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Dignified life closure

Defenition : personal actions to maintain control when approaching end of life

Never demonstrated
rarely demonstrated
often demonstrated
consistenly demonstrated

Puts affair in order

Expresses hopefulness
Participates in decisions related to care
Participates in decisions about hospitalization
Participates in decisions about resuscitation status
Controls decisions about organ donation
Participates in planning funeral
Maintains current will
Maintains advance directives
Resolves feelings about dying
Reconciles relationships
Completes meaningful goals
Maintains sense of control of remaining time
Exchange affection with other
Disengages gradually from significant other
Recalls lifetime memories
Reviews lifes accoplishment
Discusses spiritual experiences
Discusses spiritual concerns
Maintains physical independence
Controls treatment choices
Controls food/drink intake
Controls personal possessions
Expresses readines for death

Depression self-control

Defenition : personal actions to minimize melancholy and maintain interest in life


1 monitors ability to concentrate

2 monitors intensity of deprssion
3 identifies precursors of deprssion
4 identifies strategies to reduce effects of precursors
5 monitors behavioral mainfestations of depression
6 reports adequate sleep
7 reports improved libido
8 monitors physical manifestations of deprssion
9 reports improved mood
10 maintains stable weight
11 follows treatment regiment
23 uses medications as prescribed
24 sets realistic goals
25 delays big decision until feeling better
26 participates in enjoyable activities
13 follows exercise plan
14 adheres to therapy schedule
15 reports changes in symptoms to a health provider
20 avoids alcohol misuse
21 avoids non-prescription drug misuse
22 avoids recreational drug use
18 maintains personal hygiene

Drugs abuse cessations behaviors

Defenitions : personal actions to eliminate drugs use that proses a threat to


1 expresses willingness to stop drug use

2 expresses belief in the ability to stop drug use
3 identifies benefits of eliminating harmful drugs use
4 identifies negative consequences of drugs use
5 developes effective strategies to eliminate drug use
6 identifies barries to harmful drug use elimination
7 adjust drugs use elimination strategies as needed
8 commits to drug elimination strategies
9 follows selected drug elimination strategies
10 participates in screening for associated health problems
11 uses strategies to cope with withdrawal symptoms
12 uses behavior modification strategies
13 uses effective coping strategies
14 obtains assistance from health professional
15 uses personal support system
16 uses reputable sourcer of information
17 uses drug replacement therapy
18 uses alternative therapy
19 identifies emotional states that affect drugs use
20 adjust lifestyle to promote drug elimination
21 participates in drug withdrawal program
22 participate in counseling
23 monitors for sign of depression
24 uses prescribed medication as recommended
25 uses non prescribed medication as recommended
26 uses availabe support goups
27 uses availabe community resources
28 eliminates harmful drugs use
Distorted thought self-control

Defenition : self-restraint of disruption in prespection, tought processes, and

thouht content
1 recognizes hallucinations or delusions are occuring
2 refrain from attending to hallucinations or delusions
3 refrain from responding to hallucinations or delusions
4 monitors frequency of hallusinations or delusions
5 describes content of hallusinations or delusions
6 report decrease in hallusinations or delusions
7 asks for validations of reality
8 maintains affect consistent with mood
9 interacts with others appropriately
10 perceives environment accurately
11 exhibits logical thought flow patterns
12 exhibits reality based thingking
13 exhibits appropriate thought content
14 exhibits ability to grasp ideas of others

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