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Above The Line


For additional concerns, please contact Brandi

Fitchpatric or Nikole Hamlett school counselors
at 756-2310 ext 257

Dogwood Elementary will continue to implement

the Above The Line bullying prevention program.
This works by encouraging above the line behaviors
thus diminishing behaviors that may lead to bullying
Above the line behaviors include some of the
following: being responsible, honest, showing
empathy, acceptance of others, trustworthy, making
positive choices
Below the line behaviors include some of the
following: social exclusion, spreading rumors,
tattling, hitting, name-calling, teasing
Students will be educated about the above the line
program during classroom guidance. In addition,
teachers will reinforce positive choices reflected in
their classroom management plans.
Dogwood Elementary is making any and every
attempt to create the most positive, safe and
conducive environment for learning.
Thank you for your cooperation and reinforcement to
help your child live above the line.

I will live ABOVE THE LINE!

Below the line behavior is not allowed in
my school.
I will not hit, shove, kick, or punch anyone
or anything.
I will not tease, call names, or put people down.
I will not gossip or spread rumors.
If I see someone being treated this way,
I will speak up
and go to an adult for help.
I promise to show respect for myself, others and



Student Signature




Parent Signature
Below the line behaviors



Spreading Rumors
Insulting gestures Hitting
Telling others not to be friends Name-calling
Excluding or Ostracizing
Taunting or threats
Rude Comments Inappropriate Touching

Use of electronic devices such as social media, cell phones, texting,
use of computer/tablet, or webcams
I understand if I demonstrate a below the line behavior, the
following consequences will occur.
First incident: Intervene and identify the behavior as below the line.
Teacher will state his/her expectations and give verbal warning and
record incident.
Second incident: Follow same procedure as the first. In addition,
restrict time from activities for 1 day. Students will complete a thinking
activity to reflect on their actions either through writing or drawing. In
addition, notify parents via email or phone call.
Third incident: Follow same procedure as the first and second.
Restrict time from activity for 3 days. School counselor will consult
with student.
Fourth incident: Follow same procedure as previously stated. Send
student to an administrator. A parent conference will be scheduled
with an administrator, school counselor, and student.

---------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return this portion of the form to your childs
Students Name _______________________________ Grade

Teachers Name_______________________________
I am aware of the Dogwood Elementary Below the Line plan.
I have discussed this plan with my child.
Parents Signature____________________________ Date_________

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