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Proceedings of the 5'WorId Congress on Intelligent Control

and Automation, June 15-19, 2004, Hangzhou, P.R. China

An HmFuzzy Controller Design via T-S Fuzzy Model and

Its Application to Hydrofoil Catamaran*
Ren Junsheng and Yang Yansheng
Navigation College
Dalian Maritime University
Dalian, Liaoning 116026. P. R. China
jsren@dh"edu.cn & ysyang@mail.dlptt.ln.cn
Abstracr - A less conservative LMI-based fuzzy H,
controUer via T-S (Tagaki-Sngeno)fuzzy model is proposed, and
applied to attitude control for hydrofoil catamaran throughout
its entire operating range. Firstly, nonlinear system is
represented by T-S fuzzy model. Fuzzy robust control strategy is
secondly presented with guaranteed H, control performance,
which takes into consideration much closer relationship between
subsystems. In this method, so-called PDC (parallel-distributed
compensation) scheme is used to construct H , fuzzy ControUer.
Finally, based on hydrofoil catamaran, HBZOOB-A1, simulation
researches demonstrate that the effectiveness of H , fuzzy
controller for attitude control of hydrofoil catamaran to
attenuate the external disturbances, such as waves, winds. It's
shown that the drawback of conventional controller for hydrofoil
Catamaran can be overcome successfully, which is only efticient
near operating point.

Index Terms Hydrofoil catamaran, TagakiSugeno (TS)

fuzqv model, H , control perjbrmonce, linear matrix hequalily
(LMI), parallel-distributed compensation (PDC).


Nonlinearity and uncertainty often make it diffjcult to

design controller for real system. During the last decades,
nonlinear H , control approach has been widely studied [l],
namely, to design a control law such that the L, gain of the
mapping from the exogenous input to the regulated output is
minimized or no larger than some prescribed level. However,
this approach demands the solvability of the Hamilton-Jacobi
equation (HJE), to which only some very special nonlinear
systems have a closed-form solution. Recently, T-S fuzzy
system [2-61, based on a fuzzy partition of input space, has
attracted much interest in approximating a nonlinear system.
In each fuzzy subspace, a linear input-output relation is
formulated. The output of fuzzy reasoning is given by the
aggregation of the values inferred by some implications,
which are applied to the inputs. Then PDC strategy [4] can be
used to design controller and satisfy control performance.
Hydrofoil catamaran is kind of high-speed boat of
excellent performance [7-lo], composed of twin V-hulls and
two or more rectangle hydrofoils at the bottom of the V-hulls.
In this paper, our research interests are mainly focused on the

catamaran with double fully submerged hydrofoils. From its

hull-bome mode to foil-bome mode during sailing, the large
decrease OF the boat's draft brings out the deterioration of the
boat's self-stability, and the sensitiveness to the environmental
disturbances, such as waves, winds and etc. Both simulation
study and tank experimental results manifest that waves will
lead to roll, pitch, heave motion of large amplitude for
hydrofoil catamaran, which will discomfort passengers and
seamen, and even destroy cargoes.
The objective of attitude control for hydrofoil catamaran
is to stabilize the vessel to ensure passenger comfort by
compensating wave-induced disturbances, and to regulate the
vessel attitude. Moreover, this control system suppresses the
heave, pitch and roll motions. A control system of hydrofoil
catamaran must perform three functions [IO]. The first is to
ensure stability throughout its maneuvering envelopes. The
second is to attenuate wave-induced motions. The third is to
ensure the safety of the ship and its passengers at all times
even if there is any failure in the control system. Various
studies on control systems for various high-speed ships are
conducted. However, those traditional control strategies [8101, such as linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control, and
proportional-derivative (P-D) control, are no longer efficient
and feasible once out of the small neighborhood of the
operating point, i.e. design speed. Fuzzy inference system
together with LMI techniques [ 1I] makes it probable to have
the feedback control covering the whole operating envelope.
The main contribution of this paper is to present a novel
LMI-based fuzzy H , controller, and its application to attitude
controller design to hydrofoil catamaran. Because the
controller design takes much closer relationship between the
subsystems of the whole dynamic system, the
conservativeness of the controller design is reduced
efficiently, Also it's shown that feedback gain matrix can be
obtained conveniently by use of Matlab LMI control toolbox
[12], while the operating point is shifting on the entire
operating envelope. Meanwhile, the wave-induced motions
are attenuated to a prescribed level. Thus, the drawback of
conventional control strategies can be successfully overcome,
which is only efficient around the operating point.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 11, TagakiSugeno h z y system is constructed to represent nonlinear

* This work was supported in pm by the Research Fund far the Doctoral Program afHigher Education under Grant No. 20020151005, the Science Foundation
under Grant No. 95-06-02-22 and the Young Investigator Foundation under Grant No. 95-05-05-3 I ofthe national ministry of communications of P. R. China.

0-7803-8273-01041520.00 02004 IEEE


system, and the less consewative controller is proposed. In

Section 111, it is shown that fuzzy H , controller is efficient to
suppress the external disturbances to a prescribed level.
Conclusions are collected in Section IV.

The developments of T-S fuzzy model and ifs

applications have been increasingly accelerated over the last
decade. A general T-S model employs an affine model with a
constant term in the consequent part of each rule, called affine
T-S model. In this paper, we are most interested in another TS model, the consequent part for each rule of which is
represented by a linear model without a constant term, called
linear T-S model. The appeal of linear T-S model is that it can
use Lyapunov stability theory and conventional linear theory
to design controller. The T-S fuzzy system can be used to
approximate the original nonlinear complex system [2-41,
which is constructed as follows.
Plant rule i :
IF r , ( t ) is M,, and ... and r,(t) is M , ,

E h , (=(I))= 1 , hj(r(t))t 0, i =

,' , r


For the PDC design, fuzzy controller and fuzzy model

have the same premise. Then, the i-th control rule is
Controller rule i :
IF z,(t) is M i , and ... and s,(t) is M,,
THEN u(t)=K.x(t). i=l,2,...,r.
At the consequent p a , f u v y control rules have linear
state feedback gain. The overall fuzzy controller can be
represented as follows

Therefore, the design of fuzzy controller is feedback gain

K i . Then the combination of ( I ) in the overall closed-loop
fuzzy system

THEN i(r) = A , x ( t ) + B , u ( t ) + o ( t ) , i=l,Z...,r.

where r(t)= [z1(f),zl(t),...,zp(t)]
denotes the variables of
premise part, M , denotes fuzzy set, r denotes the number
of IF-THEN rules, x ( t ) is state vector, u ( t ) is control input,
andw(t) is the bounded external disturbance. The linear statespace function x(t) = A,x(t)+ E&) + o(t) is also called
We employ the fuzzy inference method with a singleton
fuzzifier, product inference and center average defuzzifiers.
Then, the final output of T-S fuzzy model is obtained as

x(t) =


2 w,

( z ( t ) ) [ A j x ( f+) B,u(t)+ 0401


w,[z(f)] = 1fI
M , ( ~ ( t ),)M O( z ( t ) )denotes the degree of

membership of r(t) on M,,

The degree of membership satisfies the following
w.(z(t))> 0 , w,(r(t))2 0, i = 1,2,...,r

x(t) = ~ k h i ( z ( t ) ) h j ( z ( r ) ) x ' ( t ) ( -B,K,)x(t)+w(t)

i;, j ; ,

The influence of m(t) will undermine the fuzzy control

systems. Consider the following H , control performance



(t)w(t)dt (4)

a IIJ(f)ll s p , vt t f , + T .
Lemma 1: [I31 For any matrices X and Y with
appropriate dimensions, we have



where t, represents the terminal time of the control, y

represents the prescribed attenuation level, and Q represents
positive definite weighting matrix..
Before proceeding fumy robust H , feedback controller
design, useful definition and lemma are given first.
Definition I : The solution of a dynamic system are said
to be uniformly ultimately hounded (UUB), if there exist
positive constants IC,B
, > 0, and for every S E (0, IC),there is a
positive constant T =T(6) , such that Ilx(t,)I) < 6



Let hi(r(t))= o;( z ( t ) / kmi ( r ( t ) ),then we have

< x T(O)Px(O)+ y 2

+ Y T X i Eyx + &-'U


Theorem 1: The closed-loop fuzzy system (3) is UUB at

equilibrium, and H , control performance is achieved, if there
exist K j and symmetric positive definite matrix P such that

x ( r ) = C h j ( z ( r ) ) [ A , x ( f ) + B j u ( t ) + o ( r ) ] . (1)

Q:P + Pa,+ y - 2 P 2-Sir < 0 , ( i = I , . . . , r )

n i P + ~ n ~ + y - <
~ o~, (~l i- i <
S j~< r ) (7)


Note that for all f ,there exists


where 0 ,= A, .- B,K, , y is a prescribed positive constant,

. .

R, = [ ( A , - B i K , ) + ( A j - B j K , ) ] / 2 , Q is positive semidefinite matrix chosen by designer, (S, ), denotes matrix


When Ilx(t)l( > y 2 &/& ,

< 0 . Therefore, T-S b
closed-loop (3) is UUB.
(@ ,where I is identity, we have
Let Q = lamin

with element S, .
' Proof: Choose Lyapunov candidate as



V ( f )= x'(t)Px(t).

Integrating (8) results in

Then, the Lyapunov derivative is given by
V ( t , ) - V ( O ) < -rx'(t)Qx(t)df + y 2rw'(t)u(t)dt

x r (t)Qx(t)df < x T (O)Px(O)+ y'


+ P(A, - B , K , ) I x ( f ) + ~ ~ ( t ) P x ( t ) + ~ ~ ( I ) ~ u ( f )
Therefore, closed-loop system (3) satisfies H , control
performance index. Furthermore, if u(t)= 0 , we have

From Lemma 1, we have

+ P ( A i- B , K , ) ] x ( t ) + y 2 0 r ( t ) o ( t ) + y " x r ( t ) P 2 x ( f )
= i h : ( z ( t ) ) x ' ( f ) [ ( A , - BjKj)' P+P(A, - B j K j ) +y-'P'k(t)

+ ~ h , ( z ( t ) ) h j ( r ) x T ( t ) [ -B,K,)'
P + P(A, - B , K j )

< -xr (t)Qx(t) < 0 .

Then closed-loop system (3) is asymptotically stable in
the large.
However, the inequalities in Theorem 1 don't satisfy the
convex requirement. Therefore, we present Theorem 2.
Theorem 2: If there exist M i and symmetric positive
definite N such that

+ ( A j -BjK,)'P+P(Aj -BjK,)+2y-2Pz]x(t)

A , N - B ~ M ~ + N ~ A ~ - M , ? B , ~ + ~ - ~ (I1 -1 )S , < O
A,N - B,M,

t y'w'(t)Pu(t).

- M:BJ

Substituting (6) and (7) into the above inequality yields

+ N'A,


+ 2y-'2/ - s,- g;

~ B :+ A~ N

- B,M,

+ N'



(%I,, + a < 0


where 15 i < j 5 r , is positive semi-definite matrix chosen

by designer, then T-S closed-loop system (3) is UUB, and
achieves the H m control performance index. Furthermore,
feedback gain K j and symmetric positive definite matrix are
obtained by

P = N - ' , K i= M,N-'

Substituting (8) into the above inequality yields


5 -x'(l)ax(f)

+ y2u'(t)w(i)

5 -~Am&\x'(t)x(f)

where A,,

- (9) represents

Proof: Multiply (4)-(6)with P-' both left and right side.

Let N = P - ' , Mi = Kip-',
we have

t yZw'(t)u(t)


maximal eigenvalue. Let

v = am U ( Q ), and the hound of external disturbance is & ,we



Let 3g= -XSJ

(1 l)-(l3).

= (.-I),.,


, and we obtain


Take into consideration the effects of both only waves

and the trim of hull on the motion of hydrofoil catamaran.
Along Z-axis, by use of Newton's Second Law of Motion, the
mathematical model is obtained of the heaving motion and the
pitching motion as follows [14].
m(2 + uB) =

E ( F+~F ~ ,+)F,, + mgcos6'


hydrofoil, g is gravitational acceleration, i.e. 9.8 d s 2 , F,, is

the force relevant to hull, L,, is the lift force of the hull, V is
buoyant force, and I , is inertia of moment about Y-axis. 6'
is the hull's angular displacement of X-axis from initial
position, and is the hull's vertical displacement of X-axis
from initial position. lxpl, lxcl ,IxbI and


are the distance

between amidships and the acting points of forces, i.e.

hydrofoil's lift forces, gravitational forces, buoyant force and
hull's lift force, respectively. Based on a hydrofoil catamaran,
HC200B-A1, the simulation researches are carried out by use
of Matlab Simulink toolbox. The principal particulars for
HC200B-A1 are listed in Table I.
Some very important parameters, such as I,>?,xp and etc,
are calculated beforehand, while some of the others, such as
xb , L, and etc, are calculated instantaneously during
simulation process. Our T-S fuzzy model for hydrofoil
catamaran takes boat's speed U , as language variable, and the
whole operating range as 'universe of discourse'. Total 5 fuzzy
inference rules, equipped with triangular membership
function, are employed to construct fuzzy model-based
system. The membership functions are shown in Fig.1, where
language value U , refers to 'about 8.4 knots', U,, 'about 16.8
knots', and so forth.






speed (knot)
Fig. 1. Membership functions

where m is the mass of boat, U is the along-ship velocity

supposed to be a constant, F,; is the forces arising from





HC200B-AI's state-space models are obtained through

global linearization method, at 5 operating points all covered
by the working envelope. Thus, parametric matrices A i , Bj of
state-space models at 5 operating points are all obtained. So
far, we have finished the construction of the whole T-S fuzzy
system for hydrofoil catamaran. According to Theorem 2, to
achieve H , control performance, total r ( r + 1)/2+1, i.e. 16
LMIs should be feasible to get the common symmetric.
positive definite matrix P . This problem can be solved
efficiently by use of Matlab LMI control toolbox nowadays.
To testify our fuzzy system in Section 11, a speed point, e.g. 25
knots not one of the above 5 operating points, is selected
arbitrarily. Fig. 2 shows the simulation results under control.
The corresponding wave parameters are that, ahead sea,
wavelength is 100 meters, period 8 seconds, and height 2
meter. Fig. 2 manifests that, at the arbitrary speed, the waveinduced heaving and pitching motion can also be attenuated
greatly, which means that the H , fuzzy controller is reliable.
Hence, the drawback of traditional control strategy is
successfully overcome, which is confined only in the vicinity
of a limited number of operating points. Fig.3 displays the
control effects to achieve the performance in Fig.2, i.e. the
variations of fore and aft flap angle, respectively.

In this paper, an LMI-based fuzzy H , controller
approach has been proposed, to meet the special requirement
of attitude control for a type of fully submerged hydrofoil
catamaran, via fuzzy interpolation of a series of linear system.
Based on the T-S fuzzy system, a less conservative H , f u v y
controller is proposed, in which the relationship between the
subsystems are much closely taken into account. Finally,
simulation researches have demonstrated the effectiveness of
the LMI-based H , fuzzy controller. In this way, the main
drawback of the conventional control approach is eliminated.
However, there is still a lot of further work left to deal with.
E.g. the modeling of six degrees of freedom, bow to suppress
the rolling motion of hydrofoil catamaran in rough seas, and
etc, are still left for further research in the future.











Fig. 2 Time response ofHC2OOB-AIsanitude,

i.e. elevation height
andpitch angle ( 8 )












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Fig. 3 Time response of fore flap ( aB,) and aft flap ( aB2)


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