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It used to be an architecture of the 21st century and doctrine of self development but Interpol didn't

like it so I converted it into an art installation similar to alien within by the goethe institute, there was
19 missions sorted under 4 branches:
Strategic branch: Where we teach military intelligence disciplines and organize everyone in a supra
national defense force, including armaments once there is enough members to push back against
corrupt forces who are failing to uphold the human rights charter. Every person will in the end then
become a sovereign which ties in to the spiritual architecture. The SPCs mission is not to combat
traditional crime, it is left to police, rather it is in opposition of corruption within ranks of the western
leadership where we retain a mandate issued by the OHCHR to apprehend human rights violators and
bring them to justice at the Haag Tribunal. Its transparency international with guns and a swat team and
our protocol is the wallensteen report on global governance: targeting the right targets. It was not
popular with Interpol who put me in a mental institution and tried to forcibly medicate me which is
illegal according to international law, I guess they like to retain the monopoly on violence whereas I
wish to democratize it. For 100000 years the name of the game has been hunting and spying, it is the
core of power in civilizations and since general interest from the public was low in this critical
mobilization aspect and I got in trouble I did not pursue the SPC further.
Spiritual branch: I am active here at the moment creating art and poetry and the purpose of this aspect
of the SPC is the establishment of a new mythology of the 21st century, I didn't know about the x-men
connection but when I read about it I decided to incorporate the marvel universe into the architecture, I
believe that the spiritual branch has tied together a comprehensible mythology of humanity stretching
from 70 000 bc until 2300 ad when the last stage of technological singularity will occur, the details are
posted in one of my other videos, It's my magnus opus, elegant and precise, developed based on
historical and current facts and leading minds in silicon valley like kurzweil and john smart. On an
individual level this branch identifies members specific talents and help develop them until they reach a
state of self actualization. All four pillars of the SPC are founded on existing academic disciplines: in
the case of the strategic branch we are utilizing public domain journals and manuals scraped from
websites like the CIA and UN, the spiritual branch uses social psychology and positive disintegration
philosophy, the humanitarian uses marketing and leadership communication and so on.
Humanitarian Branch: This is the business wing of operations where we work together with high tech
organizations to bring these primary and crucial technologies into existence: VR based reward systems
(menial jobs combined with pc games), basic income (housing, food, electricity for everyone), new
monetary system (already in progress with altcoins), the emotional symbolic language which is a new
universal non verbal language based on emotion detection with implications in the treatment of autism
spectrum disorders and empathy awareness for the general population including intercepting of
criminals, the ESL is nearing commercialization through startups like Emotient which was bought by
Apple a few months ago, the tech is based on Paul Ekmans work and Homeland Securitys FAST
system. I became interested in the concept shortly after I reconnected the familys origin with Odin
(which is an old spy organization) because I wanted to create something of caliber similar to the runic
alphabet but with a modern touch, and I made a few contributions to the ESL but the Americans were
ahead of the competition and the invention was much further along than I expected to I did not pursue
it, I am also not a programmer. The humanitarian branch is oriented towards general purpose business
projects too its not only high tech, it merges with the political branch through a shared public relations
Political branch: The SPC is the resurrected Asgard, most of the mythos is described on the website and
in my novels but I will write a summary in this comment so it is readily available to others, however it

is too much to explain everything from 70000 bc to 2300 ad so I will focus on the next few political
decades without mention of technological projections which will have a fundamental impact on most
aspects of life as we know it: It began a few years ago when Isis was created from the ashes of Akkadia
and whose population unfortunately did not have access to the doctrine to avoid morphing into the
antichrist and become a problem which might trigger judgement day. I hope that Akkadia will return to
her legendary roots and find strength on the primal forces that is dormant in our collective
unconsciousness, especially the middle east is in possession of a long and beautiful history which can
be transmutated and weaponized in situations like these, childrens stories and myths are the echoes and
remnants of ancient war mobilization just like certain music. This is how I formulated the resurrected
Asgard which was number two to manifest on this planet, unlike neo nazis and right wing factions
which is a growing concern on the continenal theater of operations and scandinavia however, I choose a
path of creation for the SPC by promoting increased fertility through different social programs instead
of war rallying and finger pointing towards reigning leadership and immigration. Europe can copulate
her way out of this dilemma and that's a far better course of action than blood shed I'm sure everyone
agrees. After Asgard there is a series of mythological nations waiting to explode into existence like
fractal galactic detonations in the psyche of the world: they are sorted according to geopolitical borders
like south/north america, africa, south east asia and russia/china, north western and southern eu. Asgard
consists of greenland and scandinavia and the nordic council is unwittingly on a similar course they just
haven't hired an artist to mythologize it yet. eventually all 9 tribes as it were will morph into the
resurrected Atlantis (UN/one world) which will initiate the second singularity whereas the first nation
was Atlantis 50 kya when cro magnons first spread out of Africa and utilized star navigation and smoke
signals to create a basic infrastructure of a super civilization (world brain), The United Nations like the
nordic council is not self aware of its ultimate destiny and the SPCs purpose is to bring this mythology
forward and initiate the first seed which is a psychic weapon of self defense against a possible
judgement day scenario when our current political models begin to break down as Molyneux recently
discussed with the danish professor in one of his videos, I disagree that the solution is a return to
christianity even if their trinity is correct (trigonal bipyramidal perfect crystal created from bose
einstein condensate pulsating into infinite expansion and collapsing into a big bang). If humanitys
endeavour is successful we will reach transcendence within 300 years and become gods over our own
universes (this is where the strategic branch connects with the spiritual and political) but even in our
lifetimes we will see this happen in virtual reality which is an artificial mirror of things to come, the
internet of course being a wizards palantir, you are all dormant wizards gazing into this palantir , snap
of a finger *wake up, I say then, Merlin too was a spy organization. Demi gods and heroes are already
walking amongst us, when people, especially the ancient regime of europe uses the internet to
reconnect their blood lines with legendary figures there will be instability as I experienced myself when
discovering the Odin link in 2013, the SPC will make sure that the progress continues uninterrupted
and that any rogue aristocrats are brought back in line before they establish personal fiefdoms and
become warlords as has already been witnessed if the O'Crowley family had more resources, we don't
need two dozen IRA to fight a war within while isiS invades from the outside.

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