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River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc.

Minutes of the Board of Directors for Saturday, June 11, 2016

Starting at 11:30 a.m., at the Spring Green Senior Center
i. Officers: Noah McVay (President), Duane Miller (Vice President), Rose Ellen Schneider
(Secretary), Sheryl McCarville (Treasurer)
ii. Directors at-Large: Blair Anderson, Doug Rouse, Irene Hilston, Becki Miller
iii. Guest: Bob Le Count
i. Officers: None
ii. Directors at-Large: None
Quorum present?


D. Miller made the motion to establish a quorum. Hilston seconded. Vote to approve 7 yes, 0 no, 1
abstain. Motion carried.
Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. by President McVay, following his prior presentation on British
agriculture and agroeconomics.
Approve minutes from previous meeting.
Hilston made the motion to approve the minutes from the March 24 meeting of the Board of Directors. B.
Miller seconded. Vote to approve 7 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. Motion carried.
Request to amend the agenda to allow Jim Marsden, State Farm Insurance Agent, to discuss the RVACGs
insurance policy with the Board of Directors.
Anderson made the motion to amend the agenda to allow Jim Marsden to discuss the RVACGs insurance
policy. McCarville seconded the motion. Vote to approve the motion: 7 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. Motion
Discussion on the RVACGs insurance policy.
Jim Marsden, State Farm Insurance Agent from Sauk Prairie discussed the insurance policy, which is
basically a liability policy for non-profit organizations. Annual fee for coverage (or premium) is $475
starting May 18, 2016.
1. Duane Miller has been appointed to the office of Vice President by the Executive Committee, on behalf
of the Board of Directors.
2. Becki Miller has been appointed onto the Board of Directors as a Director at-Large by the Executive
Committee, on behalf of the Board of Directors.

River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc.

Minutes of the Board of Directors for Saturday, June 11, 2016
Starting at 11:30 a.m., at the Spring Green Senior Center
Financial Report.
1. McCarville reported that balance was $545.98 including $265 from the Culvers Share Night.
Additional income was $500 donation from Cardinal Glass bring new balance to $1,045.98. Outstanding
bills include $419.20 for Tri-County Building; $100 to Rouse for valves; and $400 for IRS 501C3 filing.
2. Cardinal I.G. has offered to purchase meter for fire hydrant. Oliver Parlin and D. Miller volunteered to
work with Cardinal and Village of Spring Green Department of Public Works to get approved meter.
3. McCarville reported that the next fundraiser is Brat Fry on June 25 at Prems Meats. After expenses,
each brat is $2.15 to $3 profit.
4. McVay made motion to accept the Financial Report as presented by Treasurer McCarville. Hilston
seconded the motion. Voting to approve motion: 7 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. Motion carried.
Old Business.
There was no old business.
New Business.
1. Discussion on filings for the Internal Revenue Service.
Anderson reported that 1023 Form needs projected profits/losses statistics for 3 years. Also as result of
increased directors, the board of directors information would need to be updated.
2. Notification to the Board of Directors on the RVACGs Conflict of Interest Policy.
Anderson reported that the Conflict of Interest Policy is required and would need approval. Anderson
will email the standard policy form to McVay and board members will need to sign after the policy
Anderson made the motion to allow the Executive Committee to consider and approve the Conflict of
Interest Policy when completed. Rouse seconded the motion. Voting to approve the motion: 7 yes, 0 no,
1 abstain. Motion carried.
3. Consideration and approval of amendments to the RVACG Bylaws.
McVay noted that the Bylaws need to be amended due to various changes within the RVACGs
organizational structure:
a. Officers job descriptions need to be revised including adding the positions of Vice President and
Director of Development.
b. Revision to the composition of the Executive Committee.
c. Addition of Groundskeeping taskforce and its constituent committees.
d. Abrogating (or, do away with) the General Council.
McVay proposed the Board of Directors could amend the Bylaws so that said amendments have full effect
without the directors signatures, for the time being. Signatures of the entire Board of Directors would be
obtained at the next board meeting in August, for the sake of time.

River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc.

Minutes of the Board of Directors for Saturday, June 11, 2016
Starting at 11:30 a.m., at the Spring Green Senior Center
Anderson made the motion to amend the Bylaws so that said amendments have full effect without the
directors signatures, for the time being. Hilston seconded the motion. Voting to approve 7 yes, 0 no, 1
abstain. Motion carried.
4. Consideration and approval of the creation of the office of Director of Development.
Rouse made the motion to approve the nomination of Becki Miler to the office of Director of
Development and to append the positions responsibilities to the Bylaws. McCarville seconded the
motion. Voting to approve: 7 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. Motion carried.
5. Consideration and approval of the Presidents nomination of Becki Miller to the office of Director of
McVay nominated Becki Miller to the office of Director of Development. Anderson made the motion to
accept the nomination of Becki Miller to the office of Director of Development. Rouse seconded the
motion. Vote to approve: 7 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. Motion carried.
Open Forum.
1. Upcoming lectures or forums would be shared on the RVACC Facebook page.
2. The Facebook page should be changed from a group page to a regular Facebook page so more people
would get involved.
Meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
With no further business, Schneider made the motion to adjourn the Board of Directors until the next
quarterly meeting. Rouse seconded the motion. Voting to approve: 7 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Rose Ellen Schneider

RVACG Secretary

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