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Baculovirus - Infection model:

By Bailey and Licari

Eqns which are not yet clear

Rate of infection function - n[t,,NV]

The infection is governed by the frequency function n[t,,NV].
where n[t,,NV]t is defined as the number of cells per ml in the time interval (t, t+t) that were
infected with NV no. of virions at time t-
t is the time (can have values starting from 0).
can have the values from 0 to L , where L is the time post infection at which cell lysis occurs.
That means a cell can be infected any no. of times before it lyses.
NV is the no. of virions infecting a cell at a time. It can have values from 0 to NVmax .

Probability function - p[t,NV]

The probabiltiy of NV virions infecting a cell at any time t is given by:-

p[t, NV] =
where [t] =

e- NV

Eqn .1

; NV = 0 to NVmax

After calculating the values of p[t,NV], the value of n[t,0,NV]t is given by :-

n[t, 0, NV] t = N0[t] p[t, NV] Eqn .2

where NV = 1 to NVmax
Since cells do not divide after infection, the evolution equation from t to t+t for infected cells is

n[t + t, + t, NV] = n[t, , NV] Eqn .3

Uninfected Cells - N0[t]

The number concentration of uninfected cells at time t is denoted by N0[t] (cells/ml). The differential
equation corresponding to it is:-


= [t] N0[t] - NV
NV=1 n[t, 0, NV] Eqn .4

where [t] is the specific growth rate h-1 at time ' t '

[t] = max A[t] Eqn .5


A[t] =

max t
ky- N0[t] - NV=1
tinf n[,0,NV]


Eqn .6

k is the carrying capacity of the reactor ( a constant); tinf is the time of initial infection

Extra cellular Virioins conc. function - Vext[t]

The differential equation describing the change in free virion desnity is:-


max +V [NV]
= NV
kv [t, , NV] n[t, , NV] NV=1 [NV]

NV n[t, 0, NV] Eqn .7

kV is the rate of virion synthesis function given by kv = 0 < [NV] and
kV[t, , NV] = A[t] Eqn .8
where, is a constant (no. of viruses synthesized by a single cell)
and A[t] is given as per Eqn .6

1. How to expand the second term of the Eqn. 4
Since n[t,0,NV]t is defined as given in Eqn.2 ,but the term n[t,0,NV] is not defined

2. How to expand the integrals in Eqn. 6 (also in Eqn.7)

After replacing n[t,0,NV]t by N0[t] p[t,NV] from Eqn.2 , then we wont be left with any differential
operator t to integrate with.

3. How to expand the first and second terms of the Eqn. 7

In Eqn. 7 , the term n[t,,NV] is used which has not been given any expression or how it is to be
The term conceptually corresponds to the no. of cells infected with NV virions at time 't-'. So,
can we replace n[t,,NV] with n[t-,0,NV] so that we can use Eqn.2 to expand it? (because
n[t-,0,NV] would mean the same as n[t,,NV], the no. of cells infected with NV virions at time

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