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STAR QUALITY. Bust ot Acton GO SPECIAL EFFECTS Alien, Fearsome, Invisible ©, Invulrorable ©, Large Cre ais SwartDise 12 Plasma Caster 24° of Action OO SPECIAL EFFECTS Acid Blood, Alion, Fearsome, Invulnarable ©, Massive, Nove 5” Bue Cee aad me i) CS maT Po Me an STAR QUALITY Burst of Action © This ede can mate ore immeaiate fight e shoot altac, regardless of nhatelse ‘hoy Lave done inthe tare. This attack gams Letra oe ‘SPECIALEFFECTS en This mode! cannct ecover Health using the Medic special atfect. Inthe play's end phase, this mode! can automaticaly tenore ore of ite eatueee. Fearsone Nofels making afight attack cegeinst this midel must pass Spi test or mast count their Strike number as halt (Cound up} against tis model nil the ond of theturn. ea aa Tee STAR QUALITY Bust of Action ©© ‘This: motel can mate one immediate fight or shoot tact, regardless of whateke ‘they have done inthis ter. This attack gains 1 extra cle. ‘SPECIALEFFECTS ‘Acid Blood 1 this model isreftced to (Heath all models within 1" ofthismodel sutfera +5 strike ‘Mien This mode cannct cover Health using the Mee spacial effect nthe player's snd phaco, this mode! can automaticaly enoveote ot its status Fearsome Models making ath attack ‘against this model mast pass a Spit test or mes! count Diecast es eS iy Invisible © This mode! becomes invite for thetura, Vile ina ‘madels can move though othe: modes and are ot affected by the Bloch special sec. Targets stack by an lavsble model cunt as bring attacked into ‘ear. Alte any sie rol, an fovisible model bacrres visible and loses the bens ofthis special effect. lavalnerable © This tole car ignore ary strike thas just suffered if itcanrall 4+ on 106. This special effect can te used during an opponents tan. Yeu can ad extra dive to this. Lage Orponeats pan! rik die whee makegan atachagoesta Lage not, thor Stike number as half (Cound up] against this model ‘bl the end of the tur, Invaherable © This motel ean ignore ary Sriceithas just suffered if iteancall 4+ an 106. This special effect canbe used ‘during an opponent's turn You can adé eta dicot thie ml. Massive ‘Opponents zain +2 stile ‘ie wien making anatack ‘against a Nassive model Move 5” This model travels 5° with a single move ection. Mm AL en EES ee STAR QUALITY 2 Turst of Acton oo tho Ske mute asl ‘This mode! can male one (round up) against this model inmate fight shoe ‘nfl the endo the tur, bid tack, regardless cf what elS® — Invulneralte © ‘they have donein this turn. This mode! can ignore any ci This attack gains Leta tle rie thas ust uted ‘SPECIALEFFECTS ittcan rol + en 106. This ‘cid Binad ‘Special effect can be used STARQUALITY — Burst of Acton GO F this model isrediced to during an opponent's turn. You SPECIAL EFFECTS Acid Gload,Alien,Fearsome,Invulnerable ©, 0 Heathall models within ‘can add ext dicot this ol Large,UnitLeader (Alien Swarm) Vottlismodelsuitera+6 Lage siti. ‘Ospanents gain +) sre de Piet Pea aad ‘Mien vwlon maling ak attckagaint 8 This mode! carnut recover gent Health using the Mec Unitteader (Alien Swarm) special ee. Inthe players Coase any number af models snd phase, this model can. {inthis unit wthin 6” whe bave automatically emave one ot pt activated this wn. You its statuses, must include the Unt Loador Fearsome model. Pay 420 for rach, Models making afight attack mace! (round up. Al hese against this model mast p2ss _ madels can actvatethis torn a Spit test r must count Rene rns iy Tal sh) STARCUALTY Bodyguard Burton 00 Viarrdl thin ot Tiinotd an mateo smote aged yay Weathered seh poaucheas ine SCL elotsscteatehe tiervta ined ns (Mistesi alan” Wiawldie egal ge Te oasis (oes d Gece Nodes ik» at atc SPEOUALEFFECTS rears onids aja STARGUALITY, Gust otacton @@ Acid tod Sena oa ‘SPECIAL EFFEGTS Acid Blood, Alien, Bodyguard, Fearsome, It this model is reduced to. ‘ther Stake number as halt Invuinerable €, Largs Celt all models within (ound ep) agains this rede Trettisodsoaes 3 ated! stun us LS us ‘strike. lnvilteraale O ‘Alen Thiurill can igdare any Iii nc emt cn sels jet sued me anilerniere ‘special effect. In the playe’s ‘special affect can be used Stipe the motsson Ging znooterts tin, Yu tonciece aracemenuent Eeusen ie (Opponents gun she die von making av tek agiest Large Po Mee TUES ao saty mN 4 ‘MIND ‘SPECIALEFFECTS K 0 are STE "4 * Ea lithis model is etueed to Roll LOGif this model receires Se ‘Oat all nds within. thy Stoned r Weakened Coe QUE gismeeeers tus ins ites i = site sda devs not gai hat statis. oucan add extra dex This noel cannctrecower ——_tothisra SPECIAL EFFECTS cid Glad, Alon, Fearsome, Hard, Healt sing the Meds Move t" Move 8” ‘special ffct In tht ploye's This mpdeltravels 8” with a end phase, this model can autbnaticaly move ore of single move ection, Cus Cee maar) ols C¥reeth ant claws Se orn: ane FeLi can et against this model musi pass Spiittest or must count ther Stike number as hal (ound ep) against his mudel ‘ntl ond of the turn nea) af metho 4 RATINGS ert Cais Me sy Fd MIEN STALKER + viwanous ovra tos 2) 4 Oy Hart ca SEMLETETS Ness ee = the Stunned or Weokened _s aie It this model is reduced to sa | aE -O Health all models within Sele 8 eee ‘modol dens nat gin that 4 AU Uigevenotetouer2+6 statis Youcan aed entre dct _ totlisrl en SPEGIAL EFFECTS Acid Blood, Alien, Fearsome, Hard, Baty Seiten \mmectatey move upto 5°. The Jump, Novo Sedat tenner oh pind anther mle nha fa ie ue) automaticaly eneveore making this mee A ede canjunp eee pe, Fearsne area ony jmp 3p Mods making fh atch ltt pce tet Seat his mls pas oa. ry poring mc he a Spit test or mast count ume macel moves ove can tole Stke eunbera: half make foe stk. (found up)aganst this medel aye gr eee waters. This modal travels 8° vith 2 single move ection, 3 i EAs aa) Se acs ‘SPECIALEFFECTS Acid Blood this mote! js reduced to (Osi all macols within Tf thismadelsuffera +6 Hard oll 106i this made receives the Stunned or Weakenad Statuses. Ona rllot ths site. ‘model doesnot gain that Kien satus You can add are dice This note! cannct recover, ths SPECIAL EFFECTS Acid Blood, Alien, Fearsome, Herd Vis Neue Be iity special fiat. nth playe’s end pase, this model can automaticaly remove one of its tates, Feasone Node’s making a fight attack ‘ageinstthis model must pass Spit test or must court ther Stike number es halt (ound ep| against this model ntl she endo the turn, Guess Cee aan CYreeth amittiaws 0 Channa A r Eee Ah An Alen Swarm i¢ an unending wave oftereifying lion monstrosties. ‘An Alien Swart ean contain the following models: 1 Praetorian 2-4 Alien Warriors 0-6 Aton infants 0-2 Alien Stalkers SPECIAL EFFECTS. Miltay Iramning, Unit Leader (Colonial Marines) Cus CeO een 2 Mean + Weakened 2 Stats ‘SPECIALEFFECTS itary Training When this model nates a strike it car cheoveto add +1 tolts stikeral trerey spent on extras, instead of sting the extra cic. Unit eader (Colonial Marines) (Choose ay nur of models inthis uritwehin6” whe have ‘ot actvatedthesturn, You ‘must inciade the Unit Leader model. Pay 4 @ fr each ‘ode! (rnp). AL these twode!s cn activate this turn, Buen Cea aca} (Hest + Weakened Tshts 4 ¥ EA ey te aG ‘SPEDIALEFFECTS itary Training Whos this medol makes a stil, can choose to add +1 toits strieral fer every © spert anette, instead of geting theese te DT aS THT a ecolonacy Las ATs 4) | Bony iia Hoch + Weakened lat 5", Conrot Ain in. Li] Ens na aL See ae Ta aS Seale ca: | SC le ig? sem SPECIALEFFECTS. Military Traning Cas Py ica 0 Mean + Weatened EY eran 9 § © tino Flamethover Template Bea OnFie 3 RATINGS nea) ST Ia aoa ce ‘SPECIAL EFFECTS Miltary Treining Whos tie node! makes 2 stil, ca tose a 2d +1 toits Srceral for every © spent rex dice, instead of getting theestra dice Cag Ta se acsccocae 2} ‘SPECIALEFFECTS ‘itary Training When this model nates a strike it car cheoveto add +1 teits stikeral torerey @ spent on ead, instead of agiting the wre dct eraser rant Da coe ‘SPECIAL EFFECTS Massive, Move 8” Vehicle fies Ceca it" dels urd the tepltcant sot net tun Bost" —1D5 Heat, hese an be HEALTH COLONIAL MARINES + HEROIC UNIT iS) ‘The Colonial Marines are the firstunts called in tn deal with ‘any unknown problems encountered. ‘AColanist Marines Unit can contain the fellawing models: 1 Marin Sergeant 2-4 Colonial Marines G2 leteSeewaure 0-1 Harine Flamethrower 0-1 WS77APC ‘SPECIALEFFECTS Massive ‘Opponents gain two extra dice When making « strke against a Massive wacel Mowe 8" Thismodel travels 8° with a single move action. Vehicle Vehicles ean naver gale the Dominated, Stunned orWeakened statuses, be kacked dawn, o:sufer damage frm drenning o lackof oygen,

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