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Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

Teacher: Sra. Aranda
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish I

Contact Information:
Email: Jarand4@neisd.net
Remind Code: Text the message @7a2490 to the number 81010.
Website: www.ctjworldlanguagearanda.weebly.com
Course Overview
Students continue to develop their proficiency in the three modes of communicative
competence: interacting with others speaking Spanish, understanding oral and
written messages in Spanish, and making oral and written presentations in Spanish.
Students will communicate using complex structures in Spanish on a variety of
topics, moving toward more abstract topics. They will comprehend the main ideas of
the authentic materials they read and hear and will be able to identify significant
details when the topics are familiar. The teacher will maintain the goal of 90%
comprehensible target language use in the classroom. The course will concentrate
on continuing development of higher level oral, written, and grammar skills, and
literary awareness.
Course Outline:

Unidad 1: Introduccin a Nivel Dos
Unidad 2: Mis intereses y pasatiempos
Unidad 3: Cmo te preparas para..?
Unidad 4: Una Consulta Mdica

Unidad 5: Alrededor de la cuidad
Unidad 6: Viajar en el Mundo
Unidad 7: De compras

Unidad 8: La Niez
Course materials:
1. Main textbook: Realidades 2
2. 1 pocket folder with brads and 40 sheets loose leaf paper or 1 subject spiral for
note taking/ Folder to keep handouts and assignments.
3. Each class period will be responsible to bring a specific item to add to classroom
1st Glue sticks or Glue, 2nd Tissues, 3rd Unscented Wipes, 4th Markers, 5th Softsided sponge
4. Black or blue ball-point pens, and no. 2 pencils with erasers
5. Dry-erase marker
Student Expectations:

Speak Spanish in class at all times

Take notes

Participate in class with comments, questions and suggestions.

It is ok to make mistakes often when speaking in class and less often

when doing homework. Work hard at correcting those mistakes even if
it means repeating them again and again. Don't be afraid of making

Come to class prepared and willing to work.

Respect yourself and others and use respectful language and manners.

Be nice.

Enjoy learning and working in class.

Be seated at your desk by the time the tardy bell rings. You will be
considered tardy if you arrive after the tardy bell. Start working
immediately following the directions on the Agenda.

Attend class regularly.

However, when you know you will be absent, notify the teacher in advance and
discuss what can be done about missed work. You will still be expected to do your
Make-up Work:
Make-up work is your responsibility. Immediately following an absence, you will
need to find out what needs to be made up either by checking my web page or
speaking to me at an opportune time. Be aware that class time is not the time to do
this. Follow the student/parent handbook/NEISD Grading Policy
guidelines. Emergency situations will be handled individually, please ask!
Tutora (tutoring schedule): Is posted in the classroom and on my teacher webpage.
Proficiency Activities 30%
(Daily work, Homework, ongoing practice)
Performance Based Assessments 40%
(MAJOR: Interpersonal, Presentational, Interpretive measuring ability in overall
Mini Assessment/ Quiz 30%
(assessments that cover only a smaller part of the unit goals.)
Classroom learning behavior and homework :
Language in a school setting can only be learned through active engagement in
learning activities, in class and at home. Students receive 100 points per nine
weeks (approximately 2.5 points per class) for adequate performance in the
following learning activities/behaviors. Inadequate performance in any area results
in loss of points for that class.
o In-class Task Completion (timely completion of warm-ups, discussions, group
work, pair work, and all speaking/reading/writing/listening activities)
o Collaborative Learning Behavior (includes responsive and voluntary participation
in all class activities, a serious effort to use Spanish as the primary language in
class, and behavior that allows learning to take place for everyone)
Students will not be assigned homework, but will instead be asked to either
complete work that was not finished in class, study for an upcoming assessment, or
participate in an immersion activity at home.

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