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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Atate Campus, Palayan City
Name: _________________________
Score: _______________
Year/ Section: ___________________
Date: ________________
TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the answer that bests answer the questions or
completes the statement. Encircle only. ( 20 pts.)
1. In comparing electron micrographs of a relax skeletal muscle fiber and a fully
contracted muscle fiber, which would be seen only in the relaxed fiber?
a. Z discs
c. A bands
e H zones
b. Triads
d I bands
2 After ACh attaches to its receptors at the neuromuscular junction, the next step is
a. sodium channels open
c. calcium binds to regulatory proteins
b. cross bridges attach
d. ATP is hydrolyzed
3. Your ability to lift that heavy couch would be increased by which type of exercise?
a aerobic
c. resistance
b endurance
d. swimming
4. Someone who sticks out a thumb to hitch a ride is _________ the thumb
a. extending
c. adducting
b abducting
d. opposing
5. Which are ways in which muscle names have been derived?
a. attachments
c. function
b. size
d. location
6. Which of the following muscles attach to the hip bones?
a. rectus abdominis
c. vastus medialis
b. rectus femoris
d. longissimus group of erector spinae
7. Which of this thigh muscles causes movement at the hip joint?
a. rectus femoris
c. vastus lateralis
b. biceps femoris
d. semitendinosus
8. Which of the following insert on the arm?
a. biceps brachii
c. trapezius
b. triceps brachii
d. latissimus dorsi
9. The final trigger for muscle fiber contraction is the
a. carbonate ions
c. calcium ions
b. potassium ions
d. phosphorus ions
10. Muscle fatigue occurs due to the accumulation of _________ in the muscle tissue
a. succinic acid
c acetic acid
b. lactic acid
d. alpha keto-glutaric acid
11. Isometric contractions of muscle tissue takes place when
a. the muscle shortens and movement occurs
b. the muscle does not shorten, but its tension decreases
c. the muscle shortens and the tension decreases
d. the muscle does not shorten, but its tension increases
12. Which of the following are correctly matched?
a. short bone- wrist
c. irregular bone- sternum
b. long bone- leg
d. flat bone- cranium
13. A passageway connecting neighboring osteocytes in an osteon is a
a. central canal
c. lacuna
e. perforating canal
b. lamella
d. canaliculus
14. Which of the following would you expect to be prominent in osteoclasts?
a. golgi apparatus
c. microfilaments
b. lysosomes
d. exocytosis

15. The shoulder girdles are composed of two bones, the

a. scapula and sternum
c sternum and clavicle
b. scapula and clavicle
d. maxilla and clavicle
16. Long bones continue to grow in length until
a. early adolescence
c. late adolescence
b. late childhood
d. early adulthood
17. The function of the joints is to
a. provide a site of attachment for the tendons
b. hold bones together and allow movement
c. hold bone together for ossification
d. allow bone cell formation
18. The proximal joint between the radius and ulna is a type of
a. hinge joint
c. pivot joint
b. saddle joint
d. plane joint
19. The sacrum is formed by the fusion of how many vertebraes?
a. 7
c. 5
b. 12
d. 3
20. The sternum, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae make up the
a. bony thorax
c. skull
b. pelvis
d. vertebral column
21. The only bone that does not articulate to any other bone is the
a. coccyx
c. sternum
b. hyoid bone
d. ethmoid
22. The following conditions are examples of abnormal spinal curvatures. Which is not
a. kyphosis
c. lordosis
b. scoliosis
d. pertusis
23. The first vertebrae at the neck region of the spine is the
a. atlas
c. axis
b. coccyx
24. The fibrous connective which connects interlocking skull bones is the
a. bursae
c. sutures
b. synovial membrane
d syndesmoses
25. These are important anatomical landmarks that reveal where muscles attach and
where blood vessels and nerves pass onto the bone tissue
a. bursae
c. sutures
b. callus
d. bone markings
26. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of smooth muscles?
a. involuntary in action
c. spindle shaped
b. multinucleate
d. they are arrange in opposing layers
27. All are facial muscles EXCEPT
a. frontalis
c. orbicularis oculi
b. buccinator
d. gluteus maximus
28. The following should be considered in naming skeletal muscles EXCEPT
a. relative size of the muscle
c. number of origins
b. shape of the muscle
d. number of nucleus in each fibers
(For items 29 35, refer to the following)
Determine the following structures given as to what type of joints they are being
classified. Write only the letter on the space provided.
a. plane joint
b. hinge joint
c. pivot joint
d. condyloid joint
e. saddle joint
e. saddle joint
_______ 29. intercarpal joints
_______ 30. metacarpal and phalanx joint (knuckles)
_______ 31. shoulder joints
_______ 32. hip joints
_______ 33. carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
_______ 35. elbow and interphalangeal joints

36. The ions that stimulate muscle contraction are stored within the
a. nucleus
c. sarcoplasmic reticulum
b. endoplasmic reticulum
d. lysosomes
37. Which of the following takes when a skeletal muscle contracts?
a. chemical energy within ATP is converted into potential energy of movement
b. potential energy within ATP is converted into chemical energy of movement
c. mechanical energy within ATP is converted into chemical energy of movement
d. chemical energy within ATP is converted into mechanical energy of movement
38. The largest and the strongest bone of the face is the
a. vomer bone
c. lacrimal bones
b. mandible
d. maxilla
39. All are muscle functions EXCEPT
a. producing movement
c. maintaining posture
b. stabilizes joints
d. insulates the body
40. A type of movement generally in the sagittal plane that decreases the angle of the
joint and brings two bones closer together is the
a. extension
c. flexion
b. abduction
d. rotation
41. The parts of neurons that perform basic cellular functions, such as protein synthesis,
are the
a. somas
c. dendrites
b. axons
d. synaptic knobs
42. The parts of neurons that receive neurotransmitters and pass on graded electronic
potentials toward the soma are the
a. myelin sheaths
c. axon hillocks
b. axons
d. dendrites
43. The glial cells that form the blood-brain barrier by lining brain capillaries are the
a. oligodendroglial cells
c. Shwann cells
b. astrocytes
d. Ranvier cells
44. The sodium-potassium pump
a. transport Na+ and K+ out of the neuron
b. transports K+ into the neuron and Na+ out
c. transport Na+ into the into the neuron and K+ out.
d. transport Na+ and K+ into the neuron
45. Which of the following is not done by glial cells?
a. receiving and conducting electrochemical signals
b. giving metabolic support to neurons
c. producing insulating sheaths around axons
d. removing debris after the death of a neuron
46. Which of the following increases when an action potential is initiated?
a. diffusion of sodium ions into the neuron
b. diffusion of sodium ions out of the neuron
c. diffusion of potassium ions out of the neuron
d. diffusion of potassium ions into the neuron
47. The human cranial nerves that send parasymphatetic stimulation to, among other
organs, the heart, stomach, and liver are the
a. trigeminbal nerves
c. vagus nerves
b. abducens nerves
d. glossophyryngeal nerves
48. There are how many pairs of cranial nerves in a human?
a. 8
c. 25
b. 12
d. 31
49. Broadly defined, a hormone is a molecule that
a. moves through the bloodstream
b. influnces development
c. alters the activity of certain nonadjacent cells
d. has the same chemical activity in a variety of organisms

50. The target cells of a hormone always have

a. special receptors to which the hormone binds
b. special channels through
which the hormone moves
c. large amounts of the hormone stored within
d. undifferentiated cytoplasm
51. Which of the following hormones is a steroid?
a. prostaglandin
c. epinephrine
b. estrogen
d. thyroxin
52. Animal tissues that synthesize hormones are closely associated with, and sometimes
resemble, cells of the
a. immune system
c. circulatory system
b. embryonic mesoderm
d. nervous system
53. The part of the brain with the greatest influence over the endocrine system is the
a. hypothalamus
c. cerebral cortex
b. amygdala
d. medulla oblongata
54. Hormone secreting cells, called neurosecretory cells, are abundant in the
a. hypothalamus
c. cerebral cortex
b. amygdala
d. medulla oblongata
55. Oxytocin and antideuretic hormone hormone reach their target cells by way of
a. the anterior pituitary gland
c. blood vessels
b. lymphatic vessels
d. axons
56. Which of the following is not a structure in the hindbrain?
a. Medulla oblongata
c. cerebellum
b. thalamus
d. pons
57. Which of the following structures is in the diencephalon?
a. cerebral cortex
c. hypothalamus
b. olfactory bulbs
d. basal ganglia
58. The part of the hindbrain that is responsible for hand-eye coordination is the
a. pons
c. medulla oblongata
b. hippocampus
d. cerebellum
59. The adrenal glands are located adjacent to the
a. larynx
c. kidneys
b. urinary bladder
d. gonads
60. The fight-or-flight response is developed by hormones of the
a. hypothalamus
c. adrenal cortex
b. adrenal medulla
d.adrenal-pancreatic complex
61. All the hormones of the adrenal cortex are synthesized from
a. tyrosine
c. cholesterol
b. glycoproteins
d. fats
62. The neurons of a person with diabetes mellitus do not produce sufficient
a. ATP
c. enzymes
b. fatty acids
d. steroids
63. The pineal gland is located
a. on the kidneys
b. beneath the thymus gland
b. in the brain
d. beneath the thyroid gland
64. Which of the following connects a muscle to a bone?
a. cartilage
b. tendon
b. ligament
d. disc
65. Which of the following is likely to have the strongest leg bones?
a. jockey
b. weight lifter
b. swimmer
d. golfer
67. Which of the following connects a bone to a bone?
a. cartilage
b. tendon
b. ligament
d. disc
68. Which of the following acts as a shock absorber to cushion the tibia and the femur
where they come together?
a. cartilage
b. tendon
b. ligament
d. disc

69. A muscle cell is a muscle

a. bundle
c. fibril
b. fiber
d. filament
70. The fundamental, repeating unit of a skeletal myofibril is the
a. sarcoplasmic reticulum
c. sarcomere
b. myosine crossbridge
d. motor unit
71. According to the sliding-filament model of muscle contraction, the molecules that
move to shorten a muscle are
a. actin
c. myosin
b. collagen
d. creatine phosphate
72. Cross bridges, which connect the two molecules of a fibril during a muscle
contraction, are made of
a. actin
c. myosin
b. collagen
d. creatine phosphate
73. The ion that must be present for binding of the cross bridges is
a. calcium
c. iron
b. sodium
d. potassium
74. The neurotransmitter between a motor neuron and a muscle cell is
a. serotonin
c. dopamine
b. endorphine
d. acetylcholine
75. An oxygen debt develops during
a. tetanus
c. anaerobic work
b. sarcoplasmic release
d. aerobic work
TEST II MATCHING TYPE: Match the following terms listed in column A to the
bones of the body it describes in column B. (15 points). Write only the letter on the space
Column A
Column B
______1. shoulder blades
a. clavicle
______2. collar bone
b. humerus
______3. upper arm
c. femur
______4. wrist
d. patella
______5. palm
e. phalanges
______6. thigh bone
f. radius and ulna
______7. kneecap
g. carpals
______8. fingers
h. metacarpals
______9. shank
i. tibia and fibula
______10. skull
j. sternum
______11. sole
k sacrum
______12. ankle
l. phalanges
______13. hip
m. metatarsals
______14. tail bone
n. coccyx
______15. breast bone
o. cranium
p. scapula
q. tarsals

Prepared by: SIR GERALD

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