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Chapter 8.

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the World a Better Place
Founded and developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is an applied
religious philosophy which offers an exact route through which anyone can
regain the truth and simplicity of his spiritual self.
Scientology consists of specific axioms that define the underlying causes and
principles of existence and a vast area of observations in the humanities, a
philosophic body that literally applies to the entirety of life.
This broad body of knowledge resulted in two applications of the subject:
first, a technology for man to increase his spiritual awareness and attain the
freedom sought by many great philosophic teachings; and, second, a great
number of fundamental principles men can use to improve their lives. In fact, in
this second application, Scientology offers nothing less than practical methods
to better every aspect of our existence—means to create new ways of life. And
from this comes the subject matter you are about to read.
Compiled from the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the data presented here is
but one of the tools which can be found in The Scientology Handbook. A
comprehensive guide, the handbook contains numerous applications of
Scientology which can be used to improve many other areas of life.
In this booklet, the editors have augmented the data with a short
introduction, practical exercises and examples of successful application.
Courses to increase your understanding and further materials to broaden
your knowledge are available at your nearest Scientology church or mission.
Listings are available at www.scientology.org.
Many new phenomena about man and life are described in Scientology, and
so you may encounter terms in these pages you are not familiar with. These are
described the first time they appear and in the glossary at the back of the booklet.
Scientology is for use. It is a practical philosophy, something one does. Using
this data, you can change conditions.
Millions of people who want to do something about the conditions they see
around them have applied this knowledge. They know that life can be improved.
And they know that Scientology works.
Use what you read in these pages to help yourself and others and you will
Chapter 8.book Page 2 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM

I t seems that people often have trouble getting along together. Families
argue, neighbors come to blows, countries lob weapons at each other. Is
this the way it has to be?
Anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists and others say it is.
Having observed a long history of man’s quarrelsome behavior, they
claim that man has animal instincts, or that he is antisocial and violent
by his very nature.
In truth, man is rather peaceful. But he can be driven, individually
and collectively, to hatred and violence.
In researching the causes of violence, L. Ron Hubbard unearthed a
fundamental and natural law of human relations which explains why
conflicts between people are so often difficult to remedy. And he provided
an immensely valuable tool that enables one to resolve any conflict, be it
between neighbors, co-workers or even countries.
In this booklet, you will discover how to help others resolve their
differences and restore peaceable relations. Peace and harmony between
men can be more than just a dream. Widespread application of this law
will make it a reality.■

Chapter 8.book Page 3 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM


iolence and conflict amongst individuals and nations have
been with us for ages and their causes have remained a
complete mystery, a mystery finally solved in Scientology.
If Chaldea could vanish, if Babylon turn to dust, if
Egypt could become a badlands, if Sicily could have 160
prosperous cities and be a looted ruin before the year zero
and a near desert ever since—and all this in spite of all the
work and wisdom and good wishes and intent of human beings, then it must
follow as the dark follows sunset that something must be unknown to man
concerning all his works and ways. And that this something must be so deadly
and so pervasive as to destroy all his ambitions and his chances long before
their time.
Such a thing would have to be some natural law unguessed at by himself.
And there is such a law, apparently, that answers these conditions of being
deadly, unknown and embracing all activities.
The law would seem to be:
It is very easy to see that two in conflict are fighting. They are very visible.
What is harder to see or suspect is that a third party existed and actively
promoted the quarrel.
The usually unsuspected and “reasonable” third party, the bystander who
denies any part of it, is the one that brought the conflict into existence in the
first place.

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The hidden third party, seeming at times to be a supporter of only one

side, is to be found as the instigator.
This is a useful law in many areas of life.
It is the cause of war.
One sees two fellows shouting bad names at each other, sees them come
to blows.
No one else is around. So they, of course, “caused the fight.” But there was
a third party.
Tracing these down, one comes upon incredible data. That is the trouble.
The incredible is too easily rejected. One way to hide things is to make them
Clerk A and Messenger B have been arguing. They blaze into direct
conflict. Each blames the other. Neither one is correct and so the quarrel does
not resolve since its true cause is not established.
One looks into such a case thoroughly. He finds the incredible. The wife of
Clerk A has been sleeping with Messenger B and complaining alike to both
about the other.
Farmer J and Rancher K have been tearing each other to pieces for years
in continual conflict. There are obvious, logical reasons for the fight. Yet it
continues and does not resolve. A close search finds Banker L who, due to
their losses in the fighting, is able to loan each side money, while keeping the
quarrel going, and who will get their lands completely if both lose.
It goes larger. The revolutionary forces and the Russian government were
in conflict in 1917. The reasons are so many the attention easily sticks on
them. But only when Germany’s official state papers were captured in World
War II was it revealed that Germany had promoted the revolt and financed
Lenin to spark it off, even sending him into Russia in a blacked-out train!
One looks over “personal” quarrels, group conflicts, national battles and
one finds, if he searches, the third party, unsuspected by both combatants or,
if suspected at all, brushed off as “fantastic.” Yet careful documentation finally
affirms it.
This datum is fabulously useful.
In marital quarrels the correct approach of anyone counseling is to get
both parties to carefully search out the third party. They may come to many
reasons at first. These reasons are not beings (people). One is looking for a
third party, an actual being. When both find the third party and establish
proof, that will be the end of the quarrel.

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Sometimes two parties, quarreling, suddenly decide to elect a being to

blame. This stops the quarrel. Sometimes it is not the right being and more
quarrels thereafter occur.
Two nations at each other’s throats should each seek conference with the
other to sift out and locate the actual third party. They will always find one if
they look, and they can find the right one. As it will be found to exist in fact.
There are probably many technical approaches one could develop and
outline in this matter.
There are many odd phenomena connected with it. An accurately spotted
third party is usually not fought at all by either party but only shunned.
Marital conflicts are common. Marriages can be saved by both parties
really sorting out who caused the conflicts. There may have been, in the whole
history of the marriage, several but only one at a time.
Quarrels between an individual and an organization are nearly always
caused by an individual third party or a third group. The organization and the
individual should get together and isolate the third party by displaying to each
other all the data they each have been fed.
Rioters and governments alike could be brought back to agreement could
one get representatives of both to give each other what they have been told by
Such conferences have tended to deal only in recriminations or conditions or
abuses. They must deal in beings only in order to succeed.
This theory might be thought to assert also that there are no bad
conditions that cause conflict. There are. But these are usually remedial by
conference unless a third party is promoting conflict.
In history we have a very foul opinion of the past because it is related by
recriminations of two opponents and has not spotted the third party.
“Underlying causes” of war should read “hidden promoters.”
There are no conflicts which cannot be resolved unless the true promoters
of them remain hidden.
This is the natural law the ancients and moderns alike did not know.
And not knowing it, being led off into “reasons,” whole civilizations have
It is worth knowing.
It is worth working with in any situation where one is trying to bring

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A third party
can create
conflict by
to her
about her

…and then
upsetting the
son-in-law by
something his
wife said.

When the
conflict erupts,
the third party
is often
unnoticed and

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But if the couple
knows the Third
Party Law, they
can recognize
such disputes for
what they are
and locate the
true cause of the


With the
handled, any
can easily be
resolved, and

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Further Discovery
Another very important factor in third party technology is false reports.
False reports are written or spoken statements which turn out to be
groundless or deceitful or which knowingly contain lies.
We know that a third party is necessary to any quarrel.
In reviewing several organizational upsets, it was found that the third
party can go completely overlooked even in intensive investigation.
By giving false reports on others, a third party causes harm and wreaks
havoc amongst individuals and groups.
In several cases an organization has lost several guiltless staff members.
They were dismissed or disciplined in an effort to solve upsets. Yet the
turbulence continued and the area became even more upset by reason of the
Running this back further, one finds that the real third party, eventually
unearthed, got people shot by false reports.
One source of this is as follows:
Staff member X goofs. He is very furious and defensive at being accused.
He blames his goof on somebody else. That somebody else gets disciplined.
Staff member X diverts attention from himself by various means including
falsely accusing others.
This is a third party action which results in a lot of people being blamed
and disciplined. And the real third party remaining undetected.
The missing point of justice here is that the disciplined persons were not
faced with their accusers and were not given the real accusation and so could
not confront it.
Another case would be a third party simply spreading tales and making
accusations out of malice or some even more vicious motive. This would be a
usual third party action. It is ordinarily based on false reports.
Another situation comes about when a person in charge of some area who
can’t get the area straight starts to investigate, gets third party false reports
about it, disciplines people accordingly and totally misses the real third party.
This upsets the area even more.
The basis of all really troublesome third party activities is then false

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There can also be false perception. One sees things that don’t exist and
reports them as “fact.”
Therefore we see that we can readily run back an investigation by
following a chain of false reports.
In at least one case the third party (discovered only after it was very plain
that only he could have wrecked two areas of the organization, one after the
other) also had these characteristics:
1. Goofed in his own actions
2. Furiously contested any reports filed on him
3. Obsessively changed everything when taking over an area
4. Falsely reported actions, accusing others
5. Had a high casualty rate of staff in his area
These are not necessarily common to all third parties but give you an idea
of what can go on.
From experience in dealing with ethics and justice matters in groups it is
apparent that the real source of upset in an area would be false reports
accepted and acted upon without confronting the accused with all charges and
his or her accusers.
A person with any degree of authority in a group should not accept any
accusation and act upon it. To do so undermines the security of one and all.
One could, as a start, refuse to act on any information unless it were proven
by personal investigation not to be the action of some third party.
On being presented with an accusation or “evidence” a person in charge
of some activity should conduct an investigation of false reports and false
perceptions. In this way one can then verify such reports and arrive at the true
source of the trouble and avoid disciplining individuals who may be innocent.
Justice, then, would consist of a refusal to accept any report not
substantiated by actual, independent data, seeing that all such reports are
investigated and that all investigations include confronting the accused with
the accusation and where feasible the accuser, before any disciplinary action is
undertaken or any penalty assigned.
While this may slow the processes of justice, the personal security of the
individual is totally dependent upon establishing the full truth of any
accusation before any action is taken.

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How to Find a Third Party

The way not to find a third party is to compile a questionnaire that asks
one and all in various ways, “Have you been a victim?” Do not ask questions
such as, “Who has been mean to you?” or other questions which would tend
to elicit answers that the person has been victimized. This kind of question
will not locate the individual stirring up conflicts between people but may
only name executives and others in the group who are trying to get people to
do their jobs and be productive!
Anyone who uses this approach (1) does not find any third party and (2)
causes people to mentally or physically collapse to the extent that they cannot
function causatively.
By definition, a third party is one who by false reports creates trouble
between two people, a person and a group or a group and another group.
The object of the investigation, then, is to find out who has been spreading
false reports in order to stir up conflicts between people or groups. To find a
third party one has to ask those involved in the dispute questions along the
following lines:
1a. Have you been told you were in bad?
b. What was said?
c. Who said it?
2a. Have you been told someone was bad?
b. What was said?
c. Who said it?
3a. Have you been told someone was doing wrong?
b. What was said?
c. Who said it?
4a. Have you been told a group was bad?
b. What was said?
c. Who said it?
A questionnaire like this should have a limiter such as “On your job _____?”
or “In your marriage _____?” or “In this family _____?”

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To find a third
party, ask who
has been telling
people that others
were bad, doing
wrong, etc.

An entire group
can be asked such
questions, and
when the results
are viewed…

…one person’s
name will appear
far more often
than others. This
is the person to
investigate for
disharmony and

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It may also have a lot of answers so leave ample space for each question.

By then combining names given, you have one name appearing far more
often than the rest. This is done by counting names. You then investigate this

By following this procedure, you will find out exactly who has been
stirring up conflicts and thus open the door to their resolution.

With this tool in your hands you will be able to change conditions between
family members, associates and groups you come into contact with and
restore harmony.

Such a remedy for previously unresolvable conflicts never existed before

Scientology. It is the solution to a host of ills that have worried men for ages.■

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Here are exercises you can do to increase your ability to resolve conflicts,
whether handling one you may be involved in or helping others resolve
conflicts they have.

1 To gain experience in recognizing false reports or false perceptions, find

an example of a false report in your environment, such as something a
neighbor said, something said at your job, etc.

2 Repeat the above practical assignment several more times until you can
confidently recognize false reports.

3 Find two people who are involved in some kind of unresolving quarrel
or conflict and resolve it using the Third Party Law.

4 Now find two other people or groups who are involved in a quarrel or
conflict and resolve it using the data in this booklet. Repeat this until
you are able to resolve conflicts using the Third Party Law.

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Using the Third Party Law, people have on behalf of the law enforcement officials
been able to resolve their differences, in his country, the Director General said:
upsets have ceased and peaceable rela-
“I use L. Ron Hubbard’s Third Party
tions have been restored.
Law almost every day. It is like magic in
This is an indispensable tool to handle resolving conflicts and is one of the most
conflicts that will not otherwise resolve, effective tools I have ever found to bring
whether these involve familial situations, about peace and harmony among different
interpersonal relationships in the worka- groups. L. Ron Hubbard is truly a great man
day world, or stress between groups or and I say this for a special reason. It is
even nations. because he has given us wisdom, and not
kept it to himself.”

W hen, for example, the Director W hile paying a brief visit to a couple in
General of Justice from an independent Sydney, Australia, a man noticed the wife
state in South Africa first took over his was somewhat quarrelsome with her hus-
government position, he found numerous band. He showed her Mr. Hubbard’s
conflicts had to be resolved before any Third Party Law and told her to apply it
progress could be made to improve his to the situation. She was halfhearted
society. He read Mr. Hubbard’s discovery about this as it didn’t seem to be much of
about the Third Party Law and realized he a troublesome situation to her. However,
had found the tool he needed to handle she did what their visitor suggested and
these conflicts. When making a special later wrote to him saying:
presentation to acknowledge Mr. Hubbard
“That night I sat down with my
RAPID RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS husband and brought the matter up. To our
complete amazement, we found that each of
us had been separately told, by the same
6 Months Application of the
Company Third Party Law person, that the other was bad. And each of
rapidly resolves us considered that person our special

Time to Resolve the Conflict: 3 Days

long-standing friend—in fact, we had separately often
Two quarrels as can be
18 Months Musicians seen in these gone to her for advice! The more we
Time to Resolve the Conflict: 1 Day
examples. discussed this, the more realizations we had
and our affinity for each other soared and
Two Working soared. Prior to this, neither of us had
2 Years Partners
thought it was particularly low, but now it
Time to Resolve the Conflict: 2 Weeks
6 Months 12 Months 18 Months 24 Months 30 Months
seems it has no bounds. Thank you for
telling me to do this, I gained complete

Chapter 8.book Page 15 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM

certainty on the workability of this finally came to an end and we are now
technology on the Third Party Law.” friends with our business partners again.
This was the most incredible phenomenon
Miraculous results were obtained when we have seen! After the investigation was
a man from Burbank, California, used the complete, we were able to reach agreement
Third Party Law to resolve a conflict on issues where none had been possible
between two business partners which before. This technology worked like magic.
would just not clear up. Scientology is the game where everyone
“I conducted a hearing on the parties
concerned and in the course of this, I
determined that a third party investigation
A n executive in a large organization
learned of a conflict between two co-
was needed, as the communication between workers that had raged for weeks. In spite
the people involved simply would not of seemingly successful attempts at
improve. reconciling the two, the fight would soon
break out afresh. Recognizing this
“The results were truly miraculous. pattern, the executive applied the Third
Not only did the communication go back Party Technology she had learned; she
in with a bang, but I watched one of the was able to resolve the conflict within
parties, who had been ill for three years, minutes.
change before my eyes. She realized that
it had been due to this situation and the “I had a tremendous win applying Mr.
third partying involved that she had Hubbard’s data on handling conflicts. I
become ill. You would be amazed at how noticed two personnel working near me
good it feels to be able to give help to were constantly in conflict with each other. I
others that is real help.” attempted a couple of times to help them
“resolve their differences,” but then I
S ome international business partners remembered the data I had learned on
had been locked in a long-term conflict handling such situations. I applied this data
that showed no signs of resolving. They and it was incredible. In minutes I had the
were advised to get a third party whole situation handled and these two
investigation done into the matter. This people were again talking to each other. It
was done and the results were fantastic. was miraculous—it hadn’t changed for
One of the businessmen concerned weeks prior to this and it was solved in just
reported: minutes using this data.”

“After two days of third party investiga- A young couple were able to restore
tion, a conflict which had lasted ten months harmony in their marriage on discovering

Chapter 8.book Page 16 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM

a hidden third party who had been A quarrelsome marriage was saved
causing trouble: through the application of the Third Party
Law by a family member trained in this
“Several years ago my wife and I were technology.
having trouble. We had just moved into a
new house which we shared with some other “My brother-in-law and his wife were
people. Suddenly my wife began finding quarreling nonstop and headed for divorce. I
fault with nearly everything I did. I didn’t used the Third Party Law and sure enough,
understand it until one night it occurred to there was a person who had told lies to each
person about the other—a man who about a
me that maybe there was a third party
year earlier had tried (unsuccessfully) to
involved, as I had read about in a book by
begin an affair with the wife. It was this
L. Ron Hubbard. I asked her what she was
person’s lying that had caused all the strife!
being told about me. It didn’t take much
questioning to find the third party—and the “With this revealed, my brother-in-law
trouble disappeared completely.” and his wife rediscovered their love for each
other; they found themselves back in
Escalating conflict between two communication for the first time in quite a
while and the fighting stopped. Another
southern California children was defused
and completely handled, before it became miracle of Scientology.”
a serious situation, at a school that uses
Mr. Hubbard’s technology:
Two Australian sisters, close companions
for many years, began to fight.
“Just after Christmas last year, my Communication broke down utterly until
twelve-year-old daughter and another child L. Ron Hubbard’s Third Party Technology
about the same age were in constant was applied.
conflict. My daughter even wanted to learn “My sister and I are very, very close
karate so she could beat the other youngster and have been since we were quite young.
up! She had an accident on Christmas day, However there came a time when we started
leaving her with her thumb in a cast; she getting ‘on each other’s nerves’ a bit; this
said she had been thinking of this boy when escalated to the point where we began
it happened. This was just too much, so I fighting with a vengeance about petty,
brought the whole matter to the attention of ridiculous things.
the head of the school my daughter attends. “Finally we couldn’t and wouldn’t even
He had the children interviewed and a third talk to one another. We’d be together and
party investigation done. The third party anyone could instantly perceive the bad
was found and the conflict disappeared; the feelings between us. Neither of us were
children started getting along great. And she happy about this and we finally tried to talk
continues to do well.” it out and handle the upsets. But within

Chapter 8.book Page 17 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM

minutes we were back at each other’s We went over all the things he had been
throats. It was just horrible; we had just saying and found out that while he was
never fought like this at all and were known flattering one of us he was chopping the
by our friends as being inseparable. other up; then he’d go to the other and do the
“It was at this point that I recalled the same thing in reverse.
data that Mr. Hubbard had written about “My sister and I instantly and immedi-
third parties. Maybe this had something to ately went into great communication, with
do with our persistent fighting. I grabbed my very high affinity restored. It was so incredi-
sister, took her off to a room where we could ble—all the bad feelings that had built up
be by ourselves and asked her if anyone had between us had disappeared.
been ‘in her ear’ about me.
“Knowing and using this technology,
“This created such a reaction it was we have maintained the best communication
unbelievable. We both realized that a person line one could imagine. Which is very
we’d recently gotten to know was telling each important as my sister is very, very dear to
of us bad (and untrue) things about the other! me. If it hadn’t been for this principle our
“Without this technology we would friendship would have been destroyed and
never have discovered what was going on. lost forever.”

Chapter 8.book Page 18 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM

N o more fitting statement typifies the life of L. Ron Hubbard than his
simple declaration: “I like to help others and count it as my greatest
pleasure in life to see a person free himself from the shadows which darken
his days.” Behind these pivotal words stands a lifetime of service to
mankind and a legacy of wisdom that enables anyone to attain
long-cherished dreams of happiness and spiritual freedom.
Born in Tilden, Nebraska on March 13, 1911, his road of discovery and
dedication to his fellows began at an early age. “I wanted other people to be
happy, and could not understand why they weren’t,” he wrote of his youth;
and therein lay the sentiments that would long guide his steps. By the age of
nineteen, he had traveled more than a quarter of a million miles, examining
the cultures of Java, Japan, India and the Philippines.
Returning to the United States in 1929, Ron resumed his formal education
and studied mathematics, engineering and the then new field of nuclear
physics—all providing vital tools for continued research. To finance that
research, Ron embarked upon a literary career in the early 1930s, and soon
became one of the most widely read authors of popular fiction. Yet never
losing sight of his primary goal, he continued his mainline research through
extensive travel and expeditions.
With the advent of World War II, he entered the United States Navy as a
lieutenant (junior grade) and served as commander of antisubmarine
corvettes. Left partially blind and lame from injuries sustained during
combat, he was diagnosed as permanently disabled by 1945. Through
application of his theories on the mind, however, he was not only able to
help fellow servicemen, but also to regain his own health.
After five more years of intensive research, Ron’s discoveries were
presented to the world in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. The
first popular handbook on the human mind expressly written for the man in
the street, Dianetics ushered in a new era of hope for mankind and a new

Chapter 8.book Page 19 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM

phase of life for its author. He did, however, not cease his research, and as
breakthrough after breakthrough was carefully codified through late 1951,
the applied religious philosophy of Scientology was born.

Because Scientology explains the whole of life, there is no aspect of man’s

existence that L. Ron Hubbard’s subsequent work did not address. Residing
variously in the United States and England, his continued research brought
forth solutions to such social ills as declining educational standards and
pandemic drug abuse.

All told, L. Ron Hubbard’s works on Scientology and Dianetics total forty
million words of recorded lectures, books and writings. Together, these
constitute the legacy of a lifetime that ended on January 24, 1986. Yet the
passing of L. Ron Hubbard in no way constituted an end; for with a hundred
million of his books in circulation and millions of people daily applying his
technologies for betterment, it can truly be said the world still has no greater

Chapter 8.book Page 20 Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:08 PM

affinity: love, liking or any other emotional Scientology: an applied religious philoso-
attitude; the degree of liking. The basic phy developed by L. Ron Hubbard. It is the
definition of affinity is the consideration of study and handling of the spirit in relation-
distance, whether good or bad. ship to itself, universes and other life. The
communication: an interchange of ideas word Scientology comes from the Latin scio,
across space between two individuals. which means “know” and the Greek word
logos, meaning “the word or outward form by
ethics: the actions an individual takes on
which the inward thought is expressed and
himself to correct some conduct or situation
made known.” Thus, Scientology means
in which he is involved which is contrary to
knowing about knowing.
the ideals and best interests of his group. It is
a personal thing. When one is ethical or “has third party: one who by false reports creates
his ethics in,” it is by his own determinism trouble between two people, a person and a
and is done by himself. group, or a group and another group.
justice: the action taken on an individual by Third Party Law: a law which states that a
the group when he fails to take appropriate third party must be present and unknown in
ethics actions himself. every quarrel for a conflict to exist.

Chap 12.book Page 29 Saturday, September 15, 2001 11:46 PM

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