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Before going to answering the said question, let us discuss the topic ethics as the given

question is based upon this. Ethics is a science of morality. It speaks of what is good or bad
for an individual may be natural or artificial. It is not only a question of good or bad but
much more of what is right or what is wrong. Thus, what is right is always good; however
what is bad is not necessarily wrong.
Through study of concerned paragraph about computerized exam on the subject matter
with the problems associated with programming and thus wrongly scored by the computer
revealed that this is a quality related issue. It is the duty of administrator to proper check up the
functioning of the system prior to conduct the computerized exam for a subject. It seems that the
administrator fail to did their duty in ethical manner. Thus the problem arose due to the ignorance
of administrator of delivering their duty.
The same problem knew by some of the students who participate in the exam before the end
of the term. For the sake of personal benefit of higher grade, these students hided this
information and do not flow the information towards the administrator. Though practically, the
students do not cheat for the answer for more grade but fail to do their moral responsibilities
towards the society. It seems that students follow the unethical ways for more grading.
In this case, in my view both the administrator/management and the students fail to follow
the principle of ethics.
Now come to the asking question, the question asked as:
1. if you were one of the students in the class:
a. Would you tell the instructor about the programming error before the end of the term?
b. Report the names of the other students you knew who cheated
c. Admit that you cheated.
My answer is I would like to tell the instructor about the programming error before the end
of the term. So, my correct choice is a.

The rationale behind my decision is this is my moral responsibilities to unhide this

information without harming to other students. This is not the case of cheating but the case of
ethical principle.
2. If you were the instructor for the course, which of the following would you do?
a. Flunk the 77 students who did not complete 40 questions.
b. Require the 77 students to retake the exam, but let them graduate.
c. Require all 139 students to retake the course since no student reported the problem, a
violation of the student ethical code.
d. Change the computer program, but do nothing to the students.
e. Select another alternative
Being a instructor for the course, I would like to retake the exam for all 139 students since
no student reported the problem, and hence violated the student ethical code. Thus my correct
choice is c.
Why for me the first option is incorrect is that it is not only the students who are culprit? but
also the administrator is. So, then why students alone charged.
If I will choose the second option i.e. it means its an unfair examination.
The rationale behind the third option to be selected is fairness in the examination. Do not
harm to other but do right thing is the ethical code of business.
About question 2 i.e. what ethical principles should be applied?
Firstly as per scientific practices, it is essential to proceed step by step by identifying,
clarifying and solving ethical conflicts. The first step is to identify who are the main parties that
involved, what are their rational interests and then to locate potential and clear conflicts of

The second step is to identify which ethical principle to be applied

amongst the relevant ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, principle of care and equity.
Third step is to resolve the conflicts based on your decision making
As a student, I should applied the principle of ethic - moral, social
responsibility toward the society
The second principle adopted was the principle of care, which the combination of two ethical
principlesthe non-maleficence principle and the beneficence principle. The first prescribes a
moral obligation for all humans not to cause human suffering. The beneficence principle is the
duty to do good thing. So that I do not flunk the 77 students who did not complete 40 questions
The third principle of equity was also applied so that all 139 students to retake the course, not by
only by 77 students.
As per the procedures of the APA Ethics Committee, the different principles of ethics are
given as competence, Integrity, Professional and scientific responsibility, Respect for people's
rights and dignity, Concern for others' welfare, Social responsibility
Amongst them, Integrity and Social responsibilities are the best choice for me for taking
decision in this scenario.

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