: Luke 18:1-8; 2 Tim. 3:1-9; Proverbs 12:15-28; Neh. 9

Bible Reading: Luke 18:18-30; 2 Tim. 4; Proverbs 13:13-25; Neh. 11

In 2 Timothy 3:1-9 the Apostle Paul opens by showing a contrast to the previous paragraph with the word but as he then
describes there will be times of difficulty and godlessness in
the last days. Even though it is Pauls hope that some false
teachers repent, he wants to provide a realistic picture of the
situation. While God will grant repentance to some, it is also
clear that opposition will come. Pray for the repentance of
false teachers and for steadfastness to the Lord when dealing
with opposition to the Gospel.

Regard one another as more important than yourselves;

do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but
also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4
Surely there are no more significant words in the New Testament, that when practically applied, will reveal our own
selfishness. These verses call us to weigh our desires on
the decision-scale of life, with the desires of another, and
to choose their preferences over our own. Considering
others more important than ourselves is the one thing it
can seem most impossible to do. We are, by very hardwiring, inclined to meditate on and pursue our own interests.
We are desperately selfish creatures. And yet it is at this
very point that these verses press in on us, revealing our
sinful selfishness and lack of Christ-likeness. And it is that
very revealing that ought to push us towards Christ all the
more, that we might have his mind. He died in our place,
to pay for our sinful selfishness and to give us a new heart
a heart that can beat with his love for others, and consider their interests as more important than our own. W
would this look like for you today?

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