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Production to Non Production Sync

Objective: This document details the process of exporting metadata/data from
PROD environment and importing to NON-PROD environment.
Server Details:
Source Server:
PRODUCTION: cobpfappprd01.ros.com
Target Servers:
DEV: cobpfappdev01.ros.com
STAGING: cobpfappstg01.ros.com


Transferring LCM Backup file from Source Server to Target Server:

1. Login to Exalytica Source server with required user id and password using PuTTY.

2. After Login to the server, go to LCM backup folder using this path
/app/HYP_BACKUP_ROSS/LCM/ check the latest LCM backup file. Use that file to
transfer (Eg: Ross_032415_233009.zip)

3. Use below command for transferring the files from Source server to Target Server
Scp pr <filename> targetuser@targetserver:targetpath

Ex: scp -pr Ross_032515_233003.zip ****@cobpfappdev01.ros.com:/tmp


Transferring data Backup files from Source Server to Target Server:

a. Go to Level0 data Backup files folder using this path

/app/HYP_BACKUP_ROSS/PNL/ check the latest Level0 data files and use
that file to transfer.
Examples of level0 backup files:

b. Use below command for transferring data files from Source server to Target
Scp pr <filename> targetuser@targetserver:targetpath

Ex: scp -pr Ross_WRK_Level0_Data_032515_233006.txt


Step3: Connect to respective target environment and move LCM backup files
from temp folder to import-export folder.
a. Login to Exalytica Target server with required Target server user id and password
using PuTTY

b. After Login to the server, go to Temp folder using this path /tmp. And
across verify all the LCM and data files are transferred from Source server.

c. Give full permission to all the files which are transferred from Source server
using below command in case owner of the files are different in source and
chmod 777 <filename>
Ex: chmod 777 Ross_032515_233006.zip
d. Re-login to Putty using target server user ID and password

e. Switch to Sudo account using necessary credentials.


Go to temp folder path (/tmp) where you have all transferred files

g. Copy the LCM back file from temp folder to Import-export folder using below
cp <LCM file name> Import-export folder path

Ex: cp Ross_032515_233006.zip


Step4: Import LCM files to respective Application using shared services.

Step 5: Refresh the database post migration of required artifacts to the


Step 6: Import level0 data to a required Application.

Load all the level0 data files to required application in Target server. And if
required run the aggregation rule for roll-up.
Note: For required User credentials please check with your manager.

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