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I wouldn't recommend this to younger than 8th grade even though anyone reading at a 2nd grade

level and up can grasp it. It is so completely about dating and boys that it's just inappropriate
subject matter for children not at an age to date. The cartoons are so cute.
I actually think that both Gordo and Lizzie like each other because they both feel
sad when they find out that the other person is dating someone else.

My Book Review
This book is about a girl named Lizzie. She also has a little brother named Matt. She
has 2 friends named Miranda and Gordo, they hang out a lot. Then Gordo got a
girlfriend and started ditching them. This book has a lot of interesting details and
good word choice. I recommend this book to you because it is a great book to read.
My opinion about this book is that it has a really good author to it so it has a good
set of word choice and interesting details to go with each set of chapters to make
up the book.
The main characters that make up this book are interesting. Lizzie is the one person
with a very unique mind and is a one of a kind person. Miranda is a person that can
sit there and listen to you and then you ask her a question and she will say "what
did you say I wasn't listening". Gordo, is a person that is really smart, he is also one
that will lie to you about going somewhere with his mother or father. Matt, is Lizzie's
annoying little brother that irritates Lizzie all the time.
The main themes of the book are friendship, Love, growing up, and worry. The
theme friendship represents Lizzie, Miranda, and Gordo because they have been
friends for a very long time. Love, represents Gordo falling in love with his new to
become girl friend. The growing up theme is all about Gordo because he has a
girlfriend now. They worry is all about Lizzie and Miranda were all worried about
Gordo because they couldn't find him.
The setting took places in all different places. It took place in a restaurant, that's
only because that's where him and his girlfriend were. Lizzie's house was another
place that the book took place at. That's where they hang out most of the time. At
the restaurant Gordo was there with his date and, when Lizzie and Miranda tried to
call him. They couldn't get a hold of him so they went down to the restraint to see if
he was there because that is his favorite place to eat. Then they yelled at him for
not telling the truth.
You should remember that this book is all about Love, Friendship, Worry, and
growing up, because if you remember this then you can always know what the
feelings are all about in the book. The main characters in this book should be

remembered because then you know who they are and what they do in the book.
The setting of this book is really important, because you should know where the
story took place and what the place is about. I think you should read this book
because you can read about friendship and trust. I loved this book and I think you
will to.
I didn't like this book very much because
it was to boring and not my favorite kind
of book. The characters are nice though
and it is about friendship. But I didn't think
it was very entertaining at all.

Saya merekomendasikan novel ini untuk kaum muda karena novel ini meceritakan
tentang permasalahan yang dialami oleh kaum mudah khususnya tentang
permasalahn cinta dan bagaimana mengatasi permasalahan cinta tersebut.

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