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By :
NPM : 13080102
Program Study English Language Education

The purposes of this research are to find out students
speaking performance in short functional text, types of errors on
students speaking performance in short functional text, and the
result of error analysis on students speaking performance in
short functional text at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 7
Padangsidimpuan.To achieve the aims of this research, the
researcher conducted qualitative method by using descriptive
method. The informants of this research are taken from the
students at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan
which consist of 5 persons. To collect the data, there are three
steps which have done such as observation, interview, and
speaking test. Based on the data that has been analyzed, it can be
conluded that 1)Students speaking performance in short
functional text is still in the low level, 2) Types of errors which
are found is in pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary, and they
were categorized by the scoring speaking, 3) The result of error
analysis showed that stdents errors level in each of indicators
are different which is classified by using rating sheet. And the
highest error is in pronunciation which sometimes is influenced
by mother tongue.In other word, to produce a good speaking
performance, a student must have a good pronunciation, fluency,
and vocabulary.
Keywords : Speaking performance, short functional text

One of the important skills in English is speaking. It is become important
because students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good
speaking skill.The goal of English language teaching is give opportunity to the

student that must be able to use English well and effectively in communication.
Speaking is considered as a productive skill. It means that there are some ideas
that is produced through speaking process. By speaking, we can convey our
feeling, idea, opinion, and so on to the listener. Thornbury in Rusmajadi (2010:
55) stated that speaking is a skill, and as such needs to be developed and practiced
independently of the grammar curriculum.
In speaking process, there are many types that can be spoken such as
interpersonal, transactional, and short functional text. The student needs to learn
about short functional text not only in the written form but also how to leaarn it
orally. Short functional text is type of informational text to help the information
receivers or readers grasp the information quickly. Short functional text can be in
the form of notice, announcement, prohibition, invitation, memo, advertisement,
Discussing about speaking ability, it relates to the topic of this research. The
researcher thought that the topic is important and interesting to be researched.
Speaking as one of the important skills in English is rarely to be applicated and
mastered by the students. Teaching speaking performance is only learning process,
but the application cant be seen in the practice.
In the process of observation, the researcher found that the students are still
difficult to express their idea in English. It can be caused of their habit which is
not usually use English in daily learning process, include the teacher doesnt use
English in teaching material.
In fact, there is a problem on students speaking performance in short
functional text at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan
especially in the form of formal speaking. It was found that many students are still
not able to speak in the form of short functional text well. It can be caused of short
functional text is rarely to be pronounced than to be written. They get difficulties
how to construct a good sentence to be expressed, and also their less vocabulary
can influence their speaking performance.
Their speaking performance is still low, it can be seen from their score.
Then, their condition also influence, which is not using English in the learning
process. Since speaking is difficult skill, the teacher should concern to practice it
in every activity of English learning. In addition, speaking is not include in the
final evaluation so this way the students are not serious to apply speaking process
in daily activity.
There are some factors that can influence students speaking performance in
formal speaking, they can be less vocabulary, lack of motivation, education
environment condition, teaching method, etc. There is the main thing that very
crucial which must be discussed in students speaking performance. In teaching
learning process in the classroom, some students do mistakes or even errors in
speaking process. Based on language testing book, there are some criterias in
evaluating speaking such as pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, structure, and
Errors that are made by the students in speaking is important to be analyzed
by the teacher. The problem of errors can happen in grammar, pronounciation,
fluency, and other criterias in evaluating speaking. Students errors can be
happened because students lack of knowledge about target language, influence of
mother tongue, etc. So this way, the teacher needs to make remedial test for the

student who make an error in speaking. In the other hand, error analysis helps the
student to know what are errors they made. When error still appear in speaking
process, it wont produce speaking activity perfectly. So this way, errors on
students speaking performance in short functional text is crucial to be analyzed to
decrease and improve with the best solution.

1. Error in Speaking Performance

a. The definition of Error
In language learning process, it always occurs that the student does some
error especially in speaking performance. Error occurs because the students cant
produce utterances into target language naturally like they use utterances in
mother tongue.
Understanding of error in speaking performance is needed for the teacher
and the students themselves. When the students make an error in the speaking
process, they dont know and understand about an error they made. So this way, it
needs the teacher to correct their error in speaking performance.
According to Fauziati et al (2013: 27), Errors are systematic, consistent
deviance which is characteristic of the learners linguistic system at a given stage
of learning. In addition, Errors are typically produced by learners who do not yet
fully command some institutionalized language system; they arise due to the
imperfect competence in the target language.
According to Scrivener (2005: 298), Students error are evidence that
progress is being made. Errors often show us that a student is experimenting with
language, trying out ideas, taking risks, attempting to communicate, making
Based on the expalanation of the experts above, the researcher concludes
that error is a part of students language learning that is common occurs. When the
students make some errors it will be important to the teacher to correct it so the
students will be aware of their errors.
b. The Causes of Error
Nation and Newton (2009: 142) stated, Many errors have more than one
cause. For example, interference from the first language is encouraged if the
learner has to perform beyond their normal level of competence.
Nation and Newton (2009: 141) stated that there are some causes and
examples of second language errors :
Example Error
Interference from the There
first language
When I was young I was
very sick. But now that I am

The first language
does not mark
plural. Virgin and

a virgin I can take care of adolescent are the

same word in the
first language.
Interference from the One factor which aids second The use of aid is
second language
language learning to occur.
modelled on the
use of help.
Reduction to increase Big square on top of small The learner was
complete a task
and so left out
unnecessary items.
Accidental error
I said.... told him not to do it. Self-correction
indicates that the
what to say.
The first language becomes the main resource to fall back on. Errors
resulting from the over-use of second language patterns are more likely to occur
where the first language patterns provide little support.
2. Speaking Performance
Richards (2008: 19) stated, The mastery of speaking skills in English is a
priority for many second-languageor foreign-language learners. Consequently,
learners often evaluate their successin language learning as well as the
effectiveness of their English course on thebasis of how much they feel they have
improved in their spoken language proficiency.
Speaking performance refers to how we use competence in actual speech
production and comprehension. According to Biber in Nation and Newton (2009:
121), Formal speaking helps language learning in the following ways. It
represents a new use of English for most learners and thus requires them to focus
on language items that are not as well represented in other uses of the language.
According to Nation and Newton (2009: 121), Formal speaking requires
control of content, awareness of largely passive audience, and being the focus of
attention (a rather unsettling experience).
Brown et al in Nation and Newton (2009: 122) identified the following
ways of getting learners to develop their skill in taking a long turn.
1) Learners should experience the task from the listeners point of view. This
enables them to notice things that they should avoid in their own spoken
presentation, and helps develop a sense of having an audience.
2) The learners should have the opportunity to work through a series of spoken
task that gradually increase in complexity. There are several aspects that affect
complexity. These include the amount of preparation available, whether the task
involves describing a static display or dynamic process, and the number of
items, characters or points to deal with in the information they are presenting.

Based on the expalanation above, the researcher concludes that speaking

performance is how to perform actual speech in the form of speaking
performance. And the purpose is to convey something to the audience.
3. Short Functional Text
According to Fauziati et al (2013: 203), Short functional texts (referred to
hencefort as SFT) are types of informational texts to help the information
receivers or readers grasp the information quickly.
Short functional text is a short text that has social function to inform
something. We call it short functional text because the text is short and has a
specific information.
Since SFT are intended to make the readers understand the text quickly,
they are usually characterized by :
a. The use of clear, simple, and concise sentences
b. Pictures or symbols
c. The use of particular word or letters
According to Fauziati et al (2013: 203), An announcement is a statement
addressed to public to provide information that something has happened or is
going to happen. This type of short functional text is commonly found in the
public palce or media, respectively, such as at school (on an announcement
board), a newspaper, magazine, a window of a shop, a city park, etc.
Fauziati et al (2013:207) stated that an invitation is a type of letter which is
written to invite a guest to a particular event or celebration. An invitation can be
categorized into a business and friendly invitation.
In conclusion, the researcher concludes that short functional text is the text
to give information to the readers quickly in the public place. For instance,
announcement, invitation, advertisement, etc.

This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan. It is
located at Jl. Abdul Haris Nasution, Batunadua Padangsidimpuan. The researcher
chose the location because the topic relates with the students condition and the
topic is rarely to be reserached.
Methodology of this research is qualitative method by using descriptive
qualitative method. According to Creswell in Satori et al (2013: 24), Qualitative
research is an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct methological
traditions of inquiry that explore social or human problem.Descriptive method is
used to describe finding of the research such as describe what, why, and how a
certain case can happen.
The informants of this research are taken from studens at the tenth grade of
SMA Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan which consist of 5 person. In addition, the
teacher of English which teaches at the tenth grade is also as the informant. The
method which is used is purposive sampling. According to Merriam (1997: 61),
Purposeful sampling is based on the assumption that investigator wants to
discover, understand, and gain insight and therefore must select a sample from
which the most can be learned.

The data collection of this researcher used three instruments. They are
observation, interview, and speaking test. According to Kidder (In Merriam, 1997:
94), Observation is a research tool which it serves a formulated research purpose,
is planned deliberately, is recorded systematically, and is subjected to checks and
controls on validity and reliability.
According to Patton in Merriam (1997: 71), The main purpose of an interview is
to obtain a special kind of information. The researcher wants to find out what is in
and on someone elses mind. According to Brown (2004: 3), A test, in simple
terms, is a method of measuring a persons ability: knowledge, or performance in
a given domain.
To test the validity and reliability of the data, there is the trustworthiness
of the data. The trustworthiness of this research was used by using triangulation.
Stainback in Sugiyono (2014: 397) stated, The aim is not to determine the truth
about some social phenomenon, rather the purpose of triangulation is to increase
ones understanding of what ever is being investigated.
And then, after the data has been collected, it is needed to be analyzed.
According to Bogdan in Sugiyono (2015: 334), Data analysis is the process of
sistematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, fieldnotes, and
other materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them
and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others. The technique
of data analysis in this research refers to data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing/verification.

Based on the finding result of observation, interview, and speaking test, it
can be concluded that students speaking performance in short functional text is
categorized in the low level. The finding of observation showed that all of the
informants have different problems. Overall, Raja has performed his best speaking
performance. Nurahman seems like thought out loud to say what utterance will be
expressed. Then, Ardiman can perform his speaking performance relaxly, it
supposed like he can handle his speaking performance. And Aisyah, she just cant
control herself when performing. And the last is Helma, she also can be calm
when performed her speaking performance.
The finding of interview showed that the all of the informants have
difficultness in speaking performance in short functional. Almost all of them said
that less vocabulary and rarely to use English in daily life are some factors that
influence their speaking performance. However, the teacher has applied some
methods to increase students speaking performance in short functional text.
The finding of speaking test showed that there are some errors on students
speaking performance covering pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary. Each of
informants made error in each of indicators in different way. So this way, their
errors can be classified based on the rating sheet and they got different scores.
The last, the result of error analysis on students speaking performance
showed that the highest error is in pronunciation aspect. It can be seen by the
frequency of errors that has been made by all informants. Pronunciation problem

can be influenced by mother tongue which is Bataknese language. In conclusion,

to produce a good speaking performance, a student must have a good
pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary.

After the researcher analyzed and found the finding result of students
speaking performance in short functional text, there are some errors covering
pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary which were done by the informants in
speaking performance of short functional text. Certainly, those errors has
influenced their speaking performance. Those errors showed that students
speaking performance in short functional text is still low. In addition, it can be
supported by their scores in scoring speaking refers to rating sheet.
In conclusion, students speaking performance can be influenced by errors
in pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and so on. All of them have the crucial role
to make students speaking performance will be good. To make it better, so the
students have to decrease errors in some indicators above.

Based on the data analysis, findings and discussion in the previous part,
here are some points that may be the conclusion.
1. After the researcher analyzed all of the findings including observation,
interview, and speaking test, it can be said the students speaking performance
in short functional text is still in the low level.
2. According to the description of the finding result, the researcher concludes that
there are 46 errors including 22 errors are in pronunciation, 16 errors are in
fluency, and 8 errors are in vocabulary on students speaking performance in
short functional text.
3. Based on the rating sheet in speaking performance, all the informants obtained
different score. Raja got the highest total score which is 11, Nurahman got the
total score which is 7, Ardiman got the lowest total score which is 5, then
Aisyah got the total score which is 8, and the last Helma got the second highest
total score after Raja which is 9.
a. Implication
After the researcher has conducted this research, hopefully it can give the
contribution to the English learning teaching into better way especially in
speaking performance of short functional text. . By applying the finding result of
this research, the researcher hopes that it will minimize students errors in
speaking performance of short functional text especially students of SMA negeri 7
Padangsidimpuan. Furthermore, the teacher may use this research as the reference
to see how is the capability of the students in speaking performance. And then, the
other researcher also may use this research as a reference to analyze students
errors in speaking performance not only in short functional text but also another
kinds of texts.
b. Suggestion

After obtained the finding result of this research, the researcher would like
to offer some suggestion that may be useful for increasing students speaking
1. The teacher should explain the teaching material clearly so that the students
will be more interest and understand to learn English.
2. The teacher may give many practices than theory in the class especially in
speaking performance of short functional text. It can be done by giving
additional class for speaking practice.
3. The teacher apply the best method like communicative language teaching in
teaching speaking which make the students arent bored to study in the class.

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