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Part 2 - Celestial Stargates - I, Pet Goat GEMINI

Here's one example of how the Silver Gate is cryptically represented

in the media of video. This suggests the value assigned to it by
Horus worshiping students of the Occult and also demonstrates the
influence it has today as magick ritual.
Like when Anubis was floated past Lady Liberty in 2010, a viral
video titled I, Pet Goat II raised a lot of eyebrows in 2012. There
are some notable similarities. Those who recognize the symbolism
will see the sly featuring of the celestial Silver Gate and the agency
of Horus. Search this blog for pet goat to find what I've already
written about it.
I have pondered why there was no part 1, which seems to be
implied by the title. I now believe the observation of that curiosity
highlights a deliberate misdirection and suggests a riddle. What I
thought was the Roman numeral II for 2 is actually the astrological
glyph for Gemini, the Twins, a symbol of the Silver Gate. Consider
that the personal pronoun, I, of I, Pet Goat II is repeated at the
end of the title twice. Two of me suggests identical twins, and in
that very representation we see the astrological glyph for the sign
of Gemini! Now, consider how the first I plus two more makes
three I's, or, eyes, signaling the 3rd Eye! This is the Horus Eye,
which is featured in the video graphically, plus, the opening of that
illuminating eye is a primary theme!
What convinces me further about the Silver Gate's centrality to the
video is the rich context of astrological imagery, with elements that
revolve around the theme of bringing forth a Satanic messiah, one
who is distinctly linked to Egyptian underworld. It's further
suggested in the very identity of the production company, Heliofant,
a name that resembles Hierophant. The Hierophant is a Tarot
card, the fifth trump card in the Major Arcana Deck and one that is
associated with the sign of Taurus, the other constellation that,
together with Gemini frames the celestial Silver Gate.

In this screenshot captured from the end of the video, the messianic
New Age Jesus figure emerges from a cavern in a boat bearing the
head of Anubis. He has a third eye and illuminated pyramid on his
forehead. He awakens out of a trance as he sails toward the rising
sun. In this closing scene, we watch symbols of religion fall to ruin,
destroyed. It speaks to me of the producer's vision of the arrival of
true religion, which destroys the false. This surreal vision
dramatizes an ancient one that seeks to exalt another god to the
highest position. Aliester Crowley called it the Aeon of Horus. In this
scene, the celestial stargates are being illustrated, and an Occult
ritual is being performed.

The picturing of Anubis as the boat and the radiant triangle on the
messiah's forehead are symbols of ancient Egypt. The setting is the
underworld that is called the Duat. Anubis is the god of the
underworld and psychopomp, and we see him escorting the messiah
on a journey through the Duat. At the center of the celestial Duat is
what was known as the Silver Gate, and opposite that is the Golden
Gate. As in ancient times, these are believed to be celestial
stargates through which souls and gods ascend and descend
between the realms.
The cave opening is a birth canal, with some degree of anatomical
accuracy in the representation, with a horned devil head pictured
as the clitoris. The messiah is being birthed as out of the womb of
the demon god Isis. He is making entrance into the world like what
was ritually modeled in March of 2010, in NYC, when Anubis was
floated past the idol of Isis, the so-called Statue of Liberty. The
Lady on Liberty Island. Apollo, the son of Zeus, was born on an
island. It seems her water has broken in this scene. The messianic
figure being liberated as Anubis delivers the son through the birth
canal is Apollo aka Horus, who incarnates in a picture of Osiris being
raised into Horus. That's the Sun, rising. Apollyon is the destroyer,
and so we see this aspect manifesting in the final scene.
Astrological signs are associated with the elements and allusion
seems to be made in this video to those associated with the Golden

and Silver Gates.

Silver Gate: Taurus-Earth / Gemini-Air
Golden Gate: Scorpio-Water / Sagittarius-Fire
Another Silver Gate symbol is this scene of the stylized Statue of
Liberty. This image is clipped from their heliofant.com website,
where its offered as a high resolution desktop wallpaper. I take this
as an indication that the producers assign a lot of value to it. What's
the big deal about looking into the heavens above the iconic idol
and seeing the vortex swirling around a bright opening? Because it's
the Silver Gate, from whence their messiah is being birthed into the
Their labeling of Lady Helotry seems to be a play on harlotry
that connects Lady Liberty with the great harlot of Mystery Babylon.
When the producers of this video speak about the truth, what they
really mean is the obfuscation of the truths their lies are wrapped
around, in typical Occult fashion. Their attitude is reflected in the
message presented in their website's contact and sharing icons.
Facebook + YouTube + Twitter. Like on the controversial ObamaCare
website they signal F You and then give us the bird.

Part 3 - Celestial Stargates - Isis, the Dendera Zodiac & I,

In Part's 1 and 2 we saw Lady Liberty as Isis in scenes picturing the
celestial Silver Gate. The Silver Gate is the region where the path of
the sun crosses the Milky Way between Gemini and Taurus, so what
does this have to do with Isis, or Isis and Anubis? As I introduced it in
the series about Ke$ha's Crazy Kids music video, Isis was often
pictured wearing the celestial Silver Gate crown that is the

representation of the bull, Taurus, with twin horns that frame the
disk as a portal. She is the mother who births Horus, from one
perspective. From another, she is likewise responsible for bringing
forth Horus as the agent who impregnates herself in magickally
resurrecting dead Osiris. As David Flynn (gone on ahead) has noted,
the Egyptians consistently paired Isis with Anubis, and the
appearance of the jackal-headed god of the underworld often
implies Isis is nearby in symbol.
In the Dendera Zodiac, which is regarded very highly for the
valuable insight it provides, we see figures that resemble Isis and
her son Horus, twinned, as pillars holding up the celestial sphere.
Two of the positions marked out by the four pillars of Isis are
Scorpius and Taurus, the Golden and Silver Gates, which appear to
be indicated by the two pointers (appearing in this alignment at the
5 and 11 o'clock positions).

Is this a coded testimony about the significance of Gates as pillars

between heaven and earth and the key to raising Osiris into Horus?
Given the redundancy of ritualistic representations I've been seeing,
that seems likely.


I, pet goat II
from Heliofant



Once again, here's the video of I, Pet Goat II that is still being
presented on the Heliofant.com home page.
Below the Silver Gate in the celestial heavens is Orion, the sign
sometimes identified with Osiris. Osiris is resurrected by Isis into
Horus, who then traverses the realms as birthed through the Silver
Gate to incarnate in our realm as the antichrist beast John saw
rising from the sea.
Consider how the Statue of Liberty resembles the figure of Orion,
who holds something aloft in the right hand and something closer to
the body in the other. With a torch in hand, the flames appear right
in the celestial Silver Gate. Usually, a club is pictured in Orion's
The hieroglyphic for club and silver are one and the same, as
you see here. Orion and the Statue of Liberty appear to be linked,
and thus both Osiris and Isis appear, who together produce Horus,
who comes through the opened stargate at the appointed time.
These symbols are composite identities.
I've compiled quite a few notes on how Lady Liberty and other
symbols in NYC represent the Silver Gate, and Lord willing, these
will be the subjects of future posts.
Here's a couple bonus items of interest. Columbia Pictures / Sony
Pictures Animation - Intro|Logo: The Smurfs 2 (2013) | SD
Tracking Orion & Sirius in Ancient Civilizations #2 Egyptian God of
As I mentioned in an earlier post, David Flynn noted that Sirius and
Virgo are the dual representation of the knowledge of Eve brought
down from heaven by the serpent, and the sign Virgo is another
representation of Isis. The knowledge of Eve is an expression that
may be taken according to the meaning, carnal knowledge, because
the serpent knew her sexually. His knowledge of Adam was different
from his knowledge of Eve in an important way. He knew them both
according to the way of sodomy, but having conceived with Eve his

knowledge was expanded. Both ways are reproductive and both are
dimensional gateways. The serpent extended his life into this realm
in a body of flesh when Eve bore Cain and those sisters who shared
his paternity. The Nachash exploited another gateway when he
engaged them in sodomy and their eyes were opened, knowing both
good and evil. These gateways continue to be exploited.
They are both natural and supernatural, functionally linking the two
The celestial and astrological symbolism begins in the very first
frame of the video, where we're shown a closeup of an electrical
insulator with barbed wire looped around it. It resembles a
doorknob on a fenced enclosure. There's the theme, right in our
faces. The fenced enclosure represents the celestial heavens and
the circle of the Zodiac, with each box a constellation. The barbed
wire and fenceposts picture the equatorial grid lines of Right
Ascension and Declination.
The stick figures we see are as constellation figures that are
commonly represented by drawing lines that connect the stars.
Concealed in this clever imagery is the heavenly dimension and
access portal of the Silver Gate.
This image of the heavens illustrates the Silver Gate between
Gemini and Taurus with the equatorial grid's fence posts and
wires. The dotted red lines mark the boundaries that are officially
assigned to each constellation. These contain them, boxing them in,
as we see pictured by the array of wooden containers inside the
video's celestial enclosure. Stars are suggested by the snow-like ash
falling from the sky.
I want to offer some side bar commentary at this point.
Historically, this opening scene makes allusion to Nazi camps like
Auschwitz, where ash fell thickly upon the ground as multitudes of
bodies were cremated in the furnaces. The figure of a man with a
dog on a leash is a guard and guard dog. The barcoded goat pictures
the prisoner as livestock, tattooed with coded numbers and
inventoried using the IBM Hollerith punch card technology. This is

what's coming back into vogue, with enhancements. This is their

message, on one level, which is underscored by the appearance of
the bell around the neck of a goat. It's a bellwether. I, Pet Goat,
i.e. This will soon be YOU!

A bellwether is any entity in a given arena that serves to create

or influence trends or to presage future happenings. The term is
derived from the Middle English bellewether and refers to the
practice of placing a bell around the neck of a castrated ram (a
wether) leading his flock of sheep. The movements of the flock
could be noted by hearing the bell before the flock was in sight.
Back to the celestial symbolism, while there is a goat represented
in the Zodiac, Capricorn, that sign is inconsistent with the context
of the identifying symbols. What is fully consistent with other
symbols in the setting is to see the conjuring goat as Isis, the
magickal one. The goat's horns actually represent the horns of
Taurus just like on the crown of Isis. The hole in the crate is the
Silver Gate. As the goat's head appears suddenly out of the hole in
the crate, the goat becomes the symbol of the agent who's coming
through that portal.
The goat is a bellwether but also the god Pan, or Cernunnos or
Baphomet, aka Satan, Lucifer and as the primary identity, Horus.
This is what's pictured in another one of Heliofant's wallpaper
downloads. The silvery moon next to the New Age Messiah's head.
See Horus, coming through the Silver Gate. The word hedj that
means the color white is used for silver and for the moon. I have
many other examples in the queue that validate the Moon as a
Silver Gate symbol.
Note well the other entities AND THE ARMADA that are pictured as
coming through the portal.
Where they come from, which is also the realm enclosed within the

camp, is suggested by a decan of Taurus, Eridanis, the river or

watery abyss, the fiery pit!
The symbols in the opening scene that that serve to identify the
celestial region are most evident before the goat appears: The stick
figures on the crate and the bank of floodlights. The man walking
his dog is Orion with Canis Major under Gemini. The six lights are
the Pleiades, the six visible stars of the Seven Sisters in the
constellation Taurus.

This image illustrates how to locate Sirius and the Pleiades through
the sightline of Orion's belt. Sirius, the Dog Star, is known as Alpha
Canis Major. It's the brightest star in the heavens. Orion's belt is
perhaps the most easily recognized figure and the most brilliant
constellation, and the Pleiades are unique and popular cluster.
Orion walks his Dog Star in Canis Major to the Pleiades. It's the
story of the Silver Gate!
With the goat as the agent coming through the Silver Gate, we see
it pictured as presently trapped inside the heavenly enclosure. The
wires are both barbed and electrified, securing the perimeter as a
containment grid with restraining forces both seen and unseen. 2
Thessalonians 2:6-7. The insulator's appearance as a doorknob
suggests how the security of the containment system will be
breached, with the control mechanism operating in both the seen
and charged unseen realms. I note that such wires are steel, and
according to that metallic gate I was given insight several years ago.
The Iron Gate and a NOTABLE breach event are presented in the
incredibly exciting twelfth chapter of Acts! See Passing Through the
Iron Gate.
The second scene of the video vividly illustrates a connection
between the celestial beings and those of us on earth, as the
Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama are pictured as
marionettes, controlled from above by the hands of Satan. Strings

connect the unseen with the seen. Like the chains that were so
prominent in Ke$ha's Crazy Kids music video, I suspect these puppet
strings are seirai, bearing witness to the reality of the agencies of
this age's operative control and it's dimension spanning mechanism.
Additionally the theurgist sought to ascend into the presence of
the gods by using symbols, signs, words, sounds, godly materials
called seirai (chords, chains, "processions") which united Orders of
beings with Celestial bodies, "A Great Chain of Being." The practice
of theurgy would only convey influence from the gods if the
symbols and rituals used were taught by the gods. This is why Plato
said 'great power of geometric equality exists amongst both gods
and men.' (The David Flynn Collection - Kindle Edition)
The dimensions are linked, just as the Bible declares.
18 I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will
build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. 19 I
will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you
bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you
loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. ~ Matthew 16:1819
My Lord knew about the gates of Hades. If such a construct were
not genuine he wouldn't have legitimized it by naming it and
ascribing the property of strength. (The same Greek word
translated gates in verse 18 appears in Acts 12:10's reference to
the iron gate of the prison.) My Lord promised to give the keys of
the kingdom of heaven to Peter. The authority to bind and loose
what is in heaven here on earth is not the stuff of science fiction,
myth or fantasy.
The star in a circle that is the sorcerer's pentacle is the hieroglyph
of the Duat, the Egyptian underworld. The symbol is a portal. Think
about it. Does it work?
In the video, when the shadow of the dancing Bush marionette is
cast by some light from above upon the floor, it has the form of a
star with the shadow of a man inside. A star is an angel, in

metaphor. The president and other elite and even most people in
the world are as puppets being controlled offstage, supernaturally,
by angelic beings through demonic agencies. This starlight imagery
bears witness to the puppet strings as the Theurgist's seirai, A
Great Chain of Being. This 3D world is as a projection of the higher
dimension, as we know a 2D shadow to be a projected image of a
3D object. As I was considering the image on the floor, the Lord
gave me to see the checkerboard as a symbol of the knowledge of
good and evil. That's a profound insight.

Part 4 - Celestial Stargates - Heliofant and the London

Before I move on past the viral video I, Pet Goat II it should be
noted how, Heliofant, the producers, have branded themselves with
a link to a Tarot card, The Hierophant. The Tarot deck is used for
divining, and many designs are in production. Many of The
Hierophant illustrate the Silver Gate, and the manifestation of the
star man Horus.
Please note, if you're a victim of ritual abuse who is still being
delivered there may be triggers in the following content.
The word, heliofant, is a made up word that is not in the
dictionary, but helio means sun, or the personification of the
sun, the sun god. The word ending -fant is like fan in FANaTic, so
it suggests that a heliofant is something of a fan of Helio, a sun or
sun god fanatic. Given what we see in the video, that much is
evident. The ending -fant, is like -phant, which is Greek, like
helio. It means one who shows. A heliophant would be the sun
or sun god who shows. This is what the Horus Eye is about.
609c. he has equipped thee with his eye; Horus has adapted to
thee his eye. 610a. Horus has opened for thee thine eye that thou
mayest see with it. (Utterance 364 from The Pyramid Texts, As

translated by Samuel A. B. Mercer)

The stylized title graphic features a simple encoding of the name of
the sun and sun god transliterated as IO, calling out both the i and
O for special attention.
This technique should be very familiar to regular readers of this
blog, as also how giving the letter i special attention creates an
instance of the i of Horus. When we see the title generated in the
animation the dot over the i is first centered then slid to the right.
This suggests three positions of the dot, one in the center and two
flanking it. This is not the first time I've seen this little trick, which
creates three eyes, the third eye or Horus Eye. With the letter i
having the value of 9, the flipped 6 triples and transforms to 666 for
yet one more symbol.
I've been illustrating how the celestial symbolism is evident in the
video, overtly and covertly. The covert or subliminal is the more
powerful. The title graphic illustrates the golden sun Helio or IO as
the golden letter O. It's subtle. The dot of the i is an orbiting
satellite, the Earth, perhaps. The way the Sun looks is how it
appears when it's eclipsed by the Moon. It is the dot that is most
brightly illuminated, which suggests another celestial body with a
luminous satellite. I believe the Earth and Moon are implied. If we
perceive it as a hole in the Sun the picture suggests a portal.
Students of the mysteries like Dr. Robert Hieronimus have revealed
the belief that the Blazing Star Sirius is behind the sun, and that
there is a dimensional portal with a realm and entities represented
in the matter. The Sun and Moon are overlaid in an eclipse, lining up
symbols of the Golden and Silver Gates. With the link to Sirius,
given all that has been opened to me in recent weeks, what I see in
this is Horus coming through the Silver Gate. It will probably take
me a while to effectively express why, so bear with me.
Since the eclipse alignments of the Sun and Moon are historically
such potent events, and because of how I see the Golden and Silver
Gate symbols are so frequently superimposed, I'm taking this
opportunity to give that some attention. Like Heliofant's stylized
logo, Will.i.am's large golden chain represented both stargates in

Ke$ha's Crazy Kids video. The chain itself is a twinned torus, a

Gemini-Taurus or Silver Gate symbol. His was golden, right?
These stargates are connected, as front and back doors of access to
the Milky Way realm. These stargates occupy opposing positions in
the celestial heavens, which can be illustrated by drawing a line
through the planisphere represented in the Dendera Zodiac at the
markers I identified in the previous post. When you see this as a
bisected circle you have come to what is concealed and revealed in
some popular branding.
The opposing stargates are pictured by the London Underground
sign. The city's famous subway is their underground transit system,
of course, so the horizontal line is the ground level that separates
what's above from below. Underground has the meaning of being
hidden from sight, Occult. The Hermetic Maxim comes immediately
to mind.
Vehicles traveling underground suggest Anubis traversing the
underworld, the Duat. The red ring is as the sun, and so we see a
sun rising above the horizon. This is a familiar allegory and ritual
about Horus, emerging from the underworld into our earthly realm.
The squared circle signaling ritual sodomy enlightenment makes this
a Horus Eye symbol. A witch's magic circle is referred to as the
squared circle, and the London Underground symbol aptly pictures
that protective dimensional container that is bisected by the plane
of the surface the circle is cast upon. Without the blue band, the
sign is a near match to the Heliofant logo as picturing a solar eclipse
and portal.
Now, here's where the paired stargates become evident. The red
sun ring also represents the path of the sun called the ecliptic. The
ecliptic intersects the Milky Way, which is represented by the blue
band with white lettering. The red ring of the ecliptic intersects the
blue-white band of the Milky Way in two places, one opposite the
other. These intersections represent the Golden and Silver Gates!
Give attention to how the letter N appears at both of those points

of intersection. The letter N is a stargate symbol! When I decoded

the branding for Nationwide Insurance recently the letter N was
featured as a dimensional gateway symbol through which Horus
gains access to our realm. Some figure I'm just making stuff up as I
go along. I think, not.

The N is also signaling the Nachash alias, the winged serpent. See
the London Underground letter N portals as identifying that
celestial Ouroboros image of the Nachash, where the serpent has his
own tail in his mouth. This is often represented by two winged
serpents, forming the band with mouths to tails to mark out both
Compare the branding of Nissan, which I've also decoded recently.
Think about it. Are you seeing what you're looking at?
This image presents the circle of the Zodiac in a different
Astrological versions set Aries in the first position and Pisces in the
last. Some, including E. W. Bullinger and Joseph Seiss, have
assigned Virgo to the first position and Leo to the last. This order is
based upon what they identify as the riddle of the Sphinx. The
figure with the head of a woman and tail of a lion is interpreted as
a sign to divide the Zodiac between Leo and Virgo. This is supported
by the famous representation of the Zodiac on the ceiling of the
portico of the Temple of Esneh, where the figure of the sphinx
appears between those very figures. Bullinger notes that there is a
star in Leo named Sarcam in Hebrew. With the meaning of the
joining, he wrote that this intimates how it is there that the ends
of the Zodiacal circle have their joining. The evidence I see suggests
that he is correct. In this alignment, a bisecting horizontal divides
the Zodiac between Scorpio and Sagittarius on one side, and Taurus
and Gemini on the other. This connects the Golden and Silver Gates
horizontally, just as pictured by the London Underground and

Nissan. There some other exhibits of this orientation that are pretty
convincing attestations, which I hope to propose shortly as the
Adversary's scheme to exploit the ancient stargates is exposed.
Count the letters of Underground. There are 11, which suggests a
transformation symbol of the Twins of 1 that is the astrological
glyph of Gemini. The Silver Gate is thereby featured!
Notice how the letter G in UNDERGROUND is centered in the
circle. Here's a comparison of a pair of images that I made when
decoding Nationwide's branding.
There's an important linking here. Like with Nationwide Insurance,
the London Underground's clever imagery resembles the Masonic
square and compass emblem. Is the London Underground sign
another example of the Illuminated Freemasons winking at us?
That's likely, but what is perhaps an even more valuable observation
is how they both represent the Golden and Silver Gates.
The London Underground brand imagery represents the Golden and
Silver Gates at the two opposing intersections of the ecliptic and
the Milky Way, marking them with the letter N. It may be
considered how, at each intersection, an X is formed at each
The Masonic compass intersects the square in two places, marking
the opposing Golden and Silver Gates with a pair of Xs. In these
similar brandings, the letter G appears central and flanked. G is for
Gates. That's not all it means, but it's certainly one valid
It may be seen that the Silver Gate is implied in the number 47,
which is the atomic number of silver and the number implied by the
form of a 4 sided figure framing the 7th letter of the alphabet. The
number 47 (47th Problem of Euclid: Osiris union Isis) represents the
production of Horus, and so it is that we see his introduction into
this realm modeled as through the Silver Gate.

In this little diagram of Freemasonry, the 12 rays of the sun number

the houses or signs of the Zodiac. The seven stars appear around
the silvery moon to identify the Pleiades, which are in the
constellation Taurus. This is a ritual flaunting of knowledge about
the Silver Gate that is over opposite the Golden Gate. The crossed
keys are gold and silver, you can bet, for the like-colored Gates.
The trowel and bell are instruments that each represent a means of
breeching dimensionally barriers, through the fecal mud of ritual
sodomy and by means of sonic energy. The double X of the square
and compass is repeated in the crossing of the keys and the trowel
and hand bell. There's plenty more here, which has all been covered
before on this blog. It's powerful symbolism!

Now, when the double X is being signaled we should be mindful of

these two celestial stargates, where X marks the spot. I've given the
Dos Equis brand plenty of ink but here it is again. I see the central
figure as a hint of the Silver Gate. I see the figures of 2 squares
overlaid as the superimposed stargates, aligned, looking through the
axis from one to the other. Pyramids seen from above sit upon
square bases, and each presents a letter X.

Why do you suppose Team Orion brands with the double X?

There's usually a vortex represented in symbol, so picture a whirling
energetic torus. The shape is a circle rotated around an axis like a
donut or bagel.
The axis through the hole locates the Golden and Silver Gates. I
think this is what the Reuters news service branding represents.
Helena Blavatsky has written of The Torus, the Vortex, and the
Vacuum. Thrive, the Foster Gamble film, presents the torus in
this light. When Led Zeppelin's In through the Out Door album
title can be considered from this perspective, while the sodomite

gateway is a key theme, the depth of meaning goes beyond just

It seems to me that a more accurate representation involves two
related fields, one counter to the other, making each stargate both
a front door and a back door at the same time.

In the Wizard of Oz, which is an obfuscation of On, Heliopolis, and

is also the land down under or underworld, Glinda the Witch of
the North lands her transdimensional bubble vehicle right by the
starting point of the Yellow Brick Road. That is the center of a
spiral, apparently, the Golden Gate vortex. Dorothy and Toto had
arrived there in a whirlwind, which was only seen in black and
white. Apparently, that's the Silver Gate! The quest to return home
follows the yellow brick road to its end, Emerald city, a gemstone.
She returns home from that end of the yellow brick road, through a
ritual involving magical ruby (gemstone) slippers and an
Elton John tapped into that Golden Gate symbolism.
The value of the name heliofant is 153 in English gematria, where
z=1. The number 153 is a special resurrection number. The scheme
to open the Silver Gate is about resurrecting Osiris into Horus
through the agency of Isis. Counterfeits are always based on
something genuine, and the esoteric 21st chapter of John is where
you'll find a basis for this scheme.

10 Jesus said to them, Bring some of the fish which you have now
caught. 11 Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land, full of
large fish, a hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so
many, the net was not torn. ~ John 21:10-11
When I wrote this study on The Twenty-First Chapter of John I

described how the Bride Theft was in view, triggered by 144k sons
of Israel in a notable Romans 11:15 fulfillment. There's a Passing
Through the Iron Gate in that event. The catch of 153 fish is
subsequent to that, involving a multitude. (Oh, this is good stuff!)
The Heliofant scheme will also capture a multitude of fish in a net.
Watch the video. Do you see fish going into the boat?
John 21:6 declares how the 153 fish were caught when the net was
cast at Jesus' direction on the right side of the boat. Biblically,
people are represented in a metaphor as fish in the sea, and also as
sheep and goats. Of sheep and goats, you want to be the sheep. In
the following scriptures, when all the nations are gathered before
the Son of Man when He has come in His glory, it is the sheep that
are collected on my Lord's right side for blessing.
31 But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels
with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32 All the nations
will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one
another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33
and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.
34 Then the King will say to those on His right, Come, you who
are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you
from the foundation of the world. ~ Matthew 25:31-34
Remember what I wrote in the previous post about the opening
scene of Auschwitz and the bellwether? What Heliofant is saying by,
I, Pet Goat, is this: This will soon be YOU! A goat, captive,
enchanted, and barcoded (mark of the beast). They are not trying
to warn you to help you escape the net but rather to entangle you
in it.

41 Then He will also say to those on His left, Depart from Me,
accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for
the devil and his angels;
46 These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous
into eternal life. ~ Matthew 25:41 and 46

Hey, don't be the goat. Don't be captivated by the pharmakeia of

the Heliofant kind of net.

Part 5 - Celestial Stargates - NASA's Obsession with the

Two Pillars
Stargates connect the heavens and earth so they are sometimes
illustrated as columns or pillars. An arch often pictures the arch of
the heavens joined to the earth by two pillars. The stone at the top
that locks the pillars together is called the keystone, which is also a
stargate symbol. Gates provide access to a secure area so that
aspect is often illustrated with keys, locks and keyholes. Examples
of these symbols abound.
The Dendera Zodiac pictures the celestial dome supported by pillars
personified as Isis and twins of Horus. This seems to imply that the
heavens are all about Osiris resurrecting into Horus through the
agency of Isis. This certainly harmonizes with my understanding of
the Adversary's scheme. The union of Osiris and Isis is all about the
production of Horus in this realm. The representation of the
bridging pillars is a pictogram of how the heavens and earth are
thereby connected. I've presented evidence that Isis and the Twins
are very particularly identifying the Silver Gate, which seems to be
the dimensional portal of primary interest. There's plenty more
witnesses that echo that testimony!
NASA, which is and always has been an Occult organization, had a
program named Gemini, flying missions in 1965-66. They
represented it with this image, which speaks to their familiarity
with the Silver Gate and the pillars as known from ancient times.
It features the astrological glyph that looks like twin pillars,
connected. It's claimed that the name Gemini was chosen for the
project because the Gemini capsule would carry two men. Two stars
appear, which suggests the twin stars of the constellation, Castor

and Pollux. Stars are the familiar symbols representing angels or

gods. These appear to be transiting the Silver Gate.
Here's what NASA has to say about that program on their mission
page. They are spilling the beans in typical Occult style.
November 11, 2006 marked the 40th anniversary of the launch of
Gemini XII, the final mission in the groundbreaking program that
bridged the gap between Mercury and Apollo.
Mercury and Apollo, aka Hermes and Horus. A familiar pairing, right?
The Gemini project bridged the gap. OK. Between those gods and
the Earth? Think about it. Gemini, that's the Silver Gate, from
where the gods were claimed to descend from heaven to earth.
Gemini XII names the full number of the primary signs of the
Zodiac. Did you notice that the date to which they give special
attention? November 11 is 11-11. The Gemini glyph resembles 11. Is
11-11 referencing the two pillars and the Silver Gate of Gemini?

The agenda was to prepare the way for the Apollo mission. Again,
that's a Horus mission. The objective of that program targeted the
moon, the silvery moon, which is a symbol of the Silver Gate. Which
mission was supposed to have landed men on the silvery moon? That
would be Apollo 11! There's the pillar or pillars and Gemini glyph
once again. They proposed to put man on the moon, and the
converse of that is to bring Apollo down to earth through the pillar
of the Silver Gate. Was that a ritual? Yes, and perhaps fabricated as
a hoax for just that reason.
Claims have been made that Stanley Kubrick helped NASA
perpetrate an elaborate hoax, faking the moon landing of July 20,
1969 in a studio. I have no real evidence to support or deny that,
but my examination of the photos that were online in the late 90s
made it pretty obvious that the shadows and other features were
inconsistent. If the landing was legitimate, why were the photos

staged? Would official agencies like NASA hoax the public? Have you
looked into the pivotal event connected with 9/11/2001? (BTW,
that's a major Silver Gate event I hope to cover shortly. Twin
Towers. Right.) So, if the Apollo 11 moon landing was faked, and
you have to be very skeptical given the evidence, we have to ask
what reason they might have had for perpetrating such a deception.
There may have been several objectives, but primarily I believe it
comes down to a single word, ritual.
If you haven't caught on yet to the way of the Illumined elite, ritual
establishes the reality of a thing. Their god directs them. They
comply with his demands. The world changes. That's how it works,
and how it will work right up until - it doesn't. My God has set the
limit on their achievements, as He ever has, because His purposes
will ultimately be served in all that He allows.

Neil Armstrong made some famous declarations during the mission.

The Eagle has landed. The lunar lander module was named Eagle.
That's the bird with many an alias, the phoenix and feathered
serpent, Apollo (the mission it was associated with), and the god
also known as Horus. According to the official account, just prior to
descending to the lunar surface, the Lunar Module Eagle separated
from the Command Module Columbia. Columbia is an alias of Isis. A
warrior places his foot on a thing he has conquered as a
proclamation of victory. Once landed, Osiris is once again joined
with Isis. When about to set his own feet on the surface of the
moon, the astronaut said, That's one small step for [a] man, one
giant leap for mankind. The giants of old were hybrids, children of
the gods, of the Horus kind. He came out of the Eagle, as a son of
the Eagle and the Moon. This is ritual on a massive scale. It's about
the Golden Gate but primarily, as I see it, the Silver Gate.
The plot of Men In Black 3 revolved around the Apollo 11 mission
and the establishing of a protective shield (ArcNet) around the
earth to guard against alien invaders. More on that as a Silver Gate
ritual coming soon, Lord willing!

Here's the Apollo mission patch. Do you see the A as a portal with
twin pillars? The three lights in the crossing identify the three stars
in the belt of Orion. Orion, that's the Silver Gate! That Apollo-Moon
mission was a Silver Gate ritual!

You can see the twin pillars of the Silver Gate in this 30th
Anniversary graphic. I decoded many layers of other symbols here,
in Part 79 - The Sodomite Gateway - Holy tIHS!.
Those folks at NASA know rocket science, and alchemy and mass
mind-control programming. You know about Jack Parsons of JPL,
right? He prayed to invoke the blessings of Pan before every launch.
Have you read this post lately? Hermes, JPL and NASA - Houston, we
have a problem!
Mercury, aka Hermes, Hermanubis, Anubis; these are given the
supporting role in the NASA pantheon. This god's escort service and
eye-mazing service are necessary as the way is being prepared for
Horus to make reentry and splashdown, as it seems, through the
Silver Gate.

Part 6 - Celestial Stargates - I Don't Think We're in Kansas

I left off in the previous post with an exhibit of how the celestial
stargates were represented in the symbolism of NASA's Gemini and
Apollo projects.
About Gemini, one of the goals involved NASA's first space walks.
Remember Ke$ha's Crazy Kids music video? Well, here's where
another link is made to the Silver Gate, because Will.i.am's space
suit resembles those of the Gemini era, which you can see from the
evolution of NASA astronaut space suits pictured here. The Gemini
suit matches the symbolism of the utility chain around his neck that

is a twinned torus.

What are we to make of these symbols of the Silver Gate being gold
in color? As a Great Chain of Being, the gold in that symbol
suggests the being linked to has a gold body, as the gods of Egypt
were conisidered to have flesh of gold. That's just what we see in
the suit, the gold body of the sun god. I suspect there is more to the
gold-silver compositing than that. With the chain of twinned torus
construction, the Silver Gate between the Gemini Twins and the
twin horns of Taurus is very much in view, but I can see how both
Gates together may be inferred. If the insight I shared about the
energy dynamic of the stargates is valid, there are two toroidal
fields aligned around their connecting axis, one counter-rotational
to the other. This construct involving both Gates can also be
considered as a twinned torus.
A good question to ask at some point is whether it even matters
which Gate, or by what means entrance is given, so long as the god
of their false religion or his agents come through? For most, it
doesn't matter how or even when, but to others it matters plenty.
I'm personally convinced of this because the Devil wouldn't be giving
it such a major role if it weren't a big deal, and my Lord Y'shua
wouldn't have Aaron and I giving it our attention now in this late
hour if it didn't matter, a lot. As I understand things, a ritual only
works if it's legitimate, which is to say, genuinely sponsored by the
demon gods, and this is one context where such things do matter.
Direction must be followed if the performance of a ritual is to bear
the intended fruit. If Horus is coming through into our dimension as
through a stargate, the symbols used in ritual will be an accurate
representation; as above, so below. While varying degrees of
obfuscation and misdirection factor into these expressions in the
public domain, there are, in the shadows cast, the form of the
requisite elements. What we're looking at in these ritual displays
conceals and reveals what is planned, and with the Lord's eyes and
ears, mind and heart, some among us have roles to play, and so we
receive our provision in due time.

I introduced the pillars aspect of the stargates in Part 5, and I'm

going to explore this for a while as we discover some remarkable
models, and get more insight from the Bible.
Researcher David Flynn had made some interesting observations
that deserve mention here.
The twins of Gemini, whose Astrological glyph is two pillars II,
were the inspiration for not only the foundation myths of Rome and
Thebes, but also for Atlantis. Atlantis was ruled by seven sets of
twins, the most famous king being the son of Poseidon, Atlas. The
Atlas Mountains in Algeria lay directly under Sirius and Gemini.
Atlas, it was said, held up the pillars where heaven and earth
connected. According to Herodotus, the Libyans living around the
Atlas Mountains professed to know the measurements of the earth:
These mountains are very high and were believed to touch heaven,
but were altogether inaccessible because of the density of trees and
[they] call this mountain the Pillar of Heaven; and they
themselves take their name from it, being called Atlantes.
In myth and accounts of the mystery schools, there has been
preserved a tradition of twin pillars. Intriguingly, the passage
above is the clue to the identity of the two pillars of legend. Two
pillars were built by the pre-Flood civilizations so that the
knowledge of heaven coming down to earth would survive. Josephus
said that the remaining pillar in Siriac would attest to the fact that
there was another pillar. The one pillar that survived the Flood,
according to legend, was the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Great
Pyramid was the counterpart on the earth of Isis' consort Osiris, a
Pillar that extended from Giza towards the constellation Orion in
the heavens. The other Pillar of Heaven was located on the Prime
Meridian, as it extended to heaven anchored at its counterpart,
He connects Gemini not directly with the celestial Silver Gate but
through two pillars on the earth. He identifies the Great Pyramid at

Giza as one of the pillars, linking it to Orion in the heavens. The

other pillar he links to the Prime Meridian, linking it with the Dog
Star Sirius. The pillars he believed to be of Gemini are the region of
the Silver Gate. The alignment of the celestial with the terrestrial is
at least worth noting because there seems to be something to that.
I'll explore some Prime Meridian - London - Greenwich connections
soon, Lord willing. As for the pyramid - Orion - Gemini Silver Gate
connection, here's more insight from Ke$ha's music video imagery.
In the Crazy Kids video, Ke$ha's wacky hand jewelry included two
ringie thingies that had Crazy and Kids on them. Each of these
were bracketed by little pyramids. Embedded inside CRAZY is
RA, a feature that is made relevant by the pyramids. The flanking
pyramids are Twins, and they are forms of pillars, which is Gemini
or Silver Gate signaling. Ke$ha entered the house between the two
pillars that flank the house's front porch. You can see one of them in
some scenes where the Silver Gate wreath appears on the window.

Before I launch into some of the really remarkable exhibits of the

pillars, it seems appropriate to offer a lengthy excerpt from David
Flynn's Collection that Aaron came across. It contains a few valuable
nuggets I intend to be referencing later. In the first paragraph, you'll
discover the reason why, in the Wizard of Oz, the spiral start of the
yellow brick road is wound up with a red one. It's alchemy. I'll set up
for that with some more insight into the Golden Gate, as pictured
by the yellow brick road. Yes, I already gave this some attention,
but there's much more here that's worthy of our attention! Without
understanding about the stargates that are so important in the
religion of Illuminated sun worship, you miss so much of what's been
embedded in their ritual vehicles.
In this screenshot's scene, we had just heard Dorothy and Toto being
identified as witches. Dorothy denied it, offering that she's Dorothy
Gale, from Kansas. The Witch of the North was just singing, Meet
the young lady who fell from a star. She fell from the sky. She fell
very far. And Kansas, she says, is the name of the star. Are you

thinking STARGATE yet? Do they need to hit us over the heads, here?
The name Kansas is a Sioux word that means, People of the
South Wind. Dorothy Gale, from Kansas. A gale is a strong wind,
a storm at sea. She had just arrived in a whirlwind as one of the
People of the South Wind. Her arrival caused the death of the
Wicked Witch of the East. Another line from the song: When she
fell out of Kansas a miracle occurred. The name, Dorothy, means
God's gift. To the oppressed Munchkins, Dorothy's taking out the
witch was like a gift from God. The names and locations are
symbols that supplement the ritual, you see.
The scene overtly features three witches that are identified with
the cardinal directions. Where's the missing 4th that's implied, the
beautiful good Witch of the South? Why, she's not missing at all?
Dorothy is a Gale, of the South Wind. Her familiar is her dog Toto.
(As I read it, that's an acronym for The OTO, the Ordo Templi
Orientis.) This is why the ruby slippers magically transferred from
the dead witch's feet to hers. Her gingham dress is a subtle
checkerboard print that pictures the knowledge of good and evil.
Ceremonial casting of the magic circle involves the invocation of
the four Guardians or Watchtowers of the cardinal directions.
Proper ritual doesn't just leave one out.

This scene is revealed as one that is a key to the film by reason of

how the names were chosen to augment it. Oz is the place that is
over the rainbow, according to Dorothy's declaration. As a
reference to Australia, the land down under, the setting is the
underworld. With Oz as an obfuscation of On, the Egyptian
underworld is being featured, which is known as the Duat. At the
center of the Duat is the Silver Gate. At the opposite end of the axis
extending through the celestial sphere is the Golden Gate. Dorothy
Gale arrived on a vortex of the South Wind, falling from a star out
of the sky, modeling to us the Silver Gate. She landed near the
center of the spiral of the yellow brick road that represents the
Golden Gate. The underworld is the place of the dead, and so it is
that death marks the event.

This is all about the production of Horus, and with the name of
Dorothy Gale, her initials signal just that in referencing the esoteric
47th Problem of Euclid. D is the 4th letter and G is the 7th. DG ~ 47!
In that screenshot above we see the two witches of the North and
South ascending the steps. Above we see a large flower that
represents the sun in the sky. They are ascending to the sun. The
flower is also superimposed over the center of the spiral. Check out
the set. Golden Gate: Scorpio-Water / Sagittarius-Fire.
There's one more item in the scene that really needs to be called
out. While the creepy Munchkins repeat Glinda's line, Kansas, she
says, is the name of the star, we see a male Munchkin emerge from
a manhole in the middle of the yellow brick road. Are you familiar
with the Sodomite Gateway series? Man hole. Think proctology,
colonoscopy and prostate exams. He wears a red scarf around his
neck as the bloody tie that binds. He's got a pipe in his mouth.
Think, about that pipe, in his mouth. The man hole is a Horus Eye
stargate. Again, this is in the middle of the yellow brick road. Bricks
and mortar, Masons and fecal mud. Recall the storming of heaven to
get the gold pooper in Puss in Boots. Recall Wreck-It-Ralph and
the bricks in the dump Ralph slept in. If you need a refresher or
you're new here, I recommend checking out those links.
Think about the line they sing as the Munchkin man climbs out of
the man hole. Kansas, she says, is the name of the star. Kansas:
People of the South Wind. Have you ever had the wind? What is
the south wind but flatulence? These folks who script and execute
the symbols are obsessed with the nether-world and nether-region.
This is their power base. This is how rituals are done!

Dorothy is received into a carriage with sun wheels pulled by two

horses. This models a heavenly vehicle. Behold, the chariots and
horsemen of Oz! She is conveyed along the red-cinnabar spiral
winding into the Golden Gate, as they sing, Ding Dong, the Witch is

Dead. Ding, dong; that's the sound bells make. Bells are for
dimensional transport! Off they go, through the Duat.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins
go, Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring
the bells out. They are celebrating the opening up of the stargate
to the underworld, and death!
Here's David Flynn's excerpt.
Belief in the transformation of blood-like cinnabar into gold dates
from 133 BC when Li Shao-Chun appealed to the Emperor Wu Ti to
support his investigations: Summon spirits and you will be able to
change cinnabar powder into yellow gold. With this yellow gold you
may make vessels to eat and drink out of. You will increase your
span of life, you will be able to see the hsien of the Peng-lai
[home of the Immortals that is in the midst of the sea]. Then you
may perform the sacrifices fang and shang and escape death.
Through the years, the Philosophers Stone of myth has taken on a
wide range of powers; not only has it been called the secret of
life and health, but it also possesses spiritual significance. The
alchemists of the thirteenth century sought the Philosophers Stone
while undergoing strict devotional ritual and purification. After
completing spiritual rituals, the alchemist was thought worthy to
perform his activities. Eventually the Philosophers Stone was
thought to signify the force behind the evolution of life and the
universal binding power which unites minds and souls.[921]
Famous mystery school initiate Eliphas Levi, considered one of the
master occultists of all time, wrote authoritative works on
freemasonry and ceremonial magic. Levis most important work
was The Dogma and Ritual of High Magic.
This book was followed by A History of Magic, Transcendental
Magic, and The Key of Great Mysteries. Levi believed in the
existence of a universal secret doctrine of magic throughout
history. The most widely read Masonic initiate, Albert Pike, clearly
derived inspiration from the works of Eliphas Levi.[922] Pikes
Morals and Dogma has been called the Masonic Bible. This

honored American Freemason was the Sovereign Grand Commander

of the Scottish Rite when he took the Cabbalistic occult doctrine of
Eliphas Levi and put it in his own book. The Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, founded in London in 1888, adopted much of Levis
magic. Mystery school adept Aleister Crowley, a former member,
was born the year that Levi died and claimed to be the
reincarnation of Levi.[923] Eliphas Levi claimed to have summoned
the magician Apollonius of Tyana from the dead.
Apollonius (c.4 B.C.), and his legendary life imitated and
counterfeited that of Jesus in the Bible. The parallels of
Apolloniuss life were so convincing that many were persuaded to
see him as a christ himself. Noted mystery school initiate Manly
P. Hall wrote in The Phoenix that the wizard Apollonius was such a
good counterfeit of Christ that he was the first candidate worthy
of the name anti-christ. Levi stated that he was influenced by an
earlier writer and occultist Francis Barrett. In turn he influenced
another writer and occultist Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, with whom
he visited in London in 1861. Bulwer-Lytton wrote The Last Days of
Pompeii and other occult books helping to make magic fashionable
to the last of the 19th century. Francis Barrett, a practically
unknown author of The Magus published in 1801. This was a concise
handbook on the occult, dealing with the magic of herbs and
stones, magnetism, talismanic magic, alchemy and other means of
creating the philosophers stone The Philosophers Stone was first
mentioned by Zosimos the Theban (c. 250300) in the third century.
In speaking of the Philosophers Stone, receive this stone which is
not a stone, a precious thing that has no value, a thing of many
shapes that has no shape, this unknown which is known by all.
Mars is the Philosophers Stone. Mystery schools through the ages
have sought this unknown which is known by all. Modern initiates
of the alchemical mysteries have created the NASA space
program, JPL etc. in the hopes of attaining the power that Mars is
said to possess. The red planet is the goal and inspiration behind
the names of the first space probes to circle the earth. The final
acquisition of the great work before the coming of the Golden
Age will be the comprehension of the planet Mars.

The union of man with the lost knowledge from the red planet will
be the end result of the transformative Great Work of the mystery
schools through the ages. Though the modern organizations of
space exploration seem, outwardly, purely scientific, a closer look
at their origin and the people who helped create them reveals a
different story. The traditions of the mystery schools of the
ancient Pelasgians have continued to be preserved in such
organizations as the Freemasons.
The first manned space program, project Mercury-Redstone
officially began October 7, 1958 carrying astronaut Alan Shepherd.
The sole objective of this spacecraft was to complete orbits,
gyrus or circles around the earth in space. Mercury-Redstone was
launched on the 5th day of the 5th month in 1961 at 9:33:00 A.M.
or 13:33 Greenwich mean time.[924] It is not hard to see the
illuminated numbers. Even the year 1961 fits the dualistic theme
of conveying a higher message within symbolism. A 16 is a 19
turned upside down, and the Mercury-Redstone capsule itself was
painted a tesselating black and white.[925] Alan Shepard later
became the 5th man to walk on the moon. The name Alan is a
French masculine version of Helen meaning light; the name of
the primary participant in the space mission named for the
Philosophers Stone was literally the Shepherd of light . The NASA
manager of the Apollo Program Command and Service Modules and
Gemini program was 33 Scottish Rite Freemason Kenneth S.
Kleinknecht, eldest son of Christian Frederick Klienknecht who
himself has held the highest Scottish Rite office, the Sovereign
Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction, since 1985. The
Masonic mystery schools have always been in the forefront of the
scientific community, from the founding of the British Royal
Society to todays NASA program in the United States.[926] Other
NASA projects were connected to the mysteries through their
names, dates and astronaut affiliations. Edwin E. Buzz Aldrin
was a member of the Clear Lake Lodge Seabrook, Texas, taking
part in Gemini 12 and Apollo 11. Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr. of
Mercury 7 and Gemini 5 was a brother of the Carbondale Colorado
Lodge No. 82. John H. Glenn, Jr. belonged to the Concord Lodge,
Ohio. Other freemasons who journeyed into the heavens for the

sake of knowledge were: Virgil Grissom, Edgar D. Mitchell, and

Walter Schirra.[927] The connection between the NASA space
program and the occult organizations of the world, especially the
progenitors of the post WWII political and scientific world, will be
fully explained in the closing chapter.
(Wikipedia)Flynn, David (2012-07-01). The David Flynn Collection
(Kindle Locations 18696-18731). Defense Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Part 7 - Celestial Stargates - Red Bull, The Bulls, Pit Bulls

and Bullwinkle
One of the most visible brands in the world of sports features the
Silver Gate, Red Bull, the Austrian energy drink company. They
sponsor the reigning Formula 1 world championship team and driver.
They host major sporting events and sponsor many teams and
athletes across a wide range of activities. This symbol of the sun
god coming through the Silver Gate is getting a lot of promotion!
Their logo is a sun flanked by a mirrored pair of bulls. Twin bulls Gemini-Taurus. I've decoded this brand before, uncovering many
layers of symbols. Here's yet one more!
In the branding of the Red Bull Air Race you can see the name of Ra
being called to our attention as the leading letters, and central in
Air Race. The sun draws attention to how the Re in Red is also
naming the sun god. The crossing of the legs of both letters R in Air
Race suggests a pair of Rx style Horus Eyes. The Rx is linked to
drugs, of course. Their drink is a powerful concoction that might be
seen as a spell-inducing potion, pharmakeia, which works in parallel
with the evident symbol magick.
The tail of the airplane is linked to the stylized letter A in such a
way that a double X appears, which I've recently identified as the
two connected stargates. The trace of the aerial loop forms a Horus
Eye and Silver Gate! The plane's prop provides two Tau crosses, and
the body and wings of the plane provide the third: Triple-Tau. It's

signaling the Masonic Royal Arch degree that pictures the

dimensional portal.
I infer that the CE at the end provides a Code 33 that supports the
WC-33 of World Championship.
Isis is frequently identified with the Silver Gate, and so it is with
Red Bull's imagery. The bulls flanking the sun picture the
reproductive organs of the female. Isis. The reproductive system of
Osiris is represented by the stylized title, with the dB as his phallic
package. Together, they bring forth Horus, and that's the story of
the Silver Gate, right?
This company performed an extravagant ritual on October 14, 2012
with the Red Bull Stratos project. Austrian daredevil Felix
Baumgartner set a new freefall record. This star-sailor fell from the
sky to earth wearing a kind of astronaut suit bearing the energy
drink's Silver Gate branding. He ascended in a capsule raised by a
helium balloon. Helium ~ He. Helio - the sun. HE ~ Horus Eye. They
missed their target date by a few days. The target was the 11th,
the number symbol of the Twin pillars of Gemini.
Here's a Red Bull ad featuring their slogan, Red Bull Gives You

These wings are not for flapping around in the air we breathe. What
wings represent is the ability to traverse dimensional barriers.
There is a reality that underlies their slogan. Clearly, these are the
familiar artistic versions of angel wings. Fallen angels.
The placement of their logo at the keystone position of an arch is
brilliant, and putting it across a race track where vehicles travel
through with high energy is just evil genius. It's more Silver Gate
ritual, but down to earth. Taurus-Earth / Gemini-Air.

The Red Bull logo for the drifting event features the Silver Gate
image on another arch, with the sun making its descent.
Another red bull branding is for the Chicago Bulls basketball
franchise. This image is from their Twitter page. The stars set the
celestial context. Taurus. Between the horns is the Silver Gate. The
red may be linked to the sun disk. Inside the blue and white symbol
is a check mark - that's the right triangle signaling the Pythagorean
Theorem and esoteric 47th problem of Euclid. Its another portal
symbol of the production of Horus in this realm!

There are other kinds of bulls that are not considered cattle. These
also may represent Taurus with the benefit of just a little bit of
One example comes from Ke$ha's Crazy Kids music video. I
neglected to identify the breed of dogs with Ke$ha on the couch.
(Thanks Arthur.) Those dogs are Pit Bulls. Chaos-Abussos Taurus.
Identical Pit Bulls are as twins, which again signifies to us the
contellations of the Silver Gate, Gemini and Taurus!
Then there's Bullwinkle. This star of network TV cartoons was
introduced in 1959 and was on the air in several versions of shows
until 1964. Bullwinkle was a moose who appeared with Rocky, a
flying squirrel. The horned moose was a bull. The ending of his
name, winkle is like twinkle, like a twinkling star in Taurus, the
His co-star Rocky wore a helmet and goggles like a pilot of open
cockpit airplanes. He was a flying squirrel, but those critters don't
actually fly. They glide. It's not freefall, but the result is that they
descend from the sky to the earth. That's a familiar theme, right?
Rocky was just his nickname. His full name is Rocket J. Squirrel.

Rockets go into space, and that was the Mercury and Gemini era.
Rocky's color is like silver.
Rocky and Bullwinkle were close companions, often seen shaking
hands, or with Bullwinkle holding Rocky. Together, like the
constellations Taurus and Gemini.

Part 7 - The Sodomite Gateway - Think Outside the Bun

Why does Taco Bell have to tell us to think outside the bun? Have
we been thinking inside the bun? Apparently so! Their slogan attests
to the message told by their graphic imagery, that the sodomite
gateway is a better choice. It's a lie.
If you're tracking with the bell as the "bell end" glans penis and the
purple (blue + red) and the round + square themes from ally Bank's
branding (Part 5), you can already read the esoteric logo as a
phallus presented before a purple round + square portal, the
signalling of sodomy. What is meant by "Think outside the bun" is to
perceive with your enlightened third eye opened through the
Satanic rite of sodomy. Any suggestion that this slogan merely pits
their tortilla menu against the bun menu of their fast food
competition is simply ignorant. The real dynamic at work here is
one of Satan's age-old sinister, devious, deviant and perversely
wicked schemes!
I can't simply leave it at that because this brand really demands
further exposure. Their sly promotion of sodomy as worship is so
The Taco Bell brand has always leveraged a cultural link between
Spanish missions and their Mexican style food. The most obvious
visual of the missions were the exposed bells in their typically
minimalist architecture. There's more here than just Spanish /
Mexican. The missions were and continue to be places of worship

in the familiar network of the aggressively evangelical Romish Sun

cult priesthood.
Those bells were and are devices used for ritual magick,
consecrated (cursed) by the priesthood for the evocation of
demonic presence. Like it or not, the ringing sound is accessed by
your mind when you find a bell is in your field of vision, because
this is how the mind works as it processes everything picked up on
the scanners of the 5 senses for context and meaning. When you
see Taco Bell branding, you don't have to hear their signature
dong for the spell to be cast. Romish priests use the bell with
intent, and a focus is placed on the transubstantiation or
transformation at the core of the mass that is in reality a legitimate
Satanic ritual that advances the Beast and mark of the Beast
One of the lies widely promoted is that a regular mass is good while
a black mass is bad. Good cop, bad cop. Both are cops, working
opposite ends of the same lever, against you.
There's another layer of symbolism here. Taco is also slang for the
female vulva, so Taco Bell is also a straight or heterosexual sex
magick signal. The bell is also a signal womb, the archetypical
mother goddess Isis, Semiramis and the Madonna of the Romish
Marian worship. She is in Revelation 17 presented as Mystery
Babylon, the Mother of Harlots
The Taco Bell brand is a multi-cultural religious brand. Still
skeptical? Consider the images in this collection, comparing the
Teen Foundation promotion with the popular steps of Freemasonry
diagram. The arch formed compares to the Masonic Temple you see
pictured in the tracing board. Such a Temple is for the worship of
Lucifer, which is in this late hour easily confirmed with a little
research. This is the same arch of the anal portal of the sodomite
Taco Bell logo. Sodomy is what binds Freemasons to the Hermetic
fraternity in the enlightened higher degrees. When you see the
Royal Arch of the Temples of Freemasonry with the rounded top and
squared bottom features you now understand what kind of portal

you're looking at, right?

The image at the bottom was sourced from this video. It's the entry
to a Taco Bell Restaurant. [video] Taco Bell Satanic Logo
The video's "man on the street" interviewer points out the yellow
reptile or serpent eye "clapper" feature and the three nested 6s, a
666 formed at the oval at the bell's bottom. He also shows but
doesn't talk about the Masonic logo seen in the column lighting.
The pillars of the Sun god's fast food Temple feature illuminating
beacons with the ubiquitous Masonic square and compass. We're not
the only ones to notice. Christopher L. Hodapp, the editor of the
"Journal of The Masonic Society" and author of "Freemasons for
Dummies" boasts of one of these examples on his Web site as More
proof we Masons rule the world.
This is why you see the numbers 33 (33rd Degree) signaled in the
stylized letter e in their slogan. You see it repeated in their "real
beef" promotion. Beef = penis. The real beef is apparently star
beef, or, angel beef, right? The three times three ritual of the
Royal Arch Degree is the ritual magick formation of a triple helix
DNA structure, pointing to the 3x3=9 transformation of man into a
beast. This is equated with the third eye or Horus Eye
enlightenment and the sodomite gateway. I see the differently
rotated sun yellow bell clapper that is a serpent-eye 6 as also
forming a distinct 9, highlighting that signal DNA transformation
feature. In the stylized Taco Bell real beef promo graphic there
are a total of three threes ~ 3+3+3 = 9. The white on red is the
divine Adamic signaling, of the illuminated man.
This video does an excellent job illustrating the serpent eye 666.
[video] Taco Bell Satanic Fnord Logo
The yellow serpent reptilian eye is emphasized as the Eye of Horus
with the arched eyebrow that now appears on some Temples as a

separate element for accent.

Compare this brand's one-eyed serpent-eye monster at the purple
portal with NASA's forked serpent tongue penetrating the "as."
On the Taco Bell home page it's a full scale purple assault, seen
here as a screen shot from the rotation on their current Web site.
The yellow sun is a sun god symbol, beyond question. The Fritos
swirl eye of Horus, well, yeah, there it is. Three bands of purple
sweep through - a key subset of the rainbow and a triple strand DNA
The three sixes formed at the eye of the bell are complemented in
the rotated version you see here.
When you transform it as suggested by the b33fy signal, rotating
it bottoms up, the 99c price becomes a 66. Superimposed upon the
bands of purple we see two of the three are each pinned by a 6.
What about the poor lonely band without a 6? Supply it. Your mind
already did so, below the threshold of awareness. 666 - Revelation
The last element I want to call attention to from their home page is
the promo for their trademarked expression fourthmeal
which signals something I still get excited to see. There are your
regular three meals a day. Then, there's fourthmeal. Three things
of a similar kind and then, a fourth thing, apart, distinct. The
message is that the fourth Shemittah from the sign of 1991 is the
one. 2012-2019. This fall, we enter in to the long awaited season of
the fourth. Suit up, my friend. You're going to need the armor.
I notice the stylized E in Bell points to the C, SEE? Its an EYE the
bell logo is a swirl eye of Horus! The capstone eye bell sits atop the
pyramid A. Is the AC in TACO for AntiChrist?

THINK? The famous IBM motto was THINK. I recall the Paul Rand eye
bee M poster.
Their Nazi death machine facilitating chief, Thomas Watkins Sr., was
a famous high ranking Mason. I know their secret. I understand
about the eye. I also understand about the BM. I can think, and see
as the Lord opens the eye, and I choose to serve Him and rely upon
His provision, who does not lie. I'm going to decline that interactive
tour, thank you very much.
Let's pass on that whole inside or outside the bun thing, shall we?

Part 6 - 2012 London Olympics - Birthing Zion in the far

Continuing from the previous post, what's still more intriguing
involves the stunning insight I mentioned at the outset, with a nod
to J.R. Church. I'm going to present Psalm 48 as the basis of another
enigmatic matrix alongside the others in this puzzle, where the
events of 1948 seem to be entangled with the Olympic park, site of
the 2012 London Olympics.
The popular book titled Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms compares
the events of 1948 and what's written in Psalm 48, and the match is
easily apparent. This comparison is done for each year and
corresponding numbered Psalm. The book of Psalms is the 19th
book, the number of the century. The principle was validated when
the Lord used Psalm 91 to confirm to me the celestial sign He had
shown me from Genesis 49 that was fulfilled in 1991. If the 48th
division of the 19th book presents a cryptic reference to the events
of the 48th year of the 1900s, this becomes a useful item to keep in
our toolbox next to the TCT time/distance tool. Beyond even the
events surrounding the rebirth of Israel, I perceive in this a message
about the 1948 London Olympics. Consider this Psalm as another
matrix about the establishment of Zion and the projection from
1948 onto the Oympic Park.

1 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our

God, His holy mountain.
2 Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion
in the far north, the city of the great King.
3 God, in her palaces, Has made Himself known as a stronghold.
4 For, lo, the kings assembled themselves, they passed by together.
5 They saw it, then they were amazed; they were terrified, they
fled in alarm.
6 Panic seized them there, anguish, as of a woman in childbirth.
7 With the east wind You break the ships of Tarshish.
8 As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of
hosts, in the city of our God; God will establish her forever. Selah.
9 We have thought on Your lovingkindness, O God, in the midst of
Your temple.
10 As is Your name, O God, so is Your praise to the ends of the
earth; Your right hand is full of righteousness.
11 Let Mount Zion be glad, let the daughters of Judah rejoice
because of Your judgments.
12 Walk about Zion and go around her; count her towers;
13 Consider her ramparts; go through her palaces, that you may
tell it to the next generation.
14 For such is God, Our God forever and ever; He will guide us until
Psalm 48
Verse 2: Mount Zion in the far north (or sides of the North)? Here
are some lines from William Blake's poem, Jerusalem.
...O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
Are the clouds this esoteric painter and author referenced those of
Jude, with their heavenly vehicles? I refer you to a recent interview
I gave Jeff Davis III of Acceleration Blog to consider the very
relevant references made to this poem and to Cecil Rhodes' will.

Verse 4: Many kings did assemble together for the 1948 Olympics.
Verse 7: The ships of Tarshish are linked to the British Isles by many
students (See here and here).
Verses 3, 12 and 13: There is in London a palace stronghold known
as the Tower of London. The site of the 1948 Games was Wembley
Stadium, which features two towers. It was built on the site of
Watkins Tower, which had been marketed as the "Great Tower of
London," which must be considered as something of a challenge to
the famed palace stronghold of old. Walk around Zion and count her
towers. In London, there are many, even with ramparts.
Verse 13: Is the projection of 1948's TCT arc onto the Olympic Park
telling it to the next generation, 64 years later?
Volumes could be written about this, and perhaps will be.
This ominous matrix contains some elements that suggest terrorism.
5 They (the kings) saw it, then they were amazed; they were
terrified, they fled in alarm.
6 Panic seized them there, anguish, as of a woman in childbirth.
7 With the east wind You break the ships of Tarshish.
Psalm 48:5-7
The closing line of the Psalm is, "He will guide us until death."
Projecting into the Olympic Park season, a major concern of those
responsible for security is the threat of terrorism. Will there be a
strike against the Royal Navy? Will there be a strike against the
Queen's Diamond Jubilee flotilla? Is this linked to Daniel 8 and an
engagement with Iran (east wind) that results in the breaking of the
young lion America's apparent authority?
A reader was inspired to send me a link to a chilling video this
morning. (Thanks Dale!) I had this written and ready for posting

yesterday but had been led to keep it separate from the previous
one in reserve for today. Perhaps this is why.
[video] 100,000 expected to Die at the London 2012 Olympics due to
nuclear action
I find Psalm 48:6 to be very, very intriguing! "Panic seized them
there, anguish, as of a woman in childbirth." Will something come
near to being birthed, as the theme of the rising of the underworld
and the attendant spells of bells portends? Some claim to have
evidence that Nephilim are buried under the Temple Mount. If so,
has some magickal projection been made? Will this result in the
immediate revelation of the lawless one? I will declare with
confidence that it will not. That time is coming, and I believe most
of the activity surrounding the Olympic (Zeus/Satan worship) event
is ritual magick working to that end, but the world and its
inhabitants need to be further realigned, politically and reset to
another paradigm, even in a biological and metaphysical or spiritual
sense, if you will. A woman as in childbirth is seized in panic by
labor pains. I believe what will manifest is as labor pains, and not as
false labor. I believe what's coming in 2015 will be the birth
resulting from that labor that is shortly to begin!
I titled an earlier post in this series, Part 4 - 2012 London Olympics The Olympic ZION Park, the Subject of Ritual Magick from 1948,
and I believe the evidence suggests this is a reality. I suspect the
testimony of Psalm 48 will become a striking prophetic witness, far
beyond even what it has been with regard to the rebirth of the
State of Israel, beyond even the role of Psalm 91 in 1991 as it
pertained to the Gulf War. I believe something of 1948 and Zion has
been projected onto Olympic Park, and we are watching it unfold
before us.
What reasons there may be for why the Milk Hill "8" crop sign in
Wiltshire, England stamped "new beginning" so dramatically upon
the Beijing Zion Olympics on 08/08/08 may manifest shortly in
connection with the London 1012 Olympics. If you followed through
on the study links provided ealier, you may see that from yet
another perspective, as a ship of Tarshish, the ark on the billowing

waves. It was interpreted on several levels, including a mind

boggling match to the karyotype of human DNA! It signaled a
coming counter-flood-of-Noah's-day through an eight-fold
conception, a new genetic beginning. A birth, an event that begins
with labor pains.
Every time I see this picture promoting the celebration of the land's
giants, literally the Nephilim of legend, and of the the bell ritual
#1197, my attention is directed to the belly of the girl in the
foreground. I addressed some of this in Part 3 of this series, but
consider this perspective. The set may look like the haphazard work
of amateurs, but as with the brutally criticized London Presentation
from 2008, and even the logo for the London Olympics itself, there
is evil genius at work.
The girl in the foreground seems to be wearing a maternity outfit,
about to give birth as suggested by the posture of the split, the
opening of the birth canal. The nature of the child is symbolized by
the purple covering her belly, royal, as of the line of the
antiMessianic counterfeit King of Judah, the Lion. Purple further
suggests the hybrid spawn of the blue sons of god combined with
the red daughters of men. Her diamond checkerboard top
represents that same merger, of iron and clay.
And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will
combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not
adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.
Daniel 2:43
The line formed at the purple and checkerboard is an upward delta,
symbol of the sons of god. It's also the pyramid, the counterfeit
Zion, a Beast kingdom, with capstone set in place. It's also the
Hebrew letter dalet, with the meaning of door, a portal.
Panic seized them there, anguish, as of a woman in childbirth.
Psalm 48:6

Part 9 - The Sodomite Gateway - Tools of the Trade

Caveat, if you haven't read the earlier posts yet, I strongly
recommend doing so before you continue. Also, be forewarned:
What you see here you probably won't be able to unsee.
As I mentioned earlier, the dark mystery of the alchemical
expression "squaring the circle" is brought into the light of day when
you identify sodomy as the key. Let's take a look at the tools of the
trade used for building on that metaphor.
The familiar tools of the Masonic fraternity are the square, for
square-ing, and the compass, for circle-ing. When you see this now,
you can interpret it as their sneaky way of not telling you they are
all about the sodomic gateway! Concealing and revealing in plain
sight is how the occult job gets done, how the spells are cast
through their arts and crafts.
To validate this we're given the capital "G" as a second witness. The
letter is round like a circle, but at the opening a horizontal is
presented, and above that, a vertical forming a right angle to
square the circle. I've declared on occasion that the G is for
gnosis, and this is that which is sought and acquired by squaring
the circle. The higher vertical and lower horizontal must also be
seen as the sons of god and daughters of men, for further context.
Another secret of the Masonic G inside the square and compass is
that it opens toward the east as a compass direction, where the
messianic sun rises. This anticipates, celebrates and advances the
coming dawn of Horus, the sodomizer.
The G is also, as some claim, for God, and more particularly God's
anus, and yes, that is about as offensive as it can get. I'll illustrate
that in a moment with some powerfully convincing imagery, but
first, consider the following testimony.
The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, youd
get Gods power. You become as gods through sodomy; thats the

way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great
sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to
pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy.
When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped
out boiled down to the practice of sodomy.
Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the
Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland
This explains the big attraction when the two angels visited Lot in
Sodom. If you consider what happened in the Garden of Eden in this
light, you may perceive the continual signaling of the squaring of
the circle giving further offense as an in-your-face bragging and
taunting about the serpent's triumph. When you read Romans 1,
keep these things in mind.
In this popular image of a Masonic tracing board, the Royal Arse, uh,
Arch, is the form of a squared circle. You can identify that now as
the sodomite gateway, right? Occupying a central position is the
letter G. See the sun rays emanating from it? News flash - those
aren't sun rays you're looking at. Have you ever diapered a baby?
You've changed poopy diapers, right? Doesn't this look just a little
familar? Uh-huh. Instead of a sun, that's, well, a black hole,
astronomically, or rather, anatomically speaking. I feel like I should
apologize because you're not going to be able to un-see this, but I
did warn you in advance. Sometimes things are what they look like.

In the collection of images above, the golden G with the eye in the
pucker is the version from the popular poster, The Steps of
Freemasonry. Why is there a brown stain around it, I wonder?
There's an eye evident in the Masonic World magazine cover too,
with an oval around the round pupil that is emphasized by the Horus
Eye framing title. That frame also forms the circle top with square
bottom portal. The sodomite squaring of the circle is the key to
opening the third eye, the Horus Eye. Notice how the popular Royal
Arch tracing board has the squared circle pucker framed by two

objects. The falling star (angel) that appears to be ascending is

point down, signaling spirit into matter. What that literally means is
a ritual demonic invocation. Opposite that, what resembles a horn
of plenty looks rather more anatomical, like the bowels, with food
at the top end of the GI tract and the rectum at the other, which
now should make all kinds of sense.
The horn is also referred to as a cornucopia. From Greek
mythology, it's the horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which
broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of
whatever its owner desired. Goat? Zeus, like, Satan-Zeus. Whatever
its owner desired? That's why they want to own the horn.
Had enough? More than enough? Well, it is disgusting and truly
offensive, but there's more evidence that really must be brought
into the light, so you know what you're looking at and understand
what's really going on.
This is not just the work of dirty minded pranksters. This is the
reality of the unholy spirit communion rite that has a companion in
torture, blood sacrifice and cannibalism.
The third degree Master Mason learns a secret password, tu-balcain. Two Ball Cane. The male package. The emblem conceals and
reveals how that's the tool doing the squaring of the circle. See that
rope around the circumference with the knot? That's the sphincter
at the end of the horn of plenty.
tubal ~ bowels
cain ~ son of the serpent and Eve
These are the tools of the trade, concealed and revealed by the
fraternity of who's who in the world. The tools for squaring the
circle are everywhere in the branding of their own organization and
they are craftily embedded elsewhere, like in this promotion for
Eastview Mall. The brand is richly signaling many occult themes (see
this post in the Rochester, NY series). The stylized 40 has the 4

signaling the square and squaring and the zero is the circle. Pretty
classy, right? Celebrate the ascension by squaring the circle. The
devil is sly. The subtle approach works. We're not dealing with rare
imagery, here. When you look around and see what you've been
looking at, it's shocking! It's enough to wake you up!

rt 8 - 2012 London Olympics - The Bell of Caliban: Be

The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics will be
launched with the ringing of a giant bell. If you've been following
this series and have done your homework on bells you should be
able to grasp how that the reasonable expectation of the result is a
dramatic escalation of evil, in the UK and throughout the world.
The facts of the matter are the facts, indisputable, documented,
and the story they tell is one with such redundancy and consistency
of theme that it warrants, well, I must say, even demands our
To introduce this post by summarizing all I've written about bells at
the Lord's leading would be a lengthy undertaking. I'll offer some in
brief, but if you've done your homework it should be apparent that
what I'm proposing and the concerns I express aren't me being
whimsical or superstitious, although it's not long since that would
have been my own assessment of one who writes such things. If you
feel like I'm exaggerating in my testimony here, you haven't yet
grasped the import of this matter, layered even on top of Work
#1197, All the Bells. I'm not interested in jerking you around with
false drama. I am, however, very interested in giving a trustworthy
report as a watchman, and what I see coming is trouble on a grand
Bells are used by witches and priests of the ancient gods to cast
spells. The evoking and invoking of demons is done with ringing
instruments as energetic portal devices. If you see a bell being used
in some religious context, it's a safe bet that it's been ritually

cursed, consecrated to summons a specific god in the demonic

hierarchy to serve the agenda of Mystery Babylon the Great and the
Beast she rides. Large bells hung in structures serve the god of that
domain, a territorial Ba'al. They are sometimes inscribed with
expressions identifying their purpose.
Aleister Crowley, a giant of evil, included the bell in the small
number of objects commonly used as "magickal weapons,"
instruments used to bring about intentional change. He knew how
to bring evil into the world. This man, who relished the moniker
assigned to him by the press of his day, "the wickedest man in the
world," was listed in a BBC poll taken in 2002 as the seventy-third
greatest Briton of all time. That's not good. If this giant bell is
intended as such a device, a magickal weapon, and there's no cause
to think it's not, big trouble is coming.
The Nazis understood such things, magickal weapons and big
trouble. They are the one's who did the previous featuring of an
Olympic Bell.
The IOC agenda is to promote Zeus worship and, attested to by an
expansive array of signs, bring an incarnation of his son to rule over
the kingdoms of the world. This is the change they seek, which can
be inferred from the inscription of the words of the son of the Devil
(Satan, aka Zeus - Revelation 2) on the bell, of the hybrid monster
Caliban from The Tempest.
"Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises"
I want you to give consideration to what is revealed about the
noises in Caliban's speech.
Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep,
Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming,

The clouds methought would open, and show riches

Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked
I cried to dream again.
- Shakespeares The Tempest, III, ii
The dream that resulted was one that left one wanting desperately
to return. This noise has a powerful and lingering influence. A noise
such that, even though one is well rested, would make one sleep so
soundly that a dream would result, is an impressive sleep
inducement. The influence of the noise compares to that which has
been assigned to the caduceus, the wand of Hermes. In fact, it may
well be just that. Sir Francis Bacon (Shakespeare) was a Hermeticist
and occultist. He knew of such things, who very likely penned The
The reference to sweet airs in the second line makes me wonder if
the Isles of Wonder crew are going to be engaging some aroma
therapy during the event, to fine tune the atmosphere.
Caliban describes the noise, adding "and sometime voices" and we
must understand this in the context of The Tempest's magical isle,
where ancient spirits manifested themselves in various forms and
kinds. These were the source of the noise, the carrier, if you will,
for the enchantment.
The clouds of the dream that were thought might open and show
riches ready to drop upon the dreamer are the subject of another
text, one that is entirely pertinent, referencing dreamers, clouds
without water and brute beasts, like Caliban.
7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like
manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after
strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire.
8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise
dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he
disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a

railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but
what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they
corrupt themselves.
11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran
greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the
gainsaying of Core.
12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with
you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without
water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth,
without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame;
wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for
Jude 7-13
That part about "to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for
ever," I can assure you that the IOC isn't going to be giving that
angle much coverage.
During the opening ceremony, keep in mind that Underworld is
responsible for the music.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices

Part 14 - The Sodomite Gateway - National Identity and

Gov't School Agenda
The secret's out. I'm getting reports that eyes are opening to see
this evil.
In this series, we've seen numerous exhibitions of sodomy in key
esoteric alchemical symbols and in those of the most familiar secret
society. We've noted its promotion by the queen of Pop and as the
secret branding of major corporations, international organizations,
the Nazi war machine and the even the Pope. We've seen a lot of

things we won't be un-seeing anytime soon, and that's really not a

bad thing for those of us who know the weapons of our warfare are
not carnal. To that list of things, I must add yet a few more scenes.
This depraved practice of worshiping the ancient gods and
advancing of the kingdom of the coming Beast is evidenced on the
national level, too.
Oh no. That's not a palm tree! Hey! Clearly, some Saudis share the
enthusiasm of the folks at the Pacific Palms Golf Academy. They're
not only branding with the palm tree as a symbol of victory over
death, they also broadcast their access via the secret of the Monas
One guy I know knew a Saudi who said that over there women are
for children and men are for love. The violence and hatred in that
kind of stuff is produced by sodomy; it produces the internal rage.
Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the
Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland
I won't argue.
America, led by the enigmatic President Obama, has recently been
presented with some new imagery to consider. This image is the
cover of a Random House book for young readers, Barack Obama:
Out of Many, One by Shana Corey and illustrated by James
Bernardin. Sodomites target even pre-school children, then support
the programming continually through popular media and books,
games, cartoons, ads, school curriculum, etc. Containing elements
from many posts to this blog, I'll offer a brief list. Thanks, Aaron,
for your excellent input!
Obama is pictured flashing the magickal "West-Side Gang" sign.
Behind him is the occult signaling American flag, with two stars
partly occulted by his head and one completely hidden, the
illuminated third eye. The letter M in Many is carefully
positioned above his head to suggest horns, also signaling M as a 13

~ a Beast number. A woman in the background signals Harmerty

(Horus who rules with two eyes), with half a left eye showing and
the other with the enhanced vision of the camera lens - third eye.
His personal brand seal as a glowing seeing-eye of Horus appears on
the sign floated above the letter A signaling the Apollo - Beast
kingdom pyramid kind of change. This pyramid connects to the book
title, Out of Many, One, because the famously familiar Latin
expression of that, E Pluribus Unum, appears opposite the pyramid
with the glowing floating eye on the great seal featured on the
ubiquitous one dollar bill.
Now for the sodomy feature. The giant blue arrow at the top of the
page adds the white to form the familiar divine heavenly sons of
god phallic symbol. It's pointing at and touching the purple portal.
Right. Sodomy. The bright white numeral 3 appears inside the circle
as the enlightened third eye.
The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim's "third
eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this vile
act, a demonic system called, "Legion" is installed. In the King
James Bible, Legion is refered to as an, "unclean spirit". This is
systematically done to have complete control over the child, like
creating a programmed robot.
interviews Marion Knox
The numeral 3 in the purple portal is on a book that has the word
"step" on the binding. Ritual sodomy may well be the third step in
the current SRA methodology of trauma inducing alter personalities.
I want to call attention to the DNA transformation and mark of the
Beast signaling, which runs parallel to the sodomy scheme. As Mike
Hoggard points out, the book of life of our physical body is DNA,
written in the language of genetic code, with amino acid pair
bonds. This is the step 3 book, our DNA. Make sense? If you look
closely you'll see there are actually three concentric purple circles
implied. If we infer each one has a 3, that's 3x3 or 9, the

appropriate signal number. This matches exactly to the meaning of

the sign with the pyramid and eye!
And, while we're on the subject of fine literature (uh, not really
fine, exactly) and the 3x3 signal, here's some (Baconian)
Shakespeare, from Macbeth. (A "poster" is "One that travels in speed
or with haste.")
The weird sisters hand in hand,
Posters of the sea and land,
Thus do go about, about,
Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine,
And thrice again to make up nine.
Nine. Need we ask to whom is the third triple? The wierd sisters are
ancient beings who perform witchcraft and prophesy. Their god
intends to supply a third strand of DNA in a triple helix
If you've been following this blog you should be able to put it
together, that this is descriptive of the York Rite Masonic Royal Arch
degree ritual three times three, a magickal Jah-Bal-On spell. After
performing this, the Royal Arch candidate is told, "It is the name of
Deity in three language, viz Chaldee, Hebrew and Syriac. Which is
the long lost Master Mason's Word, and has now become the Grand
Omnific Royal Arch Word." There's the "step" 3 book inside the
purple portal! Its the long lost Master Mason's Word that becomes
the Grand Omnific Royal ARSE Word. This intends to own their god,
chanting the names, physically forming the model of triple helix
DNA with three men, done within the context of the Royal Arch
ritual sodomy.
See how the word own is superimposed over the rings of the
purple portal? Again, like UPS calling out the OWN in BROWN, we're
carefully being "not told" that it's all about owning the sodomite
gateway, the horn of plenty. Note also that the male member arrow
touches the y (chromosome) in "your." Sneaky devils, they are.

To close out this post, in a glance past the kiddy friendly face of the
government school system's pedophile SRA agenda featuring Obama,
I will direct some of you to another blogger's write-up of a shocking
pop rap video, but with a caveat. It's not for SRA/DID victims
because it has to be highly triggering. It's for the stout, as the Lord
leads. It's horrific. The devil is bad. Give Me Your Bum And I Hop Off
The Whip: Scissor Sisters vs Krystal Pepsy - Shady Love - Occult
Popagenda Blog
As a key, shady love is intercourse, in the shady place where the sun
don't shine. The lyrics "Give Me Your Bum And I Hop Off The Whip"
deals with the SRA practice of sadistic sodomy, where the one
beating with the whip demands, well, you'll figure it out.
If you watch it, compare the audience to the cover of Barack
Obama: Out of Many, One. They are the Monarch handlers. Note
also the dramatized disembowelment of the ritual sacrifice scene.
Yes, I'm serious.
The cover art for the Scissor Sisters debut album (that was, by the
way, the best-selling album of 2004 in the UK) appears at left. Note
the stargate / dimensional portal and the scissor's appearance over
the arch as the crossed keys of the blood oath of secrecy of those
who worship the gods through sodomy. It's a big eye, with rays of
illumination. The spiral binder features make two threes and imply
a third set, the nine. The setting is the Garden of Eden, it seems.
You see palm branches on the right. You did note the palm tree on
the set in the video, right? Hey Rango, Victor's back!

Part 16 - The Sodomite Gateway - What's In Her Trunk The Black Hole Sun
I strongly recommend reading the rest of this series before you
continue here. Warning, this post may be triggering if you're SRA

When my buddy Aaron called my attention to Black Hole Sun,

Soundgarden's big hit from 1994, I checked it out. (See his
comments here in Part 12) Arghh. It was immediately obvious: It's
all about the Satanic Ritual Abuse of young children, and sodomy,
most particularly. Hidden in plain sight. It is arguably the band's
most recognizable and most popular song, and remains a well
known song from the 1990s. The song topped the Billboard
Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, where it spent a total of seven weeks
at number one.
[video] Black Hole Sun performed by Soundgarden
The dark secret of Wewelsburg Castle and the Nazi religion of the
elite SS - the Black Hole Sun - has been programmed into a
generation of youth, supporting the Monarch trauma-based mind
control programming that is escorting a multitude of victims into
what is becoming the kingdom of the antichrist Beast. This
programming through ritual sodomy and associated symbols has
actually been going on for a very long time, but this provides us a
window into the reality of today and the subtlety of Satan's devices
that have been forged against us.
In this post, I present Soundgarden's plus another music video, one
by pop artist DEV from 2011 titled In My Trunk to emphasize what
Mr. Marion Knox has declared, that it is done with the intent of
opening the third eye. This is key because this supernaturalism
accomplishes a number of essential objectives for the handlers and
The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim's "third
eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this vile
act, a demonic system called, "Legion" is installed. In the King
James Bible, Legion is referred to as an, "unclean spirit". This is
systematically done to have complete control over the child, like
creating a programmed robot.
The Master Plan of the Illuminated Rothschilds: Ron Patton
interviews Marion Knox

The album cover art pictures the expression of the purple portal
being accessed and the illumination of the third eye being opened.
I would like to allow that the songwriter and performers of Black
Hole Sun might not even realize what's going on, because the spell
of deception is that powerful in the mind-control system - except
for what I hear when I listen to a couple samples played backwards.
[mp3] Black Hole Sun = My sore gun (* gun = penis)
[mp3] Stuttering = Here it hurts

Sodomy. This says to me that Soundgarden's Chris Cornell is not

likely just a Monarch slave but also a handler. Reverse speech
analysis is a legitimate means of investigating the sincerity of the
speaker or singer, a useful tool for discovering what's really going
on, at the Lord's leading, of course.
The other music video I mentioned is In My Trunk by DEV. The car
trunk is a pretty obvious reference to the back end of a person.
When you watch this video you'll notice that it's all a big tease. She
names what's in her trunk but whatever it is she says is
unrecognizable. We're shown an array of things, but the trunk is
empty at the end. What's in her trunk? Follow the clues. Watch for
the flashes of light from the trunk, the two guys in the trunk with
their cameras flashing, the two girls in the trunk with sparklers, the
tunnel scenes with lights and signs that say 3rd St that appear
several times to signal the 3rd eye.
[video] DEV - In My Trunk
It looks like 3rd St is the Step 3 of the book cover art on Barack
Obama, Out of Many One, doesn't it?
So, what's that tunnel and trunk illumination all about?
Now these survivors have told me that the, "Key of David" is the

Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so

it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white
flashes of light in the brain. They do this on a regular basis -- sort
of maintenance program to keep everything intact.
The Master Plan of the Illuminated Rothschilds: Ron Patton
interviews Marion Knox
It's known as the Key of David in connection with the Rothschild
network. It's also linked to the Kundalini serpent activation.
The secret tradition of magical Tantra teaches that the anus is an
ultrasensitive erogenic and psychic zone directly linked the
Muladhara, the basal Chakra. Hidden within Muladhara, Boiled and
compressed like a spring, lies the primal power of the nervous
system manifest as the Snake Goddess, Kundalini. The terminus for
the "pipe of flesh" is the anus, composed of an internal anal
external sphincter, rings of muscle surrounding a body orifice. The
word "sphincter" means a "knot" or a "band" and is derived from the
same Greek base as "Sphinx," the mythological beast epitomizing
occult mysteries. The master of Tantric sex magic opens the anal
sphincters of his Shakti, thus solving the riddle of the Sphinx. Anal
intercourse is a specific Kundalini arousal method. Reference to
Gray's Anatomy reveals the existance of an irregular, oval-shaped
gland between the rectal wall and the tip of the tailbone, or
coccyx, called the "coccygeal body.'' Although the function of this
gland is unknown to Western physiologists, it is established in Tantra
as the "Kundalini gland."
Sodomic mind control quotes - (Ecstasy through Tantra by Dr. Jonn
Mumford p. 61
If you watched and remember the Shady Love music video by
Sister Scissors you'll find a lot in common with In My Trunk. It's the
SRA focus on sodomy. Did you notice the reference to the ritual's
observers and witnesses? In Shady Love the action takes place on
stage in front of an audience - handlers, family members and
victims. Here's a repeated verse from In My Trunk.

We ride by like there's no one there and they stop and stare (yeah
they stop and stare)
We ride by like nobody knows what's in my trunk (what's in my
She later lists family members, father, mother, grancy. They are
most commonly complicit. Monarch is generational.
There's a line in which she is careful to not tell us what she
means by trunk. Got the west got the north got the east of me
What about the south of her? That's her trunk.
Here's a list of some clues to what's in her trunk.
tattooed girl sitting in trunk has a shirt that looks like it has the

word dick on it
the open trunk has lights flashing out of it
two guys in trunk with cameras flashing
two girls in trunk have sparklers
3rd St. sign appears in several scenes, even shot from different
locations - third eye opened through sodomy
lots of driving through tunnels, dark sodomite portal
huge Royal Arch earrings - squaring the circle
huge pentagram ring on middle finger of left hand - fallen angel
the West Side Gang hand sign - "Hey, look at me! I'm illuminated!"
putting the finger to mouth is the equivalent of a lock's key in
symbolism, saying, I have a secret I'm carefully "not telling"
you here, concealing and revealing
licence plate rotated presents the three 9s as 6s, an instance of 6
guy in trunk bound with rope and gagged - SRA DID coercion, ritual
sodomy is not consensual
three people sitting in the trunk with the masks on (common MKULTRA Monarch SRA programming feature) are the audience,
passively observing the sodomite ritual abuse

The empty trunk at the end on one level probably represents the

evacuated bowels after the ritual is over. It also represents the

secrecy, how the effectual spell is such that folks just don't see it.
Evidence of ritual sodomy is in our faces constantly and we just
don't see it. More do now than did before, thank you Lord! Yet, the
world is mesmerized, enchanted, stupefied. For yet a short season.
I was really curious about the unrecognizable word for what's in the
trunk so I did reverse speech analysis on it. I'd prefer posting a
video but the "soup Nazi" over at YT isn't game anymore. So, in lieu
of that, here's a few mp3 clips. Maybe you'll hear what I hear.

Part 2 - See, it's the "i" of Horus!

The Horus imagery that saturates our environment is by no means
Long ago, Confucius observed that, Signs and symbols rule the
world, not words nor laws." That's an expression of what you and I
should recognize as the consequence of man's rebellion against his
Creator. By rejecting the second commandment regarding graven
images we bring ourselves under the dominion of another. I'm
presenting forms of the Horus imagery in this context as the Lord
continues to deliver us from the spell of deception and the power
wielded over us.
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices.
2 Corinthians 2:11
The eye symbol has a number of shades of meaning. Being familiar
with these is the key to understanding the references to the eye in
occult signaling. The eye involves sight and perception, which
requires light in literal and figurative contexts. Recognizing and
understanding any counterfeit is best done through a close
familiarity with the genuine.
4) [The Heavens]... In them hath he set a tabernacle for the

5) Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and
rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6) His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit
unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat
Psalm 19:4b-6
In Revelation chapter one, the Lord presented Himself to John in
such a way as the servant candle of a menorah. John testified that
"his eyes were as a flame of fire" and "His face was like the sun
shining in its strength."
The Lord gave such a testimony of himself, which John had earlier
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the
world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will
have the Light of life."
John 8:12
These passages testify of the true Light. There is another, in
contrast. Counter to the Messiah or Christ is the Antichrist, a
substitute light of the world. That light is "the darkness" referenced.
34) The lamp of the body is the eye, when then thine eye may
be simple, thy whole body also is lightened; and when it may be
evil, thy body also is darkened;
35) take heed, then, lest the light that [is] in thee be darkness;
Luke 11:34-35 (YLT)
There is the truth about the lamp-eye. The lamp is lychnos in the
Greek, a lamp or candle such as might be placed on a stand or a
As there is a True King and Kingdom of the Light, so there is in
opposition. Lucifer means light bearer.
13) For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming

themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an
angel of light.
15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be
transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall
be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
The eyes and light are further referenced in Ephesians.
17) That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the
knowledge of him:
18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye
may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of
the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19) And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward
who believe, according to the working of his mighty power
Ephesians 1:17-19
These passages present the basis for understanding what's signaled
by the eye in occult symbolism, which represents the illumined and
the illuminating with the darkness that contrasts the True Light. The
lamp-eye of graphic representation, with a nod to the second
commandment, identifies Lucifer and his agents.

The pyramid appearing on the Great Seal of the US and especially

on the dollar bill presents what is probably the most widely
recognized occult signaling eye. The meaning of the pyramid has
been a regular subject of this blog for over a year (like here:
Vancouver Olympics - Part Three - The Cauldron Pyramid). I'll
assume you're pretty familiar with how it signifies the Beast and his
kingdom with reference to an incarnation of the ancient god known
as Horus and Apollo. I've written much less about the hidden eye of
illumination, the dark counterfeit contrasting that which is revealed
in Ephesians 1:18 as, "The eyes of your understanding being

You may recall the recent Chilean mine incident and the video I
made as part of a short series on this blog. From Part 2 - The
Chilean Mine Incident Sign, I quote, " So then, notice how the man
is pictured as "an illumined one," with his lamp-eye / third eye /
crown chakra / pineal gland!" He was clothed in such a way as to
picture the illuminated state of one who has ascended out of the pit
of darkness into the light. He wore sunglasses to emphasize the
hidden eye, the dark lamp-eye. He had a single lamp on his helmet,
at the fore of his head - the activated Eye of Horus.
The hidden eye of illumination is almost the trademark of the
reigning queen of pop, Lady Gaga. She is perhaps at the center of
an ongoing trend in pop culture to gesture or wear some peculiar
garment that hides or calls out one eye.
This signals that it's all about the hidden eye, the eye of
illumination. In the image shown here, the other eye is adorned as
another version of the eye of illumination. The lightning bolt is the
weapon of Zeus, coming not from the clouds but from her eye. It's
black, a dark light. This eye is the lamp-eye referenced in Luke
11:34, the evil eye, the one that darkens the body as with a
darkness or anti-Light. The darkness of this illumination is
functionally a weapon like the lightening bolt that is the weapon of
Horus "who rules with two eyes" - is an expression you'll discover as
you search out the meaning of the right and left eyes. The right eye
is the Sun, the Eye of Ra, and the left is the Moon, the Eye of
Thoth. The right eye is often pictured as white and the left as
black. Horus "who rules with two eyes" is modeled by Lady Gaga as
she covers her left eye to darken it while lightning proceedes from
her right.
The hidden eye is really the singular Eye of Horus. In this picture,
notice how the shape of her mouth and the V formed by her hand
and thumb presents a pair of downward pointing deltas, earthly
daughters of men. The contrasting black and white of her apparel
compares to the checkerboard floor of Masonic temples, the

marriage of the heavenly and earthly in one flesh (that does not
blend like iron and clay do not blend - Daniel 2:43). She is in front
of a curtain or drape, and the message she brings forth as from
behind the veil is that of the coming mark of the beast
transformation. Lady Gaga is signaling to us that the daughters of
men will be illuminated with the dark light of Zeus by means of the
hidden eye and become one with that dark Light!
A version of the illumination is sometimes referred to as the [Search
string] Eye of Horus activation, or the Third Eye activation. On a
biological level, this involves the pine cone shaped pineal gland
located behind the forehead. This has long been believed to be the
organ responsible for bridging the natural and the supernatural
realms. I'm currently reading a book by Dr. Rick Strassman called
DMT - The Spirit Molecule." The pineal gland and the action of DMT
has been the subject of much study and the report presented is
quite a revelation.
It should be noted that Hitler, an antichrist figure of note, had come
to an understanding of such as I'm presenting in this series about
the Eye of Horus.
The following is excerpted from Symbolism in the 1934 Drawing Frankenstein - From the "Picasso's Unknown Masterpiece" area of
The Picasso Conspiracy site.
"According to Rauschning (Hermann Raushning, Voice of
Destruction) Hitler often talked about the Aryan Superman having
a Cyclops eye.
"'Some men can already activate their pineal glands to give a
limited vision into the secrets of time...but the new type of man
will be equipped for such vision in the same manner as we now see
with our physical eyes', Hitler said."
He also believed that the Supermen would be in our midst in a
short time. They would have superhuman strength and powers and
nothing would be hidden from their vision and no power on Earth
would prevail against them. 'They would be the Sons of the Gods,'

he said. "
Hitler had insight about the pineal gland and a coming change that
would bring as it were a new species, as the coming of the sons of
"Do you now appreciate the depth of our National Socialist
Movement? Can there be anything greater and more all
comprehending? Those who see in National Socialism nothing more
than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more
even than religion; it is the will to create mankind anew. "(Quoting
Hitler - The Morning of the Magicians)
"Humanity accomplishes a step up every 700 years. And the
ultimate aim is the coming of the sons of god. All creative forces
will be concentrated in a new species. It will be infinitely superior
to modern man." (Quoting Hitler - [videos]Nazis: The Occult

The movie title "i,Robot" is stylized so the I is a large lower-case "i."

This signals the eye of Horus by making the dot over the "i" the most
brightly lit element of the title graphic, the radiant lamp-eye of the
pyramid model. The slogan confirms it: "One Man Saw It Coming."
He is the illumined one, prescient, the Beast who will lead the army
of the illumined who are so controlled by the dark anti-Light. The
dramatic light dawning in the background over the array of nonhuman warriors presents a preview of Revelation 16:14-16. The lead
actor's name, Will Smith, is presented in such a way that features it
beyond what is normally done. If we interpret the name according
to the esoteric context, as a smith forges metal, a "will" smith
forges the will, changing its form into one of the smith's choosing.

A movie opening tomorrow in local theaters is widely advertised

with a stylized word in the title, "Narnia", where the "R" connects to
the "i" to signal the eye/i of Horus. The title, "The Chronicles of

Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" presents the path of

illumination as the "voyage of the dawn."

The stylized "iRobot" brand subtly associates the "i" with the "R."
The intent to signal is confirmed in this ad by graphically enhancing
the letter "O" in "evolve" with one of their products to give it the
appearance of an eye. The "evolve" keyword references the
transformation from man to Horus/Beast. Their slogans add to the
sum of this subtle enchantment.
"FIND OUT MORE" This prompt is an inducement towards attaining
the enhanced perception through illumination, an Eye of Horus
"It's time to let the robots do the work for you." It's a service
arrangement that's in view, alrighty. The appeal is to that root of
pride and the self exaltation motive by which one strives to control
others, ruling over them like an army of robots. What really
happens when someone takes the bait is they swallow the hook that
makes them captive and controlled!
This exhibits the companion work of the spirit of Jezebel and spirit
of Antichrist.

On Twelves and Thirteens - Signs of Time and its Mastery

Series Links: On Twelves and Thirteens - Signs of Time and its
Continuing on, here's some more examples of how the number 12
signals time, and how 13 signals the wielding of control over time,
as 13 transcends the 12.
When we talk about space-time, its common to refer to the 3
dimensions of space as 3D. Because D is the 4th letter, the
numbering of 34 is produced. This is actually an esoteric code for
time, which suggests the labeling of space as 3D was done with this

concept in view. About 34: 3+4=7 and 3*4=12 so we see both of

these primary time numbers are directly produced.
In every instance of what I refer to as Code 47 there exists an
implicit 12 in the math, and what that means is that the subject of
time factors in as an essential component. The 47th Problem of
Euclid involves the area of a 3.4.5 dimensioned right triangle. From
the diagram, observe how 3+4+5 = 12, identifying the base triangle
with time by reason of its circumference. The triangle is a
fundamental geometric figure and a simple metaphor for the 3
dimensions of space. The 3.4.5 triangle is therefore a fundamental
symbol of space-time. Observe how the primary time number 7 is
the sum of the parent lengths 3 and 4, and that the primary time
number 12 is the unseen area implied between them.
In another notable feature, the standard Occult gematria value of
the word, time, is 47! Code 47 invokes the word and meaning of,
T + I + M + E ~ 20+9+13+5=47
The floors of the temples and lodges of Freemasonry feature what
they call the Oblong Square, which is always of the 3x4 dimension.
Because the 47th problem of Euclid is a foundational puzzle for
Freemasons we should rightly connect the two for insight into what
the Oblong Square represents. The 3x4 dimension is derived from
the Pythagorean 3.4.5 triangle that is the basis for the 47th
problem of Euclid.
Remember, the 7 and 12 are implicit in this geometry, and these
fundamental numbers of cycling time are being identified through a
geometric grid of squares which the Freemasons emphasize by tiling
the area with black and white squares. Space and time are very
often represented by squares and circles in combination,
respectively. Through the ratio of the squares in the Oblong Square
the implied circle for time is generated in a ritual squaring of the

This theurgic ritual magnifies that which is performed in the square

and compass symbol, the ubiquitous emblem of the tools used for
drawing such squares and circles. The Freemasons thereby boast of
their mastery of the domain through these Occult emblems. The
other symbols of their meeting rooms and tracingboards, like the
pillars, the Royal Arch, sun and moon, etc. extend the imagery to
illustrate a transcending of this space-time domain. The meeting
rooms pictured in these familiar tracingboards are claimed to be
modeled on the temple that Solomon had been given to build on
Jerusalem's Mount Zion. We should know that building to have
geolocated a divinely appointed connection with the highest throne
of heaven and function as a center of time, because it's been quite
adequately demonstrated by David Flynn.
Underscoring the interpretation of the Oblong Square floor as
signaling space and time and mastery over it, let's consider what's
under it as a kind of space-time ark. An understanding of the 12 and
the 13 should become evident. These are secrets of heaven,
legitimate secrets, and you are witnesses to the leveraging of these
by the illumined on their left hand path as aided by the Fallen in
their hijacking schemes. Ultimately, they will fail, but limited
success for a season has surely been granted.

Pictured under the floor of the Lodge-Temple is a coffin. We're

officially told it honors the ancient architect named Hiram Abif.
That character is code for Osiris, who, according to the ancient
religion still practiced today, is raised by Isis into Horus. I've written
lots about this over the years, making very relevant biblical and
prophetic connections. The coffin bears the skull and bones symbol,
which is a mark of Osiris. The coffin is a kind of space-time ark that
has to do with control over time, and this ark hidden under the
floor will be seen to compare to the ark of the covenant, the
artifact I've recently blogged about at some length. According to
legend, after being killed and dismembered, only 13 of the 14
pieces of Osiris were subsequently recovered and reassembled by

Isis. Note from this how the number 13 is therefore implicit in the
body of Osiris. That's the time control number, and Osiris has long
been identified as the lord of time in the ancient texts of The Book
of the Dead.
The coffin bears the XO symbol in the form of the skull and bones.
On one level, XO represents space and time (XO also equates to a
square and a circle). From another perspective, the XO signals the
number for the underworld abyss - 66- because both the X and O
transform to 6. (X is 24 and O is 15 so add the digits.) Osiris, god of
the underworld, god of the dead.
Many Occultists accept that the union of the X and O establishes the
celestial throne of the goddess, in association with the work of the
god of the abyss (known in that context as Nodens). It's a ritual
resurrection of Osiris by Isis into Horus, through a mastery of spacetime that facilitates the requisite operation of the ancient celestial
stargate and permits transit from the underworld to manifest in this
Here's why we should see a connection between the coffin of Hiram
Abif and the ark of the covenant that was in the Temple of Solomon.
In some tracingboards, we see a box next to the coffin that has long
poles. One thing is like the other. The tracingboards have a lot of
redundancy in symbol. The acacia sprigs are clues that link that
coffin to the hammered-gold-over-acacia-wood ark of the covenant.
This speaks to me of a ritual hijacking of the ark of the covenant
and what is now manifesting as an actual seizing of control over the
flow of time. There's more control yet to be established, and
certainly more mechanisms wielding their influential power, but
there it is. The coffin under the floor has to do with the time hack
that will eventually result in the opening of the stargate to bring
Horus through into this space-time domain, and it also has to do
with a time hack securing the early release of those responsible for
the flood of Noah.
We note that the funerary box that held the patriarch Joseph's
bones was an ark. Israel carried them up out of Egypt into the
promised land through the space-time ark-ish wilderness wandering,

making two miraculous crossings through the waters as stargate


It deserves mention here that the coffin of Hiram Abif under the
Oblong Square floor compares also to the pyramid on the Great Seal
found on the back of the one dollar bill. Take a look at the acacia
growing in the foreground. (1. At the foot of the pyramid is a twig
of acacia wood from which the Arc of the Covenant was made that
means the everlasting immortality of the soul. *
masonicgathering.net: MASONIC DOLLAR BILL) It's similar in meaning
to the palm tree, which means to their exalted symbologist, victory
over death. (By the way, have you ever seen the pagan altars where
Easter is celebrated, which is preceded by Palm Sunday and Ash
Wednesday, where the ashes used to mark foreheads are from
burned phoenix palms?) Why do you suppose the acacia is there by
the Great Seal's pyramid, which is associated openly with the ark of
the covenant by the authors of the Masonic Gathering website?
Connect the dots. The pyramid is a kind of temple that is
geometrically very similar to the 3.4.5 triangle. (Not just generally
in shape but in the count of features, as I've explained elsewhere.)
In the Occult gematria code where Z=1, the Roman numeral letters
we generally interpret as the year 1776 (MDCCLXXVI) are a string
that we convert and add up to 129, and 1+2+9=12. Time. TIME IS
MONEY. Another feature is not unrelated. Suppressing the first third
of each third of that date string, mDCcLXxVI, produces 666.
Consider how so many features on the back of the one dollar bill
have counts of 13 elements. For one example, the shielded bird
grips in its left claw 13 arrows. TIME flies like an arrow. Control of
time. The pyramid itself has 13 levels, if you count the foundation
stone. There are actually 12 courses of bricks, making it a Temple of
TIME. (Is Matthew 24:1-3 coming to mind?) The eye of Osiris, as
some know the all-seeing-eye of providence, would be the 14th
part, the radiant golden phallus that Isis used to raise Osiris into
Horus. Consider the construction of every legitimate obelisk, which
is topped with the phoenix (American Eagle) resurrecting ben-ben

pyramidal capstone, as the magickal seed emitting phallus of Osiris.

Yet another time and time control layer of symbolism is linked to
the obelisk through it's identification as a frozen serpent. Water
freezes solid. A serpent represents a river as its path winding
through the land. Water as time.
As it is often said, TIME IS MONEY - and so it is ritually emphasized
with great repetition!

The back has four instances where the large numeral is

superimposed with the word, ONE. Three letters, times four, the
sum of the numerals, is 12, the time number. On each side, 1 over 1
opposite 1 over 1, or, 11 11, the signal appearance of the spacetime pillar of Gemini and the Silver Gate. The opposing Golden Gate
or 9th Gate is what seems to be signaled by the 9 fanned tail
feathers on the shielded phoenix-eagle, between the two Gemini
pillars of legs. That's where birds emit their streams of Milky Way
as they fly in the heavens, of course.
Why has all this Occult imagery been chosen to decorate the lowly
ONE dollar bill? Because it's so abundant, no doubt, but also, I
believe, because of how important the Monas (exact equivalent to
Monad) is in theurgy and alchemical philosophy. To the Pythagoreans
it represented divinity and the first thing that came into existence,
and thus all things springing forth from it. Even time itself.
M = 13
O = 15
N = 14
MONAD = 47
The Latin, E Pluribus Unum, translates to One, out of many.
Thirteen letters. Monas. One - as union of lords of time.
The obvious appears large and central, only leaving it to be

recognized that by, ONE, they mean, MONAS.


IN which GOD do WE TRUST? Clearly, they mean the Monas - the
generative divinity declared in all the symbols - the one that is
cryptically identified by the clockwise pointing hexagonal star,
which is NOT the one true sovereign God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, the father of my Lord Y'shua.
When it comes to Occult demonstrations of money-as-time, The
Penitent Man always comes to mind as a prime example. Money
from the future played a role. Future money, $100 bills from the
year 2065. Why 2065?
2+0+6+5 =13
The money was a sign validating a testimony about time travel. The
traveler from the future gave it to himself, in his past. He was and
was becoming a master of time. Thirteen!

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