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The enemy tries with all his might to get you to hide the light under bushels of pride and fear of sticking out and not being
accepted... bushels of coolness, bushels of pretending youre really not that different... Well, if you knew how beautiful
that difference is, not only in My eyes, but also in the eyes of those out there who seek Me, even if they would never admit
it, you wouldnt be ashamed of it anymore. (I:45)
Overcome all fear. There is no fear in love. In order to have total love, you must combat and overcome all fear. Recognize
it as your principal enemy and attack it head-on. - For almost the devil's entire power lies in fear. But I want you to trust
wholly and know without a doubt that you have nothing to fear.
There is nothing to fear. For I will let no harm come upon you, as I have promised.
Look for someone to love also means, in other words: Shed all fears. Be willing to reach out daringly, with nothing to
fear, no thought wasted on the consequence.
Defeat your fears! Eliminate your fears! Obliterate your fears! Weed them out! Seek them out and tear them apart, like evil
little agents implanted by the enemy. Expose your fears. Flood them with the light of My Love and Words.
Fearlessly stand before Me as a valiant warrior for My Cause, determined to do anything, for what is there to lose?
Face your fears and challenge them with the white-hot sword of My Spirit! Get rid of them!
I want you to fear neither threats on the inside, nor threats from the outside; neither loss nor pain, nor any other thing that
men should do unto you, only fear Me.
Only fear the results of what might happen if you dont obey Me: the loss of souls and victories won, the tears, the hurt
and the shame. But fear nothing that might stand in your way, between you and the thing I want you to do.
Only focus on Me, anchor your look firmly on My eyes and go forth in fearless obedience of whatever I command you.
Dont let fears hold you down: fears of reactions to the things I might ask you to do or say; fears of what men might think
of you; fears of opinions; rejection; consequences for unorthodox actions.
Rather fear the consequences of lack of action, for this will result in true loss, lost opportunities, failing Me and My
highest will and thus in the failing of countless others who might have been reached, but werent, because of your fears
of what they might have thought about you. (I:87)
Its better to commit blunders of the mind than be so afraid of making mistakes that you never dare to do anything. (I:91)
Im proud of you for being willing to be different. Im proud of you for being willing not to be conformed to any clich,
anything thats been there, but for having the courage to be something completely new and unorthodox. (I:128)
Youve got the priceless opportunity to be My knight in shining armor who stands in the gap and rescues them and gets
them out of the Devils dark dungeon of defeat. - One to rally them together with a battle cry and to renew their hope and
courage, their will to fight. (I:152)
Refuse to let fear have any grip or power over you whatsoever! (I:171)
I wish for you to proceed in faith and confidence, not fear. I wish for you to walk in love, not in fearful trembling of what
the future might hold.
If you want to fear anyone, fear Me! Its the only wholesome fear there is. Its a warm fear, because you know its going to
lead you to do the right thing, and its the beginning of wisdom, the first step that leads you into the right direction.
Its not really fear, but more like respect. You respect Me, you acknowledge Me, you check with Me, and youre scared to
make a move without Me, because you know you might land on your face otherwise. (I:208)
You have to go according to your faith on major decisions...
All this is going to make you stronger, bolder, braver, more valiant and courageous. It will help you to rise above and
make out of you that which you were not, but what you have always felt destined to become. I am with you. Im re-making
you. Its a painful process in part, but it will be worth it all. (I:233)
Fear not, but walk into the future with your heads held high and raising high the torch and flame I have given you! (I:302)
My way and chosen path for you is the high road, not the low road.
Without faith it is impossible to please Me... Youre either the servant of faith or the servant of fear. (I:323)
Your fears are mainly a lack of faith in My Words to you. Nobodys forcing you to believe or obey My Words, but your
happiness depends on it... Will you choose to be happy, or miserable? (I:340)
Just shine with My love and My light, and be not driven by fear! You either have faith or fear, you cannot have both, which
do you choose to be ruled by? (I:342)
Pride breeds fear and discontent. The proud are always afraid of something; of losing someone or something... (I:347)
Youve got nothing to fear about death, just like I had nothing to fear, because I knew I was going to rise again.
The devil was granted permission to tempt Me with fear and tribulation shortly before I was being taken captive, just so

that I would really be tempted in all things like you are, and I would go through all the human despair and agony that you
know. (I:428)
Fearlessly fight the enemy as one who is truly willing to die for his cause, for that's the kind of foe that the enemy cannot
stop. He cannot intimidate one who refuses to cower or be frightened by his bluffs. (I:454)
Its better to patiently wait than to force things and push things through in the flesh, for fear that I will somehow let you
miss out on your destiny and purpose. That fear is of the enemy, because it's a lack of trust which stems from the feeling
that I don't really love you. (I:455)
Why miss out on the thrills of fulfilling your destiny? - For the fear of a little rejection and ridicule? Are you going to let
the devil bluff you and scare you out that easily? (I:483)
Fear is still an enemy and definitely an opponent to overcome in your midst. "Perfect love casteth out fear", so, let perfect
love rule among yourselves, establish My Law of Love as a standard among yourselves, and you will cast out those fears.

Everything's under My control, so there's no reason for hurry nor worry, no reason to fear, just perfect trust. (I:497)
Shake off the fears and worries and replace them with faith and trust!
There's nothing to be afraid of, nor any reason to worry. (I:507)
Don't be a coward who's just standing by and watching as the enemy takes over your brother or sister! (I:512)
Some of you lack the faith to be able to really trust Me and thus overcome and eliminate their fears. (I:515)
I'm trying to tear down the wall that you have built to protect you, between you and those people out there. You've grown
strong enough, and I would like you to venture out from behind these walls in order to rescue others. Don't be afraid
anymore of getting hurt! You must overcome your fears. (I:529)
Be not fearful, be not hesitant, be not overly cautious, but be valiant, be courageous, be brave! (I:533)
The devil can impress with his quantities of zombies that have rejected Me and will continue to reject Me, and trod down
their path of doom. But you have nothing to fear of them. (I:587)
Move out into positive action! You cannot allow pride or fear or resignation to cause you to withhold it! (I:594)
Fear of failure actually causes failure. "Fear is the enemy," and the root of a lot of problems lies in fear.
But if you know you've got nothing to lose, what are you so afraid of? What do you stand to lose? (II:22)
Your bondage lies in the fear of man, and the fear to lose your last bit of respect and reputation; in the fear of what men
might think of you, a fear born of pride. (II:33)
You've all got to be willing to take the pain along with the love. The virgin instinctively knows that she's going to be hurt
by allowing herself to be loved. But fear of pain and the decision to resist and not allow it will only result in hardening.

I'm happy you're becoming aware of the need to find out more about people - the most interesting "things" I ever made.
I'm glad you're overcoming your fears of them because you're getting to know what lies behind their actions, and you're
maturing into a state where you will be able to help people instead of considering yourself their victim.
Their adverse reactions have scared you in the past, but I'm teaching you to overcome those fears. (II:120)
I want you to be braver and more courageous to speak up. Show the courage to speak up! (II:143)
Keep receiving and drinking in My Words, and faith will grow, and courage will set in, too!
The primary requisite for all those who would follow Me is love, and once My perfect Love will be your driving force and
motivation, it will cast out all your fears, and courage will be yours, along with everything else you'll ever need! (II:151)
Burying talents and opportunities to change the world beneath the fears of what people might think, fears of their dislike
and rejection... That's pride.
Become more of a fighter, acquire greater faith, love and humility, in order to overcome those fears! (II:203)
Cast down those imaginations and high falluting thoughts and fears born of pride that exalt themselves against the better
judgment of the truth and knowledge of God! (II:205)
I want to kindle a fire of love in your heart. It's got to be love, not fear of failure. (II:261)

God is good, a loving Father, a just Father, Who seeks to be loved, not feared. (II:305)
The cowards say, "The risk is not worth taking." The brave say, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained..."
The very bravest of men in My eyes are ready and willing to look like fools in the eyes of the world, those "fools for
Christ." (II:307)
When you can each stand up for your convictions of what you think is the right thing to do, without having to be afraid of
what others think, when you can freely communicate without fears, then the world will also see and get the message of
the cross, for they will see My Love at work in you (Jn.13:35).
I was tempted by fear, one of the enemy's most effective weapons and one of the greatest and most typical
manifestations of his power. I was tempted by fear before I faced My darkest hour, the night in which I was betrayed, and
since I knew what was going to happen, this wasn't the first time I had to face that enemy. Being the incarnation of an allpowerful God, to experience fear was the epitome of the opposite of everything I had been and was in the Spirit, and was
to become. Fear is one of the sins that has the greatest grip on humanity, next to pride, and since I was to free mankind
from it, I've really had to conquer it. Of all My temptations, I confess that fear was one of the strongest, although I was
generally a courageous Person and One Whom others probably would have considered fearless.
The fear of death, the fear of pain; not the fear of actually dying or what was to come afterwards, but the fear of that hour,
that cup, which, if it would have been possible, I would have preferred to have it pass from Me... But it was to be, it had to
be, I had to go through that!
I was to be subject of fear, in order to free all of mankind from the grip of the same.
II: 408, 413, 446, 464, 498, 525, 531, 543, 600 (add: 205, 261, 305)
Hope: 151

Jesus: 359

Love of God: 305

Overcome: 359

Patience: 306

Promise: 306

Fear is the great obstacle to learning that any student in the School of Life must learn to overcome, if any progress is
going to be achieved.
Theres no reason to be scared, not even of the one thing people are scared of the most: failure. (2011:128)
Pioneers must have courage. Not only the guts to see it through, but also the guts to try something new! So, why not be
one of them? The fearful arent the ones who make history, nor the ones who change anything, and thus, certainly not the
ones wholl be considered the stars of My show. So, show some courage, and dont be afraid of trying out new things and
making new experiences. Realistically, what have you got to lose? (2012:64)
Im with you; and thats reason enough to walk confidently, and not in fear.
If Im with you, who or what can stand against you? Who or what should you be afraid of? (2012:134)
The world will usually advise you to take the safe path, the more convenient and more comfortable one. Mine is the one
that requires the sort of courage all the cowards lack. (2013:17)
Which of the two do you think is really more boring: the meaningless, short-sighted and frightened chase of the masses,
or a life lived and powered by faith and the courage to do things differently? (2013:19)
Whats important to Me, as far as youre concerned, is that you stay open to My options and leadings and open doors,
inspirations and any kind of indicators that might lead you a certain way, and that you have that freedom, and
accordingly, the courage, to follow them. (2013:27)
Even though youve been taught to be cautious, remember that most of all My Word admonishes you not to fear, but to be
Let their lives be ruled by fear, if they insist, but not yours.
Freedom, real and true freedom, is most of all freedom from the fears that bind all those captives out there.
Courage isnt being oblivious to the dangers, but to be conscious of them, facing and overcoming them. (2013:77)
Courage, boldness and faith to act differently are often blessed by Me, so you dont exactly have to prefer the side of the
world where youd just get the biggest amount of insurance and safety from the System
The end of ones life just might be rewarded more and better if you didnt just join the rest of the world in their faith in all
they can see - Even if it may require a bit more courage to keep more faith (2014:36)
Have and show courage because I and My Spirit offer that to you.
Trust Me, and let go of any side of fear. Use your faith instead, and let Me and My Words fill you with courage and
Let Me and My Word prove to you that Weve got the bolder part of all things, so dont be afraid! (2014:38)

If you feel the enemy trying to weaken you with fears and fearful attitudes, youre just going to have to learn how to resist
his attacks and withstand them, and trust in Me, My Words and Promises to you instead! (2014:201)
Be more open and courageous to face the hard times, and deal with them as they come! Be a brave man, instead of a
coward! (2015:86)
If youre being plagued by worries and fears, it just shows that your faith isnt exactly yet what its supposed to be, and
thats something youve still got to work on and fight for!
Overcome the fear that life is handing you, about things the world - run by the enemy - threatens you with!
Get prepared and learn to overcome it, get the victory over it through My aid, and let that faith and trust in Me and all your
help from Above grow stronger! (2015:128)
Learn how to trust in Me, and dont let the worries and fears take you over! (2015:137)
Seek and strive to overcome fear, and let your faith in Me and the Father and all of Heavens Power refill you with courage
and boldness!
Make courage one of your goals for your character, and strive to overcome any notion of fear currently attacking or
hitting you! Remember that Our strength is and will reveal itself as much greater than the opposing one, even if theirs
may be showing off right now with how they pretty much took over the globe! (2015:149)
The enemy keeps many people blinded against the existence of evil, mainly out of fear of it, one of his greatest weapons.
But being aware of the fact that Our Powers greater and his will come to an end, should deliver you from any fear of him,
even if hell rule the world for a time at the end (2015:159)
What you need is faith and trust in Me, instead of fear and worry.
Overcome the temptations of fear and keep looking toward Me Up Here! (2015:167)
If youre in need of more courage, dont try to base it on your own abilities, but try to get it from your connection with Me
and the Holy Spirit! (2015:179)
Dont sink into the trap of worries and fears about how youre going to make it! Trust and rely on Me and the plentiful help
therell be from Above! (2016:45)
If faith comes through the hearing of the Word, can you tell how its growing in you and lifting you up from the
discouraging attitude the enemys been trying to plant in your life through the surrounding circumstances, fears and
Faith is what helps you overcome all of them: the aspect of physical circumstances and your fears and worries about
them, including those concerning whats to come!
Lift up to the Spirit and become the courageous and bold one Id like you to be! (2016:95)
Put that faith and trust in Me to strengthen and lift up your courage, outlook and confidence in the fact that with My Help
things are going to work out!
Lets overcome your fears and worries!
Let your faith and trust in Me grow, and dont let it be subsided by fears and worries! (2016:99)

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