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Christine Pack

David Larson
September 07, 2016

Part 1: Assessment Technology

This online assessment is found at https://p.socrative.com/login/student. Accessing this

assessment scholars requirement for entering our classroom is by this code Pack13. Next
every scholar will enter their name, proceeding with the test. Scholars will respond to the
inquiries by the use of tablets, computers, or phones. Every scholar must answer every question
and submit for instant correction or incorrect answers. Socrative generates the reports directly
after every assessment and will be directed to educators using their email address. This
educational assessment from the end of chapter readings is to evaluate scholars understandings
and knowledges on Fourth grade Science. This assessment must be in use in the class on the
Socrative website. This assessment is 10 multiple choice questions, where I will assess every
scholars understandings in Science. Afterward the assessment, and through the data delivered, I
shall recognize if I shall carry on the advancement lessons on Science or if I shall decrease the
lessons on Science subject to scholars performances on the assessments.

4th. grade Science answer sheet.

Please select the correct answer from the multiple choice questions.
1. An animal(s) that has wings is called?
A) Frog
B) Mouse
C) Bird
D) Rabbit

2. Water that is frozen is called?



3. If it takes the Earth 1 year to rotate around the Sun. Exactly how long will it take
for the Earth to travel half way around the sun?
A Nine months
B Six months
C Three months
D One month

4. Which of the two terms are used to describing the weather?

A) Air temperature and wind speed
B) Groundwater and cloud cover
C) Gravity and amount of rain
D) Wind direction and amount of erosion

6 Which process occurs when the ocean waves drop a seashell onto the beach?
A) Classification
B) Rotation
C) Condensation
D) Deposition

7 Which unit of measurements shall be used to describing the mass of any apple?
A) Minute
B) Meter
C) Gram
D) Liter

8 When the magnets are moved away from the objects, the magnetic forces on the
objects will
A) Increase
B) Remain the same
C) Decrease
9. Which characteristics describe the textures of a cats fur?
A) Long
B) Soft
C) Gray
D) Warm

10. A student is pouring water into a glass and places the glass into the freezer. After
several hours, the water will change from
A) A Solid into liquid
B) A Solid into gas
C) A Liquid into gas
D) A Liquid into solid

Part 2: Blog Post

Requesting scholars to validate their understandings of a precise topic is a serious
procedure. It is so important to evaluate every scholar considerably of the lessons, and to
evaluate which standards and learning objectives are being encountered. Assessments have
affects on verdicts about the instructional needs, curriculums, scores, and placement
advancement (Baljathy, 2007). It is important that in the present days students know abilities
that allows them to express trials in the world. Technology must evolve, and become a teacher
for some instructors as teachers implant assessment in instructions, which is open to every single
scholars needs. The use of technology to simplify assessments to scholars learnings will be able
through the use of Socrative, Poll everywhere, and google forms.
Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning
Name of Software Socrative
Maximum educators favor the use of socrative for scholars assessment. This free website tool
works through plans and has a lot of usage and capabilities. Through the use of socrative
teachers can create quiz games, exit tickets, and self-places quiz (Balajthy, 2015, page 241).
Socrtaive allows educators to distribute small response inquiries, multiple choice and or, true or
false. A quantity of devices like tablets, computers, and phones will be used throughout the
assessment. Educators discover Socrative to be precise with the usefulness it offers with instant
thorough reports for every assessment permitting educators what the scholars know on the

Name of Software Poll everywhere

Poll everywhere is an assessments means used through numerous of educators. Poll
everywhere is an assessments device which permits educators to poll viewers with multiple
choice and undecided problems. Poll everywhere is convenient for scholars. Teachers create a
poll, and allow students to respond through twitter, SMS, or through a private link (Greenwood,
2012, page 199). Through on display instruction to assisting scholars with responses to inquiries
about the assessment. Poll everywhere protects all former samples therefore educators have the
opportunity of going back if need be.
Name of Software: Google forms.
Google forms is an assessments device used by educators to evaluate scholars knowledge.
Google forms allow teachers to create assessments with variety of questions like checkboxes,
short answers, multiple choice, grid, and skills (Mallette, 2013, page 626). Educators discover
google forms to being a beneficial tool by way of it permits every educator to sending
assessment documents via emails, inserting the files on the educators site, and creation of more
suitable for scholars to take the easy admission to the assessment files. Information inside the
spread sheets will be simply arranged and analyzed demonstrating every scholar with instant
quiz results.
Formative and Summative Assessments
Formative assessments are great tools that are used for educators in providing scholars
with reactions and that will be used in monitoring scholars learnings (Marchand, 2014). As
resulted, formative assessment has helped scholars to recognize their strong points along with
weakness. It will also aid scholars to mark the areas they are needing to work on. This helps

educators to identify where scholars are having trouble and address the problem directly. An
example of a formative assessment could be for an educator to inquire a scholar to inscribe 3 to 4
sentences of a speech showing their understandings of what they consumed. An example of a
summative assessment includes a chapter test, either a state-mandated or district benchmark
assessment. Technology will aid in completing both assessments by permitting quicker
documentations, processing data quicker, permitting educators the use of a spreadsheet which
can be organized and examined fast and easy, and permits submissions anyplace by the use of the
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment
The benefit for the use of technology is to simplify assessments. Some benefits for the
use of technology in any assessment is that it increases scholars actions and encourages a
profound knowledge, it increases alignments and authenticities with knowledgeable results.
Assessing any scholar through a computer is quicker and more effective. Some disadvantages
using technology to aid might become an economic piece. Not all schools will have the funds for
several pieces of computer electronics in all classrooms. After the technology is acquired upkeep
and maintenance will become very expensive.
Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?
The single period an educator ought to use any types of an instruction way is when an
educator has just a single kind of student. As there is not one type of student thus educators must
not use technology to assess scholars knowledge. Use of technology to evaluate and assess scholars
in this style may benefit the educators to develop from end to end the total of effort they are needing

to prepare, then this had better not be the lone process used for evaluating scholars. Technology

has existed better-quality to helping with daily complications, but it would not entirely take over
humans lives.
What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
Importance for using technology with scholars assessments for it gratifies the standard request by ISTE.

ISTE standards, teacher should design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences
and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources (ISTE, 2015. pg.1).
Concluding the practice of technology for formative and summative valuations, scholars are
discovering, investigating, and educating through numeral aids that will become valuable to every scholar
in their forthcoming accomplishments.

Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment

To sum up the use of altered softwares for supporting assessments is vital for in our days

students. Assessments like poll everywhere, google forms, and Socrative have aided scholars in
learning and growing in their academics. Clearly technology is the means to the forthcoming for
thinkers of these future generations. Technologys tool will prolong knowledge in influential
methods when productively combined into the curriculums. Technology proves to helping offer
educators and scholars with methods to work together, ways to accessing current most important
materials, and a chance for educators to prompt their understandings.


Balajthy, E. (2015). Technology and current reading/literacy assessment strategies. Reading

Teacher, 61(3), 240-247.doi: 10. 1598/RT. 61. 3. 4
Greenwood, C. (2012). Development and validation of standard classroom observation systems
for school practitioners: Eco behavioral assessment systems software (EBASS).
Exceptional Children, 61(2), 197-210
ISTE. (2015). Standards for Teachers and students. Retrieved May, 25, 2016, from
Mallette, M. (2013). On using google forms. Reading teacher, 66(8), 625-630. doi: 10. 1002/trtr

Marchand, G. (2014). Formative, summative assessment: The relationship among Curriculumbased measurement of reading, classroom engagement, and reading performance.
Psychology in the schools, 51 (7), 659-676

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