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Dept. of Histology, FMUI.

1. TESTIS & EPIDIDIMIS (Hematoxylin & Eosin staining)
Please identify:
The Testis, encapsulated by the tunica albuginea, the thickening of
the tunica albuginea the mediastinum of the testis (Corpus
Highmori), septula testis
The exocrine part of the testis: the seminiferous tubule (notice that
mostly you can only see the nucleus of the cells):
o The various stages of the spermatogenic cells (the
spermatogonium, spermatocyte I (can you find spermatocyte II
in the walls of the tubule?, why?) spermatid & spermatozoa)
o The Sertoli cells.
See if you can fine the peritubular myoid cells (at the outer margin of
the seminiferous tubule)
The endocrine part of the testis:
o The interstitial cells of Leydig, capillaries, connective tissue
Please identify also the excretory ducts of the testis:
The straight tubules / tubulus rectus (located in the septula testis)
Rete testis Halleri: a series of channels in the mediastinum of the
Efferent ducts (ductuli eferentes)* in the head (caput) of the
epididimis, lined with a single layer of ciliated cells.
Epididymal ducts (ductus epididimidis)**: the walls are lined with tall
pseudostratified epithelium and you can find the Stereocillia on the
apical / luminal surface of the cells. The circularly arranged smooth
muscle grew thicker in the more distal part of the ducts.

2. *DUCTULI EFFERENTES (Hematoxylin & Eosin staining):

Notice that the luminal surface of the efferent ducts appears uneven,
why is it so?
Each duct is surrounded by a basal lamina and a thin band of circular
smooth muscle fibers.
3. **DUCTUS (vas) DEFERENS (Hematoxylin & Eosin staining):
The epithelium is similar to those of the epididymal duct.
Lamina propria
Thick wall of muscular layer, 3 layers: longitudinal-circularlongitudinal.

KBK/reprod-module/male/5rd sem/ias/2007

Adventitia contains blood vessels, nerves & lymphatics, and blends

with the loose connective tissue of the spermatic cords.
Acessory glands of the Male reproductive system:
4. GLANDULA PROSTATA (Hematoxylin & Eosin)
The epithelial layer is usually pseudostratified, and in some places
simple collumnar, even cuboidal.
Notice the smooth muscle fibers in the stroma between the glands,
besides the collagenous and elastic fibers.
Find within the lumen of the glands, the corpora amylacea (concretion
of the secretory product of the gland.
Fibromuscular capsule, sending septa / trabeculae.
5. VESICULA SEMINALIS /Seminal Vesicle (Hematoxylin & Eosin)
Tubular shaped, highly coiled.
Tunica mucosa: highly folded & frequently anastomosing, with
pseudostratified epithelium, containing lipochrome pigments.
Tunica muscularis: thin inner circular and thicker outher longitudinal
Thin fibroelastic adventitia.
Copulatory organ of the Male reproductive system:
6. PENIS (Hematoxylin & Eosin)
Please identify:
The thin skin, containing the Aa., vv., nn. Dorsalis penis.
Corpora cavernosa penis and its tunica albuginea, septum mediana,
the trabeculae & vascular spaces lined with endothelium, the arteri
Profunda penis (cavernosa/deep arteries), can you find the helicine
The Corpus Spongiosum / CC Urethra, penile urethra.

What differences are there in the walls of the Seminiferus Tubules of a

male child and post pubertal males? Why so? Please explain!
What is the difference between the composition of semen of an
unvasectomized person and a vasectomized person? Why is that so?
Please explain!
What difference do you find in the course (direction) of blood flow in
normal penis and a penis during erection?
What is the difference between spermatozoa obtained through biopsy
from the Head of the Epididymis, and sperms that were ejaculated?
Are there physical differences? Or is the difference functional? If yes,
how so? Explain!

KBK/reprod-module/male/5rd sem/ias/2007

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