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Solution for Multiple-Choice Homework 6 Exam Review - Required

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.1(Purpose of an Electroscope)

Problem: What is an electroscope?
Select One of the Following:
(a) An electroscope is a device primarily used for storing charge.
(b) An electroscope is a device primarily used for detecting electric current.
(c) An electroscope is a device where a flat metal plate can be repeatedly charged over a flat charged insulating
(d) An electroscope is a device primarily used for detecting net magnetic charge.
(e-Answer) An electroscope is a device primarily used for detecting net electric charge.
An electroscope is a device for detecting net electric charge.
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.2(Trajectory of Charge in Uniform

Problem: A negatively charged particle is released from rest in a region of space where it experiences a constant
force in the +z direction. Select the choice below that best describes the motion of the particle.
Select One of the Following:
(a) The particle will move in the z direction at a constant velocity.
(b) The particle will move in the +z direction at a constant velocity.
(c-Answer) The particle will move in the +z direction with a constantly increasing velocity.
(d) The particle will move in the +z direction with a constantly decreasing velocity.
(e) The particle will move in the z direction with a constantly increasing velocity.
(f) The particle will move in the z direction with a constantly decreasing velocity.
The electron will move in the direction of the force and at a constantly increasing speed.
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.3(Uniform Electric Field - Velocity

Opposite Force)
Problem: A positive charge is moving in the +x direction in a uniform electric field that points in the x
direction. Describe the initial change in speed of the particle.
Select One of the Following:
(a) The particle travels at constant speed.
(b) The particles speed initially increases.
(c-Answer) The particles speed initially decreases.

The force on the particle is in the x direction because F = qE. The particle initially has velocity in the direction
opposite the force on it. This means that the speed of the particle will decrease due to the electric field.
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.4(Total Electric Flux Through Cylinders)

Problem: The cylinder to the right has circular ends with radius
r and is placed in an electric field such that the field is perpendicular to the circular ends and parallel to the curved sides. The
length of the cylinder is h. What is the net electric flux out of
the cylinder?
Select One of the Following:
(a-Answer) 0
(b) r2 E
(c) 2r2 E
(d) r2 E
(e) r2 E + 2rhE
A closed cylinder is composed of three surfaces: the two circles making its top and bottom and the surface
connecting the two circles. There is electric flux only through the two circular surfaces in the cylinders shown in
the figure, so the total electric flux through cylinder a is simply the sum of the electric flux through the two circles
on either end of the cylinder. Since the normal of the surface is parallel to the field, the magnitude of the flux for
either end is || = EA = Er2 . Electric flux is positive when field lines exit and negative when they enter. The
total flux out of surface (a) is then = EA + EA = 0
Total Points for Problem: 4 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.5(Spherical Gauss - Volume Charge)

Problem: A uniform volume charge centered at the origin occupies the region r < a. The total charge of the
volume charge is Q. If one wished to apply Gauss law to a spherical Gaussian surface centered at the origin with
radius a/2, how is the charge enclosed in the Gaussian surface related to total charge of the volume charge?
Select One of the Following:
(a) The charge enclosed is Q.
(b) The charge enclosed is zero.
(c-Answer) The charge enclosed is less than Q.
(d) The charge enclosed is greater than Q.
In configuration (c), the Gaussian surface passes through point P at a distance r from the center of the system.
Therefore, A spherical Gaussian surface with outer edge in a volume charge does not enclose the total charge of
the volume charge. A spherical Gaussian surface with outer edge in a volume charge does not enclose the total
charge of the volume charge.
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.6(Sign of Flux from Direction of

Field Lines)
Problem: The figure to the right shows an infinite plane of
charge. The plane is part of a larger system that applies an external field. The total field is drawn. The total field points to the
right of the page to the left of the plane. The total field is zero
to the right of the plane. What is the sign of the net flux out of
the cylindrical Gaussian surface drawn?
Select One of the Following:
(a) positive
(b-Answer) negative
(c) There is no net flux out of the cylinder.

Since net field lines enter the Gaussian surface, the flux is negative .
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.7(Electric Force and Field Lines)

Problem: Select the choice that follows the describes the relation between the electric force on a charged
particle and the direction of the electric field lines.
Select One of the Following:
(a) There is no relation between the direction of the electric force and the direction of a field line.
(b) The electric force always points in the same direction as the field line.
(c) The electric force always points in the opposite direction as the field line.
(d-Answer) The electric force points either the same direction or in the opposite direction as the field line.
(e) The electric force is always perpendicular to the field line.
The electric force points either the same direction or in the opposite direction as the field line.
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.8(Acceleration of Particles with

Different Mass)
Problem: Two particles each experience a force F . The particles have different masses such that particle 1 has
less mass than particle 2, m1 < m2 . Compare the magnitude of the accelerations, a1 and a2 , of the two particles.
Select One of the Following:
(a) a1 = a2
(b) a1 < a2
(c-Answer) a1 > a2

The heavier particle will experience a smaller acceleration.
Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.9(Charge of an Electroscope)

Problem: A negatively charged rod is brought near the bolt of
an electroscope and the following is observed: What is the sign
of the net charge of the electroscope?
Select One of the Following:
(a-Answer) The electroscope is positively charged.
(b) The electroscope is negatively charged.
(c) The electroscope is uncharged.

The leaves hang straight down and are therefore neutral even
though a charged object is close. The electroscope must therefore
have an initial positive charge that is drawn into the bolt by the
negative charge of the rod (Opposites Attract).

+ +

Total Points for Problem: 3 Points

Solution to Multiple-Choice Homework Problem 6.10(Direction of Rotation of Dipole)

Problem: The figure to the right shows an electric dipole placed

in an electric field. Which of the following best describes the
dipoles initial motion if it is fixed to pivot about its center?
Select One of the Following:
(a) rotates clockwise

(b-Answer) rotates counterclockwise

First figure out the forces on the charges. The electric force on a positive charge points in the direction
of the electric field. The forces tend to rotate the
dipole in the counterclockwise direction.

Total Points for Problem: 3 Points


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