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Review: The Erev Rav - 3000 Years Of Treachery
By: Sara Fischman Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Title: The Erev Rav – 3000 Years Of Treachery

Author: Rabbi Yisroel Solomon Publisher: Rabbi Israel Solomon
Reviewed by Sara Fischman

Sane minds are completely baffled by recent world events regarding Eretz Yisrael, the U.S. and the Arab
world. The actions of world leaders are so bizarre as to defy any rational explanation. Israeli leaders in
particular seem to be functioning in a different dimension of reality – one where good people are punished
for their devotion and thrown out of their homes, while murderers are embraced and rewarded. When it
seems as if the Israeli government has reached the bottom of the pit of stupidity and criminal incompetence,
we are shocked to discover that the pit keeps getting deeper.

First, a naïve government embarks on a very dangerous experiment known as ‘Oslo.’ Terrorists who have
been brainwashed for decades that murdering Jews is their ticket to heaven are given weapons and funding.
Jews, who are supposed to be a wise people, delude themselves with the vain hope that career terrorists will
reform and begin to respect the rights of the Jews to live in peace in their ancient homeland.
Oslo was a dismal and heart-wrenching failure. After years of horror and death, after thousands of men,
women and children were butchered and maimed by our peace partners, the Israeli government moves full
steam ahead with its unilateral march towards self-destruction.

Israeli leaders embraces our enemies and declare war against the most devoted and self-sacrificing Jews of
Did everyone in positions of power lose their minds?

Rabbi Solomon, in this short but enlightening book, claims that indeed they have, although not in the
conventional sense. Their minds have been hijacked by mysterious forces.
Do not dismiss this book as another attempt to prove the existence of UFOs. This is not a book about secret
conspiracies or science fiction. It is firmly grounded in authentic Torah sources – the Zohar, the holy
Ari and the great Gaon of Vilna.
Based on these impeccable sources, Solomon charts the history of the mysterious erev rav – the large
group of Egyptians who joined the Jewish people before the Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 12:38) – from
Biblical times until our own times. He shows how the powerful spiritual forces of the erev rav control
minds to do their bidding.

Truly amazing is that Solomon provided insight into Sharon’s "disengagement" from leadership weeks
before Sharon suffered his debilitating stroke. The book, written this past summer and published in
November, shows how Sharon and Peres parallel Ramus and Romulus (founders of Rome) respectively.
Solomon writes: "Interestingly, according to Roman legend, Romulus killed Ramus, and named Rome after
himself. Peres was the initiator and nurturer of the current suicidal process of unilateral and unconditional
surrender to Arab terror. His rival, Arik Sharon, initially opposed this philosophy, until he was subdued by
Peres." Although Solomon chose to leave it ambiguous, the implication is obvious. Ramus was not only
subdued. He was put completely out of commission.

After having read the book, the actions and perspectives of Jewish and non-Jewish leaders who
previously left me dumbfounded began to fall into a logical pattern. The apparently self-destructing
policies of successive Israeli governments and Jewish leaders in Eretz Yisrael and abroad began to fit
together like peaces of a puzzle.
The book ultimately has a positive message. The confusion, darkness and pain we are now experiencing
reflects a drastic and futile attempt of all forces of darkness to forestall the coming of Moshiach.
The Erev Rav is an excellent read, both powerful and engaging. It is written in a simple style appropriate
for beginners, yet it provides ample food-for-thought for scholars to further delve into the topic.
Erev Rav

"The entire 974 generations (Hagiga 14.) which are `Erev Rav which are the souls from the world of chaos,
G-d transplants them every generation, and they are the bold-faced of the generation. Our Sages said that in
the period of "messiah's footsteps" impudence will become great... and the `erev rav will return to be the
shepherds of Israel" - Safra ditz'ni`utha, chapter 1, beginning with the words "They were not watching" (3).

"You should know that there are five kinds of `erev rav. The first kind are argumentative and libelous
people; the second kind are those who pursue passion and fornication; the third kind are those who are
deceitful, who pretend to be righteous but whose hearts are not whole. The fourth kind are those who
pursue honor in order to make a name for themselves; the fifth kind are those who pursue money... and the
argumentative kind are the equivalent of all of them: they are called `Amalekim, and the son of Dovid will
not come until they have passed out of this world, for it is of them that we recite timche et zekher `Amalek
- "You shall erase the memory of Amalek" - Adderet Eliyahu, commentary on Deut. 1:1 (325), his words
being based on Zohar 1:25, 27; 3:125: and see the Gaon's commentary on Tikkunei Zohar 97, pp. 86,91.

Adam, the first Man, sinned because of the souls of the `erev rav he contained - they caused him to sin.
Similarly, Moshe Rabbeinu... because of the "erev rav" came to make mistakes. And these are the `erev rav
that they desire to be the spiritual authorities and of great status and jump forward to teach (religious
conduct) though they have not reached that level - Yahel Ohr, commentary on Zohar 1:28: beginning with
uMoshe b'gineihu.

"Arguments which are not for the sake of Heaven come from the Erev Rav, those who jump forward to
teach and to take the crown of `let us make for ourselves a name' - Tikkunei Zohar, p. 91, beginning and
who caused [it] (v. Maimonides, Hilkhot Talmud Torah 5:4: `and every knowledgeable person who has not
reached the level of teaching (spiritual conduct) and teaches is wicked, idiotic and rude... These are the
small intellectuals who have not studied Torah as much as they should, but try to make a great impression
on the boors and the people of their own town, and so they jump up and sit at the head of the line of sages
who come to discuss cases and teach Israel. These are the ones who are argumentative, they destroy the
world and extinguish the light of Torah, as they sabotage the vineyard of the L-rd of Hosts. Of them
Solomon said: "ehezu lanu shu`alim, shu`alim k'tannim m'habb'lim k'ramim" - "grasp for us the foxes, little
foxes that destroy the vineyards".

"All the exile, the destruction of the Temple and all the troubles - it all results from Moshe Rabbeinu having
accepted the `erev rav. All the bold-faced and wicked people of the generation are from them, i.e., their
souls are theirs (that is to say this is not physically inherited by lineage, but rather a mere reincarnation of
souls), in that they are a reincarnation of them. This is what was meant in the Gemara, hani me`erev rav
qa'ati - these spring from the erev rav - the Gaon on Tikkunei HaZohar 97, beginning v'aleihu. (Rabbi
Yitzhak Hotner also commented on this, in "Pahad Yitzhak", Pesah, pp. 246-247.)

"Of the Amalekites some were leaders of the Israelites in their galut, their exile, acting violently and
robbing the Jewish poor, and they are from the side of the generation of the Flood... and the bad separated
out in the `erev rav, and when Moshe peace be unto him received them [Zohar I/27b] their souls
intermingled with those of Israel, and this is the fourth exile... They are the fallen ones, who follow around
after loose women and after bribes of this world. They are warriors, men of great name, all of whose deeds
are done in order to enhance their reputation. They are spirits who do not desire to bestow kindness and
charity for masters of Torah; they are giants who ridicule Torah scholars" - Tikkunei Zohar, p. 194.

"And all the exile and destruction of the Temple and all the tribulations - it is all [the result] of Moshe
Rabbeinu's accepting the `erev rav, and all the brash and evil men of the generation are of them, that is to
say from their souls, that they are an incarnation of them." - Tikkunei Zohar, p. 193.

"Just like roses are sown amongst the thorns, which are a protection for the roses, so the Jewish people are
in exile amongst the `erev rav in order to speed up their redemption, and for this reason the thorns have not
ceased - Tikkunei Zohar p. 54 [this means that the troubles we are suffering from them serve to speed up
the time of the end].
"Eisav and Yishmael are entwined in Avraham and Yitzhak, but the `erev rav are entwined in Yaakov; they
are more problematic to Israel and to the shekhina, for they are the leaven in the dough - for all the misers
and those who do not support the Torah are from them" - Tikkunei Zohar, p. 35.

"The leaven in the dough" (B'rakhot 17a) is the `erev rav, who are worse than the nations of the world [who
kill us], because the `erev rav stop Israel from performing the mitzvot (meaning: he who misleads his friend
has done a greater act of evil than he who kills him - B'midbar Rabba 21:5) - Imre No`am, B'rakhot 17a.
Ohr Yahel 3/232, the place beginning: the leaven in the dough.

...And see the profundity of their statements made about the blight, and yet there is a fourth kind: `and they
have mingled (in Hebrew, Vayitarvu, related to the term Erev Rav) with the nations and learned from their
deeds' - these are themselves Jews who adhered to the `erev rav and became like them...and this fourth kind
is the most difficult of them all, and they are our brothers who have soured" - his commentary to B'rakhot

And in the book of Tikkunim of Zohar Hadash (p. 54) we find written: "As for Yaakov, because he foresaw
the pressure of the last exile in the end of days, the Torah says And Yaakov was very much afraid and felt
troubled, and he divided up the holy nation in exile into three divisions, and he placed the maidservants and
their children first, and Leah and her children behind them, and Rachel and Yosef last "

And the Gaon wrote there:

The three divisions are as follows: the `erev rav, the good simple people amongst them, and the scholars.
The maidservants and their children first - these are the `erev rav made by Lilit, the bad maidservant, of
whom it is said: And if a maidservant should inherit her lady, and also her sons, who are the leaders of the
holy nation in the last exile, as it is said: Her foes became her leaders, as it was said in "Raaya Mehemna"
(Zohar 3/125).

Leah and her children behind them - they are the good simple people.

Rachel and Yosef last of all - they are the scholars of whom Rachel is the chief of the house... They are last
because they are downtrodden and debased, as it is said: Those who fear sin will be despised, and the
wisdom of the scribes [alt. translated as counters] will be rotten, as he went on in R.M. (ibid., and see
Sanhedrin 98.). See: Leshem, Shevo V'Ahlama, Introduction and Contents, p. 46, explanation.

Now it is clear why in Kol HaTor (chapter II, part II, section II) R. Hillel of Shiklov brings in the name of
the Gaon: "The general role of two Messiahs, the messiah son of Yosef and the messiah son of Dovid,
throughout the generations is one of defense and war against the three leading husks - Eisav, Yishmael and
Erev Rav... The `erev rav is our greatest foe, he is what separates the two Messiahs, The `erev rav husk
operates only by deceit and indirectly. Therefore the war against the `erev rav is the most difficult and most
bitter, and we must use all our remaining forces to win this war. Whoever is not engaged in actively
fighting the `erev rav becomes an automatic partner to the husk of the `erev rav, and whoever this may be it
would be better for him had he not been created.

The main force of the `erev rav is at the gates of Jerusalem by the entrance of the city (The Great Period,

This seems to be a shift and a change in the definition of `erev rav from what we have seen in the other
quotations (full of desire, argumentative, honor-seeking, hurrying to give instruction though they are
unqualified to do so, etc.). It would seem that this point mentioned by "Kol HaTor" of the resistance to the
realization of the redemption of the Jews was not expressed in the other utterances by the Gaon regarding
the `erev rav. This, however, is what R. Hillel of Shiklov explains to us: the nation of Israel has suffered so
many tribulations during its horrible exile (see MahaRal, Netzah Yisrael, the beginning of chapter 49), and
our heart boils over with distress at the memory of our terrible debasement, both in spirituality and in
materiality. How, now, can there arise out of our nation Sanballats to destroy and disrupt the restoration of
the nation of Israel in its land? The only explanation possible is that they really are full of desire,
argumentative, proud etc. - lacking true links with the Jewish people or with the Torah of Israel.

We must not take into consideration that some of them do actually have some superficial knowledge of
Torah (see Adderet Eliyahu to Deut. 32:20) for My people is foolish, they do not know Me... they are wise
in causing evil, but know not how to do good (Jeremiah 4:22). That is, if they are not G-d-fearing - they do
not know Me - they will turn the words of the living G-d into lies and deceit. The proof that their hearts are
impure is that they are not distressed at the disaster of Yosef (Amos 6:6). They do not feel sorrow at the
disaster of the entire Jewish people, though they chatter Torah-like platitudes of love of Israel. "And they
heal the disaster of My nation too easily, saying `Peace, peace!' - but there is no peace!" (Jeremiah 6:14).
Further proof, instead of quarreling with the nations of the world who cause us distress, they choose to
argue and quarrel with the faithful of Israel - all by virtue of those very same characteristics defined by the
Zohar (I/25).

All this was seen at the time by R. Hillel of Shiklov. He knew how the words of the Zohar and those of the
Gaon, his rabbi, could co-exist with contemporary problems. The false virtues of the hypocrites and
deceivers are what cause them to put barriers and other delays on the path to the rebuilding of Jerusalem
and the redemption of Israel. Really, all the words of this chapter correspond to one another extremely
precisely - to whoever understands.

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In What Ways Does The Temple Institute Act To Rebuild The Temple?
Exhibition of Temple Vessels
The restored Temple vessels, pending service in the rebuilt Holy Temple, may be viewed by the public at
our headquarters in Jerusalem. Since 1989, (5749,5750) over 100,000 visitors from all over the world have
visited the Institute each year. Through the renewal of these sacred vessels, some of the light of the Holy
Temple has begun to return.
Research Institute
The scholars and scientists of our Research Institute teach about Temple-related subjects, including the
services and structure of the Temple.
Academy of Temple Studies
The Temple Institute's traveling educational bureau. The Academy lectures to audiences of all ages and
backgrounds in Israel and abroad. Using numerous creative methods, the Academy's presentations portray
life in Temple times.
"Hebrew Artists House"
Specializing in publications, visual aids and educational materials that bring the world of the Holy Temple
to life.
Yeshivat Dvir High School for the Judaic Arts
Educating a new generation of artists, musicians and traditional Jewish artisans in the Temple spirit.
Yeshivat Beit HaBechira Institute of Study
A seminary for advanced study and training in all subjects relating to the Holy Temple.
For a more in-depth description of the yeshiva, Press Here.

The Bible teaches us that the Holy Temple was the center of mankind's spiritual relationship with G-d. The
prophets of Israel all foresaw that the day will come when the Holy Temple will be rebuilt, and will once
again be the spiritual focus of the entire world. As Isaiah states, "For My house shall be called a house of
prayer for all people."

Visit our web site at http://www.templeinstitute.org/main.html

"A People Get Exactly The Kind of Leaders They Deserve"
Date Posted: April 7, 2006
The people of Israel finally did the unthinkable" -
They voluntarily - by election - placed "total legal control of their Government; into the hands of two
political thugs; both dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish State -
The very same politicians who had destroyed Gush Katif; had turned Jewish land into Arab terror bases;
and, had brought Hamas to Power in Judea Samaria. "
Once in power - it will impossible to dislodge Olmert and Peres; (it would take 6 opposition votes to bring
Olmert and Peres down and the Arabs will never vote against them.)
Olmert and Peres will have access to the treasury - total control of police and the IDF - control of the Gov't
T.V. and Radio; and will have support of the radical Left Media - Yediot Achronot - Haaretz - and Ma'ariv.
In addition, they will control the office of the Attorney General, the courts and will have control over every
facet of the Gov't.
"It will become a war of attrition; a powerful secular, Anti Jewish Gov't against a powerless people.

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