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Course Syllabus - Theology of the Church

Mr. Jim Wood -- Room 203 -- 2016/2017
1. Course Description:
This course is designed to provide an enduring understanding of the Churchs core
doctrines as found in the Apostles and Nicene creeds and of the Church as a sign
and instrument of Gods love and action in the world. Students will be provided
with a working knowledge of the nature and structure of the Church and the
Churchs teachings on the nature of human beings, sin/grace, and the reign of
God/salvation. Finally students will have an awareness of the mission of the
Church, the role of the saints, and the Churchs relationship with other Christian
denominations and non-Christian religions.
2. Course Outline and Unit Themes:
Unit One - God Prepares the Way for His Church in the Old Testament: The
student will examine mans vocation to live in truth and holiness as a son or
daughter of God with dominion over creation. After the fall of man from grace, God
prepared the restoration of the human family through progressive covenants with
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David.
Unit Two - Jesus Christ Instituted the Church: Students will continue their
examination of Gods covenant with mankind. The New Covenant brings to
completion that which the Old Covenant promised through covenant and type. The
Kingdom of God refers variously to Gods action in the world and the Church.
Unit Three - The Story of the Early Church: The student will review and
analyze how the Holy Spirit made it possible for the Church to fulfill her Christgiven mission. The early Church faced persecution and martyrdom, difficulties she
could bear because of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Unit Four - The Church as Sacrament of Salvation: The student will assess
and evaluate the Church is both the sign and the means of salvation of the world.
Christ gave the Church a hierarchical authority to teach, rule, and sanctify all the
members. The bishops, led by the pope, exercise a servant leadership with the
help of priests and deacons.
Unit Five - The Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and
Apostolic: The student will understand how Christ founded only one Church and
he gives it unity. The unity of the Church has been and continues to be wounded
through apostasy, heresy, and schism. We work and pray for the reunion of all
Christians in the Catholic Church in which the true Church of Christ subsists.

Unit Six - The Church in the Life of the Faithful: The student will be called to
holiness. In the liturgy, we participate in the mysteries of Christs life. The
sacraments are Gods way of giving us his divine life in a very human way.
Holiness is to be lived in all the ordinary details of our everyday life.
Unit Seven - The Church as a Communion of Saints: The student will
discover there is a real solidarity among the members of the Pilgrim, Suffering, and
Triumphant Church. It is right for us on earth to venerate the saints in Heaven and
to come to the aid of the souls in Purgatory. The Mass is a window into Heaven.
Unit Eight - Mary, Mother of the Church and Our Mother: The student will
recognize and appreciate through Gods grace and her own free consent, Mary is
the greatest example of Christianity and the model for all Christians. Mary has a
singular place in salvation history because of the uniques graces given to her as
the Mother of God.
3. Textbook: Hahn, Scott. The Church; Sacrament of Salvation (The Didache
Series): Midwest Theological Forum, Woodridge, IL. 2010.
4. Unit Plans and Assignments: I will post a Unit Scope and Sequence for each
of the seven units of the course. The scope and sequence will included Key Ideas
for the unit, Unit Objectives, and a list of the Assignments for each unit. Hopefully,
this will keep the student and parent informed as to the course progress
throughout the semester.
5. Assignment and Grade Distribution: Typically I will take three or four grades
per unit; Unit Review and Unit Test will always be graded. Additionally, each unit
will have a Project that will be some type of research. Other assignment may or
may not be graded depending on available time.
6. Grading Scale: Letter grades will be assigned in accordance with Springfield
Catholic High School Student/Parent Handbook.
7. Theology Journal: All students are required to keep and maintain class notes
of various assignments; including lecture notes, group discussion notes,
definitions, study guides and other written assignments that will be required from
time-to-time. Approximately 10% of the student's grade will be accumulated by
maintaining well organized notes demonstrating proper grammar and correct

7. Theology Journal (Continued)

Students will always be alerted as to what information

needs to be included in their daily notes by icons (see
illustrations to right) that appear in my Google Slides
8. Missed Assignments/Exams: Credit for make-up work is permitted for all
absences except for suspensions. Refer to Student/Parent Handbook for detailed
explanation of this policy. When a student has returned to class all make-up work
or alternative assignments must be completed and turned-in within 5 school days.
Gade will be lowered if turned-in after 5 school days.
9. Tests: At the conclusion of each unit a quiz/test will be given covering the
material from that particular unit only. Dates of all test will be announced in
advance and study guides will be provided at the beginning of each unit. A total of
seven unit tests/quizzes will be given throughout the semester.
10. Mid-Term & Final Examinations: I do not give a typical mid-term or final.
Rather I assign a research project which is a summation of material covered todate. Usually these projects take the form of a Slide Presentation, or Tri-Fold
Brochure or an Essay.
11. Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty is defined as cheating,
plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information as part of a class assignment.
Such behavior is unacceptable and consequences will be applied according to the
Student/Parent Handbook. Do not copy from your fellow students.
12. Electronic Devices/Cell Phone Usage:
Springfield Catholic Schools
prohibits students from using these devices during class times anywhere on school
premises. Please refer to page 46 of student handbook for further explanation. If
I see a cell phone in my class I will immediately write a demerit.
13. Christian Service: All students at SCHS perform a minimum of 60 hours of
Christian Service over a four-year period as part of the Theology Curriculum. Each
student has a service portfolio in which service hours and reflection essays are
filed. Throughout the semester the student will be provided details related to their
Christian Service and opportunities to review their file.
See Reverse Side
14. Classroom Rules: Other than those listed above I dont have a detailed list of
class rules other than the classroom environment must be that of one built upon

mutual respect for each other and Christian ideals. My only request is that
students use quiet voices and not talk while the teacher or other student may be
speaking. Remember cell phones are a distraction, you know the policy
and I enforce policy.
15. Grade Distribution: Each unit will have four or five graded assignments
which will always include Class Participation, Unit Test, and Closing Activity
(Project). Additionally, grades will be assigned to In-Class Assignments; such as,
Writing Assignments, Graphic Organizers, Vocabulary, Unit Reviews, Etc.
16. Participation Grade: A positive contribution to the class setting by all
students is an essential element of the learning experience. Positive participation
is expected; therefore, Five Daily Participation Points will be posted weekly.
Points will be awarded based on the students contribution to class discussions,
appropriate behavior, completing assignments on-time, and and a general positive
16. Homework: I only assign homework if due to time restraints or other
interruptions we have not had sufficient covered the required material in class.

My Prayer for Students: I pray everyday that you will find during this class
some idea or thought that will convince you that God is very near. I pray as you
read and study this semester you will be reminded that the same voice that stilled
the raging water on the Sea of Galilee can still the storm in our lives too. Be
assured-He is closer than youve ever dreamed.
Each student is asked to review the Course Syllabus with their
parent/guardian and return to the teacher within 7 school days signed by
both parent and student.
Refer to the attached form.
Thank you for your support to SCHS.

Jim D. Wood

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