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Herv This

Institutionen fr mat, hlsa och milj

, MHM, inbjuder tillsa mmans me d
Frankrikes ambassad och Vetens kapsfestivalen till en f relsning med den franske
kemisten Herv This, mndagen den 26 april kl. 11.00-12, i Margaretha
Huitfeldts Auditorium, Hus C, Pedagogen, Gteborg (Lroverksgatan 5).

Molecular Gastronomy, the science at the origin of

Molecular cuisine. Recent advances
Frelsningen hlles p engelska och understdjes av ett antal experiment som
A pre sentation he m ade in the Impe rial Colleg e of Lond on (De cember 2 009) about: Mole cular
Cooking is Cooking: Molecular Gastronomy is a Scientific Activity

Herv This r en fran sk fysikalisk kemi st som r specialiserad inom molekylr kemi o ch som
arbetar vid Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and undervisar vid AgroParisTech,
den franska motsvarigheten till SLU (Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet)). Hans huvudintresse r molekylr
gastronomi, dvs vetenskapen bakom kulinariska fenomen vid matlagning.

Although his main focus is on physical chemistry, he also attributes great importance to the emotional
aspect of cooking, as the title of one of his books shows: Cooking is love, art, technique.

In collaboration with the Scientific and Cultural Department of the French

Embassy in Sweden, Herv This will be in Gteborg to be part of the
Internationella Vetenskapsfestivalen!
Herv Thi s will give three pres entations duri ng the festival
towards three different audience:

- General public: Saturday 24th of April - "Molecular Gastronomy: a scientific look to cooking"
Herv This discussing molecular gastronomy with Louisa Chu (internationally known food writer an d
(maybe we could download directly the link over your website as the videos are quite big)

- Specifically for chefs: Sunday 25th of April - Molecular Cooking is over. Let's move toward
"note by note cookery"
A video presenting Vive la gourmandise claire:
(Same here, maybe we could download directly the link over your website)

- Specifically for scientists / universities: Monday 26th of April - Molecular Gastronomy, the
science at the origin of Molecular cuisine. Recent advances
A pre sentation he m ade in the Impe rial Colleg e of Lond on (De cember 2 009) about: Mole cular
Cooking is Cooking: Molecular Gastronomy is a Scientific Activity
(Same here, maybe we could download directly the link over your website)

With Ni cholas Kurti, he coined the scientific term " Molecular
and Physical Gastronomy" in 1988, whi ch he shortened to "Mole cular
Gastronomy" after Kurti's death in 199 8. He obtaine d a Ph.D from the
University Paris VI, und er the title "La gast ronomie molcul aire et
physique". He ha s written many scientific pu blications, a s well as
several boo ks on the subject whi ch can be und erstood even by those
who have littl e or no kno wledge of chemistry, but so far only fou r have
been tran slated into Engli sh. He also collaborates with the ma gazine
Pour la Science, the aim of which is to pre sent scientific concepts to the
general pu blic and which he used to be Chief re dactor. He is also a
corresponding member of the Acadmie d'agriculture de France, and the
scientific di rector of the f oundation "F ood Sci ence & Culture", which he
created and that was hosted by the French Academy of Sciences.
Some of his discoveries include the perfect temperature for cooking an egg
(around 65C, the white coagulates, but not the yolk), and the use of an electrical field to imp rove the
smoking of salmon. He also found that beating an egg white after adding a small amount of cold water
considerably increases the amount of foam produced. Every month he adds one new "invention" in the
Art et Science section of the website of the chef Pierre Gagnaire.


1993 : les Secrets de la casserole, ditions Belin

1995 : Rvlations gastronomiques, ditions Belin
1997 : la Casserole des enfants, ditions Belin
2002 : Trait lmentaire de cuisine, ditions Belin
2002 : Casseroles et prouvettes, ditions Belin
2005 : Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the
Science of Flavor, Cambridge University Press
2006 : La cuisine c'est de l'amour, de l'art, de la
technique, Odile Jacob
2007 : Construisons un repas, Odile Jacob
2007 : De la science aux fourneaux, Pour la
Science/Editions Belin
2007 : Kitchen Mysteries: Revealing the Science of
Cooking, Columbia University Press
2007 : Alchimistes aux fourneaux, Flammarion


External links

Herv This blog :

La gastronomie molculaire Herv This page at INRA :

Fondation Science & Culture Alimentaire :

Cours de gastronomie molculaire :

Molecular Gastronomy Seminar with Herv This :


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