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Unit 1
CLO: Students will be able to ____________________ why they are in Algebra II, how they will succeed
in Algebra II, and what Mr. P can do to ensure theyre success.

Lesson 1.1: Why Algebra?

Opening Exercise
Math Autobiography
1. Recall your earliest math memory. When did this memory occur? What were you doing/learning?

2. Think about last school year. In what areas of math were you the most successful?

3. What do you like learning about math? What types of activities have you done in classes that
help you learn math? Do you have a particular favorite activity? What about the activity makes it a

4. What do you not like about learning math? What types of activities have you done in classes that
have not helped you learn math at all? Do you have a particular activity that you really disliked?

5. What is one goal you have for this school year in Algebra? How can I help you reach this goal?

6. Create at least three questions or concerns you have this year about math in general and/or this
class in particular. Be specific.

Reading: Why do we study Algebra?

Mr. Pullutasig

Algebra is a branch of mathematics in which symbols and letters of the alphabet stand for
numbers. It has been around for thousands of years. The ancient Babylonians used Algebra to
solve complex equations and calculations.
Electricians, engineers, and nearly everyone in between use algebra. Its one of the most common
and malleable types of mathematics, and its also one of the most important. From Everyday life
decision-making, to advance training in science and technology, the ability to understand and apply
Algebra is a stepping-stone to a successful journey in life with great opportunities and discoveries.
You have been using Algebra in your elementary and middle school math classes for

= 5

= 3

Example 1: Graduation Requirements


Why do
is a class that you must pass in order to graduate? What does that mean for you as a student in this

Our Vision

Unit 1
CLO: Students will be able to ____________________ why they are in Algebra II, how they will succeed
in Algebra II, and what Mr. P can do to ensure theyre success.
We are an Early College and our job is to show our students how to be college and
career ready every day. Our students have chosen to learn from the experts in this
room and we need to model our PRIDE expectations.
Example 2: It Is Our Duty
To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more
beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

How Are You Going to Be Successful In This Class?


Mr. Pullutasig

Definition: Not open to negotiation or discussion

Classroom Expectations
Respect: Respect means honoring other people and treating them with care and courtesy. While
respect includes good manners, the core of the behavior goes deeper than politeness. It stems from
the belief that other people have as much worth and dignity as you, and that harming others or
their property is inherently wrong. To get it, you must give it.
Lateness: If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late.
If you are late and do not have a pass, you will have to get one from the main office
10-10 Rule: You will not be allowed to leave the classroom within the first 10 minutes of the class
or the last 10 minutes
Do Now (Opening Exercise)
1. Teacher stands at Threshold Greets students
2. Reminds students of 3 rules
1. Level 0 Voice
2. Sit at desk/table
3. Begin working on Do Now
3. Teacher continues standing at Threshold and keeps an eye on the hallway to ensure that
students are following the Hallway transition rules.
Bathroom: There will be only three opportunities per class to use the restroom. One pass will be
given out every 15 minutes.
Seats: I reserve the right to change seats at any time to ensure that we all have a class that
promotes learning and understanding
Participation: It is part of your grade. When raising hands, you will wait silently to be called on.
Consequences: 1) Non-verbal warning 2) Verbal Warning 3) Hurdle Help 4) Parent & Detention 5)
Office Referral
Students WALK on the right side of the hallway.
Students are using their Level 1 voice
Students are not stopping the flow of traffic by stopping their walking.
Students are walking with PURPOSE.

Students are in uniform and using PRIDE behaviors appropriate language

T.N.T-One Speaker At A Time
Why do you think we have classroom procedures? Which one do you think will help our classroom
run the smoothest? Why?

What are some benefits of using silent signals in our class? Why are routines important?

Unit 1
CLO: Students will be able to ____________________ why they are in Algebra II, how they will succeed
in Algebra II, and what Mr. P can do to ensure theyre success.
P.R.I.D.E Process Grade

What Will You Be Doing In Class?

Grading Scale:
100-90%= A (P)
80-89%= B (P)
70-79%= C (P)
60-69%= D (P)
59 and below = F (F)

Product Assignments = 50% of grade

Process Assessments = 40%
Semester Final = 10%

You will have a packet everyday that you will grab from the front. You will sit silently and
immediately begin to work on the opening exercise. The packets will consist of a Opening Exercise
(Silent work), Launch (Silent Learning), Exploration (Group Learning), Summary (Silent learning),
Exit Ticket/Homework.
You will be asked to work and collaborate with your classmates daily. Communication and respect
are important in group work. Your grade depends on how you collaborate with other students in the
You will have homework every night
If you are absent, you are responsible for making up the homework assignment.
Homework will be accepted only one day late.
We will have regular assessments.
If you do not score a passing grade on a test you may attend tutoring, and then re-take an
alternate assessment at a later date.
Absence does not excuse you from taking a test or quiz. If you are in class you must take the

Mr. Pullutasig

When you are absent it is your responsibility to get any missing work from a classmate or from
myself. I will not remind you of assignments that you missed.
T.N.T: What is one requirement or item in our syllabus that you still have questions about?

Write your name on a small sheet of paper and place it under the plastic cover
Unit and lesson number should ordered
Homework, test, and quizzes should be in the back
In Class
You must come to class mentally prepared to learn each day.
You may not ask other students for supplies during class if you do not have what you need. You may
use any of the supplies that are on the side table.

What questions do I have left about our class or the upcoming school year?

Lesson Summary

Why study Algebra? Algebra helps us solve complex problems

Who is Mr. P? Ecuadorian, Undocumented, New York, Math Enthusiast, Guitar Player, Avid
How will we be successful? Follow non-negotiables and classroom procedures.
What will you be doing in this class? Following directions, working at all times, respecting and
following rules and procedures


Complete the entire survey below.

Unit 1
CLO: Students will be able to ____________________ why they are in Algebra II, how they will succeed
in Algebra II, and what Mr. P can do to ensure theyre success.
Date of birth: _______________________
What is your favorite.
TV show? ____________________________________________________
Movie? ______________________________________________________
Sports team? _________________________________________________
Sport to play? ________________________________________________
Food? ______________________________________________________
Snack? ______________________________________________________
Whom do you live with? Do you have any brothers or sisters?
From your perspective, describe the kind of kid you were last year.
Describe the kind of kid you WANT to be this year

Mr. Pullutasig

List the top three things that excite you out about school and briefly explain why.

List the top three things that stress you out about school and briefly explain why.
In your opinion, what makes a great teacher?
How do you feel about math? Explain.
What do you think you might want to study in college?
Name three jobs/careers that interest you.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
What else would you like me to know about you? (Its OK if this is blank.)

Unit 1
CLO: Students will be able to ____________________ why they are in Algebra II, how they will succeed
in Algebra II, and what Mr. P can do to ensure theyre success.
GUESS for mystery space:
Thank you for completing the survey! I am excited to learn more about you during the

Mr. Pullutasig

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