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Physical Science
Rm. 2006
Planning period: 1st hour, (8:20 to 9:15 am)
Course Overview: This course is designed to survey the basic principles of
physics and chemistry. Topics will include scientific methodology, Newtons
laws of motion, the relationship between force and energy, the generation and
application of electrical and magnetic fields, atomic structure, the use of the periodic
table, and chemical interactions. Hands-on activities and inquiry labs will be used to
explore these topics. Students should leave the course with an understanding of the
fundamental concepts of physics and chemistry and the physical and mental skills with
which to apply them.
Textbook: Physical Science Concepts in Action, Pearson 2016 ed. Instructions for
accessing the online student resources will follow.
Pencil or pen (dark ink- blue or black)
colored pen for

3-ring binder
paper: graph & loose-leaf college-ruled
basic calculator

Grading: Grades will be based on mastery of the key concepts in each topic. The
traditional A-F grading scale is used.
The final exam will be worth 10% of the overall semester grade.
The other 90% of the semester grade comes from cumulative total points from
semester assignments. The categories are weighted as follows: daily work 10%,
quizzes 20%, labs 30%, and topic tests 40%. In other words, it takes 4 points of
daily work to equal 1 point on a test. Projects are usually weighted as either labs
or tests.
Re-assessment: If you are not happy with a quiz or test score, you may ask for a reassessment. This means you will have a chance to demonstrate your mastery of a topic
again do not expect to re-take the identical quiz or test.
There is a limit of one attempt per quiz or test, which will take place in the Testing
Center. The reassessment score will replace your original score, even if it is lower.
Late work: Assignments not turned in by the specified due date will be marked
'missing', which counts as a zero. A student may ask to recover a missing assignment in
Homework Rescue.
There is a two-day window from the original due date. Once the two-day window has
passed, the 'missing' will be changed to a permanent zero, and no recovery is possible.
Late work will have 10% deducted from the score. It must have the Homework Rescue
stamp to receive credit.

Extra credit: I do not give extra credit.

Be on time to class.
Treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
Ask for help when you need it, and give help generously to others.
Be an asset to our learning environment
Leave the room cleaner than you found it.
Be seated and wait to be dismissed at the end of class.
Communication: The best way to reach me is by email at jones.ernest@unionps.org
My classroom phone is rarely answered during school hours, out of respect for my
students time.
Sign up for Remind:
text the message @phscijones to (918) 505-9552 to receive text updates about our
Keep this syllabus as the front page of your binder.

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