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Reversing Degenerative Disc Disease of the

Neck and Spine
Prevention, Treatment, Control and Spontaneous Healing
of the Neck, Cervical Discs, Vertebrae, Facet Joints, Ligaments,
Tendons, Muscles, and Spinal Misalignment.

News You Can Use

Click here to read the "Medical Disclaimer."

Description of Neck Components and Why it Hurts

Vertebrae - The bones of the neck that support the head are called cervical vertebrae. These seven
vertebrae are identified as C1 through C7. A broken neck means that one or more of these bones has
been broken or cracked. Each vertebra has a hole in the middle called the spinal canal through
which the spinal cord passes from the brain down the full length of the spine. Nerve branches called
nerve roots exit the spinal cord on either side near the back of the neck and continue to adjacent

areas of the body. The top vertebra, C1, called the atlas, allows rotation of the head. The other
vertebrae allow the head to tilt forward, backward and side to side, but with much less rotational
On the top and bottom of the vertebra, in contact with the discs, are cartilaginous end plates. These
surfaces can degenerate with fissures (cracks) that regenerate or heal with chondrocytes (cartilage
cells) and granulation tissue (new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces
of a wound during the healing process).
A posterior (back) protrusion from the vertebra called the spinous processes allows for the
attachment of tendons and muscles that control movement of the neck. Two other wing-like
protrusions on either side of the posterior called the superior articular support a facet joint that
mates with the adjacent vertebra.
Vertebral pathology can be diagnosed using a standard X-ray, magnetic resonant imaging (MRI), or
other scanning methods.
Fractures - The vertebrae are bones that can fracture. Medical treatment is strongly recommended
for fractures. The treatment may involve immobilization of the head and neck until the bone has
healed. Other measures must be taken in extreme cases. Click on the link below about osteoporosis
to see why protein, not calcium, is the key factor in the diet for the formation of strong bones. The
program presented here builds very strong bones.
Bone Spurs - The vertebrae can develop abnormal growths called bone spurs that impinge nerves,
ligaments, or the adjacent vertebrae, causing pain. Excess calcium consumption and supplementation
are the primary causes of bone spurs, especially when the diet is deficient in magnesium. The
standard treatment for bone spurs is surgical removal.
Misalignment - Vertebral discs can tear away from the adjacent vertebrae causing a misalignment.
Medical treatment may include realignment and immobilization of the head and neck until
reattachment by natural healing has occurred. This condition is not called a slipped disc, although
the term seems to fit the condition. Pinched nerve roots can cause the muscles to pull and hold the
neck in a condition of constant misalignment in an attempt to relieve the pain. These muscles can
quickly become cramped and painful themselves.
Discs - The cervical discs are shaped like a hockey puck, basically round with a flat surface on the
top and bottom. Each disc has a gelatinous center called the nucleus pulposus, surrounded by
the anulus fibrosus. The semi-liquid gel in the center allows the disc to better absorb shock loads
and to tilt, forming a wedge shape during the movement of the neck. The anulus fibrosus gradually
becomes more dense and stronger at the periphery. Changes in the composition of the disc are
gradual without any abrupt demarcation areas.
The disc is composed of protein collagen and proteoglycans (chondroitin-6-sulfate, keratan sulfate,
hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin-4-sulfate). A normal disc is 80% water held within the cells. A
reduction in the amount of water results in a thinning of the disc.
Each disc is rigidly attached by Sharpey's fibers to the adjacent vertebrae on the top and bottom
along the outer edge called the epiphyseal ring. The disc is also connected to anterior (front side)
and posterior (back side) longitudinal ligaments. The discs are located between the vertebra in front of
the spinal canal. The discs do not slip or slide on the vertebrae as many people erroneously believe.
Each disc grows and adheres tightly to the adjacent vertebra on top and bottom and has a strong,
fibrous outer body that can suffer from hernias (bulges), fissures (tears or cracks), and total rupture
(extrusion of the nucleus pulposus in which the gelatinous center is squeezed out).

Cervical disc disease is most likely to occur in the lower neck, where the vertebrae are identified as
C5-6 and C6-7. The following are some of the typical problems.
Thinning - The vertebral discs can become thinner by desiccation (water loss), catabolism (devouring
oneself) of the collagen by the body, poor posture, poor working environment, improper bed, heavy
head gear, and/or poor diet. Unless it is severe, the thinning of the disc may not produce any
symptoms, but this thinning reduces the spacing between the vertebrae. Thinning discs can cause
misalignment of the vertebrae and facet joints, pinched nerves, stressed ligaments, muscle tension,
cramps or spasms, and the abrasion of adjacent vertebrae, thereby causing pain. This program can
stop the thinning and increase disc height to restore normal, pain-free function. In extreme cases, the
entire disc virtually disappears, causing the adjacent vertebrae to fuse or grow together. This program
will not restore a disc that has been completely catabolized by the body. Disc thinning can be
diagnosed using a standard X-ray, MRI, or other scanning methods.
Herniated Disc - Herniation of the disc occurs when the outer fibrous band begins to bulge outward,
a condition sometimes referred to as a slipped disc. In reality the disc has not slipped out of place.
The bulge of the herniated disc can impinge on or compresses the spinal cord, causing pain. Surgery
may include removal of the bulging area to relieve the impingement. The program presented here can
also reduce the herniation and relieve symptoms. A herniated disc can be caused by poor posture,
poor working environment, improper bed, heavy head gear, shock loads, and/or poor diet. Disc
herniation can be diagnosed using an MRI or other scanning methods, but not by a standard X-ray.
Herniated Disc Video Library
Ruptured Disc - A rupture of the disc occurs when the herniation continues until the gel (nucleus
pulposus) in the center of the disc is extruded out of a crack in the disc at the herniation. The
extrusion of the nucleus pulposus is sometimes called the "squeezed toothpaste" effect. The extruded
nucleus pulposus can impinge on the spinal cord and/or the nerve roots causing severe pain. Spinal
cord nerve damage can cause pain and tingling in distant parts of the body below the damage point
as far away as the legs, feet, and toes. The program presented here cannot restore the disc gel back
to the center of the disc. Once the nucleus pulposus has been extruded from the disc it must be
surgically removed in order to relieve symptoms. Disc rupture can be diagnosed using an MRI or
other scanning methods but not by a standard X-ray.
Warning! Immediate surgery should be undertaken within a few days to relieve the impingement on
the spinal cord because it can cause permanent nerve damage. Insist on an MRI scan if you have the
slightest suspicion of a disc rupture. Do not depend on simple muscle tests even when performed by
a doctor. A delay in surgery can result in a permanent lifetime disability as many sufferers have sadly
Facet Joints - The facet joints are contact joints between vertebrae. The cervical vertebrae have
wing-like protrusions that contain the facet joints at the ends. The sliding surfaces of the joints can
become damaged from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The program presented here gently pulls
the joint apart to allow nourishment and healing and can also calm the autoimmune system attack that
causes inflammation in arthritic joints. The diet presented in this program provides full nutritional
requirements needed for healing and regeneration.
Ligaments - The facet joints are surrounded by ligaments that allow movement of the joint but restrict
the degree of movement. Ligaments also span from vertebra to vertebra to surround the disc and
keep the bones in proper alignment. These ligaments can become torn or strained causing pain. The
preferred treatment is a restriction in the load and movement to allow normal healing. Realignment of
the neck is also essential. The program presented here promotes the healing of torn ligaments, and it
will keep healthy ligaments flexible and nourished for optimum health and strength.

Muscles and Tendons - The entire area of the neck is a mass of muscles and tendons which provide
control and strength. These muscles and tendons can become torn or strained resulting in pain. The
preferred treatment is a restriction in the load and movement to allow normal healing. The program
presented here promotes the healing of torn muscles and tendons, and it will keep healthy muscles
and tendons flexible and nourished for optimum health and strength. A look at the neck of an animal in
the meat department of the supermarket will quickly reveal the massive muscle, tendon, and ligament
structures surrounding the bones.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and Autoimmune Diet Program.
Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, and Hip Fractures.
The program recommended to rebuild the back is very similar to the program presented here. The
following link will open a web page with a program written specifically for reversing degenerative disc
disease of the back.
Reversing Degenerative Disc Disease of the Back and Spine.
My father had trouble with his back for years and so did two other family members. I strained my back
every time I lifted something that was a little heavy, and at other time it seemed like my back was
injured for no reason at all. Now I am as strong as a bull. Check out this video where I am me splitting
wood and lifting a very big log.

Kent R. Rieske, Author of Books and Websites

Splitting Wood and Lifting Logs

I Developed This Program That Reversed My Degenerative Neck

My Neck X-Rays Taken 3
Before This Treatment Began

My Neck X-Rays Taken 3

After This Treatment Began

Neck X-Ray Before Treatment

Neck X-Ray After Treatment

Click below to see an enlargement.

Click below to see an enlargement.

Full Side View

Full Side View

Full Front View

Full Front View

Disc C4-C5 Side View

Disc C4-C5 Side View

Disc C5-C6 Side View

Disc C5-C6 Side View

Disc C5-C6 Front View

Disc C5-C6 Front View

Disc C6-C7 Side View

Disc C6-C7 Side View

Disc C6-C7 Front View

Disc C6-C7 Front View

Symptoms - Decreased disc

thickness C4 through C7. Pain in
left hand. Tingling in fingers of the
left hand. Neck pain while walking,
sitting, and driving a car. A
restriction of many regular

Results - An increase in thickness

of disc C4-5 of 27%, C5-6 of 31%
and C6-7 of 30%. This is an
awesome improvement. No pain in
the left hand. No tingling in the
fingers of the left hand. No neck
pain while walking, sitting or
driving a car. A complete
resumption of all regular activities.

Curvature - The concave curvature

of the neck before treatment was
12.78 degrees. The reduced
curvature is a symptom of reduced
cervical disc thickness.

Curvature - The concave curvature

of the neck after treatment is 13.21
degrees. The increase in the

MD Diagnostic Imaging Report "Abnormal cervical curve,

misaligned segments, and a phase
2 degeneration of the cervical

curvature of the neck shows the

thickness of the cervical discs
have increased by this program to
reduce degenerative disc disease.
MD Diagnostic Imaging Report "Frontal and lateral views of the
cervical spine demonstrate normal
cervical alignment. The vertebral
body heights are adequately
maintained. Moderate to marked
discogenic degenerative changes
are seen most notably at C5-C6
and C6-C7 without significant
posterior osteophytic ridging. The
atlantoaxial relationship and
odontoid are normal."

Nearly all of the popular alternative medicine recommendations that are intended to reverse
degenerative disc disease actually make it worse, as many unhappy sufferers can testify. Two good
examples are exercise and Yoga. Exercises do not rebuild the neck. Yoga does not rebuild the neck
for reasons explained below. A vegetarian diet will make neck problems worse, not better, as many
sufferers have sadly discovered.
All of the steps in the following protocol are required to reverse degenerative disc disease. Do not pick
or choose only one or a few of the following steps while ignoring the others. Eliminating one or more
of these steps will most likely make the program completely ineffective.

Step 1 - Shut Down the Catabolic Hormones.

Most people have heard that adrenalin and cortisol tend to pep you up and make you ready to fight,
but they haven't a clue as to the destructiveness of these catabolic hormones to the body, especially
the spine (neck and back). Most professional medical doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists,
chiropractors, naturopathic practitioners, Chinese medicine practitioners, and others do not
understand the connection between diet, catabolic hormones, and degenerative neck disease;
therefore, they will not understand or agree with this program.
The level of cortisol can be measured by a simple test and discussed with your doctor of
Cortisol by Wikipedia
Cortisol Test Scheduled Online by HealthCheckUSA
One of the major reasons for degenerative back and neck disease is a diet high in carbohydrates. The
high-carbohydrate diet can causes an increase in the blood insulin level, which triggers an increase in
the catabolic hormones, causing the body to literally eat itself. Unfortunately, the spine is the first to
suffer when the catabolic hormones scavenge protein from the spine for redirection to the legs and
arms as needed for the "fight or flight" emergency response. A catabolic metabolic state is brought on
by hyperinsulinemia (high blood insulin level) after the excess consumption of carbohydrates by
people with insulin resistance. Prescription drugs cannot prevent bone loss in the presence of the
powerful catabolic hormones produced by the body during hyperinsulinemia. Taking drugs that

promise to prevent osteoporosis will not work. The diet suggested here is vital for the body's
rebuilding of bones and the prevention of bone loss.
Hyperinsulinemia also causes magnesium and calcium to be excreted in the urine. The highcarbohydrate diet recommended by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid actually leads to hyperinsulinemia
and degenerative disc disease. The bones are literally flushed out of the body in the urine, resulting in
the current epidemic of osteoporosis in all English-speaking countries. Women are more at risk
because they avoid meat and fat. Women tend to follow official diet recommendations more closely
than men. This causes women to eat more carbohydrates than men and therefore suffer more from
osteoporosis, diabetes, and cancers that are not related to smoking. Women are the primary dietary
leaders in the home. They generally do the supermarket shopping and cooking. This trend is
destroying the health of the entire family as seen in the recent obesity epidemic in both children and
In summary, a high-carbohydrate diet as recommended by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid and
vegetarians causes insulin resistance that leads to hyperinsulinemia. A scientific study of these
adrenal hormones proves that carbohydrates cause bone loss, osteoporosis, and degenerative spine
disease, because the high-insulin response causes an increase in cortisol and adrenalin. An
excessively high cortisol level causes the demineralization of bones. Eating whole grains, sugar,
honey, fruit, fruit juice, fructose, lactose, and starches causes osteoporosis and degenerative spine
disease. Milk and yogurt do not prevent osteoporosis. These high lactose (sugar) foods are actually a
part of the problem. Hard cheeses are very good for the bones because they contain lots of good
protein and fat without any lactose.

The Instant Osteoporosis Cycle

The author has coined the phrase "Instant Osteoporosis Cycle" (IOC) to describe the sudden onset
and escalation of osteoporosis. This occurs in the cycle between hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and
diabetes (high blood sugar). Hypoglycemia is caused by the insulin resistance of the cells, during
which time the pancreas produces a high level of insulin to force glucose into the cells. The insulin
stays at an abnormally high level, which triggers the adrenal gland to secrete cortisol and adrenalin in
an attempt to force down the insulin level. Cortisol and adrenalin are very strong catabolic hormones,
meaning they are involved in breaking down body tissue. This catabolic action on the bones causes
bone loss, osteoporosis, and degenerative disc disease in as little as one year. Once diabetes
becomes full blown, the pancreas stops producing insulin and the cycle stops, but insulin injections
can cause the same effect. Very obese females receive some degree of protection because body fat
produces estrogen, which is one of the anabolic hormones that stimulates the building up of the body.
This is the reason hormone replacement therapy is claimed to protect the bones. However, the
estrogen effect is marginal at best and not the suggested method for preventing osteoporosis. Eating
protein and fat while avoiding carbohydrates induces the production of the hormone glucagon which is
the best way to protect bones. Eating carbohydrates like sugar, honey, whole grains, starches, and
fruit causes osteoporosis.
Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures, and Degenerative Disc Disease.
Absolute Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Are Pathogenic.

Eating a low-carbohydrate diet brings unhealthy body processes caused by

insulin, adrenalin, and cortisol to a screeching halt. All humans react in the
same way. People are not different from each another as the myth implies. The
variable among people is the amount of damage already done to the body by
carbohydrates and insulin. This damage is incorrectly diagnosed as genetic.

The scientific proof that insulin causes many "age-related" diseases is beyond question, yet the
professional medical practitioners rarely measure the insulin level in patients. Most diabetics have
never had their insulin levels measured by their doctor. Professional heart disease organizations
rarely mention insulin as a heart disease risk or promote a low-insulin diet as a method of preventing
heart disease. The carbohydrate - glucose - insulin cycle is getting away with mass murder while
these professional organizations are saying, "Don't eat red meat or saturated fat." A few brave
individuals like Dr. Robert C. Atkins and Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades have promoted the
science of health while enduring a constant assault from professional organizations like the American
Heart Association (AHA) and American Medical Association (AMA). Professional medicine almost
universally ignores mountains of scientific evidence in favor of unproven myths.
The diet program presented here will positively stop the body's production of the destructive
hormones, adrenalin and cortisol. Follow the high-protein, high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet program
presented in my following book:

Reversing Heart Disease and Preventing Diabetes

Don't bother reading any further if you are a vegetarian or if you refuse to eat the high-protein, highfat, low-carbohydrate bodybuilding diet recommended here.

Step 2 - Stop Taking Immune System Suppressing Drugs

Immunosuppressant corticosteroid drugs are commonly prescribed for the treatment of several dozen
autoimmune diseases including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and
Lupus. These drugs can cause degenerative disc disease. Corticosteroid drugs suppress the immune
system and therefore increase the frequency or severity of infections and decrease the effectiveness
of vaccines and antibiotics. Corticosteroid drugs may cause osteoporosis that results in fractures of
bones in as little as one year. These drugs must not be taken if degenerative disc disease is to be

avoided. These immunosuppressant drugs are very powerful and will most certainly overpower the
treatment presented here. You should discuss the side effects of the drugs you are taking with your
doctor and follow the necessary steps to stop taking the drug.
Take a course of a good antibiotic like Keflex to insure that the neck problem is not from a bacterial
infection. The following report about bacterial infections in the back also apply to the neck.
Antibiotics Could Cure 40% of Chronic Back Pain in Patients - The Guardian - May 7, 2013.
"Specialists who deal with back pain have long known that infections are sometimes to blame, but
these cases were thought to be exceptional. That thinking has been overturned by scientists at the
University of Southern Denmark who found that 20% to 40% of chronic lower back pain was caused
by bacterial infections."
Read the two web pages below to learn about drugs, dosages, and duration. You must self- educate if
you are going to self- medicate. Make an appointment with your doctor if you need professional
Click on "Wound Infection" box and go from there.
Symptoms of autoimmune diseases are triggered in flare-ups because of certain offensive foods in
the diet. Most sufferers live in a constant state of flare-ups because they don't know which foods in
their diets are offensive. These foods must be discontinued and a proper autoimmune disease diet
followed religiously in order to get off the immunosuppressant drugs. Fortunately the proper diet for
controlling autoimmune diseases and preventing degenerative disc disease are almost identical. The
following web pages provide a detailed description of autoimmune diseases and the diet to be
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida, and Others.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and Autoimmune Diet Program.

Step 3 - Eat a High-Protein and High-Fat Diet

Vegetarians continue to blame red meat and saturated fat for osteoporosis and degenerative disc
disease, but one of the biggest secrets in the nutrition-health debate is the epidemic of degenerative
spine disease among vegetarians. This trend is most notable in long-term religious vegetarians like
Seventh-Day Adventists. The destruction of the bones gives the appearance that the disease is "agerelated" because it takes many years. This is not true. People taking immunosuppressant drugs
frequently develop degenerative disc disease as early as age 25.
The tensile strength of vertebrae depends on the collagen matrix that is made of protein, not the
calcium and magnesium mineral deposits in the bone. The ligaments, tendons, and muscles are all
made entirely from protein and fat. Eating a diet high in protein from red meat, fish, fowl, seafood, and
hard cheese will produce strong bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles and will prevent and reverse
degenerative spine disease. Professional bodybuilders are the most avid promoters of a high-protein
diet. It is a long established scientific fact that protein is essential to build and heal bones, tendons,
ligaments, and muscle. Muscles are not made from fruit and vegetables. You cannot reverse

degenerative disc disease by eating whole grains, soy, legumes, starches, carbohydrates, sugar, fruit,
and vegetables or by consuming high-lactose drinks like cows' milk, rice milk, or soy milk. The diet
presented here to assist in reversing degenerative disc disease consists primarily of animal protein
and animal fats obtained by eating fresh red meat, fish, fowl, seafood, and shellfish. A few lowcarbohydrate vegetables are allowed simply to make one feel psychologically normal.
Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cholesterol Science.
Click here to see the "Foods We Should Eat."
Click here to see the "Foods That Are Absolutely Forbidden."

High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate Diet

High-Protein, Low-Carb
Two eggs fried in refined
coconut oil topped with Swiss
cheese. Half an avocado.
Tomato juice with one level
teaspoon L-glutamine amino
acid, one heaping teaspoon of
low-carb whey protein powder
and one capful of colloidal
minerals. One tablespoon
Carlson's lemon-flavored cod
liver oil. Vitamins, minerals and
Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb
Left-over baked chicken with
stewed combination of
eggplant and tomatoes.
Reverse osmosis water.
Vitamins, minerals and
Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb
7-bone beef roast cooked in a
Crock-pot with diced tomatoes.
Reverse osmosis drinking
water. Vitamins, minerals and
Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb
100% ground beef fried in
coconut oil topped with Swiss
cheese. Add fried mushrooms
and boiled asparagus.
Reverse osmosis water,
potassium chloride salt
substitute, vitamins, minerals
and supplements.

High-Protein, Low-Carb
Gas-grilled lamb riblets.
Shoulder steaks are also very
good. Cooked red peppers and
tomatoes. Reverse osmosis
water, cod liver oil, potassium
chloride salt substitute,
vitamins, minerals and

Click picture to enlarge.

Click picture to enlarge.

High-Protein, Low-Carb
Baked farm-raised salmon fillet
with boiled asparagus. Always
enjoy real butter on cooked
vegetables. Reverse osmosis
water, potassium chloride salt
substitute, vitamins, minerals
and supplements.
Click picture to enlarge.

The body is not made from carbohydrates as found in whole grains, fruit, sugar, honey, milk, cereals,
pasta, bread, or starchy vegetables like potatoes. The scientific dietary requirement for carbohydrates
in the diet is zero, none. The "daily value" (DV) of carbohydrates as shown on food nutritional labels is
scientifically false and harmful in actual practice. The percentage of carbohydrates in the diet for
optimal health is zero -- none. The amount of carbohydrates in the neck bones, ligaments, nerves,
tendons, and muscles is zero -- none. All carbohydrate foods are empty calories. No carbohydrates
are good for you. Don't believe the "good carbs - bad carbs" chant that is pure nonsense. Some
carbohydrates are bad, and the rest are dreadful. The zero carbohydrate diet that Eskimos have
eaten for centuries before the appearance of white men has proven this scientific fact. Professional
health and dietary organizations consistently ignore the harmful effects of carbohydrates and lie about
the health benefits of red meat and saturated animal fats. This is why obesity, cancer, heart disease,
autoimmune disease, and degenerative disc disease are all epidemic disasters that threaten to
bankrupt all English-speaking countries.
Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health.

Step 4 - Anti-Inflammatory Herbal and Healing Supplements

NOW Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate
"This Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplement has been formulated to provide support for joints.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfates are important naturally occurring structural components of
healthy joints, ligaments, bones and synovial fluid.
Glucosamine Sulfate is the most popular and researched form of Glucosamine and is complexed with
Potassium to enhance stability. We test our Glucosamine Sulfate to assure that it is fully and properly
reacted. Our Chondroitin Sulfate is derived from bovine sources and is among the highest purities

Contains Glucosamine (as Glucosamine Sulfate Complex) 1500 mg

Chondroitin Sulfate (Bovine Cartilage) 1200 mg

Potassium (as Potassium Chloride) 198 mg

5-Loxin Boswellia Serrata Extract 150 mg. Boswellia Serrata Extract has been used for centuries
as an anti-inflammatory to relieve pain and discomfort of the neck, back, connective tissues, joints,
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, other inflammatory bowel
diseases, asthma and other autoimmune diseases. The active ingredient is acetyl-11-keto-betaboswellic acid (AKBA). This product is standardized for a minimum of 30% (45mg) of AKBA. Research

has shown it to be about as effective as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in reducing

pain, cramps, and discomfort.
Modulation of Pgp Function by Boswellic Acids.
Boswellic acids in chronic inflammatory diseases.
Evidence of effectiveness of herbal antiinflammatory drugs in the treatment of painful
osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain.
Turmeric Extract with Bioperin 900 mg. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an ancient spice native to
India and Southeast Asia, best known for its distinctive flavor and yellow color. It is used in curries and
some prepared mustards. Besides being a food additive, turmeric has been used for centuries in
Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other traditional medicines as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments.
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, contains a mixture of powerful phytonutrients known
as curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have antioxidant properties, meaning they fight the damaging effects
of free radical molecules in the body.
Curcuminoids may play a part in blocking a key biological pathway that causes damage to cells and
may lead to their unhealthy, unrestrained growth. They shut down nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB),
known to regulate expression of more than 300 genes that promote inflammatory responses which
lead to joint inflammation and cell damage. NSI Turmeric Extract with Bioperine is standardized to
95% curcuminoids.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of curcumin shows anti-inflammatory and
anticancer properties.
Enzymatic Therapy Saventaro Max-Strength Cat's Claw -- 20 mg - 90 Caps. The beneficial
pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (POAs) in cat's claw has been shown to help control inflammation,
soothe irritated tissue of the gastrointestinal tract, and improve the immune system because of its
antioxidant properties. Refined cat's claw is necessary in order to remove the undesirable tetracyclic
oxindole alkaloids (TOAs).

Saventaro is patented, clinically studied and guaranteed to benefit both the natural and
acquired immune systems.

It's the first and only Cat's Claw product made from the root of the Uncaria tomentosa plant,
where beneficial POAs (pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids) are 200% more concentrated than in
the bark. Saventaro is standardized for a minimum of 1.3% POAs.

It's the first and only product guaranteed 100% free of TOAs (tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids).
Contamination by as little as 1% TOAs cause a 30% reduction in the acquired immune
benefits that POAs provide.

Step 5 - Human Growth Hormone Boost Using Amino Acid Therapy

Bodybuilders eat a high-protein diet and supplement the diet with additional protein powder in order to
build body mass, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones. This practice has been proven to be
correct over several decades of testing and refinement in the diets of millions of bodybuilders. The
science behind the high-protein diet confirms the results found in actual practice.

Ketogenic, Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Bodybuilders.

TNT DIET - Targeted Nutrition Tactics
by Jeff Volek, Ph.D., RD and Adam Campbell, Men's Health Magazine
The explosive new plan to blast fat, build muscle, and get healthy.
The TNT Diet is a great book for bodybuilders and everyone else who wants to preserve and build
lean muscle while controlling body fat. This book is a must read for anyone on the low-carbohydrate
Diet and Exercise Step No. 1 - Eat the ultra low-carbohydrate diet to control weight and before doing
the intense exercise program in Step No. 2 below. Most exercise books recommend a high-carb diet
before the exercise in order to fuel the muscles. This is backward for controlling body fat and building
lean muscle as discussed in the TNT Diet book listed above. Meat provides the full compliment of all
essential and non essential amino acids needed to heal the neck and back without adding undesirable
carbohydrates to the diet. Vegetarian foods such as whole grains, soy, and legumes do not fulfill these
requirements and are unacceptable substitutes. Fats are a good choice in Step No. 1 where
carbohydrates are kept low.
Diet and Exercise Step No. 2 - Perform a high-intensity exercise program such as weight lifting,
biking, or climbing stairs. Do this program for 15 minutes only. Longer programs are bad because they
elevate the catabolic hormones adrenaline and cortisol which break down the body. Jogging is a poor
choice. Concentrate on the legs because these muscles are so much larger than other muscles of the
body. This program is intended to quickly burn the glycogen (muscle glucose storage) out of the
muscles. The muscles should suddenly become weak as the glycogen has been expended. Keep
going for the full 15 minutes. The muscles will switch to burning fat for energy. Perform the exercise
program five to seven times per week.

Lift weights with periods of intense effort and rest (called reps). Concentrate on the legs but
use other body muscles as well.

Ride a bike on a circular course with medium uphill sections followed by downhill for resting.
This functions like reps as well.

Hike stairs in a circular fashion with two levels up followed by two down for resting. This
functions like reps as well.

Diet and Exercise Step No. 3 - Follow the exercise program with a high protein snack and some
carbohydrates. You can also prepare a protein and L-glutamine drink as described below to
supplement a snack of meat or fish. Take about 50 - 100 calories of carbohydrates to stimulate an
insulin rush. The insulin is anabolic (builds the body). The insulin stimulates the body to use the amino
acids to build muscle, tendons, ligaments, vertebrae discs, etc. Carbohydrates are generally not
recommended on this website, but they are recommended for this special method of bodybuilding.
Avoid milk, grains, and legumes. Acceptable carbohydrates are:

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, or yams.

Fried pork skins with a little honey.

Ice cream, although the fat is less desirable in this step.

Fruit can be added to the whey protein powder shake listed below.

Scientific Facts Behind This Body Rebuilding Program

The low-carb diet in Step No. 1 causes the body to deplete the stores of glucose in the liver and to
deplete the stores of carbohydrates in the digestive tract. This is the opposite of the "carb loading"
technique that turns bikers and marathon runners into "skeletons" of moving skin, tendons, and bones
as a result of the catabolic depletion of muscle mass. The bodies of bikers and marathon runners
actually consume the muscles as an energy source. This is why professional bikers and marathon
runners are exceedingly skinny. They also become addicted to the destructive adrenaline rush. This
program does the opposite. It builds muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vertebral discs to provide a
strong, healthy body.
The exercise in Step No. 2 further depletes the glycogen (glucose) in the muscles. It also sets the
muscles into a rebuilding mode because of the work done on the muscle cells. This work must be
short but strenuous as typically done by bodybuilders, not runners.
The high-protein, low-fat diet in Step No. 3 has a moderate carbohydrate intake to promote a modest
insulin rush. The insulin promotes anabolic rebuilding of the body. The glucose produced from the
digestion of the carbohydrates is used to restore the depleted stores of glucose in the liver and to
restore the glycogen in the muscles. These empty glucose stores prevent the dietary carbohydrates
from being converted to body fat. Therefore, the program promotes rebuilding of the body without
gaining body fat.
Bodybuilders typically eat a lot of meat as a high-quality protein source. They also supplement the diet
with protein powder drinks and shakes. Whey protein powder contains all of the essential and nonessential amino acids necessary to build a healthy neck and spine. The product listed below is made
from the whey protein of cows' milk. All of the lactose (milk sugar) has been stripped from the product
during manufacture. It is pre-digested using special healthy bacteria to breakdown the protein
molecules into the individual amino acids and branch-chain amino acids. The amino acids can pass
through the intestinal-blood barrier in the human intestinal tract to quickly become available for
healing the body and building bone collagen, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Extra L-glutamine
(glutamine) amino acid is also recommended.
Protein and L-Glutamine Drink. Prepare a drink made with whey amino acid protein powder which is
enriched with extra glutamine amino acid. The protein powder consists of a full compliment of amino
acid isolates that heal the body and require no digestion. Prepare the drink by blending 8 to 16 oz
of reverse osmosis with UV lamp water or unsweetened, low-sodium tomato juice with 1 heaping
teaspoon (12 gm) of whey protein powder plus 1 rounded teaspoon (8 gm) of glutamine amino acid
powder. Stirring vigorously with the teaspoon is sufficient. The whey protein must be specified on the
carton as isolates from cross flow microfiltration and ion-exchange, ultrafiltered concentrate, low
molecular weight, and partially hydrolyzed whey protein peptides rich in branched chain amino acids
and glutamine peptides. The low-carbohydrate type at 1 gm per scoop or less is best, but it should not
be more than 4-5 gm of carbohydrates per scoop. Do not substitute protein from soy, egg, casein, or
any other source. Sugar or any other sweetener is unacceptable. Use the "natural flavor" without
additives. This amino acid drink can be enjoyed anytime with or without a meal. Amino acids are foods
that build and maintain the body. Refrigerate whey protein powder and discard if it is old. Whey
protein powder can cause some gas and an unusually "full" feeling. Discontinue the whey
protein powder if the reactions are unpleasant. Continue to take the glutamine powder.
L-Glutamine Amino Acid.
Ultimate Lo Carb Whey Powder - Natural Flavor by Biochem.
Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of Life and Healing.
This combination of amino acids has been shown to provide the following healing properties:

Provides pain killing effects by healing the nervous system.

Absorption of body building amino acids without requiring digestion.

Stimulates insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which functions similarly to insulin and
enhances protein synthesis and healing.

Fights infections by stimulating the immune system. All immune cells are made from polypeptides of amino acids.

Provides bone growth of protein collagen and strengthens bones. Poor digestion has been
shown to cause osteoporosis and degenerative bone disease.

Provides all of the amino acids required to heal and grow ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles,
intestinal tract, heart muscle, and all other organs of the body.

Prevents hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) symptoms in people with hypoglycemia or diabetes.

Building Strong Ligaments, Tendons, Collagen, Joints, Bones, Skin, Veins, and Arteries
Three amino acids are essential in building strong ligaments, tendons, collagen, joints, bones, skin,
veins, and arteries. L-glycine, L-proline, and L-lysine work together to form strong protein structures
that have the appearance of a twisted three-strand rope. Together these three amino acids form the
strongest tissues in the body. Tendons connect muscles to bones to transfer the power of the muscles
into the skeleton of the body. Ligaments connect bone to bone for keeping two or more bones in the
joint together in proper alignment while allowing flexibility for movement of the joint components. The
collagen matrix in bone provides the tensile strength that keeps bones from breaking. L-glycine is
readily abundant in the diet, but L-proline and L-lysine should be supplemented to insure an abundant
supply for building a strong, robust body.
L-Proline Amino Acid Supplement. L-Proline is an amino acid that is essential for the synthesis of
collagen, the most abundant protein in mammals. Collagen is the main structural protein that
constitutes all human connective tissues, including skin, tendons, ligaments, joints, bone, and
vasculature (veins and arteries). L-Proline therefore provides building blocks that help to stabilize and
strengthen the structural components of the body. Although proline can be made in the body, low
protein and vegetarian diets may not provide optimal support for the production of collagen. This is
vitally important supplement to build strong joints and spine. L-Proline is very popular among
bodybuilders as a supplement that will prevent joint injuries from workouts and everyday life. Take at
least two 500mg tablets or more per day.
L-Proline Amino Acid.
L-Lysine Amino Acid Supplement. L-Lysine is an essential amino acid, which means your body
cannot manufacture it. It must be obtained through the diet or by supplementation. Lysine is one of
the most well known amino acids and is an essential component of all proteins. L-Lysine is an amino
acid that is essential for building strong ligaments, tendons, collagen, joints, bones, veins, and
arteries. L-lysine has the added benefit of suppressing viruses in the body as has been proven in
scientific studies. Take at least two 1000mg tablets or more per day.
L-Lysine Amino Acid.

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. The three most nutritionally important omega-3 fatty acids are
alpha-linolenic fatty acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA).
Alpha-linolenic fatty acid is one of two fatty acids traditionally classified as "essential." The other fatty
acid traditionally viewed as essential is an omega-6 fat called linoleic acid. These fatty acids have

traditionally been classified as essential because the body is unable to manufacture them on its own
and because they play a fundamental role in several physiological functions. As a result, we must be
sure our diet contains sufficient amounts of both alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid.
The body also uses amino acids to create human growth hormone. The creation of human growth
hormone in the elderly is very limited. Therefore, you must supplement the diet with the addition of
these amino acids to give the body an extra boost. A protein deficiency is one of the major causes of
degenerative disc disease. The body cannibalizes amino acids from the spine in its search for amino
acids to satisfy other body functions.
Warning! Many products are sold with claims that they boost the human growth hormone. Most of
these claims are false. The human growth hormone is large and cannot be taken orally because the
large molecule cannot pass through the intestinal-blood barrier of the gut. The body simply digests the
hormone, breaking it down into the individual amino acids from which it is made. Supplemental
products containing HGH (human growth hormone) are a fraud. They do not work. Injections of
synthetic human growth hormone were thought to be a great anti-aging discovery. The injected
hormone did perform miracles, but it was soon discovered that it also caused many types of cancer.
Do not take HGH supplements or HGH injections.
Protein, L-Glutamine and Serotonin-Boost Evening Drink. Prepare a protein and L-glutamine
drink one hour before bedtime as described above, except use 8 oz. of reverse osmosis water. Add
one banana and two unsweetened, large strawberries. Mix in a high-speed, power blender. Take one
L-Tryptophan and one P5P capsule with this protein drink. This combination promotes healing and
calms autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, that is commonly involved in degeneration
of the spine.
L-Tryptophan and P5P. <== Very Important. Emotions and mood swings, such as excitement,
anxiety, and depression can have very negative effects on the body, including high blood pressure,
high heart pulse rate, poor digestion, constipation, or diarrhea. The combination of these supplements
is a major breakthrough in digestive health and the treatment of all autoimmune diseases. It
works by calming the digestive system, hormones, and all autoimmune diseases. The combination
of NSI L-Tryptophan (an essential amino acid) and vitamin P5P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate, a form of
vitamin B6) promotes healing of the digestive system. P5P is needed to convert L-tryptophan to
serotonin. The serotonin calms digestion and the immune system. Serotonin promotes sound sleep
and can be the cure for insomnia, an awesome side benefit. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved
in the regulation of mood. Take one 500mg L-tryptophan capsule and one 50mg P5P capsule with the
protein drink. Do not substitute 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) for the pure pharmaceutical Ltryptophan recommended here. The body does react to them in the same way. Do not substitute
vitamin B6 for the P5P. It is not the same. These two supplements may not be available at your local
vitamin store. Click the links above to buy them via mail order on the Internet or telephone. Do not
skip this important new alternative treatment for all autoimmune diseases.

Step 6 - Take Do-it-Yourself Stem Cell Therapy

Yes, you can take do-it-yourself stem cell therapy. However, the products referenced below are
expensive, and the effectiveness is unproven. Try one of the products in addition to all of the other
steps if you want to be assured of every possible help method. Skip this stem cell therapy step if
finances are very limited but do everything else.
Doctors and the US Food and Drug Administration (USDA) are very much against these types of do-ityourself treatments in the same way they are against all do-it-yourself alternative medicine. The
USDA resisted giving the product recommended here an approval as a therapeutic drug. This has

turned out to be a great advantage because we can now buy it without a doctor's prescription. The
research company that developed this stem cell product simply began selling it as a "nutritional
supplement." You can order it on the Internet without a doctor's prescription. It is safe and very easy to
take orally. It is shipped via one-day express in a special insulated box kept frozen with dry ice.
Most stem cell claims are lies that will never be substantiated. Stem cells will not cause you to grow a
new neck. Stem cells will not grow a new disc that has been totally devoured as a result of hormone
cannibalism. Stem cells will not overpower catabolic hormones, protein deficiencies, fat deficiencies,
the high-carbohydrate diet, poor posture, bad working conditions, and improper bedding, but the stem
cells recommended here will help reverse degenerative disc disease.
The following page identifies the myths, lies, and scams surrounding the stem cell topic. Research
results have been faked. Universities and research organizations are scrambling to get a share of the
hundreds of millions of dollars from the governments of the United States and other countries
Top Ten Embryonic Stem Cell and Human Cloning Research Claims, Promises, Facts,
Expectations, Exaggerations, Hype, and Myths.
However, research has developed some stem cells that do encourage your existing cells to heal,
regenerate, multiply, and propagate. These stem cells are to be taken to help reverse degeneration of
the spine. The stem cells to take are called porcine embryonic mesenchymal cells,
or mesenchyme. A liquid molecular extract from porcine adrenal glands is included for enhancing
adrenal function. The following link provides more detailed information on the stem cells and a
suggested Internet source.
BioPathics: Mesenchyme-Little Known Rejuvenating Healer.
"The result is regeneration or replacement of the damaged cells. The implications for speedy and full
recovery from everything from broken bones to herniated discs are enormous. We now have the
potential to create healing where there was previously no hope of recovery. Later in this article, you'll
hear how one of the authors restored severely herniated discs that should have required surgical
fusion, as well as greatly accelerated recovery from a ruptured Achilles tendon.
Interestingly, the mechanism for organ formation from mesenchymal cells is still present in some adult
animal species. For example, it is the presence of mesenchymal cells that allows a salamander to
regenerate its tail if cut off. In the human adult, the only mechanism where these cells normally
function is in the healing of wounds.
The mesenchyme available on the market in the U.S. is made from porcine embryonic mesenchymal
cells. The cells are harvested from pregnant cattle destined for slaughter and subsequent human
consumption. Only healthy fetuses from healthy cattle are used. Because mesenchyme is, by
definition, undifferentiated fetal cellular material, it has not yet developed immune markers. It is
therefore accepted by the human host without provoking an attack by the immune system and can
freely work its magic on any number of physical injuries and traumas.
Mesenchyme has the ability to migrate to any tissue in need of repair and, once at the site, to take on
the characteristics of the healthy cell it associates with. When mesenchyme is next to cartilage, it
becomes cartilage and replaces or repairs damaged cartilage. This is true for organ tissues too: for
example, when it is next to kidney mesenchyme becomes kidney. If one has damaged cells from a
broken bone, mesenchyme associates itself with the wounded tissue, assumes the specific
characteristics of that type of bone, and begins to repair the damaged tissue and create new bone
cells. It sounds incredible, but much research has verified this unique action. Thus, mesenchyme has
great potential in regenerating diseased or injured tissues of all kinds (van den Bos 1997).

The use of mesenchyme as a therapeutic substance arises from experiments conducted early in the
20th century by Dr. Alexis Carrel, 1912 Nobel Laureate in Biology, who demonstrated that organic
tissues could be regenerated in vitro by the addition of fresh younger cells to the culture medium. In
the 1930s, the Swiss endocrinologist Dr. Paul Niehans developed a technique for extracting cells from
animals and injecting them into his patients to compensate for their bodies' deficiencies (Niehans
1960). One of the types of cell he found most beneficial was mesenchyme.
Mesenchyme used in conjunction with other whole cells and cellular extracts was popular in Europe
during the 1960s and 1970s. Many well-known celebrities and politicians visited reputable clinics and
spas, including Dr. Niehans' Clinique La Prairie in Clarens, Switzerland, to receive live cell therapy.
Notables such as Charles de Gaulle, Charlie Chaplin and Sir Winston Churchill were just a few of the
wealthy, powerful and famous figures of the last century who went to these spas for live cell therapy,
which included mesenchyme as a basic part of the rejuvenation process.
What makes mesenchyme so unique, special, and efficient is the fact that it is composed of
pluripotential cells, also known as mesenchymal stem cells, which have the ability to become almost
any kind of tissue or organ. Embryologically, all connective and supportive tissues arise from
mesenchymal cells (Corliss 1976). The versatility of these pluripotential cells allows them to form
cartilage, bone, muscle, connective tissue, and organ tissue (van den Bos 1997).
In all mammals mesenchyme eventually differentiates into three embryonic tissues - the endoderm,
the mesoderm, and the ectoderm (Moore 1989). During embryonic development, these three primitive
cell types differentiate into all the body's organs and tissues. The endoderm forms the linings of the
digestive and respiratory tracts. The mesoderm develops into muscle, connective tissues, bone, and
blood vessels. The ectoderm differentiates into the epidermis and the nervous system. A portion of the
mesenchyme remains in the placenta and the yolk sac surrounding the embryo in the fetus. It is this
mesenchyme that is carefully separated to become the commercially available product."
The product to be taken can be obtained from many sources, but the following are search engine
XTRA-CELL Joint (JT) Support by Douglas Laboratories from Search Engine. Preferred product.
Click here for XTRA-CELL JT Support pdf data sheet.
XTRA-CELL CF Support by Douglas Laboratories from Search Engine. Alternate product.
Alternate choice. Click here for XTRA-CELL CF Support pdf data sheet.

Step 7 - Horizontal Traction Therapy

Traction is a medical term used to describe equipment that places the body in tension. The neck
suffers greatly from the constant compression forces endured during a normal day's activities. Sleep
brings about a rest period where the compression is relieved, but rarely is the neck or back placed in
tension. The vertebrae, cervical discs, and facet joints all suffer under the constant compression
forces. Compression prevents the discs from hydrating (absorbing water) properly. Nutrients cannot
enter the disc easily while under this compressive stress.
Traction is used to help reverse degeneration of the discs that results in thinning, hernia, or rupture.
Since you may not know what is wrong with your neck, let me touch on a few suggestions.

Stop doing all activity or exercises that cause pain. Running, tennis, and other sports will
certainly make it worse not better. The old adage of exercising, working, or running through
the pain is very bad theory.

A cracked vertebrae or a facet joint problem will not heal properly if it is continually agitated by
exercise, running, or chiropractic adjustments. This is the reason limbs are placed in a cast
when we have a broken bone. The crack will not heal if there's movement between the two
parts. The pain comes because new nerve endings are continually being broken at the crack.

You may have pulled a muscle, tendon, or ligament, or you may have cracked vertebrae or
facet joint. Muscles heal more quickly than other things and you should be better in two
weeks if it is common muscle damage. Tendons and ligaments heal much more slowly.

Common adjustments from chiropractors can be dangerous if the pain is caused by a

herniated or ruptured disc, or from a tumor that is growing near the spinal cord.

Chiropractic adjustments could also keep the torn muscle, tendon, or ligament from healing,
and the adjustment could keep a cracked vertebrae or damaged facet joint from healing. If the
adjustment make it worse, stop having them.

On the other hand, I have personally had a chiropractic adjustment on my back that made the
pain immediately disappear and it never returned. I asked the doctor if it would be OK to go
on a small mountain hike after leaving his office. He laughed and said, "No, no, I wouldn't do
that." My wife and I left his office and went on the mountain hike for about 45 minutes anyway
without any discomfort in my back whatsoever. The pain never came back.

Rieske Hassock Full Spine Traction Protocol

Easy and highly effective. All you need is a hassock.

The hassock should have soft padding with well rounded edges. The height should be such that the
feet touch the floor when lying on your back with the knees bent. Use something under the feet to
reduce the height if your legs are too short. Follow these easy guidelines.

Lie on your back on the hassock with the hips on the hassock. Cover the hassock with a large
garbage bag (two layers) if it is not slick like leather because you will need to slide easily on
the hassock in order to perform these exercises.

Slide downward until the hips begin to move off of the hassock. Lift and drop the hips with
your legs in a back-bending fashion. This first drop adjusts lumbar 7 at the bottom of the
spine. A cracking noise indicates the facet joints were out of alignment. Continue to slide
downward a little more to adjust lumbar 6, and raise and drop the hips again. Use caution the
first time without causing strain to the ligaments. Continue to adjust the spine as far as is

Now slide upward until the head starts to slide off of the hassock. Relax the neck muscles in a
back-bending fashion, and let it rest for a few second. This will adjust cervical neck vertebrae
1, 2, and possibly 3. Slide up-ward slightly to adjust more vertebrae through number 5 and
into the thoracic section of the back.

Carefully raise forward and off of the hassock when finished.

Excessive strain on the ligaments will cause a dull ache that may appear later. This means
that future exercises should be reduce.

Rieske Engineered Force-Vector Neck Traction Protocol

Easy and highly effective. All you need is a bed.
The following protocol is an engineering approach to applying tension to your neck that is so easy and
effective you will wonder why no one else has discovered it. You can use your bed with the assistance
of gravity as a device to apply tension or traction to your neck. This procedure is amazingly simple
and effective. An engineering force vector analysis shows that the tension on the neck is equal to the
weight of the head. This method applies as much tension as would be applied if one were inverted,
but this method is much safer than inversion. The inversion method is dangerous because it increases
the blood pressure in the head and the equipment presents the risk of dropping the user on his head.
The tension in the neck can be felt immediately and care must be take to not stay in the tension
position for an extended period of time because the ligaments may ache from the stress and fatigue.
Test the method for no longer than a few minutes before extending the time. This procedure can be
done several times a day if desired. Follow these easy guidelines.

The bed should have a gently rounded edge. The side of the bed or end of the bed can be

Lie flat on your back and position the body on the bed with the head extended somewhat over
the edge. This positioning is vitally important.

Position the head so the contact point is at the base of the skull half way between the neck
and the back side of the head.

A line drawn at a 45 degree angle from the center of the head would intersect the corner edge
of the bed.

The overhang of the head should extend far enough to prevent the back of the head from
contacting the bed like it does on a pillow.

The overhang should not be so far so as to allow the neck to contact the edge of the bed.

You should be able to see the wall behind your head by rolling your eyes up and the ceiling by
rolling your eyes down.

The eye test insures that your head is at a 45 degree angle.

Relax the entire body after the proper position is established. The tension can be felt as the
muscles of the neck begin to relax.

You most likely will hear a noise or feel little snap as the facet joints separate.

The tension in the relaxed neck applies tension to the vertebral discs, allowing them to draw
in fluids and expand in thickness.

Applying tension to the vertebral discs is the main goal.

Stay in the relaxed position for several minutes.

Rising from the tension position may be easily accomplished by gently rolling to the side as
one begins to lift the head.

Rise from the prone position slowly and comfortably. Don't try to rise quickly.

You will most likely feel or hear the facet joints close together again as your motion reduces
the tension.

Recovery may be more effective by moving so the head is fully on the bed.

Stay very relaxed in this prone position flat on the back as long as desired.

Rising immediately to a vertical position will place the full weight of the head back onto the
vertebrae which is what we want to avoid.

A good time for this tension therapy is immediately prior to bedtime. Move to the sleeping
position immediately after the tension therapy.

Do not use a thick pillow that bends the head forward toward the chest. Thick pillows
compress the vertebral discs, and this compression is causing the neck problem.

Rieske Engineered Force-Vector Neck-Thoracic-Lumbar Traction Protocol

Easy and highly effective. All you need is a bed and a slick plastic leaf bag.
The entire spine can easily be placed in traction with this simple exercise by using a bed and a slick
plastic trash bag. The setup is identical to the neck traction as described above, and you should
understand it before attempting this traction. The theory in this exercise is allow the tension in the
neck to extend down the spine through the thoracic and lumbar sections to the hips. The chest and
thoracic section must be allowed to float or slide on the bed with very little horizontal force on the bed.
In other words, the tension in the neck must be transferred down the spine to the hips before being
resisted by the bed. The setup is as follows:

Place a common trash bag on the bed extending from the edge of the bed at the neck
location to the waist. Do not put the bag under the hips. This double thickness of plastic is
necessary to allow the chest area to slide easily on the bed.

Roll into place on top of the bag with the head nearly off the edge as in the neck exercise
above. Start with the head more on the bed than off.

Lie out straight.

Put both arms straight out to the side. Bend the elbows with the palms of the hands toward
the ceiling.

Gently lift the chest using both arms by forcing the elbows into the bed. In other words,
support the chest with the elbows.

At the same time, use the arms to slide the chest and head toward the edge of the bed until
the head in is the position described in the neck exercise above.

You should feel tension in the lumbar area as the friction of the hips on the bed prevents the
hips from moving.

This should increase the tension in the lumbar because the hips will not slide easily on the

The lumbar tension will be more noticeable for those with lumbar pain as a decrease in pain
should be noticeable.

Rest the arms and entire body.

If it doesn't work, or if you moved with the head too far off the bed, slide down to reposition
yourself and try again.

When the position is correct, relax as long as you wish. You should feel tension throughout
the spine from the head to the hips.

The tension in the lumbar is not as much as desired for such a large structure, but this should be
somewhat effective. A full spine commercial traction machine will give better results because it can
place high tension in the lumbar and thoracic sections.
Commercial Cervical Traction Machines
The commercial traction machine recommended here can easily be used at home without assistance.
It will greatly help to restore hydration to the cervical discs located between the vertebrae. The tension
does not pull the disc away from the adjacent vertebra because the discs are attached. The tension
on the disc reverses the detrimental effects of compression. The tension is very effective because the
discs normally experience very little tension. They are primarily compression components in the spine.
Don't be fooled by ineffective traction machines. Over-the-door and other overhead traction devices
are ineffective. They barely support the weight of the head and do not place the neck under the higher
tension required. Vertical traction devices are not acceptable.

Do not use a horizontal or vertical traction device that uses a head harness with a strap under the
chin. This type of harness places a heavy load on the lower jaw and compress the teeth together.
Attempting to keep the teeth apart causes jaw muscle cramps. The jaw muscles are designed to
clamp the teeth together for chewing. They are not designed to hold the mouth open as required by
these types of head harnesses. Any device that uses a strap under the chin is unacceptable.
The following horizontal traction machine is a very good product that provides the proper amount of
tension on the neck. A gage measures the exact tension being applied. It is easy to use without
assistance. The high quality carrying case included allows the user to take the unit to the workplace,
on vacation, or on employment trips. This traction unit requires no electrical connection. It can be
used anywhere that the user has a comfortable place to lie horizontally on a firm surface. A carpeted
floor is an ideal location. The carpet keeps the machine in place and prevents the body from sliding
toward the machine. The traction machine should not be used on a bed.
Saunders Hometrac Cervical Traction Device. <----- Source No. 1
Saunders Hometrac Cervical Traction Device. <----- Source No. 2 or search the Internet.
The cost of the Saunders Hometrac Cervical Traction Device could possibly be covered by insurance
or Medicare for those living in the United States. Difficulty may arise in getting the doctor, physical
therapist, or chiropractor to process the necessary insurance paperwork, especially when they are not
supportive of this program..

Chiropractors often have a traction table but may not offer the service unless specifically demanded.
The spine decompression (traction) procedure at the North Dallas Spinal Center looks to be excellent.
They claim it is better than standard traction procedures. The decompression procedure offered at
North Dallas Spinal Center would be preferred over a do-it-yourself traction machine used in the
home. The problem is finding a local facility with the equipment and knowledge equivalent to the North
Dallas Spinal Center.
North Dallas Spine Center - Spinal Decompression.
On the west coast of the United States is an office in Berkeley, California.
Hamilton Chiropractic - Spinal Decompression.
Medical doctors are not likely to be supportive of this program, and they may oppose the use of a
traction device by the patient at home. Medical doctors are more likely to recommend surgical
procedures where the discs are replaced with synthetic units or transplanted from a cadaver (a dead
person). Another common practice is to remove the disc and insert the patient's own bone taken from
the hip area as a spacer to fuse the adjoining two vertebrae together. Sometimes cadaver bone is
used. The vertebrae surgery may include titanium plates and screws. The risks of complications and
side effects are very high. Many people experience more pain, discomfort, and physical restrictions
after healing from these surgical procedures than before surgery.

Spinal Disc Transplants For Chronic Back Pain! - Health Journal - June 17, 2009.
Scientist develops spinal disc transplant to ease off back pain - Thaindian News - May 7, 2008.
Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) - Mayfield Clinic.
Physical therapists are not likely to give a prescription or submit paperwork to your insurance
company or Medicare for a traction unit fearing their services would become unnecessary. The
traction device can be used at home several times a day if desired, but a patient simply cannot visit
the physical therapist every day and certainly not multiple times a day.
Visiting a chiropractor is the best way to obtain some useful "adjustments" to the spine and to obtain
a traction device through your insurance company or Medicare. However, you must be certain the
chiropractor accepts patients with insurance or Medicare. Some chiropractors may hesitate getting the
traction device for you fearing it would result in the loss of your business. You must proceed with
caution. Assure the chiropractor you intend to continue with his treatments after receiving the traction
device. The chiropractic adjustments can also be beneficial. He will also be available to answer any
questions about the use of the device. Go to a different chiropractor if you are not successful in
getting a traction device through his office, or simply purchase one yourself.
The Saunders traction device is very powerful. Large males should start at 30 pounds for only five
minutes. Use a kitchen timer to accurately control the time limit. Women should start at 15 pounds for
only five minutes. The weight of the hips will keep the body from sliding toward the device. Do not use
excessive tension or increase the time. The ligaments in the neck and upper back become tired and
over-stressed in the same manner as when you try to extend your arm for a long period of time. The
symptoms of excessive stress will be a dull ache that appears about one hour after the treatment and
could last for several hours or a day. Start at lower tensions to be certain the treatment does not
increase your discomfort level significantly, although a slightly higher discomfort level may normally
appear about an hour after treatment and last for several hours. Start with one traction session per
day in mid-afternoon or evening. Proceed to two sessions per day, one in mid-afternoon and one just
before bedtime.

Step 8 - Proper Posture and Work Station Ergonomics

Proper posture requires a person to stand and sit upright with the shoulders back and the head
balanced on the neck and spine. The average head weighs 12 pounds (5.5 kg), so carrying the head
off balance places strain on discs, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The prevention of spinal
misalignment is very important. Trying to support the body in an awkward position places stress on
the entire spine and causes "hidden injuries." You may feel considerable discomfort when trying to
assume a proper posture because of existing neck or back problems. A proper posture has the head
supported on the cervical discs and the facet joints without tension in any of the neck muscles. You
can easily find this balance point by relaxing your neck muscles while tilting your head forward,
backward and side to side. The neck muscles must be used to "catch" the head as it falls off balance.

Stand Up Straight. Sit Up Straight.

Bad Posture is a Bad Habit.
A "head forward" position is one of the most common contributing factors that cause degenerative
disc disease and prevent recovery. The weight of the head is carried by the cervical discs and facet
joints when in the balanced position. A head-forward position transfers the load from the facet joints to
the discs. The muscles at the back of the neck go into tension to prevent the head from tilting farther

forward. This muscle tension is an added load on the discs. It can double or triple the compression
load on the discs. The resulting thinning of the discs under the added constant compression load
reduces the clearance space for nerve roots that exit from the spinal cord between the vertebrae near
the back of the neck on either side. The pinched nerve roots cause pain and tingling in the hands and
fingers or other areas. This is a "catch-22" situation. Now the head cannot be raised into the balanced
position without increased pain. Elderly people can be seen walking with an extremely head-forward
posture as a result of disc thinning. The entire program presented here enables the discs to increase
in thickness and hydration, thereby relieving the pressure on the nerve roots. A proper posture is
possible again after the pain has been reduced. The improved posture aids in hydration of the discs,
and the downward spiral into degenerative disc disease is reversed.
Walking Posture - The treatment present here will allow the sufferer of degenerative disc disease to
improve his posture by walking in a more upright manner. The shoulders should be back and the head
upright. The head and upper body forward posture must be eliminated by a strong conscious effort.
Poor posture is a bad habit that must be broken by strong determination. The treatment presented
here allows a return to proper posture without the pain that caused the poor posture in the first place.
Walk with the eyes looking straight toward the horizon, not down toward the toes or ground. Look for
obstacles well ahead and glance downward only for a moment when necessary to navigate the
obstacle. Walking down stairs is a special case where bending slightly forward and focusing the eyes
on the steps is more important. In daily activity the head should be upright with the eyes focused
toward the horizon, the back straight and the shoulders back. Do not walk along with the head and
shoulders slumped forward while looking at the ground.
Sitting Posture - A person should sit with the hips against the back of the chair, the head upright, and
the shoulders back. The chair back should be sloped backward at an angle of 3 to 4 inches in 12
inches. This can be measured by standing a large book vertically on the chair seat with the bottom of
the book spine against the back of the chair. Measure up 12 inches and measure the gap between the
book and the back of the chair. A chair back that is too vertical is bad because the user must sit with
the hips forward, a curve in the lumbar area of the back, and the head bent forward. Slumping in a
chair is another common example of a poor sitting posture and a bad habit. A conscious effort must be
made to sit properly. Purchase new furniture that allows proper sitting posture and dispose of furniture
that harms the sitting posture.
General Posture - Many activities are generally done with the body bent forward and the head down.
These activities must be changed or stopped. Stand up straight and look at the wall while showering
and dressing. Don't slump over reading material, laptop computers, sewing, cooking, crafts, or
hobbies. Special computer glasses may be needed to keep those with progressive bifocals from tilting
the head backward. The glasses should be made with the distance vision measured from your eyes to
the computer screen. The progressive bifocal distance would be your normal book reading distance.
Television watching posture is also very important. Move the television up on a stand or entertainment
center so viewing can be done by looking well ahead or horizontally. Always be aware of your posture
to make corrections. Observe your posture continually throughout the day in order to correct bad
posture habits.
Sleeping Posture - The posture in bed can be bad even though the person is sleeping on a very
good mattress as described below. Never sleep in a fetal position with the body curled forward and
the head in a forward position while sleeping on one's side. A conscious effort must be made to keep
the back straight or slightly concaved. Lay on one side and bend the spine backward as far as it will
go comfortably. Bend the neck back also so the entire spine is concave, not forward. Relax in this
position as is comfortable until you go to sleep. Turn over in the night to the other side and repeat the
procedure. The head should be placed on the pillow with the neck straight above the shoulders or
held slightly backward. The pillow will tend to hold the head in position. Upon waking the body must
be repositioned because the body typically reverts back into the fetal position out of habit. One should
sleep alternately on each side and the back, but never sleep on the stomach. Proper sleeping posture
is very important. Do not lightly dismiss the need to improve sleeping posture. The discs are in tension

when the back and neck are bent backwards. This is very healthy because it take the compressive
load off of the discs and allows them to expand to regain a healthy thickness. A forward position is
very unhealthy for the discs because they always in compression causing them to become thinner
over time.
Ergonomics - Ergonomics is the study of the working environment compared to the capability of the
human body. Ergonomics covers all aspects of a job, from the physical stresses it places on joints,
muscles, nerves, tendons, bones and the like, to environmental factors which can affect hearing,
vision, and general comfort and health. Work stations and job functions that are not ergonomically
designed can cause a constant head and upper body-forward working position. Many jobs require the
worker to lean forward to see computer screens, assemble parts, or perform other functions in order
to perform the required job. The work station must be redesigned to eliminate bad posture if
degenerative disc disease is to be avoided. In many cases the person must change assignments or
employment in order to avoid the harmful working environment. Don't expect the employer to provide
an ergonomically healthy workstation. You must take action to see that your health is not

Step 9 - Proper Bed, Mattress, and Pillow

We spend at least one third of our lives in bed. Therefore, sleeping in a proper bed is extremely
important in maintaining the health of the neck and spine. The horizontal position of the body while in
bed finally allows the constant compression load on the neck and back to be relieved.
The bed should provide a firm support for the entire spine, and a firm pillow should be used to support
the head. The mattress should be constructed with coil springs that are tied together by a continuous
support innerspring to share and distribute the load. The best mattress is described as "extra firm"
with a firmness rating (comfort scale) of 2.0 based on 1.0 being equivalent to lying on a plush
carpeted floor and 10 being very soft. Many mattresses are mislabeled as being "firm" when the rating
is actually 5, which is soft. A soft mattress is cheaper to manufacture, so they are often labeled as
being more firm than they really are. The extra firm springs provide a desirable foundation because
they are tied together to resist uneven loads of the body. The softer foam layers on the surface
provide comfort, while the spring system maintains good support. The following mattresses meets
these requirements.
The following is the original recommendation:
Simmons Beautyrest Gabarone Visco Extra Firm Mattress and Box Spring Set.
The following is a new recommendation made in September, 2013. Keep the old box spring and place
a 5" extra firm foam mattress on the existing box spring with a 3" memory foam topper on the 5" foam.
Add a mattress cover of your choice. This combination provides the support and comfort of an
expensive memory foam mattress set. The foam has an odor for the first few days. It is best to open
the foam mattress and topper in a convenient room, such as a living room, away from the bedroom for
three days before moving them to the bedroom. This combination provides great support without
creating pressure points on the hips.
Sleep Better 5-Inch Extra Firm Mattress Topper Note: This will be used as the mattress, not as a
3 Inch Thick, 4 Pound Density Visco Elastic Memory Foam Mattress Pad Bed Topper

The pillow under the head should compress to about 1 to 2 inches (25 to 50 mm) while sleeping. An
excessively high pillow must never be used because it places the head in a forward position and
places a compression load on the discs. Using two or more pillows under the head and shoulders to
raise the upper body should never be used for sleeping. This bad bed posture is often shown on TV
for mattress advertisements. The suggested pillow is a Sealy, Posturepedic, firm for men and medium
for women. The Silver Safe pillow with silver infused fiber and fabric is recommended because it
offers anti-microbial protection. This pillow is available from J.C. Penney Company in the United
The following beds are not acceptable since they do not give adequate support. Unfortunately, these
mattresses seem to be gaining in popularity.

Water beds are not acceptable. Water beds increase stress on the weakest parts of the spine
and neck.

Air-supported mattresses are not acceptable. They cause the same problems as water beds.

Independent coil mattresses are not acceptable. They cause the same problems as water
beds. Never buy the type of mattress shown in advertisements where a young woman is
jumping up and down on one end of the mattress while a nearly full glass of wine remains
upright at the other, or a mattress shown in advertisements where a bowling ball is dropped
on one area of the mattress without depressing adjacent areas.

Memory foam mattresses are not acceptable. They cause the same problems as water beds.

Adjustable motorized frame beds are not acceptable. They lift the upper body into a position
that places the cervical discs in compression.

Sleeping in a reclining chair is not acceptable. The angle of incline keeps the back and neck
in constant compression. Overweight people have sleep apnea and breathing difficulties
because the weight of the abdominal fat presses against the diaphragm. Sleeping in a
reclining chair allows easier breathing but harms the back and neck.

Thick pillows or double-stacked pillows are not acceptable. They cause a head-forward
position and increase the compression load on the cervical disc.

Step 10 - Chiropractic Manipulation Adjustments

Conventional chiropractic manipulations and adjustments are recommended as discussed above. The
chiropractor should take before and after X-rays to detect the health of the neck and the thickness of
each cervical disc. This is very important for diagnosis and to judge the success of this complex
program, although reduced pain and discomfort is proof that you will instantly appreciate and proof
that nobody can deny. One appointment per week should be appropriate, but the chiropractor may try
to get you to come in twice a week in the beginning. The frequency can be reduced to once every two
weeks after the first two months and can be reduced later to one a month after the fourth month.
Standard manipulation opens the facet joints. The snapping noises are caused when the joints open.
This treatment allows nutrients and fluids to heal and lubricate the joints. The standard manipulation
also stretches the ligaments, tendons, and muscles to help relieve cramping and tightness thereby
allowing the spine to return to a normal alignment. The nerves that may be pinched or impacted are

also relieved. The neck assumes a more normal alignment, and the manipulation may bring instant
Warning! Not all chiropractic manipulations are helpful. Some are very unhealthy and dangerous. The
standard manipulations done on a horizontal table are acceptable. Do not allow treatments that seem
to make your condition worse. Treatments that place weights into a harness on the head while
standing vertically must NEVER be used. The weights place a higher than normal compressive load
on the cervical discs. The treatments with weight are exactly opposite to the treatment needed. Just
say "no" and be firm in your conviction. Leave the chiropractors office and never go back. No
treatment is better than bad treatment.
Some standard manipulations can be done to an excess, causing additional straining of the ligaments,
tendons, and muscles. Communicate with the chiropractor. Ask him to change, reduce, or discontinue
adjustments in those areas that are made worse. Manipulations done in healthy areas of the spine
may be more harmful than helpful. A full spinal manipulation may not be necessary. Do not allow the
chiropractor to perform manipulations in areas that already feel strong, flexible, and pain free.
The doctor of chiropractic in the example above was very surprised that the curvature of the neck
increased because normal chiropractic treatments do not increase the thickness of the cervical discs.
The doctor did not know that the complex treatment used here provided very positive results.
Chiropractors typically say that reversing degenerative disc disease is impossible. The only hope
expressed to the patient is the prevention of further deterioration. Do not expect simple chiropractic
treatments to produce the awesome results proven by the program presented here.

Step 11 - Sun Therapy

Hot sun rays perform like a miracle in relaxing tight muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This is
especially true during cold weather and in the winter when muscles then to get tight. A pinched branch
nerve in the spine causes the nearby muscles to go into a spasm that can actually make the condition
worse. The penetrating heat from the hot sun rays will relax these muscles thereby allowing the spine
to seek a normal position. During the winter choose a clear window that allow direct and intense sun
light to enter the room. Place an armless chair facing the window and sit backward on the chair. Use
the back of the chair to support the arms and upper body in a relaxing position. Change positions as
desired and continue for at least 15 minutes or more as desired. The sunlight is also a good way to
increase vitamin D level during the winter when it tends to be lower. The vibrating massager
recommended in the next step can be used after sun therapy as desired.

Step 12 - Hand Held Personal Vibrating Massager

The use of a hand held personal vibrating massager can be very beneficial for alleviating cramping
and tightness caused by fatigue and strain of the ligaments and tendons. The very high speed
vibrations increase blood flow in a localized area, producing a calming effect and promoting healing.
Do not confuse this therapy with those of a massage therapist whose motions are very slow and
painful. Pain is not gain. Discontinue the use of the vibrating massager if it produces increased pain or
discomfort. Use the vibrating massager whenever cramping or tightness is felt or before bedtime.
The best type of vibrating massager is multi-speed or variable speed up to 6000 vibrations per minute.
Heat is also beneficial, but the unit listed below does not heat. The handle should allow the user to
easily reach all areas of the neck and back.

Theraspa Turbo Brookstone Massager - Brookstone sku # 467977

The TheraSpa Turbo Brookstone Massager offers total muscle relief with one of the most powerful
personal massages available. This is one massage experience that you will never forget!
The Brookstone TheraSpa Turbo Massager features a 90, 180 and 270 rotating massage head.
Do not use a roller type massager with slow action. Do not bother using a massage type chair or
recliner. They generally produce motion that is too slow and not localized enough to produce the
desired effect.

Step 13 - Expectations, Starting Journal, and Follow-up Program Requirements

The expectations and measurements of progress are very important in order to be successful in
reversing degenerative disc disease. The following topics will help you in planning and measuring
your progress. Success always builds confidence and leads to further success.
Expectations - This program will show weekly progress that you can measure by comparing your
pain levels, activity restrictions, and overall comfort to that of the previous week. Daily progress
should not be expected, but any setback should not be dismissed lightly. Overuse of the traction
machine or incorrect chiropractic manipulations can cause a setback. These should be corrected
Journal - Write a "Starting Journal" before you begin anything else. The journal should describe your
present condition in great detail. Update your journal each week during the first four weeks in order to
compare your weekly condition to your previous and starting journal entries. In this way you can
accurately measure your progress. Your "Starting Journal" should include the following topics.

Enter facts such as the date, existing diseases, previous diet philosophy, prescription drugs
taken, etc.

Enter detailed descriptions of your pains, activity restrictions, and discomfort levels
experienced during typical daily activities such as walking, sitting, driving a car, job,
recreation, and sleeping.

Enter a number representing the pain level from 0 to 10. Ten is sever pain that is almost
unbearable. Zero is feeling wonderfully normal without any pain or discomfort whatsoever.

Enter the location of the pain, nerve tingling, ache, cramp, or discomfort. Use a scientific chart
to attempt to identify the location in the spine that causes the pain or discomfort. Your
chiropractor will be of great assistance in the correct identification of the source. Ask your
chiropractor for a chart or picture showing all the major components of the spine. Your
chiropractor will tell you which nerve root, ligament, tendon, or muscle is the source of the
pain, tingling, cramping, or discomfort.

Follow-up Program - Write a completely new journal entry every month with all of the detailed
information listed for the "Starting Journal." The "Monthly Journal" will help to prevent slippage back
into your old lifestyle. Compare these entries to the previous month and to the "Starting Journal" in
order to measure your progress. You must not revert back to your old way of life simply because you
begin to feel better. Doing so most likely will cause your pain, discomfort, and degenerative disc
disease to return. Staying healthy and pain free requires a life-long commitment and control of your
treatment program. The following are a few follow-up guidelines and restrictions.

The high-fat, high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet required by this program is an absolute
lifelong requirement. Health will suffer in proportion to the percentage of carbohydrates
reintroduced back into the diet.

Insulin, adrenalin, and cortisol hormones must be strictly controlled by the diet program
presented here.

Prescription immunosuppressant drugs must be strictly avoided in order to prevent the return
of severe degenerative disc disease. There is nothing you can do to overpower the
devastating effects of these drugs. The diet program presented here has a strong and positive
effect in reducing the negative symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

Traction should be an ongoing treatment either daily or every other day.

Chiropractic manipulation many be helpful on a monthly or semi-monthly basis.

Buy a new bed as specified above. People become addicted to familiar objects, such as a
favorite bed. Most people cannot admit that the water bed or air bed they previously
purchased was a big mistake.

Buy a new pillow as specified above. Do not think that all pillows are the same. The new
pillow can make a tremendous improvement in your neck and back.

The protein and amino acid therapy is vital, but again, all of the steps are vital.

Do not pick and choose from the steps above without doing them all. Most people think they
will get better if they could only discover that missing magic bullet. This logic is wrong.

Step 14 - Pitfalls, Cautions, and Warnings About Temptations That Cause

Don't slack off from this program simply because you are beginning to feel better. The "Follow-on
Program" must be continued even when you are feeling wonderfully well in order to stay that way.
Carbohydrates are extremely addictive. Very few people understand this. People will give up wheat
products by switching to rice or oat grains without experiencing any addictive withdrawal symptoms
whatsoever. This is because all grains are very high in carbohydrates. The monkey on your back will
immediately raise its ugly head when you cut your carbohydrate intake severely as required by the
diet program presented here. The reasons people use as excuses to continue to eat carbohydrates
are unlimited. Don't come up with a new excuse. Bite the bullet and control your addiction. One must
have a high level of self-control, commitment, and determination in order to resist carbohydrate
addictions. Severely negative side effects can be experienced when carbohydrates are withdrawn
from the diet in direct proportion to the amount of damage done to the body by the previous highcarbohydrate diet. Diabetics are a good example of these negative side effects, but they can be
overcome. Read the following web pages in order to gain an understanding about the withdrawal
symptoms of carbohydrate addiction and how to overcome and control them.
Diabetes - The Cause, Prevention, Treatment, and Control of Hypoglycemia and Type 1 and 2

Reversing Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Disease, Stent, HDL, and LDL
Cholesterol Success Stories
Cancer - The Cause, Prevention, Treatment, Control and Spontaneous Remission of Cancer of
the Breast, Prostate, Lung, Colon, Liver, Pancreas, Brain, Bone, Lymph Gland, or Skin
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida, and Others.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and Autoimmune Diet Program.
Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions, and Lies That Will Destroy Your Heath.
Myths, Distortions and Lies About Beef.
Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.
Dietary Fiber Theory. Scientific Proof Fiber in the Diet is Unhealthy.
Exposing the Myths, Dangers, and Lies About Organic Food.

Common Recommendations That Are Wrong

Exercises and Water Aerobics Will Not Rebuild the Neck
Neck exercises and water aerobics will not rebuild the neck or reverse degenerative disc disease as
commonly promised. Treadmills and elliptical training machines will not rebuild your neck. Most
people with neck problems can attest to this fact. Strains and tears of the ligaments, tendons, and
muscles heal naturally without exercise. Healing occurs even though neck exercises are done, not
because the exercises are done. This give the false impression that the exercises helped in the
healing. This assumption is wrong. Actually, exercise slows the healing and frequently does more
damage. The best treatments for sprains and strains of ligaments, tendons, and muscles are
immobilization followed by small movements that do not cause pain. For good reason we do not want
to move our neck when it hurts. The movements actually prevent or slow the healing process. Nearly
all neck exercises are done in the vertical position with the neck in compression. These exercises
multiply the compressive stress on the cervical discs and facet joints. Do not do neck exercises in an
attempt to heal the neck. Movement of the head off center increases the pressure on the cervical
Warning! Tilting the head as far forward as possible with the chin down toward the chest is especially
dangerous. The exercise instructor may ask the participant to apply an additional downward load by
placing both hands on the top of the head and pulling downward. Do not perform this exercise
because it is very dangerous! The discs are highly compressed in an eccentric manner that is most
likely to cause the disc to rupture. Never place eccentric compressive loads on the head. Any
compressive load on the head is bad, but eccentric compressive loads are extremely dangerous.
Tilting the head to the side or backward will increase the compression. Pulling the head farther to the
side with one hand is very bad for the cervical discs, facet joints, ligaments, and tendons. Refuse to
do these exercises and discontinue all treatment with any exercise instructor, physical therapist, or
chiropractor who tries to make you perform them.

Yoga Will Not Rebuild the Neck

Yoga will not rebuild the neck or reverse degenerative disc disease as commonly promised. Most
people with neck problems can attest to this fact. Yoga moves are very similar to commonly
recommended neck exercises and have all of the same negative problems. Many yoga positions are
much more dangerous than common exercises. Actually, yoga slows the healing of discs, facet joints,
ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Yoga makes degenerative disc disease worse. You may feel better
after a few of the initial yoga exercises because of your preexisting mental bias, but a review of your
condition a year after starting yoga will show your condition is worse. Yoga instructors typically
recommend a vegetarian diet that is one of the primary causes of degenerative disc disease.
Warning! One yoga position is extremely dangerous even for young people with perfectly healthy
necks. This is the yoga "shoulder stand" position in which the person starts by lying flat on his/her
back. The legs and hips are rolled upward into the vertical position until the body is resting upside
down on the back of the shoulders. The neck is bent almost 90 degrees forward in the area of the C5
through C7 vertebrae. The eccentric compressive loads on the cervical discs are extreme. Herniation
and/or rupture of the discs could occur instantly.
All yoga exercises done in the vertical standing or sitting position are also bad for the neck. Do not do
any yoga exercises in an attempt to heal the neck.

Pilates Exercises Will Not Rebuild the Neck

Pilates exercises are generally not harmful to the neck. Neither will they do much good. The exercises
have no affect in overcoming catabolism of the spine when the catabolic hormones are raging. The
pilates equipment is also expensive. The perceived health improvement from doing pilates exercises
is basically psychological.

Physical Therapy Will Not Rebuild the Neck

Physical therapy will not rebuild the neck or reverse degenerative disc disease as commonly
promised. Therapy moves performed in the horizontal position may not be detrimental, but physical
therapy performed in the vertical position will most likely cause additional damage to the neck and
spine. Therapy movements of the head while standing or sitting upright cause increased eccentric
pressure on the cervical discs.
Warning! Tilting the head as far forward as possible with the chin down toward the chest is especially
dangerous. The physical therapist may ask the participant to apply an additional downward load by
placing both hands on the top of the head and pulling downward. Do not perform this exercise
because it is very dangerous. The discs are highly compressed in an eccentric manner that is most
likely to cause the disc to rupture. Never place eccentric compressive loads on the head. Any
compressive load on the head is bad, but eccentric compressive loads are extremely dangerous.
Tilting the head to the side or backward will increase the compression. Pulling the head farther to the
side with one hand is very bad for the cervical discs, facet joints, ligament, and tendons. Refuse to do
these exercises and discontinue all treatment with any exercise instructor, physical therapist, or
chiropractor who tries to make you perform them.

Massage Therapy Will Not Rebuild the Neck

Massage therapy is generally done on a table with the patient in a horizontal position. This position is
much better than the vertical position generally used in yoga and exercise. The massage may feel
good because it increases blood flow, but deep massage can also make the condition worse when
excessive pressure causes further damage to the already injured tissues.
Warning! Do not believe the massage therapist who tells you the pain is good. Leave and never go
back. Pain is not gain.

Head Weights Used in a Head Harness are Dangerous

The natural weight of the head is one of the contributing causes of degenerative disc disease. Some
chiropractors are applying additional weight to the head with the use of a head harness. This practice
is bad for healthy people, and most certainly should never be done to patients with degenerative disc
Warning! This chiropractic procedure is dangerous and harmful. This procedure can instantly
increase pain and discomfort. Do not go to a chiropractor who uses this technique. Grab your neck
and run.

Medical Doctors Generally Prescribe Drugs and Perform Surgery

Medical doctors are trained to prescribe drugs and perform surgeries in the attempt to eliminate the
symptoms of degenerative disc disease. These methods are not intended to reverse degenerative
disc disease. Doctors rarely have a comprehensive, non invasive program to reverse degenerative
disc disease. They prescribe drugs in an attempt to relieve some of the pain, but these are not very
effective as most sufferers will testify. These drugs also have harsh side effects. The drugs do not heal
the neck and do not reverse degenerative disc disease.
The surgical approach is the best solution for many neck problems. One necessary surgery is the
removal of the gelatinous nucleus pulposus that extrudes from the center of a disc when it ruptures.
Quick action is recommended in some cases to prevent permanent damage to the spinal cord. The
bulge of a herniated disc can be trimmed away internally to eliminate pressure on the spinal cord
and/or nerve roots, thereby relieving the pain. This procedure has the negative side effect of
weakening an already damaged disc. The entire disc can be replaced with a synthetic disc or one
from a cadaver, but disc replacement can have considerable negative consequences. The symptoms
of a thinning disc can be eliminated by locking the spacing of the vertebrae using plates and screws.
In some cases two adjacent vertebrae are allowed to fuse together with transplanted bone to replace
the surgically removed disc. Some of these procedures give fairly good results, but many disastrous
complications are also common. The program presented here is very low risk, but a complete medical
diagnosis should not be delayed before starting this program. Medical conditions such as tumors
and/or cancer should be ruled out by a doctor before attempting chiropractic manipulations or traction.
It is therefore advisable to have a complete diagnosis performed by a medical doctor before
proceeding with the program presented here.

The Latest News in Reversing Degenerative Disc Disease

Neck spinal disc transplant 'success' - BBC Health - March 23, 2007.
"Doctors in China have carried out the world's first spinal disc transplants on five patients, a study
says. The discs were placed in the necks of four men and a woman by a University of Hong Kong-led
team. They were taken, with the consent of relatives, from the spines of three young female donors
who had died suddenly as a result of trauma. Five years on, the patients are doing well, with improved
mobility and no immune problems, says the Lancet."
Height Loss of 1.2" (3cm) Signals High Heart Disease Risk - December 12, 2006.
"But those who lost 3cm in height were 64% more likely to die than those who lost less than 1cm."
Fortunately, the diet presented here will prevent the loss of height caused by degenerative disc
disease and will prevent heart disease.

Reversing Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Coronary Artery Disease, Stent, HDL and LDL
Cholesterol Success Stories
New Procedure Uses Synthetic Disc Gel to Fight Back Pain - September 15, 2006.
Johnson & Johnson Chirate Spinal Disc Under Fire - September 10, 2006.
Scan shows child spine damage - BBC News - December 2, 2003.
"Some 10-year-old children are already showing signs of damage normally seen in adults with bad
backs. Detailed scans of more than 150 Scottish children revealed slight tearing and bulging of the
discs that cushion the spinal vertebrae."

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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a
substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt
medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or
nutrition regimen. The information contained in this online site and email is presented in summary
form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge of dietary
supplements. The information should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of
a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other health care provider. We do not
recommend the self-management of health problems. Information obtained by using our services is
not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment.
Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other health
care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of
something you have read here. We strongly suggest you select a physician who is knowledgeable
and supportive of the low-carbohydrate diet. Many of the physicians listed on this page have health

Drugs and Doctors May be the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.
Pharmaceutical firms are inventing diseases to sell more drugs.

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Reversing Heart Disease, Heart Attack,

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and LDL Cholesterol Success Stories

Bible Life Healing Ministries

Our Nutritional Program Has Performed Healing Miracles
The proper diet for healing and health preservation is argued fiercely
because this is a spiritual battle. Poor health and disease can be caused
by believing the worldly myths, distortions, and lies about nutrition
which have deceived most people. The following information should be
studied carefully to reduce your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease,
cancer, and inflammatory bowel diseases. This information is healing
people worldwide. You can also be healed. Please let us know about
your success.

Jerry S. from Augusta, Georgia writes, "Thank you for such a

wonderful web site.... the nutrition pages opened my eyes to
the truth - and saved my life!"
Nutrition, Healing, Health, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cholesterol

Low-Carb Diet Plan Prevents Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer's, and Heart

Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions,
and Lies That Will Destroy Your

Top Ten Historical Events That

Created Our Current Health and
Nutritional Quagmire.

Fibromyalgia, Polymyalgia

Prostate Health - Reversing Prostatic

Rheumatica (PMR), and Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Hyperplasia (BPH) and Preventing

Prostate Cancer.

Hypertension, High Blood Pressure

Control, Heart Palpitations,
Arrhythmias, and Blood Testing.

Absolute Scientific Proof

Carbohydrates Are Pathogenic.

Low-Carbohydrate Diet Confirmed by

Duke Study.

Two Studies Validate the LowCarbohydrate, High-Protein Diet.

Ketogenic, Low-Carbohydrate Diet for


Ketosis Myths and Facts on the LowCarbohydrate Diet.

Breaking Stalls and Plateaus on the

Low-Carbohydrate Diet.

Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet

Provides Excellent Health.

Myths, Distortions, and Lies About


Animal-Rights Terrorists Strike


Studies Prove Beef Is A Safe And

Healthy Food.

Bone Analysis Suggests Neolithic

People Preferred Meat.

Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.

7,700-Year-Old Bones Prove Early

Humans were Highly Carnivorous.

Eggs Do Not Cause Bad Cholesterol.

Feeding the Irrational Fear of


Exposing the Myths, Dangers, and

Lies About Organic Food.

Amino Acids - The Building Blocks of

Life and Healing.

The Organic Farming Myths.

Anthropological Research Reveals

Optimal Human Diet by H. Leon
Abrams, Jr.

Dietary Fiber Theory. Scientific Proof

Fiber in the Diet is Unhealthy.

Vegetarianism: Another View

by H. Leon Abrams, Jr.

The Myths of Vegetarianism.

The Case Against Milk by Sheila


Vegetarian Diet Deficiencies Are a

Proven Fact.

Vitamin Deficiencies and Vitamin


Atkins' Diet Healthier Than the

American Heart Association's Diet.

Dr. Weston A. Price Foundation.

Genetically Modified Corn Study

Reveals Health Damage and Coverup.

The Mediterranean Diet is a Big FAT


Pregnant? Pregnancy, Adoption, Abortion, Infertility,

and Proper Diet During Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby
Mommy Goes Shopping for Baby Food.
Read Why Mommy's Diet Causes Infant Autism.

Top Ten Exercise Health Myths About Running, Jogging, Biking,

Marathons, and Triathlons
Top Ten Embryonic Stem Cell and Human Cloning Research Claims,
Promises, Facts, Expectations, Exaggerations, Hype, and Myths
My personal vitamin, mineral, and supplement program by Kent R.
Top Ten Myths About Nutrition and Diet in the Bible
The Truth, Myths, and Lies About the Health and Diet of the "Long-Lived"
People of Hunza, Pakistan, Hunza Bread, and Pie Recipes
The Truth About the Balanced Diet Theory and the
Four or Five Groups of the Food Guide Pyramid
Study With Mice Shows the High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diet Improves
Alzheimer's Disease and Most Likely Will Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

You can contact the author by clicking the mailbox above.

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Permission is granted to copy this information in whole and without revision providing that full credit is
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The Great Bible Mystery
God's Election & Man's Free Will

Are the Sins of All Mankind Forgiven?

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Ultimate Nutrition Program for Healing & Health
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Kent R. Rieske, Ministry Director
5086 Cottonwood Drive
Boulder, CO 80301 USA

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